Real Guns

  • Thread starter Calibretto
This local automotive website I'm on is planning to have a local shooting day sometime I think. I know one guy just bought an F2000 among other things. Do you guys think I'd be out of place if I asked to go and fire off a few rounds if I payed for the ammo? To be honest I've only ever held a gun I've never actually had the chance to fire one.

Depends on how well you know them. Might also depend on how many guns they are going to have.

If we go this weekend, we will have two guys who doesn't have a gun. One's the driver, they are both good friends of mine. I am letting them shoot my .22LR as much as they want, no charge. Also 9mm & 12-gauge, but only a clip or two of the "9", maybe 3 loads(?) of 12 gauge, ea., I figure.

If the plan go perfect, seven of us will be heading out there. I kind of doubt all seven of us will make it, but if we did, there will be a lot of guns there, no need to fight over turns.

P.S. Your guy is a total noob. Ask any firearm experts(like myself) of Modern Warfare 2. Listen to me, I'm a level 70 General!
TA, see if there's a firearm forum for your state/area. I found one for PA and they hold monthly gatherings at a local range. All you need is to be a member of the forum and pay a range fee. It's not going to do you much good since it's for PA, but I would be surprised if there wasn't something similar around you. You could get advice on guns, maybe even find people to meet up with for a range trip who will let you handle their firearms and help you get the most out of whatever you buy when you buy it.
I finally got the chance to see my buddy's Romanian AK47. We didn't shoot it since I was over at his place, but I did hold it, and I was surprised by how "heavy" and substantial it was.

It's been a couple of months since I've gone shooting and I'm itching to go again soon...
Well I picked up my firearms owners identification card application today. I gotta say its pretty stupid. Hopefully they don't reject it and keep my check. I hear they like to do that. They just did that to my mother and brother a little while back because they forgot a signature somewhere or something.
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Well I picked up my firearms owners identification card today. I gotta say its pretty stupid. Hopefully they don't reject it and keep my check. I hear they like to do that. They just did that to my mother and brother a little while back because they forgot a signature somewhere or something.

Even more stupid than the forms you fill out when purchasing a gun?

Those questions are hysterical;

a) Are you retarded?
b) Are you a drug dealer?
c) Are you a retarded drug dealer? (ok, I made that one up)

Seriously, if filling out Y/N questions like "do you murder people" is supposed to stop bad guys in their tracks...we're all doomed.
I'm sorry I forgot to say application. I haven't mailed it yet. It should take about 30 days or so. Maybe by april I'll get it back in the mail and I can get myself a birthday gift.

As for questions when you buy a gun I don't know anything about that but yeah thats pretty much what they asked. Are you retarded, are you on drugs, are you a retarded gang banging murderous thug that is also on drugs and is planning on sticking up the 7/11... Come on. These gun laws only make it easier for those people that are actually out to break the law.
You guys are funny. Retarded Drug Dealer. :lol:

My Butler Creek sling from came in today. I'm very happy with its quality. 👍 I think this is the one I bought. It was around $14, and while the page didn't say state the length, it was approximately 40 inches. I will be using it this Sunday. :)
Those forms are great.

Are you an illegal alien residing in the United States? Hmmm...

Got to go out again today, still loving the 15/22. It eats everything, and has not skipped a beat once, since the one feed failure when my finger stopped the magazine follower from loading the next round.

So far it likes, CCI Stinger and Mini-Mag, any flavor of Federal, including non plated lightning and the value packs. So as of now, I'm at about 800 rounds fired with the only failure being on the operator. 👍👍

Also tried out a Glock 23 in .40 S&W today. It was nice, but kicked harder than the Sig 226 I fired which was chambered in .45, though it was a Sig custom shop model, so perhaps they do something to make it more controllable. Overall, nice to use, shots go mostly where you want them, but the low sights left me wanting more. Of course, its a CC gun, so I guess it's to be expected. Another plus, it is a barrel swap away from being a .357 Sig, which is nice, but not sure if it's really worth it. Cool option non the less. We didn't buy any .357 Sig, so I don't know if they feel different.

We had a fun course set up for the 15/22 though, lot's of clays to run around and shoot, the red dot makes it so much fun, well that and the moving and rapid fire. Sure beats slow fire at the range and paper targets. At least clays show you when you hit them very obviously.

So, as of now, all my friends have the Glock bug, I'm going to hold tight for a good long while. They're fun, but I have a thing for rifles. One day though, I'll get around to a handgun.
Nice rifle, man. I have a thing for reliability. :D:tup:

I'm of the impression Sigs are better shooters than Glocks. While I love my G17 for it's reliability, I'd be surprised if it's as good as it gets, at least as far as the 9mm goes. I will have to try a Sig sometime, feel the difference. Who knows, if I come across one of those sub-$400 Sigs Vash was talking about, if I happened to have the money, I might just get it.
My buddy has a Sig in .40, but I forget which model. I have limited experience comparing caliber to caliber and brand to brand, but I felt the same way you did LSX. That .40 has one heck of a kick to it. I had no problems firing off 8-12 rounds of .45 in a 1911, but after 8 rounds of .40 my arm was dead. I'm going to stick with 9mm or .45 when I have a chance to pick up another gun.
I just found out about a gun show being in town next weekend. Thinking about going. I won't be able to buy anything but it'll be great to look around.
OK, me & buddy of mine, we always talked about wanting to go shooting during snow. Build a snowman, blow it up, it'll be fun, yada yada yada. We went up to our shooting spot(rather 'tried') expecting a sunny/cloudy weather, but no snow today. Didn't realize that our shooting spots were so high elevation, not only did we find plenty of snow, my buddy's Land Rover Discovery couldn't even make it up there with street tires on. My coworker's Dodge did though. :lol:

I did finally get to shoot my new 870 Tactical Shotgun, and I must say, it is a fantastic gun. I am in love with it, and the Blackhawk Knoxx stock, which absorbs so much of the recoil/kick, it's ridiculous. Firing birdshot, you don't even feel it. Buckshot, a little bit. Magnum buckshot(fifteen .33 cal. BB's!), while it wasn't painful, it definitely make your mouth shoot out plenty of profanity. :lol: Shot few slugs, too, but they weren't bad either. I love the Knoxx stock. 👍

I thought I took few good pictures, but to those who are not familiar with my photographing skills, I am between bad to horrible. I have surprised, even myself today:







Looks like I had nightvision on my camera or something? These pictures look this bad, after I painstakingly restored much color & lighting to them. I suck. :indiff:

Last pic's kinda funny. We got stuck, just couple minutes or so away from our usual shooting spot. Only the guy with the Dodge truck saw what was over the hill. When he came back saying the snow's even deeper up top, we decided to shoot right on the road. Nobody came up while we were shooting anyway. :lol: Only when we finished, big Ford Super Duty with mud/snow tires came up, and he barely made it up, after couple of tries. My hands were cold, nose runny, all I can say is snow shooting sucks. :crazy:

I just found out about a gun show being in town next weekend. Thinking about going. I won't be able to buy anything but it'll be great to look around.
I guess it beats driving around from gun stores to gun stores, but those shows are so much more fun when you got some money to buy the toys. :drool:
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A6M5, Love the shotty...the glock, not so much. Just a personal preference, im a 1911 guy.
Since its show and tell time, this is what I took last time I went shooting:

Those tool bags actually hold ammo and mags.
All I own is a beautiful Henry Lever 10-22. I love that little rifle.

In about 2 years I'll be flipping the bill for a CCW and 1911 just for the hell of it, but for the range I'll blow through a 50 box and call it a day.
Henry Lever, that's what they are called. One of the guys brought a .357 rifle with those levers. Where is the cowboy smilies when I need one!

These pictures were taken by another dude(also called 'normal pictures')

Here's me trying to give a push....... :P


It's funny when it's not your truck.


I can load up to seven shells in my 870. Mossberg, also in the pic, nine. :grumpy:

Awesome pics 👍 , and yes, they do look kinda weird looking. Very odd.
They suck man, even for me. :crazy: Thanks though. :D:tup:
Is that you? You look very American. Maybe its the hat.
Walmart, friend. Walmart. My & my buddy picked up the same hat when we were shopping ammo at Walmart. We were going to wear them as a joke when we went shooting next. There were no comments from the others, which was bit disappointing, I'm not gonna lie!

I have seen pictures of .22 SCARS before. I'm sure it's too much money though. I can't even justify $400-ish for the .22LR M4. For that money, I'd likely go for the AK47.

A6M5, Love the shotty...the glock, not so much. Just a personal preference, im a 1911 guy.
Thanks! Yeah, I love my G17, but many people are either in love with them, or don't care for them. Seems to do a lot with the safety design, also the polymer.

What kind of rifle you got there? M4? I really like the style. 👍
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I think they go for about $500. An AK might be neat, especially a cheaper 5.45x39 model but with something like that who knows if that stuff will always be cheaper than 5.56. I'd also be worried about quality when we're talking about some cheap yugo parts kit rifle.
I think they go for about $500. An AK might be neat, especially a cheaper 5.45x39 model but with something like that who knows if that stuff will always be cheaper than 5.56. I'd also be worried about quality when we're talking about some cheap yugo parts kit rifle.
Yugo parts. :lol: You mean "You don't go"? :lol: Yeah, I'm a noob, but I don't think people buy AK47's for craftsmanship, or build quality. I'm not talking about the Chinese one's though. If I bought one, it would be the Romanian, which are supposedly better. If I buy AK47 though, it would be for the low price of the gun, not because of the prices of the ammo(I'd take 7.62).

I prefer M4, but they cost way more, and I also hear that you have to keep them clean for them to be reliable. I also like that AK is supposed to be more reliable under poor conditions, too.
Got my new IWB holster for my Springfield XD-40 subcompact on Saturday. I bought a Comp Tac Minotaur MTAC holster, for CCW it is perfect since I can carry with just a T-shirt over it. The holster is great because I can swap the spare body I ordered with it and carry my Springfield M1911 with the same holster.

I took my wife to the gun range today to shoot the XD-40 for the first time and she absolutely enjoyed it. She didn't care much for my .45 the first time I took her, but she shot some nice groups on the target for her first time with this pistol.

Yeah I hear AKs are great at that. I looked into them and I read a lot of stories about some of them being really cheap quality. I know Arsenal makes a lot of really nice brand new AKs but they aren't as cheap as the parts kit rifles you see everywhere.
Yugo parts. :lol: You mean "You don't go"? :lol: Yeah, I'm a noob, but I don't think people buy AK47's for craftsmanship, or build quality. I'm not talking about the Chinese one's though. If I bought one, it would be the Romanian, which are supposedly better. If I buy AK47 though, it would be for the low price of the gun, not because of the prices of the ammo(I'd take 7.62).

I prefer M4, but they cost way more, and I also hear that you have to keep them clean for them to be reliable. I also like that AK is supposed to be more reliable under poor conditions, too.

AK47's are fun to shoot and ammo is relatively cheap, The Yugo SKS uses the same 7.62X39 round. I bought my SKS about a year ago for about $300 and was unissued (basically brand new).

Here are a few of my favorites from the past year:
Yugo SKS (unissued)


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Yeah I hear AKs are great at that. I looked into them and I read a lot of stories about some of them being really cheap quality. I know Arsenal makes a lot of really nice brand new AKs but they aren't as cheap as the parts kit rifles you see everywhere.

Hmmmm.... I might have to do some researching in the near future.
AK47's are fun to shoot and ammo is relatively cheap, The Yugo SKS uses the same 7.62X39 round. I bought my SKS about a year ago for about $300 and was unissued.
Sucks to be old.... I think SKS was the first gun I ever shot? I can't remember. :lol: One of the reason why I still consider AK47 is because of my fondness for SKS. I haven't fired it in awhile, but I don't remember them being too accurate? But I liked the rhythm shooting it, also the power. I imagined the AK47 to have similar feel, as I heard before that their "actions" are similar.

XD's are nice. I've never shot .40 caliber, but Springfield seem to make many desirable guns to me. Too bad almost all of them are out of my price range. :D

RE: Additional pics

I love your SKS. How do you like it? My friends' wasn't perfectly reliable, but it was used, dirty, it might've been the Chinese one, I don't know for sure.

I don't even know what PS90 is. AK74, I love from the video game. :P
Just found this in my email box:


The KelTec KSG 12 gauge shotgun is the ultimate in defensive shotguns. The Bullpup design of the Keltec KSG allows for an overall length of 26.1" while still maintaining an 18.5" cylinder bore barrel. The KSG is a 14+1 shotgun utilizing dual magazine tubes that each hold 7 -2.75" shells giving the user 15 rounds before reloading is needed. The user can select which 7 round tube they want to feed from. This allows the KSG shooter to load one tube with slugs and the other with birdshot, buckshot or breeching rounds and quickly switch over should the need arise. Switching the selector of the KSG to the center allows the user to open the action and eject a shell without releasing one from either of the dual magazine tubes. The KelTec KSG is equipped with a picatinny rail on top for the addition of optics or flip up sights as well as an accessory rail on bottom that allows for installations of lights, lasers or a forward grip. Front and rear sling loops are integral to KSG and KelTec has included a rubber butt pad to help tame felt recoil. Disassembly of the KSG requires only the removal of 2 pins and 2 nuts at the end of the magazine tubes that can be unscrewed with a coin.

* Keltec® KSG Shotgun
* Manufacturer Number: KSG
* Action: Pump Action
* Caliber: 12 Gauge
* Capacity: 14 Round
* Choke Tubes: Cylinder Bore
* Includes: Basic Sling
* Features:
o Under Picatinny Rail
o Top Picatinny Rail
* Sights: None
* Barrel Length: 18.5 Inches
* Overall Length: 26.1 Inches
* Weight (empty): 6.9 Pounds
* Stock: Black Synthetic

$674. I want it. :drool:

I like lever actions. Makes me feel good, bad, AND ugly. They make a few different variants as well. 45. and 357 I believe.

I would definitely pick one up if you get the chance.

Nah, I'm a sucker for the tacti-cool or whatever. I know they make some eyes roll. :D My buddy was all over that .357 rifle though. He was very clumsy with the lever at first, so we had a good laugh over that one!
Just found this in my email box:

I want it. :drool:

I just saw a picture of this weapon on a website, but just a picture. I had no idea that the shotgun had dual tubes for shells; that is pretty cool weapon from Kel Tec. Speaking of Kel Tec, the company also makes a bullpup rifle that fires the 7.62 NATO round and ejects spent cases forward, ala FNH F2000.
Nah, I'm a sucker for the tacti-cool or whatever. I know they make some eyes roll. :D My buddy was all over that .357 rifle though. He was very clumsy with the lever at first, so we had a good laugh over that one!

Oh a chairborne commando! :lol::lol::lol:

To each their own, I'm partial to the P90 myself.