I'd like, if possible, to have 6 complete setups with a choice of wheel or controller, so that we can rotate seats again which means that a driver doesn't always start in the same position. 👍
I believe, however, that given the fact that I have a permanent DFP setup, juana b. will be coming with a DFP setup, SimRaceDriver will be coming with the modified-DFP/cockpit, Strop will be coming with the G25/cockpit and EDK has offered to bring 2 wheel setups with him, and another cockpit, that we should be OK for wheels! Still it's better to be safe than sorry, and too much is better than not enough! Therefore if you or Kyle wouldn't mind bringing a DFP along, that'd be great.
I also need to work out how many networkable PS2s we have on offer at the moment? I know Strop doesn't have a network adaptor, but maybe Kyle could bring his? (I'm also hoping to get hold of one from DaveS1138 before the event.)