Real Guns

  • Thread starter Calibretto
I have recently applied Rem Oil on my 870 Shotgun. It's supposed to clean & lubricate.

That stuff doesn't clean worth a damn. It is a very good oil though and it will not burn off after 10 shots like some stuff out there.

I use it myself...but only as a lube.

For cleaning; Hoppe's and CRC Mass Airflow Cleaner work awesome. The CRC stuff will not harm polymers and does a very good job removing residue and oils while drying in seconds. You can get the stuff at Walmart or most auto parts stores too. Smells a open a window.
I was always taught the first thing you do is break down the weapon and clean it --learn how it operates --how to un jam it --remove the slide , magazine . So natuaraly part of this would include a cleaning and oiling is a firarm and if something wasn't assembled correctly or its not clear--it can burst and fragment at worse --or just jam or bend your mag or feed --So why not take the time to be familiar with what you will shoot ? Some jams --or even a bad round --will require you know how to break the weapon down anyway , May as well get some pratice.

That's a good point, but when you get something new and shiny..

Ahem, in all seriousness, you're right, I'll probably do that.

I have recently applied Rem Oil on my 870 Shotgun. It's supposed to clean & lubricate.

Don't use CLP products! They don't clean very well, don't lubricate very well, and don't protect very well...they're the proverbial "all-season tire".

Use a proper cleaner (Hoppe's ) and a good oil.

For cleaning; Hoppe's and CRC Mass Airflow Cleaner work awesome. The CRC stuff will not harm polymers and does a very good job removing residue and oils while drying in seconds. You can get the stuff at Walmart or most auto parts stores too. Smells a open a window.

Thanks for the suggestions, guys. Any other ones that I should keep in mind (for both metal and polymer framed gun)?
I'm also a complete noob, but I have read somewhere before that some really good cleaners could damage polymers, so if you have plastic on your gun, I'd make sure it's safe for that stuff.
That stuff doesn't clean worth a damn. It is a very good oil though and it will not burn off after 10 shots like some stuff out there.

I use it myself...but only as a lube.

For cleaning; Hoppe's and CRC Mass Airflow Cleaner work awesome. The CRC stuff will not harm polymers and does a very good job removing residue and oils while drying in seconds. You can get the stuff at Walmart or most auto parts stores too. Smells a open a window.
Too bad about Rem Oil. My 870 came new covered in black grease. Rem Oil did clean that up very well.

What do you think about Break Free? They make several cleaners, and I've heard some good things. Hoppe's, I do have some of that, I will give it a shot. I also recently was given Militec? Bottle says "metal conditioner". Supposed to be really effective lubricant + protectant. CRC's an interesting choice. Might look into that one, too. 👍
My current collection. All legal :)
M4 Carbine, Remington 700LTR Sniper Rifle, Beretta Storm, FAL
Kimber Tactical Custom II, H&K 9mm, H&K subcompact .40 LEM, S&W Snub nose .38,
And a PK .380
I'm also a complete noob, but I have read somewhere before that some really good cleaners could damage polymers, so if you have plastic on your gun, I'd make sure it's safe for that stuff.

Too bad about Rem Oil. My 870 came new covered in black grease. Rem Oil did clean that up very well.

What do you think about Break Free? They make several cleaners, and I've heard some good things. Hoppe's, I do have some of that, I will give it a shot. I also recently was given Militec? Bottle says "metal conditioner". Supposed to be really effective lubricant + protectant. CRC's an interesting choice. Might look into that one, too. 👍

Break Free CLP is terrible. It takes forever to properly clean the gun and the oil will burn off your gun within 2 magazines. I would use transmission fluid to clean a barrel before that stuff. I haven't used any of their dedicated cleaning solutions though.

Break Free gun oil is very good though, but I like the RemOil you already have a bit better. 3-400 rounds down range and there's still a thin layer on the barrel. It'll be dirty, but it's still doing its job.

The CRC MAF cleaner is like $3. Squirt a little where you insert the mag to see if there's any bleaching or discoloration. With Sigs and HKs; I've had zero problems and can blast that stuff anywhere on the gun w/o worry.

Get a bore snake and store it in a zip-lock bag. It'll cut down cleaning time immensely and it's really easy to use. Soak it in Hoppe's (or whatever bore cleaner), pull it through the bore 3x, follow it up w/a cleaning square to remove any excess cleaner; DONE. If the 1st thing you do is wet the barrel in bore cleaner and let it soak in while you clean the rest of the gun; the barrel will be sparkly clean in under a minute w/a bore snake.

With Hoppe's, a toothbrush, a couple cleaning squares, a bore snake, and a can of CRC MAF Cleaner - I can probably clean the whole gun within a commercial break. With a CLP product and no MAF cleaner or bore snake; 30+ min.
Single action????

Gong to a gun show this weekend. I've been to just one before, so I'm pretty excited about it. I plan to look for reloads(ammunition) & accessories, mostly. I just hope I don't come home broke. :D
Single action????

Gong to a gun show this weekend. I've been to just one before, so I'm pretty excited about it. I plan to look for reloads(ammunition) & accessories, mostly. I just hope I don't come home broke. :D

Write yourself a list of what youre looking for and price check everything before you go. Good luck
Started my list a few weeks ago. :D
I wonder if you can buy black ops there. Hmmm...
No, but I'm gonna buy a buckshot with your name on it. I saw you following me in the MW2 thread, mothertrucker. :lol: Even guys at work pretty much gave up on me at this point.
Well, I just got back from my local gun show. As I told Omnis, I had a list of stuff I was going to check out at the show? I did what old people generally do with such list. I left it at home.

My list consisted of:

Shotgun sling - No-go. Not enough selection, overpriced.

Ammo - I picked up couple boxes of cheap 9mm(Federal) for $10, ea. A boxes of Winchester & Remington hallow point, also at decent prices.

Ammo can - I bought one at surplus store for $15, just couple of weeks ago. Got one here for $8. :guilty:

Hogue grip - Made for Glock, but to go on the pistol grip of my shotgun. They were $20 - $25. I thought they were cheaper online, so I decided not to get it.

Glock magazines - I was going to go for one 33-round clip & one 17-round clip. Came home with just one 17-round clip. They had the extended one at $38, which is a good price, but I already got one, and I didn't see the need for it. 17's plenty, and I'd rather buy more ammo with the money.

.375 H7H - Some big ass rifle rounds, for my coworker. Box of 20 for $39.99 & up. I gave him a call, but didn't tell me to get it. He's going to the show tomorrow, so he might get them himself.

Maxpedition gear - Really nice line of gears. Unfortunately, I didn't see any on display.

I forgot to add on the list, but I was also after a soft case for my shotgun. I picked one up for $28. Not the nicest, not the cheapest, but the look, price, quality were right along what I needed, so I got it. All in all, it was worth the trip. I picked up two more 12-gauge snap caps, too(empty practice shells). $12, which was better than what I paid online. 👍
How was the actual gun show itself? Big? Lots of people? Was it mostly dealers or were there any manufacturers?

I've never been to an actual gun show, so what exactly are they like?
How was the actual gun show itself? Big? Lots of people? Was it mostly dealers or were there any manufacturers?

I've never been to an actual gun show, so what exactly are they like?
They look like this:




I really should have taken my camera with me, as with all the stuff that they have, possibilities are endless. Pink camo's, stun guns, ninjutsu weapons... you get the idea. :D

It was all vendors at two gun shows I've ever been to. They feature handful of biggest gun shops in the area, bunch of small vendors and a few private sellers. I wasn't going to buy a gun, so the fun stuff was the miscellaneous crap for me. They sell Native American stuff, Western, tactical, cheap Chinese toys, knives, ammos, survival stuff, hunting ground memberships, jerkys, million different types of gears. They had couple of decent military surplus shops, too. One I bought the ammo can from had one of these for $3500:


Believe me when I say we wanted it. It looked really good, cosmetically. Looked much better than in this pic, and couldn't care less if it ran or not. :lol:

Edit: They must've drove it in. I highly doubt that they towed the sucker in!
Probably gets couple miles to a gallon. :lol: It would be kick ass to drive one of them to shooting though. Too bad it probably seat up to maybe three. :D
Probably gets couple miles to a gallon. :lol: It would be kick ass to drive one of them to shooting though. Too bad it probably seat up to maybe three. :D

I drove a Duece (like the one in your picture) when I was stationed in Hawaii in the Navy, we used the truck to haul the periscopes from Submarines. The truck kicks A$$, it is 6 wheel drive, runs on gasoline or diesel (preferred), and carries two in the cab and there are benches in the back.
I drove a Duece (like the one in your picture) when I was stationed in Hawaii in the Navy, we used the truck to haul the periscopes from Submarines. The truck kicks A$$, it is 6 wheel drive, runs on gasoline or diesel (preferred), and carries two in the cab and there are benches in the back.
I can afford the truck, but probably not the fuel. Gas or diesel. :lol:

I forgot that they do have benches in the back. With all the war films I've seen, I have no excuse!

Edit: :lol: @TA's comment.
Single action????
Yup. Ordered it yesterday, should be here in a few days. Got a holster for it already, and I've got new grips on the way. Toss-up right now between pearl and ivory grips.

Oh, and the truck's diesel. So yeah.. even more expensive. :)

Benches? Yes. Comfortable benches? No. Doesn't stop you from sleeping on the way to the range at 3:30AM, though. :)
Yup. Ordered it yesterday, should be here in a few days. Got a holster for it already, and I've got new grips on the way. Toss-up right now between pearl and ivory grips.

Oh, and the truck's diesel. So yeah.. even more expensive. :)

Benches? Yes. Comfortable benches? No. Doesn't stop you from sleeping on the way to the range at 3:30AM, though. :)
I remember you posting how you were in the Army, shot bunch of guns.... What do you have now? If your latest purchase is a single action revolver, I'd assume you got yourself a nice little collection..... :D
They look like this:

They have body building competitions there? :odd:

They had couple of decent military surplus shops, too. One I bought the ammo can from had one of these for $3500:


That's pretty freaking cool. That counts as a pickup truck right? Here in WA state, if you run out of seat/seatbelts in a pickup, you can legally drive people in the bed. :lol:

I would like to go to a gun show sometime, but the only two good ones in the area are closed to a gun club's members.
They have body building competitions there? :odd:
Come on, that was funny. OK, maybe not.
That's pretty freaking cool. That counts as a pickup truck right? Here in WA state, if you run out of seat/seatbelts in a pickup, you can legally drive people in the bed. :lol:
Nice. :lol:
I would like to go to a gun show sometime, but the only two good ones in the area are closed to a gun club's members.
This is the one I went to today. I don't know how big their dates are in Washington, but they do go through there.

I don't believe that any of major gun shows would be restricted to club members. I suggest that you get a gun before attending, as it can be bit overwhelming to look for particular guns there. People are generally too busy to pay you much attention, and I don't believe that prices are any lower than standard prices. Don't get me wrong, you will see some deals. Brand new Romanian AK47s were calling my name today, and it was heartbreaking walking away. :lol: Take lot of cash, too. If you are shopping, gun shows are way more fun.
I remember you posting how you were in the Army, shot bunch of guns.... What do you have now? If your latest purchase is a single action revolver, I'd assume you got yourself a nice little collection..... :D
Marines, actually. We're kinda sticklers about that.. hehe. ;)

Actually, this revolver is just #2 for me. I've got a little .380 automatic that I need to get off my rear and get a Concealed Carry license for. It's the perfect size for it.

Right now, I don't really need a gun for any particular purpose. I've got the automatic for defense.. it's small and easy to use. I don't do any hunting or anything, so I'm basically at the point where I just get what I want to get. Combine that with watching a bunch of westerns, and.... :)

The Ruger's the best of both worlds, though. On the outside, it's pretty much a Peacemaker. On the inside, it's a fully modern gun, with modern safeties and slightly different mechanisms that eliminate some of the problems that the Colt has (the biggest example being that you can actually load all six chambers safely). And for about a third of the cost.. hehe.

And if I did ever need to use it in defense, it's still a .45, and puts really big holes in things. I think it may even have some advantages over automatics, and that's because of its disadvantages compared to automatics. I've only got six shots, and I've got to take the time to cock the hammer between shots (granted, it's about a half a second, but still). The result is that I'd be more careful to make sure that the shots I do let fly count for something, instead of just spraying bullets in the general direction of the target. If your first shot's a good one, you won't need a second. Something I probably can't say about the .380.. I'd probably toss at least three rounds at a threat before pausing to see the effect. And I've got two magazines for that one.. I can throw fourteen rounds downrange in ten seconds, easy.
Marines, actually. We're kinda sticklers about that.. hehe. ;)
My bad on that one. :lol:

Interesting choice on the Ruger then. I'm not a huge fan of single action myself, so combine that with you being a former Marine, I assumed that maybe you had two of everything, and this was an variety addition. :P Don't get me wrong, single action is very cool, and I'm sure it's super slick for the fan of the Westerns. 👍