Gran Turismo 5 release "THIS YEAR" says Sony's E3 Press Release

  • Thread starter deep_sky
Well, grabbing at straws a bit... a lot, actually, but,


has this year on the sign. If that is from the game then it suggests a 2009 target release.

Um no, it's just the date when the official real event is happening :)
Having a "rally Toscana 2010" would be a bit pointless for car fans, as by then, half the participating teams/cars will have withdrawn, as they have done this year, leaving the GT gamer with a very short list of cars to rally.
I perceive the 2009 banner to be a nod towards the year when more cars were actually rallying. Just my opinion.

GT is nothing if not historically educational from an automotive perspective.

I'm guessing 09 for a release date. If that doesn't happen, there is about a dozen games i'm buying by the end of the year.
Dec 09 Japan release. Crazy blowout at TGS.

That is what i believe.
I dunno about the release, but I think it's highly likely that there will be a great deal of new information about GT5 at TGS in September.
I'm gonna guess the release date is 2011, my standards are very low so now I can't be disappointed.

Though I doubt you really expect it to come out then, and are/were probably like most of us hoping for a late 2009/early 2010 release, so disappointment is almost inevitable when it comes to a release date.

But if you really believe 2011, then i guess you won't be disappointed you will just have to wait forever.
If you think about it Sony is not 100% crazy in having PD put GT mobile ahead of GT5.

Relase GT mobile in october to help the PSP

Let Uncharted 2, MAG, and whatever AAA PS3 titles have the holiday season. No reason for them to compete head to head with GT5.

Save GT5 for the slow 2010 springtime/early summer period. This also gives PD more time to work on GT5.

I don't agree 100% with the plan, but i think this is their plan.
Every year at E3 people says the same after the conference: "E3 isn't over". But the fact year after year is that after the conference nothing new nor important is said.
Dec 09 Japan release. Crazy blowout at TGS.

That is what i believe.

thats what will probably happen and what i figured would happen in the first place. obviously GT will release in japan before it releases in America and its only once ever had a Xmas release date here in America and that was for GT2. i dont think it will be a Xmas release here in America but it does tend to be released in December in japan and early next year in America and Europe. my guess is at TGS you will here about a december release date in japan followed by an early '10 release date in the states. then we will here complaining about how we arent getting it for xmas and japan is. the people that ordered a japanese prologue will do the same with GT5 (me included in that :sly:)and the others will sit impatiently while we play an awesome game we cant understand but it wont bother us any.
The game will most likely run late for release just as GT4 did, sometime after the holidays circa 2010.
What they need to do is quit messing around with fake release dates and tell us a simple yes or no. I need to start saving some money.
If you hate PD and GT5 why do you come to these forums?

how could you hate a game?

I bought the ps3 with the GT5 Prologue bundle when it launched here in Europa because I am really looking forward to GT5. I am just kinda disappointed that at the moment it seems that I have to wait even longer for GT5 as I thought. :/

I dunno about the release, but I think it's highly likely that there will be a great deal of new information about GT5 at TGS in September.

I really hope you are right with that. 👍
My impression was that there was so much pressure to get the new PSP launched with GT that GT5 was totally put on hold. PSP GT with over 600 cars and well over 35 tracks is not your average PSP racer but a real undertaking.

Funny thing is that I bought the very first PSP because GT was hyped as being one of the launch games for it. As a medium for racing games, the PSP has fallen way short of my expectations and now just 5 years later, they are finally releasing GT for it .... just a bit late in my opinion :indiff:

As much as I love playing Gran Turismo, I don't place any faith in anything PD or Sony ever says about anything .... they've burnt that bridge long ago with one delayed launch after another :nervous:
If you think about it Sony is not 100% crazy in having PD put GT mobile ahead of GT5.

Relase GT mobile in october to help the PSP

Let Uncharted 2, MAG, and whatever AAA PS3 titles have the holiday season. No reason for them to compete head to head with GT5.

Save GT5 for the slow 2010 springtime/early summer period. This also gives PD more time to work on GT5.

I don't agree 100% with the plan, but i think this is their plan.

You have a good point! As we are all caught up in all this hype we forget that Sony is a company that just had a huge set back. As a result they putting a larger focus on profitability. In other words, GT5 is there Ace in the hole. They know that it sells console and software; (hell even expensive racing wheels) it is just a matter of releasing it when they most need it.
I read everyone's theories and ideas.

Good stuff - but, the one thing not mentioned is system competition.

Microsoft has Forza 3 due out this year.

It looks good. It is going to be a great racing game exclusive to the XBOX360. They even poked fun at Polyphony Digital about the car damage and rollovers.

Thinking about it that way, Sony has to counteract this with Gran Turismo 5 - the only racing game to not only beat Forza 3 in all aspects, but to TOTALLY DOMINATE the racing genre forever. [and GT5 now has confirmed car damage, so that is one less thing the Forza team can boast about ;)]

The Tokyo Game Show this year will be the definitive time for Gran Turismo 5. I expect a release date [for this year] and tons of info.

Microsoft had the press conference this E3. Sony and Nintendo didn't even come close in terms of hype and wow factor, so Sony can always rely on the TGS to regroup and strike the final blow with GT5 trumping Forza 3 and assuring the PS3 has a successful holiday sales season.
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This is going to be the FIRST time Forza and GT are released on the same time table. No more comparing Forza one to GT3 and Forza 2 To GT4. Finally on even ground.
Microsoft had the press conference this E3.
Well, I beg to differ about that. If all you cared about were a new Metal Gear game, Halo, Alan Wake and a racing game where you could flip one of eight cars on track, then yes Ms launched a North Korean nuke. But if you want a variety of fun games, forward thinking technology and innovation, I can't see how you don't think SONY once again hit a grand slam. It looks like you see the whole thing from a racing game perspective, but SONY isn't a one trick pony like a company built on a space shooter series. SONY is about entertainment in all its forms.

And... unfortunately, that means a lot of emphasis on a rather lucrative handheld market, the one area it can compete almost toe to toe with Ninty. Hey, you have to give people what they want, what can I say? And of course, this meant Kaz and the lads had to spend a lot of effort getting GT Mobile ready, a game which was originally slated to be ready after GT5. But I know the situation. SONY needs cash, and if a thriving PSP Go makes it for them, a price cut for the PS3 can come sooner. And what have people been clamoring for on PSP for four years?

Yeah... :P

So while we were all looking at Prologue as a source of delays either short or long for GT5, it was really that darn handheld version. Poo gas. But hey, it won't be delaying GT5 much longer. It could still come out by December. And if it means a solvent SONY and a cheaper PS3, I won't complain too much. Let Forza 2 II have it's day. Ours is coming with a little more sweetness. ;)
I was thinking that maybe they are saving GT5 for TGS but that is in September. That would still make any GT5 announcement before GT Mobile is out and most likely hurt sales for it especially if the game is out so short after it is revealed like has occured with GT mobile.

Considering GT mobile is coming out within 4 months of when it was revealed. Especially when 2 weeks ago we had no idea it was even being worked on, I expect that we could see GT5 between 2-4 months of when it is revealed. So say we did see GT5 at TGS, it could easily be out end of November, perfect for christmas.
Well, I beg to differ about that. If all you cared about were a new Metal Gear game, Halo, Alan Wake and a racing game where you could flip one of eight cars on track, then yes Ms launched a North Korean nuke. But if you want a variety of fun games, forward thinking technology and innovation, I can't see how you don't think SONY once again hit a grand slam.

I am a Sony fan tried and true - but Microsoft's Project NATAL was the very definition of forward thinking technology and innovation, wouldn't you agree?

Sony showed their motion controller - basically a Wii-mote with the Motion-plus attachment. I felt bad that they even went ahead and did the segment in their presentation. It was Microsoft's Minority Report tech versus Sony ripping off Nintendo. I felt bad for Sony and Nintendo this year. :nervous:

Anyway, I want GT5 and I [and all of us] know it is the racing game. Forza, Grid, Need For Speed etc. are all pit-stopping in a losing race against Polyphony Digital - because when GT5 hits [which I am thinking will be this year], nothing will come even close.

I'm not trying to argue anything [with the MS press conference Vs. everyone else]; I am simply stating which press conference legitimately floored me - and Sony fell short in that department. ;)

A GT5 release window at least would have helped Sony win the day, to be sure. :sly:
Considering GT mobile is coming out within 4 months of when it was revealed. Especially when 2 weeks ago we had no idea it was even being worked on, I expect that we could see GT5 between 2-4 months of when it is revealed. So say we did see GT5 at TGS, it could easily be out end of November, perfect for christmas.
I like your thinking. ;)

But I will hasten to say that the handheld market and the console market are entirely different universes. Like, how many people will get a PSP over a PS3 to play a new Gran Turismo? No, that market would see some people buy Supercar Challenge instead, or NFS Shift, DIRT 2, or a 360 and Forza. So I don't think GT5 at the Tokyo Game Show will hurt GT Mobile or PSP sales much at all. If anything, a new DS game or RPG would do it, as that's the same market.
I read everyone's theories and ideas.

Good stuff - but, the one thing not mentioned is system competition.

Microsoft has Forza 3 due out this year.

It looks good. It is going to be a great racing game exclusive to the XBOX360. They even poked fun at Polyphony Digital about the car damage and rollovers.

Thinking about it that way, Sony has to counteract this with Gran Turismo 5 - the only racing game to not only beat Forza 3 in all aspects, but to TOTALLY DOMINATE the racing genre forever. [and GT5 now has confirmed car damage, so that is one less thing the Forza team can boast about ]

The Tokyo Game Show this year will be the definitive time for Gran Turismo 5. I expect a release date [for this year] and tons of info.

Microsoft had the press conference this E3. Sony and Nintendo didn't even come close in terms of hype and wow factor, so Sony can always rely on the TGS to regroup and strike the final blow with GT5 trumping Forza 3 and assuring the PS3 has a successful holiday sales season.

Forza 2 & Forza 3 coming out before GT5?

I agree: I think that would be a bit too much to stomach.