Real Guns

  • Thread starter Calibretto
Sorry, no. By range I meant the one I run. It has yet to see daylight. I own no cameras. I find no need to iwn a camera.

Yeah, sure!

Anyone in the UK know if there are any gun ranges and if so, how they operate? I would like to experience firing a real firearm, but I guess in the UK we a bit stricter Bout things like that
There are probably ranges in your area, but they'll be difficult to find and often admission is delayed unless you know someone within the club. Here's what my friend has to say on it
Sorry, forgot more stuff Ev.
Yeah, they aren't they great [gun laws in the uk], but you can own any caliber gun provided it's not semi auto (except in .22) and that you are a member of a range where you are permitted to use it.
My club is Small Bored Gallery Rifle (posh for saying "pistol calibers up to .45), so I cannot own a 5.56mm, 7.62mm, 7.92mm etc.
There is a club down Ammonford way that has a range of about 100yards, where aforementioned calibers are permitted.

The only real thing you can shoot here in the U.K are bolt-action rifles and shotguns (both requiring licenses and valid reasons for ownership).

Pretty sure that unless you join the Armed Forces or have some other exception you'll find it very difficult to shoot pistols or other rifle types.

Quick trip to U.S.A or Southern Asia in order?
Wrong on both accounts. As I've stated, you can shoot a variety of manually loaded pistols and rifles provided your a member of the correct gun club. Also, you have the right to own a shotgun without reason, the police may only provide a reason you may not own a shotggun.
Well my dad has a Henry .22 Long Rifle.

He lets me shoot it often, we have a big homemade target. If you shoot the board it spins around :D

Sorry, got no pics of it...

He also has a .38 Special.
A Henry .22 isn't that special of a rifle, just a replica lever-action. Not to degrade the gun, far from it. A levered .22 would be fun as hell to shoot. We just don't need pictures for proof, it's totally believable. Now if it was an original Henry, that would be something special and a whole new ballgame.
You sir, are a liar. I don't even like CoD games. That are incorrect in their portrayals of a military actions. I created Warbird. It is my most prized possession. I will not let anyone outside of my employees to get even a glimpse of it. It is entirely custom. I bought sheets of steel, and forged every single intricate part. Even the magazines are custom.

real or imaginary, i would have thought of a better name than warbird

sounds like what a will ferrel character would come up with
A Henry .22 isn't that special of a rifle, just a replica lever-action. Not to degrade the gun, far from it. A levered .22 would be fun as hell to shoot. We just don't need pictures for proof, it's totally believable. Now if it was an original Henry, that would be something special and a whole new ballgame.

Well we got it for $50.

But would you rather have a Henry .22 or a sock for defense if somebody broke into your house?
Wrong on both accounts. As I've stated, you can shoot a variety of manually loaded pistols and rifles provided your a member of the correct gun club. Also, you have the right to own a shotgun without reason, the police may only provide a reason you may not own a shotggun.

Try getting into one of those gun clubs, it's easier said than done. I know how difficult it can be, i've tried more than once (and I have shooting experience!).
Also, try exercising that right to own a shotgun. The police very rarely agree unless you are a full member of a shooting club or a farmer with the need for one.
Try getting into one of those gun clubs, it's easier said than done. I know how difficult it can be, i've tried more than once (and I have shooting experience!).
I know, which is why I said...
There are probably ranges in your area, but they'll be difficult to find and often admission is delayed unless you know someone within the club. Here's what my friend has to say on it.

Also, try exercising that right to own a shotgun. The police very rarely agree unless you are a full member of a shooting club or a farmer with the need for one.
Well if the only reason you can give is home defence then I think you're going to find it impossible. Otherwise, if you do a bit of clay pigeon/sport shooting first I think you'll get one no problem.

But I guess it helps I live semi-rural.
Well we got it for $50.

But would you rather have a Henry .22 or a sock for defense if somebody broke into your house?

Being in uk I can say that I feel a lot safer knowing that it's highly unlikely someones ever going to have a firearm if they did break into my house while we were upstairs sleeping, and that me being 6ft1" 100kg of muscular build I am highly likely to take down anyone that did break in, if uk had the same gun situations as other countries I would be much more nervous of such a situation.
Being in uk I can say that I feel a lot safer knowing that it's highly unlikely someones ever going to have a firearm if they did break into my house while we were upstairs sleeping, and that me being 6ft1" 100kg of muscular build I am highly likely to take down anyone that did break in, if uk had the same gun situations as other countries I would be much more nervous of such a situation.
But what if they did walk in with a shotgun? Or an illegal handgun? Or even a knife? Or even a plank with a nail in it?

The fact is, on the street you don't even have the right to carry a defensive weapon, and in your own home you'd probably be convicted for even touching an air-gun while your house was burgled.

And while you maybe of substantial build, what about your grandmother? Or your wife if you're not home?

Gun laws in the UK are pathetic and based on very, very few isolated circumstances. And now inner-city gangs are obtaining guns the government does nothing about it because they haven't got any better ideas than introducing a ban.

Well if the only reason you can give is home defence then I think you're going to find it impossible. Otherwise, if you do a bit of clay pigeon/sport shooting first I think you'll get one no problem.

But I guess it helps I live semi-rural.

I live out in the sticks and go to shoots (both clay and live game) regularly during the season and beat and share/hire guns whenever I can because the police won't allow me ownership. It's not a huge problem, but i'd love my own gun!

I also labour on a well-established farm in my spare time.
My boss (the farm owner) was denied ownership of a shotgun by the police because he couldn't prove it's intended use (even though he showed them the flocks of pigeons that are well due a blasting and the damage they are causing!)
He has been advised by various pest-control companies to get a shotgun, and even got it in writing to show the police! The answer was still no.

Maybe the police in my area are just super-strict?

On the subject of feeling safe... if somebody wants a gun bad enough, they're easy to get hold of. Being honest, i'd rather take on a guy with a gun than a knife if up close and personal. A gun can easily miss, a knife will take out a 6'1", 100kg male in seconds with a poorly aimed stab. I have had countless weapons pulled on me, and have NO interest in trying to disarm the guy holding them unless I have no choice. I practice Krav Maga and Muay Thai but even with this training I back down immediately.

Personal belongings can be replaced. Your life can't! Unless there is a direct threat to your life or the life of a loved one, cut the macho act and step down!
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I live out in the sticks and go to shoots (both clay and live game) regularly during the season and beat and share/hire guns whenever I can because the police won't allow me ownership. It's not a huge problem, but i'd love my own gun!

I also labour on a well-established farm in my spare time.
My boss (the farm owner) was denied ownership of a shotgun by the police because he couldn't prove it's intended use (even though he showed them the flocks of pigeons that are well due a blasting and the damage they are causing!)
He has been advised by various pest-control companies to get a shotgun, and even got it in writing to show the police! The answer was still no.

Maybe the police in my area are just super-strict?
Perhaps so. I know there are more than a few in my area, including my neighbour and a few of the old lads up the pub. Also a boy in my college class successfully applied for one on turning 18 because he also works a farm.

Oh and there's the guy with an air-rifle and a kestrel that hunts in the fields behind my house, but he doesn't need an FAC.
The point about my mother or my wife is a valid one, because I know
how I would feel about it if confronted by any kind if weapon, I feel I'm imposing enough and am of the natural inclination that I dont put my own safety first, but thats my personality issue, but obviously wouldnt want my family being hurt by some scum
On the subject of feeling safe... if somebody wants a gun bad enough, they're easy to get hold of. Being honest, i'd rather take on a guy with a gun than a knife if up close and personal. A gun can easily miss, a knife will take out a 6'1", 100kg male in seconds with a poorly aimed stab. I have had countless weapons pulled on me, and have NO interest in trying to disarm the guy holding them unless I have no choice. I practice Krav Maga and Muay Thai but even with this training I back down immediately.

Personal belongings can be replaced. Your life can't! Unless there is a direct threat to your life or the life of a loved one, cut the macho act and step down!
The point of carrying a defensive weapon isn't necessarily to use it. For example, most low level thieves aren't looking to hurt you, they just want your stuff. The step above that are the ones willing to rough you up. It's to bring that level of doubt into the offenders mind, they could get hurt.

Currently in the UK both these people can do so with (in most areas) 99% certainty the victim will not be carrying a weapon. That means there is no risk involved for them.

That disgusts me. And even with a handgun in my pocket, I'd still hand over the stuff if they asked, and certainly wouldn't shoot them in the back as they fled.
Well we got it for $50.

But would you rather have a Henry .22 or a sock for defense if somebody broke into your house?

Oh, don't take it the wrong way, nothing against the gun at all. It was just the way you said your dad had a Henry .22 but no pictures. It just sounded like you were trying to cover up some sort of unbelievable claim. In my head it read like someone trying to say "Well my dad has a Ferrari 250 GTO and he lets me drive it, but sorry no pictures." No disrespect, and $50 is a steal.
I've been into firearms for a few years. My first gun was a USP compact 9mm. I learned the basics of firing, correct stance and how to properly hold a firearm with this baby. With time i met pretty cool people on the range and made friends with impressive collections.

I've fired, Ak-47's MP5's, AR-15's, an H&K g3 that kicked like a mule, and a f2000. (i think that's what it's called not sure)

I started with the usp and now have 2 glocks, a 20 and recently a 23. Fantastic guns for the enthusiast. I really can't emphasize enough how light and enjoyable these guns are on the range. I'd say they are great for beginners and those with experience.

To me at least it's starting to be like a tattoos. I see a gun i like and i would like to buy it. I'm thinking of getting something automatic maybe an AR after i purchase my next weapon, another glock :) The Glock 30, .45cal :)

Here's the 23 ;)

real or imaginary, i would have thought of a better name than warbird

sounds like what a will ferrel character would come up with

The only reason I chose that name is because the hawk is my favorite animal. And Warhawk doesn't quite sit right with me, mostly because of the game with the same name. So I chose Warbird.
Glock stuff

A Glock 17 was the first handgun I fired. Definitely NOT a fan and don't think it would be great for most beginners. With their weird almost-double-action-but-not-quite it's just an odd trigger pull. Some sort of hammer-fired SA/DA would probably be more suitable with the lighter trigger pull in SA. Easier to concentrate on everything else, then put it in DA to learn trigger control. I shot a Ruger 9mm (I don't remember if it was a P95 or a P89, but it was definitely SA and wasn't an SR9) after the Glock and it was so much easier to fire and resulted in better groups.

The only reason I chose that name is because the hawk is my favorite animal. And Warhawk doesn't quite sit right with me, mostly because of the game with the same name. So I chose Warbird.

A silly name is fitting for an imaginary weapon. I call my super secret mega custom .50 BMG sniper rifle with a masterkey "Highlander" because there can be only one.
A silly name is fitting for an imaginary weapon. I call my super secret mega custom .50 BMG sniper rifle with a masterkey "Highlander" because there can be only one.

I know I've been on Facebook too much lately because I was looking for a way to "like" this. :lol:

Anyway, I just recently bought my first handgun, my second firearm. First gun was a never-been-fired SKS built in Tula, Russia in 1946. Accurate as hell and lots of fun to shoot. Handgun is a Springfield TRP in stainless. Also very accurate, also very fun.
God how I envy you americans with all your awesome guns.

The closest I can get to is shooting crappy air rifles.

To me at least it's starting to be like a tattoos. I see a gun i like and i would like to buy it.
Isn't that the truth? :lol:

That is a nice looking Glock you got there. 👍 When it comes to firearms, I think availability of ammo, so I automatically pass on .40 S&W in favor of 9mm & .45 ACP. The caliber sounds really good though, according to this thread. I currently have G17(screw you, Icarus lol), but when I get around to purchasing the second handgun, I want a .357 Magnum. From what I've read, it's the god's caliber as far as handgun ammunition go. :lol:
God how I envy you americans with all your awesome guns.

The closest I can get to is shooting crappy air rifles.
I was in the same boat, a boat called Japan. :D

As a kid growing up in Japan, I never imagined I could own, let alone shoot real guns. Then I ended up living in the States, now I get shoot them for recreation. Let me tell you, it is fun to shoot guns. Since I liked toy guns & airsoft as a kid, I feel very lucky to be here. It's a helluva hobby. I love it, not to mention the fact that it also gives me an option to use it as a defense weapon. I think I'm going to be applying for citizenship before too long!
Isn't that the truth? :lol:

That is a nice looking Glock you got there. 👍 When it comes to firearms, I think availability of ammo, so I automatically pass on .40 S&W in favor of 9mm & .45 ACP. The caliber sounds really good though, according to this thread. I currently have G17(screw you, Icarus lol), but when I get around to purchasing the second handgun, I want a .357 Magnum. From what I've read, it's the god's caliber as far as handgun ammunition go. :lol:

If you do get something in .357 Mag, put it in the back of your mind that you can also fire .38 Special rounds out of the weapon; I say that because .38 Special is cheaper and will allow you to shoot the firearm more often.

I was in the same boat, a boat called Japan. :D

As a kid growing up in Japan, I never imagined I could own, let alone shoot real guns. Then I ended up living in the States, now I get shoot them for recreation. Let me tell you, it is fun to shoot guns. Since I liked toy guns & airsoft as a kid, I feel very lucky to be here. It's a helluva hobby. I love it, not to mention the fact that it also gives me an option to use it as a defense weapon. I think I'm going to be applying for citizenship before too long!

I was just thinking about this today. I have still yet to buy a firearm and was thinking how I would like to go to the range to fire off a few rounds.
If you do get something in .357 Mag, put it in the back of your mind that you can also fire .38 Special rounds out of the weapon; I say that because .38 Special is cheaper and will allow you to shoot the firearm more often.
I'm aware of it, but that's what I got my 9mm for. :D
I was just thinking about this today. I have still yet to buy a firearm and was thinking how I would like to go to the range to fire off a few rounds.
Maybe you can print out some homemade JJ Barea targets? :P
Picked up some 12 gauge shells today. I'm stocked up pretty good on birdshot(small BB's), but I went to Walmart looking for value priced buckshot.

I picked up the usual slugs, buckshot. All remington, 2 3/4 inch. But this one box caught my eyes on the bottom shelf(not the actual photo):


Shotgun shell types & sizes are still sort of foreign to me, but it looked like birdshot on steroids in the illustration. It was called Nitro-Steel High Velocity Magnum. #4, which is the largest birdshot I've found so far. I had to buy it.

It is a 3" Magnum, so that's cool. But as I started reading the box after getting home, I started to get really nervous.

Remington Box
Steel shot use may damage some barrels. See gun manufacturer for recommendations.

After some googling, it seems that as long as you don't have some ancient shotgun, you have nothing to worry about.

Phew! Close one.
That's for duck hunting where lead shot is not allowed. Ancient stuff, too. They've got better loads for ducks these days.
I am 38 years old and had many firearms over my life. My two prize possessions now are a S&W 20 gage pump chambered for 3 inch bullet with modified choke. As for a cheap and inexpensive rifle to shoot I recently picked out a WASR2 5.45*39 assault rifle as the ammo is really cheap. Russian army surplus ammo is around $300 for over 2000 rounds . Future plans are to get a S&W M&P chambered for the same 5.45 rounds.
I am 38 years old and had many firearms over my life. My two prize possessions now are a S&W 20 gage pump chambered for 3 inch bullet with modified choke. As for a cheap and inexpensive rifle to shoot I recently picked out a WASR2 5.45*39 assault rifle as the ammo is really cheap. Russian army surplus ammo is around $300 for over 2000 rounds . Future plans are to get a S&W M&P chambered for the same 5.45 rounds.

I had never heard of either of those guns, or the 5.45. According to the Wikipedia, it's based on Romanian variant of the AK? And that it is imported by Century Arms and:
They are well-known for their low cost, and are widely considered "bottom of the barrel" AKs, but the rifles are still just as reliable as many of the other AK variants.[citation needed]
Have you had any misfire or feeding issue at all? Also, is it made in Romania?

I like AK's, so this sounds very interesting. I'd probably go with the 7.62 though.