Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

  • Thread starter Solid Fro
i suppose it could be a river like in snake eater when you get thrown of the bridge the water can sometimes look white/cream/yellow from certain angles...
there is a video of a preview that shows that particular scene and that is a barrier. And what Snake just did in that video is he through a grenade over the little mound he is on and blew up 3 or 4 guys :lol: man I love Snake he is sooo cool :)

More Weapons For MGS4

I'm at it again. Making a new list of weapons I would love to see in MGS4. Let's face it, the weapons aren't the main feature of MGS series games; it's the only feature. :D. OK, seriously, guns can either be used, or avoided in MGS games. I, love to use them. Since it's so hard to tell the difference between the guns in a video game, it's important that Konami really use their time left to train and use the firearms they intend to feature and get the basic performance and handling so we can get a good example of what these guns are like in real life. What guns should be featured? Well, look below.

The H&K MP7A1

The H&K MP7A1 is the new MP for H&K. It's to take over the huge legacy of the infamous MP5. It's also a direct result and and in direct competition to the FN P90 which was featured in MGS2. Remember, we want, expect and usually get something new in the next MGS game, and this is it. Its ballistic performance is quite impressive, but it wasn't that way from the start. But with a new heavier 2g steel round, the performance has taken a huge leap, both surpassing the ballistic performance of the FN90 and the doubts of the strongest critics.


Specifications Caliber 4,6 mm x 30 Principle of operation Gas operated weapon Dimensions Overall length 14.96/23.23 inches
Overall height with magazine (20 rounds) 6.77 inches
Overall width 1.65 inches
Barrel length 7.09 inches
Weight without magazine 3.53 lb
with empty magazine (20 rounds) 1900 g with empty magazine (40 rounds) 2000 g Other specifications Magazine capacity 20/40 Cartridges Trigger pull ca. 30 - 45 N Rate of fire
(depending on ammunition concerned) 950 + 200 rpm Modes of fire S, F
Sights Aperture, open square notch rear sight (adjustable)

Gas operated weapon with rotating bolt head Ammunition feed from double column magazine (20 or 40 rounds) Ambidextrous Safety /Selector levers
Engagement positions:
- Safe
- Single
- Burst Upon cessation of fire, the bolt is closed Bolt catch when the magazine is empty Safeties:
- Trigger safety
- Separate firing pin safety only releasing the firing pin if operated by the released hammer Assembly/disassembly of main subassemblies without tools Buttstock capable of being locked in retracted/extended positions (3 engagement positions) Folding foregrip capable of being folded up/down Handling both for right/lefthanded shooters Aperture/open square notch type rear sight (adjustable) Support rail for optical aiming units Support rails (Optionally right/left)for additional equipment Flash suppressor (Optional) safety blank firing attachment (Optional) snap -on silencer

H&K 417

OK, it's still in development, but let's realize, it's coming. The 417 is the .308 version of the 416, which is .223 (5.56 NATO). The 5.56 NATO is a dying round. The performance of this round in the Middle East is proving what I've known all along. This round is a turd for modern close and medium range combat. The .308 round is far better. Since it's still in development, not much is known. So, so specs or features. By the way, the 416 is already in MGS4 since we've seen pics of Solid Snake using one already. Now, the fun using this version is all up to Kojima and company. It should have a considerable advantage over the 416, as far as ballistic performance is concerned.

Accuracy International AWP

One of the best sniper rifles ever made. With such a great history and reputation, there's no way this rifle should be overlooked. It comes in various calibers and various configurations.

Milkor M32 MGL

Very similar to the multiple grenade launcher in MGS2, but with more and better upgrades and technology. With improve grenades like the Hellhound, IR illuminator and the parachute camera (I see this being used with the PSP), it should make for a fun addition to the weapons lineup.


Specifications Weight 5.9 kg (13 lb) empty Length 812 mm (32 in), stock extended
711 mm (28 in), stock collapsed
Barrel length 310 mm (12 in)

Cartridge 40 mm grenade Action Double action Rate of fire 2 rounds/sec (semi-auto)
18 rounds/min (sustained)
Effective range 375 m (400 yd) Feed system 6 rounds, non-removable cylinder
With all the recent talk about PS3 losing such great exclusive titles, and since the rumors about MGS4 coming to XBox360 started over a year-and-a-half ago, do you think this game will go to the XBox360?

There's plenty of info to suggest both 'yes' and 'no.' On the first hand, Kojima stated back in 2004, at the time of MGS3 launch, that MS wanted a Metal Gear title, and that he was open to the idea.

A year later, Kojima is constantly being seen with people from MS, and admits to having lunch with MS people on numerous occasions. Discussing an original title, or a MGS game? Kojima is tight-lipped.

However, a few months later, he states MGS4 could easily come out on the XBox360 and the awesome TGS 2005 trailer could have been done on the XBox360. Is this Kojima cushioning the impact of MGS4 coming over to the XBox360?

Then, the rumors start to fly in September, then in November and then once again in December 2006 that MGS4 will be coming to the XBox360. Yet, both Konami and Kojima say, "for now" MGS4 is a PS3 exclusive title.

Since then, numerous people on the internet have stated MGS4 will be coming to the XBox360, but Konami wont confirm this until E3 2007. The planned release date is three to four months after the release of the PS3 launch date.

All crap? Any truth to what's going on? What do you think?
With all the recent talk about PS3 losing such great exclusive titles, and since the rumors about MGS4 coming to XBox360 started over a year-and-a-half ago, do you think this game will go to the XBox360?

There's plenty of info to suggest both 'yes' and 'no.' On the first hand, Kojima stated back in 2004, at the time of MGS3 launch, that MS wanted a Metal Gear title, and that he was open to the idea.

A year later, Kojima is constantly being seen with people from MS, and admits to having lunch with MS people on numerous occasions. Discussing an original title, or a MGS game? Kojima is tight-lipped.

However, a few months later, he states MGS4 could easily come out on the XBox360 and the awesome TGS 2005 trailer could have been done on the XBox360. Is this Kojima cushioning the impact of MGS4 coming over to the XBox360?

Then, the rumors start to fly in September, then in November and then once again in December 2006 that MGS4 will be coming to the XBox360. Yet, both Konami and Kojima say, "for now" MGS4 is a PS3 exclusive title.

Since then, numerous people on the internet have stated MGS4 will be coming to the XBox360, but Konami wont confirm this until E3 2007. The planned release date is three to four months after the release of the PS3 launch date.

All crap? Any truth to what's going on? What do you think?
First off, Solid, since you're a big Metal Gear fan (and I haven't played one before), are the games pretty linear or is it more of an open world type of game?

If it's the former, I have no doubt it could be ported to the 360, even if it requires a disc 2.

Personally, if it's going to be announced, it'll be at E3 and the game will be released a few months after the PS3 version. Will it? That's the multi-million dollar question – literally. Konami could benefit from the 360's userbase pretty well, and since MGS4 isn't some hole-in-the-wall cheap-to-create game project, I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't announced? I'm not holding my breath though.
First off, Solid, since you're a big Metal Gear fan (and I haven't played one before), are the games pretty linear or is it more of an open world type of game?

If it's the former, I have no doubt it could be ported to the 360, even if it requires a disc 2.

From the interview transcript by GamePro editors Vicious Sid and Mr. Marbles with Metal Gear Solid creator and director Hideo Kojima - which Duck had posted in this thread:

GP: Is MGS4 still planned as an exclusive PS3 game? Do you have any interest in Xbox 360 development?

Kojima: Well, yes, I do have strong interest in creating something for the Xbox 360. In the US and Europe, it is selling, and I think it will sell a lot this year as well. I'm a fan of Gears of War as well, it's very interesting.

Frankly speaking, I want to create something on the PC. It's a multi-platform [format]. I've been regularly studying work on the PC anyways, and I want to provide something as a world-wide platform because of the consequences with timing on the PlayStation platforms, MGS4 is actually for the PS3 only so far.
Key words here are "something" and "so far". So while he makes no mention of an XB360 version, he also isn't denying it as a possibility. However, he also implies any other version wont necessarily be the same. Reasons for this become a little clearer later in the interview.

GP: Resistance: Fall of Man uses 22 GB [edit: recently changed to 16 GB] of Blu-ray storage. Is that necessary for next-gen development? Is that massive storage something you'll need to make MGS4?

Kojima: Right away. We'll need more.

GP: We recently spoke with Sony's Phil Harrison, who told us that he thinks PS3 games will soon use 50 GB. Do you agree with that prediction?

Kojima: Yes, I do. It's high-def, and just to make it high-def, the data requirements are huge.

Back in the days when I was working on 8-bit, 1 MB ROMs came out and I thought, "wow, great!" But it wasn't enough. When the CD-ROM came out, we thought we had so much space. But when we started to add sound, there was a lack of storage already. Even Blu-ray, I don't even feel that it expanded data so much. With cinematic, the space fills up right away. You may hear Blu-ray is huge, gigantic, 20 GB or so, but that's not really that big to us. One basic [gameplay] frame with HD and 5.1 takes up so much space that the capacity will become too small in no time. If we maintain the same level of graphics and sound as the PS2, then Blu-ray is spacious. But that's not the case.
So Kojima clearly states that they already need more space then 22 GB, and that was over two months ago. He then goes on to say that he agrees with Phil Harrison in thinking that PS3 games will soon use 50 GB.

GP: If you ever made an Xbox 360, would you find it difficult to work with because it uses a standard DVD?

Kojima: It's not necessarily challenging or difficult, it's just a matter of how we do it. It might be a couple of discs, or possibly a new form of dual-layer.
Key words, "not necessarily" and "How". Also, being intimately familiar with the SD DVD specs, and the SD DVD drive in the XB360, there is no "new form" of dual-layer DVD that would work on any existing SD DVD player.

Now they could use DVD-18's, which would allow them to put 7GB of game data on each side, thus two discs would hold up to 28 GB of game data, but as both sides are used, it is really a four disc release as you'll have to switch and flip the disc every time the game needs access to any one of those four sides.

However, Kojima also already got through saying they need more than 22 GB for MSG4 and was quick to agree with Phil, that games will soon use 50 GB. If MSG4 is more than 28 GB (which at this point seems quite possible), for the XB360 version it would then have to be put on 5 DVD-9's, or three DVD-18's (double sided).

Going back to what Kojima said about possibly making other versions for multiplatform, remember he said "something". He also talked about compression. It is conceivable that a MSG4 version for the XB360 could be made by removing some content, lowering native resolution, and using more compression. Depending on how large MSG4 turns out to be would determine just how much of these options will need to be used to make an XB360 version.

I'm not holding my breath though.
You don't need to... you own a PS3. ;)
More fuel to the MGS4 coming to 360 fire; in the latest Ryan Report (Session 032), Ryan talks about this topic. Interesting how he feels, which I feel supports the reason why Konami have not mentioned MGS4 coming to the 360.

The Ryan Report can be found by clicking on the link in my signature.
Thanks for the heads-up SL.

Personally I like direct links. ;)

For those not interested in listenting to the whole +20 minute conversation, they do not start discussing MGS4 until after the 12 min mark.

BTW: Who are these people? "Ryan"? "'s Brian Ashcraft"? Just curious, thanks!

Ryan Payton  International Manager
Birthdate: April 30, 1981
Birthplace: Vancouver, WA USA
Blood Type: (Doesn't Know)
Sign: Taurus

Konami Digital Entertainment
Kojima Productions Global Strategy Dept

2005:Entered Konami
2005:PSP "METAL GEAR AC!D²" International Coordination
2005:PS2 "METAL GEAR SOLID 3 SUBSISTENCE" International Coordination
2006:DVD "METAL GEAR SAGA VOL. 1" Director
Winter 2006/2007:NDS "LUNAR KNIGHTS" (In Development)

Brian is somebody he has on his radio show from time to time.
...And if that were really real, MGS4 would need four 50GB BDs.
Three actually, and that's if they were DVD-ROMs.

They look like CD-ROMs, which in that case one 50GB BD-ROM can hold as much data as 75 CD-ROMs. :)

Shows you how quickly developers are needing, and will continue to need more disc capacity. After all, it wasn’t that long ago when most games were on CD-ROMs, and now we have games like Resistance:FOM, that if on CD-ROM would need 24 discs! (four less than what's in that clever pic) :eek:

Regardless, very funny photoshop S_L 👍