Real Guns

  • Thread starter Calibretto
Are you making fun of me? :lol: Sounds like reference to armchair quarterback or something. :lol:
I just saw a picture of this weapon on a website, but just a picture. I had no idea that the shotgun had dual tubes for shells; that is pretty cool weapon from Kel Tec.
I love slugs. I just tried them out in close range, but they are way more accurate than I imagined. And they make a hole you can clearly see from where you just shot. :lol: Did you see the youtube vid that I posted a few pages back, where only slug went clean through a bullet resistant glass?

If you can put slugs in one tube, bird, or buck shot in the other, you are ready to rock 'n' roll!
Speaking of Kel Tec, the company also makes a bullpup rifle that fires the 7.62 NATO round and ejects spent cases forward, ala FNH F2000.
Is that supposed to be a good thing?
I don't even know what PS90 is.

You don't know what the PS90 is?? Never used the one in MW2? Well, not exactly the same. The PS90 is the civy version of the P90. 5.7x28mm round bullpup carbine. And this beauty was designed to go with it:

The FN Five-seveN handgun. The thing is beyond light, absolutely insane. Only had a chance to check one out in a store, and if I had the ~$1k I'd own one in an instant.
The FN Five-seveN handgun. The thing is beyond light, absolutely insane. Only had a chance to check one out in a store, and if I had the ~$1k I'd own one in an instant.

THIS. I got to play with one last year. If peacock feathers had recoil, it would be a Five-seveN lol
In CoD4, I owned with P90. It was pretty good in MW2. I thought the name was very similar, and layout looked familiar in the picture. Alright then!
Oh no never. I'd only make fun if you dressed up in full combat gear and we could see the recliner :P
Damn, I wish. On both. :P
Thanks! Yeah, I love my G17, but many people are either in love with them, or don't care for them. Seems to do a lot with the safety design, also the polymer.

What kind of rifle you got there? M4? I really like the style. 👍

The grip angle on the glock is what kills it for me. The rifle is a modified Olympic Arms K16. Changed out the stock, and forearm, and added pieces here and there. It is a great rifle.

One of these days when I get back to work, im going to get me a PS90, and swap the barrel out with a P90, then suppress it.
The grip angle on the glock is what kills it for me. The rifle is a modified Olympic Arms K16. Changed out the stock, and forearm, and added pieces here and there. It is a great rifle.

One of these days when I get back to work, im going to get me a PS90, and swap the barrel out with a P90, then suppress it.
You know what? I'm not sure if I'm too crazy about the grip angle on it either. Great point, too. Last year or so, I talked so much about guns with so many people, but I think this might be the first time the angle of the grip was brought up. 👍
I can't wait until they start producing laser guns so I can shout "Pew Pew!" when I shoot it.
Huh? If they don't already go "pew pew!", why even bother making laser guns like that? Isn't that the whole point?
Huh? If they don't already go "pew pew!", why even bother making laser guns like that? Isn't that the whole point?

Well if they don't, then no harm in shouting out Pew Pew. Tells the other guy where I'm shooting from. I believe in a fair fight. If laser guns do in fact say pew pew, then me saying pew pew makes it stronger.

It adds to the affect. Or whatever my false science tells me.
What is that? Sounds like a TV show, but I don't have cable. :lol:

Yeah, it's a show on the History channel. They gather a bunch of marksmen of all different backgrounds (guy from the army sniper team, champion old-west revolver guy, etc.) and make them shoot different things to see who is the overall best.

My uncle brought home one of those solid-rubber gun copies. It was a Glock 17 and I got to mess around with it without worrying about shooting something. Haha. I wouldn't be able to use that pistol anyways because my hands are way too big. My fingers are too big for the little bevels in the grip. Haha.
What is that? Sounds like a TV show, but I don't have cable. :lol:

Yeah, like Omnis said they get a bunch of marksmen together and make them do stuff that has to do with marksmanship. It isn't limited to guns though; on top of handguns and rifles, they had the competitors do bow and arrow and knife throwing. It was an interesting show, but I haven't watched any of the second season, I've only watched the first season since I know of one of the guys that competed season.

Show sounds awesome.

Maybe you can get a Deagle for concealed carry. :lol:

And Omnis will be mad enough to actually do that too. :lol:

Also, a6m5, nice pictures from a couple of pages back. 👍

In other news, I went to the range last weekend with a couple of friends and tried out the 9mm Springfield XD and the Glock 19. I've shot the G17 before and the G19 felt like it had greater recoil and just harder to shoot accurately (makes sense, since it's smaller). And I don't know, the trigger felt heavier on the G19 than I remembered on the G17.

I liked how the XD shot overall. However I didn't like the grip safety though, I couldn't get a comfortable hold on the gun where I felt like I had a really solid grip. Plus, it went off with a really loud bang, louder than any other 9mm I've ever shot. Also, as pathetic as this sounds, the XD's slide and recoil spring was so stiff that I was unable to lock the slide back manually (with it unloaded of course). With that last "problem," as far as a gun goes, the XD's out the window for me.

Here's a couple of really blurry cell phone pictures of me at the range:

RE: Additional pics

I love your SKS. How do you like it? My friends' wasn't perfectly reliable, but it was used, dirty, it might've been the Chinese one, I don't know for sure.:P

I love shooting the SKS, mine has been very reliable and have had no issues with it. We have shot phone books, spinner targets (target size of skoal cans) at a range of 140yrds open sites using the SKS. The only drawback to getting an unissued or maybe any other SKS is they have been in storage for 40+ years and are packed in Cosmoline. You have to spend about 4hrs or so with a bucket of kerosene to clean the gun before you can ever use it. There are many aftermarket upgrades for an SKS and the coolest maybe the Bullpup upgrade.

Yeah, like Omnis said they get a bunch of marksmen together and make them do stuff that has to do with marksmanship. It isn't limited to guns though; on top of handguns and rifles, they had the competitors do bow and arrow and knife throwing. It was an interesting show, but I haven't watched any of the second season, I've only watched the first season since I know of one of the guys that competed season.

I'm gonna be looking for it on Netflix. 👍
Also, a6m5, nice pictures from a couple of pages back. 👍
I like yours, too. 👍 I just wish you took more! :D Pictures makes this thread more interesting, I think.
In other news, I went to the range last weekend with a couple of friends and tried out the 9mm Springfield XD and the Glock 19. I've shot the G17 before and the G19 felt like it had greater recoil and just harder to shoot accurately (makes sense, since it's smaller). And I don't know, the trigger felt heavier on the G19 than I remembered on the G17.

I liked how the XD shot overall. However I didn't like the grip safety though, I couldn't get a comfortable hold on the gun where I felt like I had a really solid grip. Plus, it went off with a really loud bang, louder than any other 9mm I've ever shot. Also, as pathetic as this sounds, the XD's slide and recoil spring was so stiff that I was unable to lock the slide back manually (with it unloaded of course). With that last "problem," as far as a gun goes, the XD's out the window for me.
I forgot about the XD's grip safety. On the stiff slide, do those things ever loosen up? I was wondering, if maybe the slide is stiffer on newer guns. On my Glock, I know the slide release was far easier after while. When it was new, I struggle a bit to release, but not at all now. I don't know.

Very cool that you got to try out couple of guns. Definitely helps when you are trying to decide which one you want.
I love shooting the SKS, mine has been very reliable and have had no issues with it. We have shot phone books, spinner targets (target size of skoal cans) at a range of 140yrds open sites using the SKS. The only drawback to getting an unissued or maybe any other SKS is they have been in storage for 40+ years and are packed in Cosmoline. You have to spend about 4hrs or so with a bucket of kerosene to clean the gun before you can ever use it. There are many aftermarket upgrades for an SKS and the coolest maybe the Bullpup upgrade.

That thing looks awesome, but I'm not sure if I like the original magazine clip thing. My friend's doesn't look that great(don't tell him I said that), but look at the mag:

Uploaded with

Not the prettiest thing ever, but that's high capacity. :D

P.S. Who took this crappy picture!? lol
I liked how the XD shot overall. However I didn't like the grip safety though, I couldn't get a comfortable hold on the gun where I felt like I had a really solid grip.

It looks like you're holding the gun wrong...I could be mistaken though.

Shoot a gun like this;


You want your hands as high as possible w/o getting bit from the slide. This allows a lower bore axis w/your hands and less muzzle flip. You also want to lock your left wrist and not use a ninja grip with your right. Firm, but not trying to squeeze the oils from the polymers.

And pull the trigger with the pad of your finger instead of the kink/joint...that's a bad habit a lot of people have. When you do that, you can twist the gun as you pull the trigger usually shooting high & right.

If you, or anyone reading this, try these hints the next couple times you go shoot; it'll become 2nd nature. Shooting like that is actually easier on the arms/hands and your 2nd thru whatever shots will be easier to get on target. I can hit an area smaller than a DVD with 8 rapid fire shots from 25 yards all-day long...could never do that before until someone showed me the tricks above.
It looks like you're holding the gun wrong...I could be mistaken though.

Shoot a gun like this;


You want your hands as high as possible w/o getting bit from the slide. This allows a lower bore axis w/your hands and less muzzle flip. You also want to lock your left wrist and not use a ninja grip with your right. Firm, but not trying to squeeze the oils from the polymers.

And pull the trigger with the pad of your finger instead of the kink/joint...that's a bad habit a lot of people have. When you do that, you can twist the gun as you pull the trigger usually shooting high & right.

If you, or anyone reading this, try these hints the next couple times you go shoot; it'll become 2nd nature. Shooting like that is actually easier on the arms/hands and your 2nd thru whatever shots will be easier to get on target. I can hit an area smaller than a DVD with 8 rapid fire shots from 25 yards all-day long...could never do that before until someone showed me the tricks above.
My grip is similar, except my right thumb is on the inside(inside the left thumb). Is that wrong?(it's on top/outside in the pic).

And I got confused about the right hand grip. Lock the left wrist, but easy grip with the right?
Get a suppressor if you want pew pew lol.
Lol.. only in the movies, my friend. Real suppressed guns tend to either sound no different at all (supersonic rounds), or make a surprisingly loud "CLACK CLACK" sound. In most cases, though, the suppressor only cuts the sound down by a certain percentage, and they're still quite loud.

Ever wonder how they're able to suppress the sound of the slide racking back and forth by adding something to the barrel? :)

Suppressed revolvers are another favorite of mine.

That's not to say that suppressors aren't useful. Special Forces really does use them, but that's a totally different situation than most people would be in. Aside from the "cool factor", there's no real reason for a civilian to own a suppressed weapon.

Besides, if I did have to fire at someone, the sound is part of the effect of the weapon.. my .45 makes quite a satisfying bang, and would likely make an intruder piss himself even if I missed.
I forgot about the XD's grip safety. On the stiff slide, do those things ever loosen up? I was wondering, if maybe the slide is stiffer on newer guns. On my Glock, I know the slide release was far easier after while. When it was new, I struggle a bit to release, but not at all now. I don't know.

You know, that could be part of it, the gun looked pretty new, so that might have been part of it. I don't know, the slides and springs probably do get a little looser after breaking in.

I'll try to take more pictures next time, and make them not blurry to boot.

but look at the mag:

That things looks pretty awesome, but overkill at the same time.

It looks like you're holding the gun wrong...I could be mistaken though.

Shoot a gun like this;


You want your hands as high as possible w/o getting bit from the slide. This allows a lower bore axis w/your hands and less muzzle flip. You also want to lock your left wrist and not use a ninja grip with your right. Firm, but not trying to squeeze the oils from the polymers.

And pull the trigger with the pad of your finger instead of the kink/joint...that's a bad habit a lot of people have. When you do that, you can twist the gun as you pull the trigger usually shooting high & right.

If you, or anyone reading this, try these hints the next couple times you go shoot; it'll become 2nd nature. Shooting like that is actually easier on the arms/hands and your 2nd thru whatever shots will be easier to get on target. I can hit an area smaller than a DVD with 8 rapid fire shots from 25 yards all-day long...could never do that before until someone showed me the tricks above.

From what I remember, I try to hold the gun by putting the webbing between my thumb and index finger as high on the grip as possible, then wrap my fingers and the palm around the rest of the grip. I put my left right thumb right below the slide on the left side of the gun. I then cup my left hand on the bottom of the right hand/grip like you have in the picture, except lower, so that my left thumb is right by the bottom of the trigger guard. As I pull the trigger, I try to pull with the area that is between the finger pad and the crevice of the joint (though closer to the crevice than the pad). Is my left hand too low? Should I move it up so that my left hand is more co-holding the gun than just cupping my right hand and the bottom of the grip? You're right though, the second picture, it looks like I'm gripping it too low.

Since I'm right handed, I'm going to use right handed jargon. I heard that you want to keep your grip firm and lock the right wrist but keep your elbow flexible. I didn't read much about the left hand. I don't know how effective that is in holding the gun, but I will try to pay more attention to it next time I go and try out your suggestions, see if it improves my shooting. 👍
It looks like you're holding the gun wrong...I could be mistaken though.

Shoot a gun like this;


You want your hands as high as possible w/o getting bit from the slide. This allows a lower bore axis w/your hands and less muzzle flip. You also want to lock your left wrist and not use a ninja grip with your right. Firm, but not trying to squeeze the oils from the polymers.

And pull the trigger with the pad of your finger instead of the kink/joint...that's a bad habit a lot of people have. When you do that, you can twist the gun as you pull the trigger usually shooting high & right.

If you, or anyone reading this, try these hints the next couple times you go shoot; it'll become 2nd nature. Shooting like that is actually easier on the arms/hands and your 2nd thru whatever shots will be easier to get on target. I can hit an area smaller than a DVD with 8 rapid fire shots from 25 yards all-day long...could never do that before until someone showed me the tricks above.

Nah this is how to shoot a gun. ;)

You know, that could be part of it, the gun looked pretty new, so that might have been part of it. I don't know, the slides and springs probably do get a little looser after breaking in.

My XD-40 slide was pretty stiff when I bought it, I have put ~200 rounds through it and it feels like it has loosened up a little. I prefer the grip safety which is why I bought the XD-40, pretty much had the same safety items as my M1911. I have shot several glocks and like them, but no safety. Just doesn't feel right putting something loaded in my pants with a chance of it going off! (Don't go there!!!!).
Lol.. only in the movies, my friend. Real suppressed guns tend to either sound no different at all (supersonic rounds), or make a surprisingly loud "CLACK CLACK" sound. In most cases, though, the suppressor only cuts the sound down by a certain percentage, and they're still quite loud.

Ever wonder how they're able to suppress the sound of the slide racking back and forth by adding something to the barrel? :)

Suppressed revolvers are another favorite of mine.

That's not to say that suppressors aren't useful. Special Forces really does use them, but that's a totally different situation than most people would be in. Aside from the "cool factor", there's no real reason for a civilian to own a suppressed weapon.

Besides, if I did have to fire at someone, the sound is part of the effect of the weapon.. my .45 makes quite a satisfying bang, and would likely make an intruder piss himself even if I missed.

1. They make great training aids for new shooters that might be a little timid.

2. Farmers use them for rodent control.

3. Hunters use them so they don't spook other game.

4. People who own property they can shoot on use them so they don't piss off their neighbors.

5. Home defense reasons include not blowing out your ear drums if you are forced to defend yourself within your home. (Shooting indoors makes the gun a lot more loud.)

There's five for 'ya.
Interesting point about firing indoors. My neighbor probably won't call 911 for a single test shot........ :P
My dad finally got himself a pistol to compliment his C&C license. He got himself a Ruger LCP:

Tiny little thing, and it's so thin I hardly noticed it in his pocket as he was standing there. Makes it difficult to pull the slide back. Sub-compacts like this are definitely awkward to hold but I guess you get used to it with practice. I've been considering getting one for a year or so now, but shooting isn't high on my list of interests. There are so many other things that cost $400 that I want and I just can't decide!

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A friend of mine's got one of those. He says it works as a concealed-carry weapon, but he doesn't like shooting it. Doesn't fit very well in the hand, he says.
It's definitely tiny, but the whole point of it is to be easily concealable. That's the sacrifice you have to make I suppose.

I happen to have small hands so the gun fits me pretty well. I find that full-size versions of anything are usually too big, whereas the mid-size guns are just right and this LCP is acceptable.
I recognize the guy from the video. He's the one who made zombie shooting video, also on youtube. :lol: