- 9,768
- Portland, OR
- Jump_Ace
We should do a 20-lap Escudo Test Course race.![]()
just watch out for understeer
And that Spoon @ Opera combo I tried out last time
We should do a 20-lap Escudo Test Course race.![]()
just watch out for understeer
How about we make a list of dates that don't work for everyone and go from there?
Jump_Ace - Weekend Of October 11th/12th
EDK - Weekend Of October 11th/12th
Kylehnat - Weekend of October 18th
SimRaceDriver - Weekend Of September 6th/7th
Raz_10 - Weekend Of Sept 6th/7th And The Weekend Of Oct 4th/5th
Just post dates that don't work for you (if I you aren't listed above) and I can keep the list updated for our Killer Hosts!
Why the Escudo? I think the 3-wheeled Midget is perfect for that course. With nitrous. BOOM!!! I just thought of one of my qualifying combos.ceiling_fanWe should do a 20-lap Escudo Test Course race.![]()
itgirlxx is going to be away for the weekend of Sept 27th/28th which might work, but it's sort of short notice for everyone & I need a bit of prep time.(Could be done at a push. What do you think?)
I'm just a bridge away so I can stop by and help any time, let me know
PS3 networking isn't going to work for me as I haven't got one to practice with. We'll stick to what works and hopefully that'll be 6 PS2s running in sweet harmony!I've got one, juana b., ceiling_fan, alrivers & EDK all have networkable slimlines, and between SimRaceDriver, Jump_Ace, Kylehnat & raz_10 if we can get 1 more slimline or a networkable-fatty then we're sorted. (Always nice to have a backup though!!!)
My fatty is networkable
Going to update the thread with a Poll now. Please vote accordingly.
@ Jerome: Is there a weekend you're not available but Kevin is? That way we can avoid getting slaughtered by you!!!!(Joking, of course! It's always a pleasure to race with you! 👍)
What's the thoughts on keeping the Clio Endurance going? Was fun with 5 teams last time, right? Also liked the qualifying format, and would like to try that sort of thing again. Thinking caps on for track/car/tyre combos please (and I'll exclude the 2 combos that we ran last time from being repeated.)
itgirlxx is going to be away for the weekend of Sept 27th/28th which might work, but it's sort of short notice for everyone & I need a bit of prep time.(Could be done at a push. What do you think?)
I voted for Nov. 1st/2nd, btw.
NO!!!! I wanna be there![]()
FYI, I've just adorned my DFP and pedals with Mazdaspeed insignia. im a tOtAl fAnbOy LOL!!!1![]()
No. I don't want to get the stickers dirty.But are you actually going to use it?!!!![]()
I don't want to ban road tyres for submission as they can be fun, and I actually quite enjoyed wrestling the M5 on N3s round Costa D'Amalfi!
I think the qualifiers could be whittled down to 3 laps. People like Jerome only need one lap to match us, and one more to embarrass us.
Got some more good news, I have now acquired a spare fatty-PS2 network adaptor, (Muchos Thankyouness to DaveS1138 for that!) so if Strop or Kylehnat can bring their fatties, then we're looking good for a 6-way session (with backups since raz_10 is also networkable!)
Maybe I could just park them at Jerome's for say ... a week before the event ... and that should even things out a bit for all of us![]()
I dunno about you guys but I would take the 13" tv any day over the 7" attachable ps2 screen, haha.
Like I said before, I won a race on the 13" screen and my worn out old DFP with intermittent pedal issues, so I'm definitely with you on that one.![]()
Well due to me being an idiot I clicked on the wrong poll button. I really meant to click on the November one. I hope I can actually make this one. Things I can bring include: PS2, copy of Gt4, Fully unlocked memory card, 7 inch LCD screen attached to PS2, and One controller.
Have you tried to fix those issues?
If not, and you don't mind dropping them by here sometime before the event, I'll happily dismantle and refurbish them for you. I've had to do it repeatedly with my old blue-DF wheel and a couple of times with my DFP too. It's mostly a matter of getting the wires seated correctly, the dust cleaned out of there and the potentiometers re-seated correctly.