Real Guns

  • Thread starter Calibretto
I'm not exactly downtown, but I have to drive for like an hour to spot where we could shoot. I've never been to a range. I wish I was in downtown. I could probably shoot in North Portland, and no one would notice.

There is a gun range within six miles of my house that I could shoot at if I had a handgun.
I wanted a truck so I bought a 2nd MR2. It made perfect sense at the time.
At least you are starting to sound smarter & smarter, so I'm very glad for you.

There is a gun range within six miles of my house that I could shoot at if I had a handgun.
There are couple within few miles of me, too(maybe 10). But one is spendy, plus you have to buy their expensive ammunition, and the other one is a club requiring membership. One that is membership sounds reasonable, plus I know couple of people who belong to it, so I might consider that one in the future.
That sounds suspiciously like an insult.

Besides trucks are overpriced around here if you want anything with any life left in it.
That sounds suspiciously like an insult.

Besides trucks are overpriced around here if you want anything with any life left in it.

Yeah, same here on the truck prices. Around this area, you'd have to drive up the mountain to go shooting, so, while I don't think I have to have a 4WD, people tell me I shouldn't buy a truck or SUV without it. That's when the prices shoot up(no pun intended).

I never thought I'd feel the need to purchase truck or SUV, or it would be for shooting guns. :crazy:
What about the SIG 522? It seems to be in the same price range as the 15-22 and it looks just as good. I've been reading about the ruger 10-22, keltec SU22 and the colt umarex but those don't really do it for me the way those other two do.
Do research the 15-22, it really is well done. I can't say much about the Sig, or the Kel-Tec, but a big bonus to the 15-22 is it accepts most AR accessories. I'd suggest just picking one up and playing with it in the store. I'm still in honeymoon mode right now, so perhaps ill be less infatuated with it later, for now though, I'm looking at option parts, and planning on leaving the big bore centerfire autoloaders alone for a long while. :lol:

Also, most AR-15 triggers are drop in replacement. RRA two stage? :D?

Another thing, Ruger 10-22's are amazing, accurate and dependable. You can't go wrong with that. The extended magazine are however lacking...
I've watched a few videos and read some reviews on the 15-22. So far I really like it. I'm not sure if it looks better than the SIG but I know I don't really like looks of the Ruger or Keltec which really puts me off of those.

As far as actually looking at one in real life that might be hard. I've been looking around for a dealer and I'm not sure where I could find one locally.
Any big box outdoor store should have them. Gander, Cabelas, Bass Pro, Dicks.

I know the Rugers don't look like much, but they are a really good rifle, and the mods are endless.
We do have a Dicks in town but I'm not sure what if any guns they carry. There is a gander mountain about 40 miles from here apparently. I've never been there so I don't know what their selection is like.
There are couple within few miles of me, too(maybe 10). But one is spendy, plus you have to buy their expensive ammunition, and the other one is a club requiring membership. One that is membership sounds reasonable, plus I know couple of people who belong to it, so I might consider that one in the future.

The one within six miles of my house was $7 for unlimited range use for the day. I have not been in months though, so I have no idea if that is still the case.
We do have a Dicks in town but I'm not sure what if any guns they carry. There is a gander mountain about 40 miles from here apparently. I've never been there so I don't know what their selection is like.
A lot of stores in my area carries the Ruger, including Dicks. If you wait for the sale, you should be able to pick one up way below $200. If you are going to buy just one gun though, I'd suggest you get something with larger caliber. Don't get me wrong, .22LR are dirt cheap, and very popular. But in my view, it's mostly recreational. If you are going to have just one firearm, I think it should double as a considerable weapon.

This reminds me of interesting conversation I had at work today. If you can keep just one firearm, which one would it be? I'd keep the Glock G17, my coworker says Ruger GP100 .357 Magnum.
The one within six miles of my house was $7 for unlimited range use for the day. I have not been in months though, so I have no idea if that is still the case.

I'd be there every other week. :lol:
The cost of ammo has a lot to do with what I chose. I'd love something in a 556 but the rifle alone is several hundred less than a decent entry level AR15 let alone the fact that I could shoot all day for the price of a couple mags worth of 556.

Granted it won't be the best for home defense but again I don't care about that. I live in a decent area and if someone did ever break in a face full of hollow points even in only .22lr will send them running.

Anyway next chance I get I think I'm going to pick up a foid card application and then maybe in a month or so I could actually buy something.
I don't know man. In home defense situation, if I had a choice between my .22LR and a claw bar, I think I'd go for the claw bar.

I said my piece. If you are going for .22, Ruger would be a good choice, if you want to go thrifty. It is the most popular .22, and parts are plenty available. .22 M4's and Sigs are super sweet, I'm not gonna lie. But in that price range, I'd go for a handgun, personally.

Edit: If you end up getting a 10/22, you might be able to buy a .22LR pistol with the leftover. :lol:
I'm pretty well over a pistol. I see no point in owning one in this state. I still plan on looking at the 10-22 more but if its between that and an AR pattern rifle I figure that AR style 22 would make it a lot easier to switch over to the full size caliber rifle if I ever decide I can afford one.
The cost of ammo has a lot to do with what I chose. I'd love something in a 556 but the rifle alone is several hundred less than a decent entry level AR15 let alone the fact that I could shoot all day for the price of a couple mags worth of 556.
I have an olympic arms k16 in .556. This gun has never given me a hiccup, even with cheap ammo. They are not that expensive either, you can find them now for around 650.
FWIW, I'd take my .22 after handling it over my 7.62 rifle, just because its so light and maneuverable. .22 may seem weak, but I guarantee you, its not against soft things like people, and not to mention the HV rounds that push it into .22 mag territory. That said, its not ideal for defense, but it will more than do the job. No recoil goes a long way. :lol:
How many of you guys watch Top Shot on The History Channel? Some of the challenges they put them through are insane. They pick a lot of interesting weapons as well. There's a lot of current and former military and law enforcement, so you'd expect them to be very proficient, but even the people who are World/National Champs with a particular weapon can hold their own. I wish I had the time and money to try and be just 1/4 as good as those guys. They're going big this season, bringing out a .50 cal sniper rifle for one of the challenges. I can't wait for that episode.
I try to catch Top Shot whenever I can. I tend to miss the first showing of each new episode, but fortunately the History is good about re-airing episodes.
While googling for places to shoot in Oregon, ran into some useful information:
Target Shooting on BLM Lands

Frequently Asked Questions

Hunting & Shooting Sports

* Frequently Asked Questions

1. Where can I target shoot?

You can target shoot on any public lands (BLM) that have not been administratively closed to target shooting, and where target shooting is not prohibited by other state law or statute. (An example of a prohibited act in many states is shooting on public lands across a highway or in close proximity to buildings and structures.) The BLM has a few formally designated target ranges specifically designed and managed expressly or solely for target shooting purposes. The BLM does not manage these facilities; they are managed by other parties for public use.

2. What is a shooting closure?

A shooting closure is the prohibition of the discharge or use of firearms or dangerous weapons for the purposes of target shooting in posted areas. This order does not prohibit the discharge of firearms or dangerous weapons while person(s) are engaged in bonafide hunting activities during established hunting seasons and who are properly licensed for these activities.

3. Why does the BLM close public land areas to shooting?

The BLM has closed certain areas to protect persons, property, and resources located in these areas from the use of firearms or other dangerous weapons.

4. How can I determine what areas are closed to shooting?

Information about BLM public land areas that are closed to shooting is available at the BLM Field Offices and will be posted on site. In addition, you cannot shoot in developed recreation sites and/or areas, including campgrounds.

5. What is a developed site and/or area?

Developed sites and areas means sites and areas that contain structures and improvements primarily used by the public for recreational purposes. Such sites or areas may include any or all of the following: delineated spaces for parking, camping or boat launching, sanitary facilities, potable water, grills or fire rings, tables, controlled access, and/or kiosk sites.

6. How can I tell if I am in an area closed or open to shooting?

It is your responsibility to contact the agency that manages the land that you are planning to visit to learn of any prohibited acts, closures, restrictions, etc. Most closures and restrictions have been posted on site.

7. What are BLM’s shooting regulations?

You can not discharge dangerous weapons or target shoot in developed recreation sites and/or areas which have been administratively closed to target shooting.

8. What is the difference between hunting and shooting?

Hunting is to take or pursue a reptile, amphibian, bird or mammal by any means.
Shooting is the discharge of a firearm and or lethal weapon, primarily at targets, in a non-hunting manner.

9. Can I hunt in an area closed to shooting?

A shooting closure is the prohibition of the discharge or use of firearms or dangerous weapons for the purposes of target shooting in posted areas. This order does not prohibit the discharge of firearms or dangerous weapons while person(s) are engaged in bonafide hunting activities during established hunting seasons and are properly licensed for these activities.

10. What is a hunters safety course?

Hunters Safety is an educational course which teaches and encourages hunter ethics, firearm safety, and survival skills. This course is required for the purchase of a hunting license in most states.

11. Where can I take a hunters safety course?

Contact the state Division of Wildlife Resources in the state in which you live or visit their website.

12. What happens if I get caught shooting in an area closed to shooting on public land?

You will face citation and or arrest by a State or Federal Official.

If you have more questions, please contact:

BLM Contact
Frank Jenks
BLM Shooting Sports Coordinator

Link to the page

Another link also to BLM page regarding hunting & shooting sports

Sure clarified couple of things for me.
I found it while I was looking for info regarding Oregon. The info & the site is national. Illinois is almost Canada though.....
I think of Illinois as being like a cold California. Plenty of liberal whack jobs, debt and silly laws with none of the nice weather and beaches to make up for it.
That's not true. It's more like.......

Michael Jordan.

The end.

You should check out the site. I searched for Oregon page, and they actually sell maps that shows where these BLM districts are. You can't view it online, or even purchase them online, but I plan on ordering one. If I could find new spots to go shooting, maybe somewhere closer to where I am, that would be sweet bonuses.
Oh my god, he did not just go there.

I might finally be going shootin' this Sunday. Man, I'm excited. First chance to get to fire my shotgun. And one of the guys bought this:

Mossberg 590 Security. Along with Benelli, my 870, we'll be doing a lot of 12-gauge shooting. :D I have to remember to take my camera with me again, take some pictures.

Uploaded with
Except he no longer plays basketball for the Bulls or the NBA for that matter.
He left these things behind for TA's people to remember him by....
My people... Ha. I'm not from Chicago. Those looney tunes can have themselves.

This local automotive website I'm on is planning to have a local shooting day sometime I think. I know one guy just bought an F2000 among other things. Do you guys think I'd be out of place if I asked to go and fire off a few rounds if I payed for the ammo? To be honest I've only ever held a gun I've never actually had the chance to fire one.