The GTPlanet world map 04/16/2014 update

  • Thread starter UnoMOTO


United States
We all know that GTPlanet stretches all across the globe. I thought it would be fun to put it to a map and see which lands have yet to be conquered. Please post the country that you currently call home and I will color the map in as we go.



The map is being updated in Google by @Lameonade. The link to view the latest and greatest, click here!
Really cool thread idea UnoMOTO.

Looking forward to seeing where this thread ends up.

BTW don't forget Alaska and Hawaii are offically states now :P
I live in the UK, but have accessed GTPlanet whilst in Iceland...does that count?
Imagine that poor devastated GT player sitting in front of his Icelandic computer crying his eyes out that you stole his thunder. How could you?! :(
Imagine that poor devastated GT player sitting in front of his Icelandic computer crying his eyes out that you stole his thunder. How could you?! :(
Because only one person at a time can access GTP in Iceland? :odd:
It might be a cool idea to do one of those pin map things where instead of coloring in the country, members put a pin thing where they live. It'd show what parts of the world people live in and how many people live where. No idea how to do it but it might be kinda cool.
Would there be different colours for he amount of users per country or simply that there is minimum 1 user for that country so the map is marked?
Would there be different colours for he amount of users per country or simply that there is minimum 1 user for that country so the map is marked?

That is a great idea. 👍
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Can the map be broken up by state/province/etc. or are you only going with countries?
Yes a grand idea in deed. IMHO, as you're the originator, you should add a special designating rectangle for the great state of CO :D.
Can the map be broken up by state/province/etc. or are you only going with countries?

That'd be cool for sure, but according to the US State Department there're some 194 recognized countries/independent states in the world:

To further sub-divide them by specific local political boundaries, which could increase that count into the thousands I'd guess, is probably asking a bit much of Uno. It'd be way cool to see though if he were up to it.