Gran Turismo 5 release "THIS YEAR" says Sony's E3 Press Release

  • Thread starter deep_sky
I like your thinking. ;)

But I will hasten to say that the handheld market and the console market are entirely different universes. Like, how many people will get a PSP over a PS3 to play a new Gran Turismo? No, that market would see some people buy Supercar Challenge instead, or NFS Shift, DIRT 2, or a 360 and Forza. So I don't think GT5 at the Tokyo Game Show will hurt GT Mobile or PSP sales much at all. If anything, a new DS game or RPG would do it, as that's the same market.

True but that line you bolded has me thinking that if you wanted to get a psp for gran turismo, then found out just before it came out that gt5 is coming out only 2-3 months later and you probably would not be able to afford both in that time. You will forgo the PSP for the PS3.

My other concern is those who would go and buy both titles. I don't think most people would finish GTMobile by the looks of it before GT5 is out assuming it is out only 2-3 months later. Either the person is going to have to eat sleep and drink GT every second of their day and eventually become allergic to sunlight or abandon GTM for GT5.
I was thinking that maybe they are saving GT5 for TGS but that is in September. That would still make any GT5 announcement before GT Mobile is out and most likely hurt sales for it especially if the game is out so short after it is revealed like has occured with GT mobile.

Considering GT mobile is coming out within 4 months of when it was revealed. Especially when 2 weeks ago we had no idea it was even being worked on, I expect that we could see GT5 between 2-4 months of when it is revealed. So say we did see GT5 at TGS, it could easily be out end of November, perfect for christmas.

Hehe, a christmas release would be perfect for PD, but as history can tell us, it may be released a couple of months early in Japan... which would mean a December release in Japan could mean a Febuary-March release date in other parts of the world...

But hopefully times have changed! I'm hoping for a sleepless 24/12 this year :crazy:

I best be off to school.... Why couldn't this have happened at the weekend!
I am a Sony fan tried and true - but Microsoft's Project NATAL was the very definition of forward thinking technology and innovation, wouldn't you agree?
Well, I know a lot of people go googaa over new tech like this. Like the Wii, which is almost universally known for being the awesome system almost no one plays except at parties. Amazing controllers, supposedly, except no one knows what to do with them, and so its library is flooded with disposable shovelware.

Yeah Natal was something funky fresh and all. So what games do you see coming from it? See, motion sensing and recognition systems have been around for decades now, and there's a reason the primary market is in movie production and security. Those applications are self evident. And everyone should be aware by now what a pain it is for many families to have a "Wii area" where you can jiggle on your Wii Board or throw your chuks around. Many gamers just use an old shell or GC controller. I sincerely doubt we'll see much from Natal for years, and probably SONY's wands, cool as both are on the surface. Although I have to say, some of that Natal demo was a little weird, and I can see why people were joking that it will appeal to pedophiles all over. :P

So what else did Ms have? Well, Forza 3 which was pretty much Forza 2 II, Alan Wake which was decent, scored a Metal Gear game which Hideo Kojima sounds really unhappy to be making for the 360 - wow - a Halo game which might keep the fanbase buzzing, and... what? A bunch of multiplats, and some PC-ish games which would be better on PC, or will be? Like, okay, you loved Forza and Natal, so what else did you like? Frankly, as cool as Alan Wake might be, I'm not too interested, and Forza... well, I'm used to Ms producing flawware, so I'm not jumping for joy. And sure as heck not going to buy a new wheel yet AGAIN for that crap box of a console.

So what was like Uncharted, or Ratchet & Clank? Wipeout or ModNation Racers? Heavy Rain? MAG? Motorstorm? The Agent? Last Guardian or White Knight - note that I'm not keen on a nerfed FF XIII port that may be way later than the PS3 version, haven't been impressed with Squeenix for years now. Where are the handhelds that work with the 360 console?

You still talk as if this is planet Forza, but it's not. Prologue sold almost as many copies as Forza 2 in half the time. Ms did well this E3 to be sure, but the company which produces a large number of AAA titles itself, and exclusive titles, and which already has a positive reputation, is the company which is going to score big with consumers worldwide.

And what's more, didn't you answer your own question, about TGS? ;)

My other concern is those who would go and buy both titles.
Well, there's a certain "danger" in a company having multiple systems out. A lot of people at Insomniac hated the thought of Secret Agent Clank PS2 rumors, because they wanted at least one exclusive on the PSP to make it desirable, even if they weren't the company making it. High Impact Games did. But sure enough, SAC came out for the PS2, which I have to get sometime soon myself to add to my collection.

But there's something to think about with GT Mobile. If you've noticed, some PSP games work with the PS3 on certain games, such as the Assassin's Creed game on PSP. It's going to unlock certain weapons and I think abilities in Assassin's Creed 2 on PS3. Wouldn't that be interesting if GT Mobile worked somehow with GT5? Something to ponder. ;)
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I'm sorry, but that comes off a bit Sony fanboy-ish to me.
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i said it month ago just like codemasters shelved F1 for ps3 and made a PSP GT has done the same thing, I think sony is doing this just to forward the game base for the new platform
If it was a 2009 release im pretty sure they would have done more than just a video for GT5 at E3.

remember marketing, its for this that kaz didn't spoke about gt5... its for psp and im sure that after 1 october (gtmobile release) after 2 month will pass we will have gt5... they could wrote in trailer march2010 but they didn't cuz will be this year...
I'm sorry, but that comes off a bit Sony fanboy-ish to me.

Most posts on this site are either Sony Fanboysim or GT Fanboyism. Sony or PD cant do no wrong in a lot of posts I see on here. Dont get me wrong. I am a fan of GT but theres more games out there oher than Gran Turismo.
I'm sorry, but that comes off a bit Sony fanboy-ish to me.
Well, it's my opinion, and it's based on more than pure emotional reaction. Otherwise, don't you think I would have gone "ZOMG, the wandz have more preciseness!"? ;)

I mean, seriously. Watch the video which represents a kid as a monster stomping forward towards the camera. How far will that go? I like to race for hours. Do an experiment and hold your arms outstretched resting on nothing for fifteen minutes. Tell me how you think you would play soccer/football with that. There's a reason that early motion sensing technology was done on a BIG wide open area. And so far, nothing has come from it besides movie production motion capture. On top of that, Ms is notorious for producing flawware. Seriously, wake me up when you hear about a serious game that uses Natal.

So, care to tell me what wowed you about the Ms conference, non-fanboy? ;)

Anyway, I have a feeling that Kaz and his team might be able to pull off a December release, but I wouldn't cry over spring 2010.
I am a Sony fan tried and true - but Microsoft's Project NATAL was the very definition of forward thinking technology and innovation, wouldn't you agree?
I have a PlayStation 3 Eye and I have seen it, or see upcoming software that can, do nearly very thing shown in that Natal demo. The only thing missing is facial recognition.

Check out the trailer for EyePet to see part of what I am talking about.
I mean, seriously. Watch the video which represents a kid as a monster stomping forward towards the camera. How far will that go? I like to race for hours. Do an experiment and hold your arms outstretched resting on nothing for fifteen minutes. Tell me how you think you would play soccer/football with that. There's a reason that early motion sensing technology was done on a BIG wide open area. And so far, nothing has come from it besides movie production motion capture. On top of that, Ms is notorious for producing flawware. Seriously, wake me up when you hear about a serious game that uses Natal.

So, care to tell me what wowed you about the Ms conference, non-fanboy? ;)

It was a tech demo, what were you expecting, a fully-immersive Hollywood-like experience? :odd:

And even if it weren't, that's the very reason why different game types appeal to different people. Natal is along the same line of interest as OCZ's Neural Impulse Actuator. As far as what wowed me, I'm not going to focus on only one particular keynote presentation, because I have more than just a 360.

I could just as easily be a Nintendo fanboy and claim Sony is practically ridiculous for thinking they'll get anywhere near the DS in sales, or for entering the handheld market period.
You still talk as if this is planet Forza, but it's not. Prologue sold almost as many copies as Forza 2 in half the time. Ms did well this E3 to be sure, but the company which produces a large number of AAA titles itself, and exclusive titles, and which already has a positive reputation, is the company which is going to score big with consumers worldwide.

Maybe I wasn't clear in my initial post - I don't like the Forza series - not at all.

The only racing game I play or get excited about is Gran Turismo. I have a PS3 [and a Japanese one], an XBOX360, a Wii, a beast of a PC [for games like Crysis, Crysis 2 and Far Cry 2] and all the classic consoles. I am not a fan-boy per se, but if I had to choose sides - it would be with Sony.

I play the games that interest me and if only one console gets that game, then I suppose it's good that I have them all, so I can play it on the console it's for. I'm not trying to start a "system war" here, I was only saying that Sony could SO shut down Forza 3 with a holiday 2009 release of GT5 - and they will. ;)
I am confident we will see a release this year, but delays certainly aren't impossible, especially as this is PD we are talking about.

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