quattro! - SFGTP4: 1st & 2nd November 2008

Which weekend would suit you best?

  • Weekend of Oct 25/26th

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Observation: Nov 1/2 is a Grand Prix weekend. The way the championship stacking up, it could be an important race (and it's one of the few that can be watched live on the west coast :P). Could be a chance for an early beer...
I'd rather do the racing vs. watching a race. Is it just me or has time stood still? It still feels like 4EVA until we get together again. Becky mentioned she may want to go with me to see her sister as her and her husband got a new house somewhere (though I don't think she will come down and if so I would assume stay with her sister).

What was the previous pick and mix that we didn't do? Wasn't it the SUV one?

Looks like you're going to have a full house on this one Nick so I might cop out this time. I'm getting my racing fix these days punting people into the sand at Suzuka (usually around 11PM PP750 if anyone wants to join me) :-)

Almost actually won a race with my 732pt Ferrari and as I was barreling down the long straight on the last lap ....

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I think we were gonna do a supercars one.

Actually, we missed doing 2. It was the SUV's and the compact Sedans. We did the compact coupes as our last races. M3 Coupe, SL600, etc.
Good memory Kevin 👍

You're all close, but not quite right! :sly:
The SUVs were a sort of "joke" event but they're very unevenly matched for Pick'n'Mixing so I'm undecided as to whether we'll use them or not.
As ever I'm going to try to keep everything secret-ish until the days of the event though!

I need to plan a couple of shorter handicaps and a few more Pick'n'Mixes so I've got to get my thinking cap on.

Sad to hear that Craig won't be joining us this time, hope he's enjoying the short races and improved graphics of GT5:P and the kids aren't distracting him too much! 👍
Since only a couple of my classes are giving out definitive test schedules I had to be sure that most of the classes weren't having tests on the week following Nov 1.

But now I'm sure that I could go if there's a spot available, although I see that you only take 10~ so if there's not enough room then that's fine.
/\ PM Nick (Smallhorses) to see what can be arranged, the only thing besides having a cap at 12 people would be if we are at an odd number of drivers but we've taken care of that before (or at least Nick did :)) Would be excellent if you could make it tho 👍

Smallhorses pointed me this way.

I'm relatively new to the GTP scene, but I'm just down the freeway, and I'm free Nov 1/2, I'd be happy to come, provided there's room, even if it's just to meet 'n greet.

I can bring:
- ancient PS2 (not network enabled -- firewire enabled)
- 13" TV/Monitor (C64 era :dopey: )
- memory card
- Copy of GT4
- Copies of the other PS1/PS2 games I worked on 💡
- a folding chair or 4
- bottle of scotch 👍

I've been spending much more time with GT5p than GT4, so I can't guarantee my driving will be up to snuff. For kicks and giggles, I spend a half hour with one of the older GT4 WRS events, and that was something of a disaster. :ouch:
Smallhorses pointed me this way.

I'm relatively new to the GTP scene, but I'm just down the freeway, and I'm free Nov 1/2, I'd be happy to come, provided there's room, even if it's just to meet 'n greet.

I can bring:
- ancient PS2 (not network enabled -- firewire enabled)
- 13" TV/Monitor (C64 era :dopey: )
- memory card
- Copy of GT4
- Copies of the other PS1/PS2 games I worked on 💡
- a folding chair or 4
- bottle of scotch 👍

I've been spending much more time with GT5p than GT4, so I can't guarantee my driving will be up to snuff. For kicks and giggles, I spend a half hour with one of the older GT4 WRS events, and that was something of a disaster. :ouch:

Would be great to have you, and it sounds like you'll bring plenty of interesting stuff. Hope you can make it. :D 👍

BTW - Which old GT4 WRS event did you try out?
Would be great to meet another fellow Moderator :) Once I start feeling closer to 100% again I will be preparing big time.

Jeez! When did you (JumpAce and EDK) become moderators? Or have I just been asleep?

You've been asleep. :D

Actually, it just happened this past weekend.
Something has just occurred to me. 💡

I've got a LAN event to organise in less than a month.

Oh Cackness! :scared:

Be back in a bit.....
Alrighty then...

I currently have 2 Pick'n'Mixes prepared and an idea for a third.
I have a short (5 car) handicap event ready and have an idea for a second.
I've also picked a venue for the Clio Endurance. 💡

As of now, I've no intention of trying out the new event that they're running at "The Dixie", purely because it's never been done before, and will only get it's first trial the weekend before "quattro" takes place. That's not enough time to figure out (assuming the results even get posted within the week) whether it worked well, and which tracks to use.
It'll be one to bear in mind for SFGTP5 though. ;)

The attendees (I'm still working on the final list and a good number :guilty:) will once again be required to have a couple of car/track/tyre combos ready to use as hotlap qualifiers for the Clio Endurance.
This time round, I'm going to ask for one road car and one racecar combo from each driver, so get your thinking caps on.
(Best of 5 hotlaps and again I'm going to exclude the longer tracks, Nurb' and Sarthe I & II from the qualifiers, so we don't spend all day running them! Especially if someone picks the Daihatsu Midget '63! :sly:)
We'll draw from separate bags to guarantee one of each gets used too. 👍
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I have my races all ready to go, I'll post my equipment soon :) Count me in still!

I recently found one of the hardest combos ever (imo of course) its so brutal and punishes you severely for small mistakes 😈 I hope it gets picked. But on the otherhand, if you start to piece it together, its very rewarding very fast too :)

Ok folks, here's the deal.....

I decided to cap the attendance each day at 10 people for logistical, comfort and sanity reasons. 💡
This means that some of the provisionals are going to be disappointed, but I can't please all the people all the time. :guilty:

A PM was sent to the 9 other attendees the other day asking for confirmation of attendance. I've had conversations with most people about this.

Saturday: (PM reply confirmed)
juana b.

Saturday: (awaiting confirmation, PM unread)

I have spoken to DaveS1138 recently and his flights are booked. 👍 Still waiting for an e-mail with flight details though... and he's also supposed to be making hotel arrangements for Saturday night, and is wondering if anyone else will be wanting to share the room / costs? SimRaceDriver maybe?

juana b. can only attend Saturday, so the invitation was extended to Vaxen & jmgyro to fill the slot on Sunday. Vaxen has confirmed that he's pretty much moved exclusively to GT5:P now and didn't want to deprive an interested driver of a place instead, although he may come along to spectate and meet some fellow Planeteers (or minions now that he's a Mod! :P) jmgyro is happy to take up the Sunday spot, even making a 3 hour roundtrip for the priviledge, so we'll have the company of another scary :scared: fast driver. 👍

Sunday: (PM reply confirmed)

Sunday: (awaiting confirmation, PM unread)

This leaves Prosthetic & bergauk to fill in the other spots if the unconfirmed drivers cannot make it. I'm sorry to have to cut you out initially but please don't take it personally, :guilty: and I would definitely like to know if you'd both still be interested in filling in at short notice? 💡
There are a gazillion factors to take into consideration here, but having guaranteed transport is a big factor, as well as being able to supply equipment.
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I will try to attend on short notice if need be. I'm still trying to figure out a way to get there, and so far I can't seem to figure out a way.
Sorry for the late reply. Yep I can confirm for both days although I'm not going to be landing at SFO until 9.30 on Saturday so I'll be a little late Saturday morning :(
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