Arizona is where conceal carry is permitted without permit, right? More I think about it, more exciting & scary that sounds.

While I'd trust over 90% of adults I know with guns, I'm sure we all know, or have had encounter(s) with people we'd be terrified to know that they might be carrying guns with them around town. I guess those people would eventually have record, prohibited from firearms anyway, but you guys see where I'm coming from.
I just don't want the hassle of getting a conceal carry permit, but sometime do think it would be cool(not great attitude or reason to carry, agreed lol) to be able to carry a handgun with me.
When I said .22LR I was talking about an actual rifle, and using that for sport shooting rather than handguns. Here, we have three categories of guns, Non restricted (Shotguns, long rifles, "regular" guns), Restricted (Handguns, shorter shotguns, certain rifles), and Prohibited firearms (Fully automatic guns, and some guns that are banned just because they look scary (like the AK-47)).
To get handguns, you have to take the restricted firearms course, and then there's a zillion restrictions. Locked case forever, you have to notify the police every time you transport it (only allowed to take it to a gun show, shooting range, or gun shop for repairs). And if you deviate from the designated route you have to take to where ever it is you're going with the handgun, you can be in serious 🤬.
I could theoretically be on my way to a gun range 20 minutes from my house, and grab a coffee at Tim Hortons one street out of the way, and face serious legal charges. But I'd be allowed to take the gun to a shop a 4 hour drive away if I wanted. You're allowed to have handguns, but it's just not worth the hassle. And ammunition is insane.
Yeah, I figured you were talking about rifles, but I mentioned 9mm because it was a small round, and I was familiar with them. I apologize as that did make it confusing.
Your comment regarding how it's not worth the hassle, I think it kinda hit it on the nail about how government take your guns away. When the liberal tries to take firearms away from the American people, while many envision the government forcibly confiscating guns away, realistically, I think they will keep on stacking up restrictions after restrictions on the firearm ownership until people don't even want to deal with the hassle of ownership anymore. I see signs of this in post from Solid Lifters about California, from Time Attack about Chicago or Illinois, about Australia from Jay.
I'm also a fan of Arizona in regards to stance on illegal immigration taken by their Governor. I believe in allowing immigrant workers, especially from south of the border, but it should be done legally. I'm not a expert or scholar on the subject, but I'd imagine the system is broken, or impractical. I think immigration should be fixed, U.S. should welcome migrant workers from Mexico with open arms, but they should only come in through the front door, not jumping over the fence through the backyard. And illegal babies born on U.S. soil are granted U.S. citizenship. Yeah, hell no.