CHEAP Cockpit Alternatives ONLY

  • Thread starter mnarciso
Mojo Rising
Where are you going to find a donor DFP? and why wouldn't you just use the DFP instead?

I was hoping I could order some parts from my local gaming store. The DFP is too expensive, and I thought since I already have a steering wheel I could mod it to be able to spin 900 degrees.
I posted this in a dead thread a couple of days ago. Since I built it myself..i'll consider it homemade and cheap for me to build.


I'm still working on my setup. I made 2 of these cockpits with temporary sheet aluminum seats to test them out at first. I have now added a bucket seat out of 98 Neon ($50) to one and I'm working on a final design. I work as a welder fabricator so it wasn't to crazy to build.

It's real adjustable and comfortable to sit in for extended periods :) The seat retains the factory seat tracks and is adjustable forward and back and reclines. It can be stood up against the wall to store. The pedal angle is adjustable along with the distance. The wheel height is adjustable along with the distance.


more pics

im about to get the leather wrapped steering wheel and i'm glad I found this thread.
considering im only 14, I asked my dad to help me build a similare setup to the wal mart cart style but instead we used the miata mx-5's cockpit dimensions. Since he used to race at the circut and track with a miata he built a damn fine cockpit and now playing GT4 is amazing. ill post pics sometime soon.
If you're going to open the DFP case, which is quite easy since there are only like 8 small screws to take out from the underside, and possibly replace the seq. shifter with a new one...then if you're not too keen on tackling the wiring job as outlined here...then as an easier alternative, since you will be voiding the DFP warrantly, you may want to check out the Seq. shifter from Frex, as seen here as this is a direct plug-n-play device...

Though one would have to consider the costs involved of not only purchasing it but any shipping/handling charges as well, it is still a worthy alternative for those of us who are electronically inadequate... :)

Well, just my $.02 worth of input! :D

thanks for the help SimRaceDriver! yeah I've had my eye out for that Frex shifter ever since it first came out but its still sequential shifting. I'm desperate to have a "non-sequential" shifter. :crazy:

I've noticed that Werner Winkels is a member on this GT4 board!!! I'd love it if you could help me out with making one of these non-sequential shifter you've created? so far I've got a airtronics servo from one of my R/C's and a few switches but I'm confused on the servo timer you used?
Ok so I'm one of the college students stuck with the burden of designing a cockpit in a rather small area. I go to the university of tennessee, located in knoxville, and live in a 4 bedroom apartment and myself have a 10'x11' room with a double bed and still manage to fit a perectly functional cockpit within. I designed thic cockpit after looking at this forum for a while and having a gauty, excessive appearance. I then decided that the key to a sucessful sockpit is stability. the steps to build my cockpit are listed below, and if lazy such as I, can be done within the room you sit.



1. wooden drawer
2. screwdriver/ tools to facilitate careful deconstruction ( if necessary)
3. nails/ somthing containing nails that you can destroy and use. ( what I did)
4. enough beer and anything else (cough, cough) necessary to convey you to act with such rash impulsiveness.


1. Disassemble drawer by any means necessary, making sure to leave at least two planks intact.
2. remove all screws and or nails from wood to avoid injury and further headache.
3. Have roomate hold up your matress while plank one (the thickest strangest plank) is nailed to the frame of you bed, making sure to keep the viewing screen paralell to the front of the plank.
4. nail additional braces and/or planks to the first to provide extra support.
5. plug/play

This design allows me to break down the cockpit completley and stowe it beneath my bed in 45 seconds without hassle. The boards protruding from my bed frame function as additional mousepad space and a place to sit random objects i.e. drinks etc...when the wheel is not in place. The design for my wheel however inferior to more expensive alternatives functions great, and serves as a very stable base to stabalize my DFP.

* comments appreciated.

Thanks for checkin it out TJ.


this thread is truly inspirational and a real statement to creativity!

i dont even own a steering wheel and im still considering building a cockpit!

yeah me too
i wouldnt know which wheel to buy thy all seem very lightweight plasticy efforts, i saw a ferrari one once and it seemed to be sturdier, cant remeber who made it (who not madcatz)
The only wheel to buy for GT4 is the Driving Force Pro. The two are made to go together. I wouldn't consider anything else, even assuming it worked.
i wont be buying a wheel.. i dont even own the game.. blockbuster does.. mines now tho

^ You gotta be careful what you post. No illegal activity is to be posted, and stealing ...well, it doesn't lie in a grey area.
thats not a bucket seat, thats your standard car seat.
[picture removed]this is a bucket seat

ummm...Den...thats not a bucket seat...the picture that ADestroy has..thats a bucket seat

The seat is a low back bucket seat. ;)

The picture you posted would be considered a racing bucket seat. Prolly a high back too.

If a vehicle has a drivers seat and a passenger seat which is seperated..they are considered bucket seats. Whether it be low back, high back or racing. The term was original used back in the day to denote the car NOT having a bench seat, but having bucket seats. It's just that all cars today have bucket seats :)

My 66 Dodge Coronet has bucket seats. They don't have to be racey or have belt holes to be buckets, just seperated.

Take it from an old guy :lol:

bollocks, your saying every car made today has bucket seats, bs

its not a low back high back anything
its a standard ****ty car seat
bucket seats do not adjust

edit: did you make this stuff up yourself or is this what the guy told you when he was sellign you the seat
no really ADestroy, cars with seperated front seats are said to have bucket seats... this term applies to older cars for the most know, when there were cars with bench seats? so they don't have to be rigid and non-adjustable, they don't even need to have high bolstered sides... a bucket seat is just what it is called when older cars have seperated seats... and yes, it still applies to seats today.

searched on google... result from search "define: bucket seat"

"An individual seat which is found in pairs in the front of a vehicle. Named because the curvature of the backrest and cushion resembles a cut-out bucket."

that definiton comes up quite a few times... it doesn't mention anything about not being adjustable or high-sided like you specify...
and does the one in his pic resemble a bucket ?
it resenbles 2 big foam rectangles connected with a hinge

well your description does say that actually by saying resembles a cut out bucket!
can you see what that looks like
not a regular car seat

you know waht
go to a car show with those seats claim u have bucket seats n get laughed at

have fun
ADestroy, I can only guess that your not that old, as you have never seen a 1970 Boss 302 Mustang. This was my highschool car that I still own today. I still have the original window sticker and on this sticker it says Highback Bucket seats. These are not racing buckets like your showing, these are square seats with highbacks that are seperated by the shift console. Go to any carlot today and look at all the cars on the lot, every one that has seperated seats will say bucket seats on the sticker. There is a difference. Now to the real point. I can't beleive that you are ripping on Den about this. The man handcrafted a fine peice of work for a cockpit and you rip on him about a trivial thing as the definition of a Bucket seat. Let's see some pics of your cockpit.
Very nice work on the cockpit Den.
No hate here. I just really get mad when a guy posts pics of a peice of work that he created with his own hands and someone has to bash and nit-pik at it. I mean Den did a fantastic job on that and then gets hit on.
and does the one in his pic resemble a bucket ?
it resenbles 2 big foam rectangles connected with a hinge

well your description does say that actually by saying resembles a cut out bucket!
can you see what that looks like
not a regular car seat

you know waht
go to a car show with those seats claim u have bucket seats n get laughed at

have fun

Boy he doesn't know how to bow out gracefully. Dude, you are wrong, so wrong it's funny. Wrong in more than one way.

Bow out gracefully now, before the crow gets to be more than a mouthful.

No point in having such a good thread shut down just because you have no clue what a bucket seat is.
As a new member, I'd like to see everyone just continue on with some of the great ideas and setups shown in the thread.


Here's mine, the cart is exactly the same Drift God purchased (bought mine locally in walmart)





This thing is actually pretty confortable, and the DFP totally kicks ass.
its not a bucket seat

i see seats like that on every single **** production car today

you want to call it a bucket seat go ahead
but it no way shape or form resebles a bucket
o and btw what applied 30-40 years ago does NOT apply today
its not a bucket seat

i see seats like that on every single **** production car today

you want to call it a bucket seat go ahead
but it no way shape or form resebles a bucket
o and btw what applied 30-40 years ago does NOT apply today
It IS a bucket seat in the exact manner described above that you have chosen to ignore.

Why not just drop it, and while you are at it, see if you can type a post without tripping the profanity filter.

Lots of things from 30-40 years apply today, heck, even stuff from thousands of years ago applies today. Your point is weak, invalid, and outright wrong.
ha!, the problem here for me is everything , gt force pro is way too much for me and my lotus elise wheel is **** because it only turns 90 degrees and when the car starts to slide i am screwed , the main prob is the gt force pro does anyone know were you can get a cheap gt force pro? i need answers on this one!:( :( :(