Real Guns

  • Thread starter Calibretto
Here's one for A6. I have no idea what they're saying.

I was gonna joke about the language, but it turned out to be very impressive commentary, actually. An head-to-head testing of Japanese WWII sidearm vs. the American counterpart, 1911. In conclusion, Japanese Type 14 = garbage.

No, it actually did better than I thought, but it was still no match for the 1911. I had no idea the Japanese pistol was 8mm. Weird. The most interesting test was the last one, when he shoots the WWII G.I. helmet with both guns. I thought for sure that .45ACP from 1911 would penetrate, but nooooo. If somebody was actually wearing the helmet, holding it in place, then maybe.....
Nah this is how to shoot a gun. ;)


I don't personally have a gun, but I have shooted with 2 diffrent air rifles. Other had a scope. Target shooting is in my opinnion pretty fun.
I'm glad NutnFancy and his boys are red-blooded Americans. Would hang with them for a zombie apocalypse.
My friend offered me his SKS with scope + bi-pod for $100 today. Only problem is, it was crappy Chinese SKS when he bought it, it's crappier now, years later. :lol:

I offered him $75, but he said he wouldn't take any less than $100. Way I look at it, for another $300, I can buy a decent AK47. Still, I might ask him again before payday, see if he changes his mind. :lol:
Well now. This thread has my interest. I build customs, usually from bases of other weapons. I like doing FNH-based models mostly, but I've done a few from complete scratch. I went to the range the other day with a fully custom rifle I call Warbird. It shoots .308, semi-auto. It's got a scope that is the size of the barrel, but only gives it 40x magnification. However, it's bullpup. I had to give it a stock extension so I could use a chin rest. It has a built in underbarrel flashlight, and, it has a handy little laser sight mounted between the scope and the end of the barrel. The BUIS don't work too well, but they get the job done. The magazine is slow to reload, because I got the idea for it by looking at a tape recorder. A flap on the side folds down on the left side, and the magazine is placed in, and slides forward an inch. It ejects shells out of the bottom, but it has an awkward left-hand reload. All of these mechanics cause it to be a 40-pound rifle. The weight, however, removes almost all recoil. It's such a fun thing to lay prone with, with a custom tripod for it.
Well now. This thread has my interest. I build customs, usually from bases of other weapons. I like doing FNH-based models mostly, but I've done a few from complete scratch. I went to the range the other day with a fully custom rifle I call Warbird. It shoots .308, semi-auto. It's got a scope that is the size of the barrel, but only gives it 40x magnification. However, it's bullpup. I had to give it a stock extension so I could use a chin rest. It has a built in underbarrel flashlight, and, it has a handy little laser sight mounted between the scope and the end of the barrel. The BUIS don't work too well, but they get the job done. The magazine is slow to reload, because I got the idea for it by looking at a tape recorder. A flap on the side folds down on the left side, and the magazine is placed in, and slides forward an inch. It ejects shells out of the bottom, but it has an awkward left-hand reload. All of these mechanics cause it to be a 40-pound rifle. The weight, however, removes almost all recoil. It's such a fun thing to lay prone with, with a custom tripod for it.

What a load of BS; wow. :crazy:
What is the fascination with guns? honestly?
I could also ask ''what is the fascination with cars?''

For me its the physics, the mechanics, history of weapons and how they evolved, I like to refinish them, its kinda cool to own an artifact which is over a hundred years old and fought many battles, I like the smell of burned powder, I like being able to defend myself with up to date weaponry and last but not least its just plain fun to shoot them.

I shoot everything from muzzle loaders to modern precision rifles. If you think guns are ''meh'' you should shoot one, I've dragged several people to the shooting range who were not impressed by guns, but they had some fun and some of them changed their mind about shooting and guns, especially the ones who were a good shot.:)
What is the fascination with guns? honestly?

Honestly? For me it's the discipline it takes to shoot them well. You can't just go pulling the trigger and hoping to hit your target, unless you're like 2 feet away and it's like 2 feet square. You have to work to get good at it. It's just as much mental as it is physical. There's a lot of skills required in shooting that can easily be transitioned to other things. And like was said before, it's just plain fun.
Yup, played a bit too much CoD I think!

You sir, are a liar. I don't even like CoD games. They are incorrect in their portrayals of a military actions. I created Warbird. It is my most prized possession. I will not let anyone outside of my employees to get even a glimpse of it. It is entirely custom. I bought sheets of steel, and forged every single intricate part. Even the magazines are custom.
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What is the fascination with guns? honestly?
I'll give you an honest answer that you probably wanted to hear. Growing up, I liked watching shows & movies that involved guns. I also used to think that wars were cool. Of course, until I grew up to be anti war or violence.

I grew up in Japan where you do not need a gun. I live in the States now. I first purchased firearm for recreation. Going on a roadtrip with your buddies, visit the country side, do some target shooting. It's a load of fun. We enjoy it very much.

But there is also another obvious reason to own a gun. Self, or home defense. I gotta tell you, you are not in Yokohama anymore. I often see scary crime being reported on the news. Also, the threat of riots, looting, etc. are remote, but realistic threat in this country. I love that my recreational toy can also serve as deterrent to serious crimes, or possible harm being done to myself, friends or family. While these scary scenarios would probably never take place, talk about cheap insurance. And in my case, it's something I already own. Almost like a golf club, or baseball bat people might have lying around in their home.

If you don't like guns, I can completely respect that. I also think that depending on your upbringing, experience, where you live, etc., people can have very different views on firearms. If I didn't experience the cultural difference firsthand, I never might have understood it. It's not like where I'm originally from where guns are associated with either good or bad. Here, it's just guns. They are almost like a unique tool(*wink* @danoff lol). Yeah, it can still be associated with good & bad, but so can anything else. Guns are part of the culture & history where I live. I'm not sure about this gun=bad logic. Seems little judgemental.
You sir, are a liar. I don't even like CoD games. That are incorrect in their portrayals of a military actions. I created Warbird. It is my most prized possession. I will not let anyone outside of my employees to get even a glimpse of it. It is entirely custom. I bought sheets of steel, and forged every single intricate part. Even the magazines are custom.
I wasn't going to say anything, and I don't mean any disrespect, but if I started talking about some hand-built supercar that I built myself, but I can't or won't ............ you see where I'm going. ;)
You sir, are a liar. I don't even like CoD games. That are incorrect in their portrayals of a military actions. I created Warbird. It is my most prized possession. I will not let anyone outside of my employees to get even a glimpse of it. It is entirely custom. I bought sheets of steel, and forged every single intricate part. Even the magazines are custom.

I think it's a bit rich that you're calling me a liar, liar.

Provide proof of your wonder weapon, or keep quiet. Until you back it up, you are the liar 👍
My friend offered me his SKS with scope + bi-pod for $100 today. Only problem is, it was crappy Chinese SKS when he bought it, it's crappier now, years later. :lol:

I offered him $75, but he said he wouldn't take any less than $100. Way I look at it, for another $300, I can buy a decent AK47. Still, I might ask him again before payday, see if he changes his mind. :lol:

$100 is a good deal, The chinese SKS has a better barrel than the Yugo SKS. If you are saying it's crappy because of the beat up stock you can always change that out. There is a cool Bullpup upgrade for the SKS or several other stocks. I have a Yugo but with a beautiful stock as it was an unissued model.
Hey gaiz, I liek totally built this super special custom handgun that fires .50 BMG and is accurate out to 750 yards. It's got an 8 inch barrel and can hold 5 rounds. But, I don't even let my invisible friend Ray see it so you guys will never know just how awesome it really is.
I'll give you $75 for it. If the answer is no, I'll try again couple days before your payday.
$100 is a good deal, The chinese SKS has a better barrel than the Yugo SKS. If you are saying it's crappy because of the beat up stock you can always change that out. There is a cool Bullpup upgrade for the SKS or several other stocks. I have a Yugo but with a beautiful stock as it was an unissued model.
I had no idea about the barrel. The "crappy" was mechanical. Stuff falls off of it, it jams a lot. One time, he brought it to our shooting thing, I never found out what, but it failed to perform. :lol: It might be 100% operator/owner error, or the thing might be a complete garbage, I don't know.

I was looking at nice SKS upgrades & stocks, so I haven't decided against it, completely. And anytime you can buy a gun without the state background check, it's a bonus. Right now though, I prefer to have a AK47 down the line than a fixer-upper SKS now. AK's one of the rifles I really want. Thanks for the tip though. I appreciate it. :D:tup:
I finished watching the TNP KSG videos this morning. In the last video they busted out a Saiga 12 with a drum mag and went crazy. That thing is an awesome weapon.
I finished watching the TNP KSG videos this morning. In the last video they busted out a Saiga 12 with a drum mag and went crazy. That thing is an awesome weapon.
I was interested in their rifles. They make .223 rifle using AK action? Much, much cheaper than M4's, but I don't know much about them.
What do you guys think about those century arms CETME rifles? Basically a G3 but for much less. I've been poking around and I see them going for $600. I can't afford one right now but man that seems like a sweet deal for a full sized .308 rifle.
What do you guys think about those century arms CETME rifles? Basically a G3 but for much less. I've been poking around and I see them going for $600. I can't afford one right now but man that seems like a sweet deal for a full sized .308 rifle.

Isn't Century Arms Chinese knockoffs? I don't know, I'm a noob, but anything other than SKS/AK that are Chinese scare me. But I don't want you getting a .22LR either. :D

Edit: Looks like I'd see the gun here for $550 after transfer+shipping.
From what I understand they're all surplus military rifles refurbished and made civilian legal.

Its crazy that you can get something like that for the price of a new .22lr rifle. I've heard someone in a video say they're as much as 80% identical to the G3 so they must be reliable.
If I had $550 for rifle right now, I'd buy a Romanian AK47 with extra clips.

Edit: OR Remington 700(might go over $600).

Edit2: Get on CoD4 already. Please!

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