Is there any point to that car wash?

  • Thread starter Mattv81
Seems to me like the cars automatically clean themselves before each race, which kind of makes that car wash seem pretty pointless. Or am I wrong? Would be good if the cars kept the dirt on them until you clean them.
Seems to me like the cars automatically clean themselves before each race, which kind of makes that car wash seem pretty pointless. Or am I wrong? Would be good if the cars kept the dirt on them until you clean them.

Its something thats been there for ages througout the GT series, Kinda pointless i say.
Would be good if the cars kept the dirt on them until you clean them.

I think that would add so much to the game. I think it would be awesome if you put 1000 miles on a car and the car actually looked like it had 1000 miles of dirt and grime on it. If would be one of those small touches that GT5 seems to lack so much of.
I remember back with GT2 if you went a while without washing your cars they would get nice and grimy, but as you said, it seems to be an automatic thing now.

I think it's just one of those legacy type features that Kaz is fond of.
It's tru, the cars always would get dirty esp in GT4. But now they seem to be cleaned after every race. I'm assuming an update with fix this :)
What would be even better is if it didn't take half a year for GT Auto to load!
I think that would add so much to the game. I think it would be awesome if you put 1000 miles on a car and the car actually looked like it had 1000 miles of dirt and grime on it. If would be one of those small touches that GT5 seems to lack so much of.

Add to that the car retaining the damage it took in a race which could be fixed for a fee which would be determined by how much damage you have. Very small touches that although not essential, they would be really impressive.
Seems to me like the cars automatically clean themselves before each race, which kind of makes that car wash seem pretty pointless. Or am I wrong? Would be good if the cars kept the dirt on them until you clean them.

it is pointless, especially since after every race you car is magically cleaned again, even in different stages of the Gran Turismo Rally. :grumpy:
That makes no sense. There is no dirty accumulation, so why even bother having a car wash.

This is just completely false. There is dirt accumulation, it just takes a very long time. My Minolta has been piling up dirt for a while now in B-spec, I refuse to wash it to see how dirty it ends up.
This is just completely false. There is dirt accumulation, it just takes a very long time. My Minolta has been piling up dirt for a while now in B-spec, I refuse to wash it to see how dirty it ends up.

Thanks for proving me wrong. That being said, why does it take a unrealistically long time?
Thanks for proving me wrong. That being said, why does it take a unrealistically long time?

It would take up the precious memory that the game desperately needs. Pretty much all the downside of the game (shadow, scenery,...) can be point to the PS3's lack of memory.
Thanks for proving me wrong. That being said, why does it take a unrealistically long time?

Because people would whine and complain about having to wash their car every few races...

People will complain no matter what. Even if they took car wash out of the game, some people would whine.
My Ferrari 430 Scuderia has 2300 km on track now. And the only thing I see are some matte areas around the diffusor and tail lights.

It would take a car raced on track not even 1000km to let it appear completely black. Because the wear, dust, smoke, tyre wear and brake dust in much more higher than in normal traffic.

They should fix it. I would love to see my cars dirty. So I always know, how much they gave me to race with them and it would increase the atmosphere of racing.

And a used looking car is defenitely some levels cooler than bourgeois car always cleaned up.
Its something thats been there for ages througout the GT series, Kinda pointless i say.

Not pointless at all. It is part of the original "ownership/maintenance" philosophy and it have real influence in gameplay.

Driving your car in A-Spec/B-Spec accumulates "dirt". It is not dirt per-se, it is more-less visible as car loosing it's shine and becoming more matte.

More important - by "getting dirty" cars loose their aerodynamic properties around 7-10%.

Washing the cars brings aerodynamic back to default.

It is like that since first Gran Turismo.
Iv'e run my fgt in endurance race's in b-spec and it definitely shows dirt after. I wash it after every race and there is a difference.

Iv'e also bought car's from the ucd which were dirty when bought.
More important - by "getting dirty" cars loose their aerodynamic properties around 7-10%.

Washing the cars brings aerodynamic back to default.

It is like that since first Gran Turismo.

thats the way it is.

btw: if you want to "see" the dirt, take a BLACK car ^^ there you see lots of gray and white dirt on it ^^
my black furai been all gray and the spoiler even was near white XD

btw: the glass will become "less transparent" over time if you dont wash your car. but that need LOT OF TIME/KM/MILES
Yup. Dirt definately accumulates.
My R92CP has gone nearly 5k km without cleaning and one can clearly see the dirt. The problem is that it accumulates really slow. Its not too bad though since I dont want to wash it allnthw time.

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