Real Guns

  • Thread starter Calibretto
They'll deliver the bang for your buck. Maybe you can live off cup noodles for a month? :lol:

I have the money to spend, but spending the money while saving to buy a house is tough to do, especially when I just dropped a chuck of change on a new laptop. Fortunately, my car is nearly paid off, so that will keep more money in my wallet.

Edit: Brett, I read up on the SP2022. The guns small! And it holds 10 rounds? Unless it's going to be a conceal carry, I'd get something that would hold more than 10 rounds of 9mm....

The SIG SP2022 is a full size pistol. The stuff you were reading were probably from people in states with bans on magazine size. In Oklahoma, the SP2022 would come with 15 round magazines. The P226 has magazines that will hold 18 and 20 rounds and having never looked into larger magazine sizes for the SP2022, so I am going to do a quick bit of research. After a quick bit of research, looks like 15 round is the largest magazine capacity for the SP2022.

In my last post, I said the P229 is the compact version of the P226, which is true, but it not the most compact SIG. SIG also makes the P239, which has a single stack magazine that cuts down on size quite a bit and was designed to be a backup gun for concealed carry. SIG has the P238 and the P238 is a pocket pistol; it fires the .380 ACP and looks like a miniature 1911.
I have the money to spend, but spending the money while saving to buy a house is tough to do, especially when I just dropped a chuck of change on a new laptop. Fortunately, my car is nearly paid off, so that will keep more money in my wallet.

The SIG SP2022 is a full size pistol. The stuff you were reading were probably from people in states with bans on magazine size. In Oklahoma, the SP2022 would come with 15 round magazines. The P226 has magazines that will hold 18 and 20 rounds and having never looked into larger magazine sizes for the SP2022, so I am going to do a quick bit of research. After a quick bit of research, looks like 15 round is the largest magazine capacity for the SP2022.

In my last post, I said the P229 is the compact version of the P226, which is true, but it not the most compact SIG. SIG also makes the P239, which has a single stack magazine that cuts down on size quite a bit and was designed to be a backup gun for concealed carry. SIG has the P238 and the P238 is a pocket pistol; it fires the .380 ACP and looks like a miniature 1911.

I going down this afternoon to (hopefully) order a Springfield XD-40 Sub-Compact with Trijicon sights. I looked at the pistol last week with standard sights, my Springfield 1911 has Trijicon sights and I prefer those. Just curious what the cost difference will be due to the sights. The XD-40 uses a staggered clip 9+1 or 12+1 with a 3" barrel. I carry concealed and the 1911 is a little difficult without a jacket.
Which reminds me, Springfield XD seems to be really popular handgun, especially as an alternative to people who doesn't care for Glock. Guy at work has the .45, he really likes it.
I like to expand my long gun collection but its not easy to find rifle ranges near Phila .
I used to love rifles, hated shotguns. It's not easy to find public land to shoot, period, but it's even harder to find area big enough to shoot something like a bolt-action rifle. This was the very reason why I went from wanting a rifle to shopping for shotgun. Sometimes, I wish I lived in middle of nowhere. Probably not. :lol:
I have the money to spend, but spending the money while saving to buy a house is tough to do, especially when I just dropped a chuck of change on a new laptop. Fortunately, my car is nearly paid off, so that will keep more money in my wallet.
Yeah.... I guess that could restrict your spending. :lol: I guess it's a good time to buy homes though. Good luck with that Brett. 👍

The SIG SP2022 is a full size pistol. The stuff you were reading were probably from people in states with bans on magazine size. In Oklahoma, the SP2022 would come with 15 round magazines. The P226 has magazines that will hold 18 and 20 rounds and having never looked into larger magazine sizes for the SP2022, so I am going to do a quick bit of research. After a quick bit of research, looks like 15 round is the largest magazine capacity for the SP2022.

In my last post, I said the P229 is the compact version of the P226, which is true, but it not the most compact SIG. SIG also makes the P239, which has a single stack magazine that cuts down on size quite a bit and was designed to be a backup gun for concealed carry. SIG has the P238 and the P238 is a pocket pistol; it fires the .380 ACP and looks like a miniature 1911.
The SP2022 I saw online definitely was a conceal size pistol. I must've have looked it up wrong. 15 rounds sounds just right. 👍 I didn't know anything about these SIG pistols, other than P226 & P229. Thanks for the info, I'd like to look those up sometime(really bad idea lol).
I just bought a gun.

an airsoft gun... Same thing right?:P
I'm hoping that you didn't really spend cash on a airsoft. If so, return it now, save the money for the real deal! :lol:
Which reminds me, Springfield XD seems to be really popular handgun, especially as an alternative to people who doesn't care for Glock. Guy at work has the .45, he really likes it.

I went down to my local gun dealer and ordered the Springfield XD 40 3" sub compact with Meprolight Tritium sights. I chose the Springfield XD due to both the trigger and grip safety that are designed into the gun since I carry CCW. I also chose this pistol since my other CCW carry is a Springfield M1911 .45 so the XD was an easy decision for me. I have shot numerous Glocks and they are great guns.
pssssssssssssh have you seen how much an M14 EBR goes for...
Every wee bit counts! Before I bought my 870 Tactical, guy at work offered me one shotgun for $50, another guy, another shotgun for $150. I passed on both, because that's $50, or $150 I can save towards the one I wanted. ;)

P.S. I took off the factory stock off last night, took only a few minutes. Got the new Blackhawk Knoxx stock in the mail today, got it on in another just few minutes. I was about to take the picture for you guys, only to see none of my rechargeable batteries had any juice left in them. I'm recharging them now. :crazy:
I went down to my local gun dealer and ordered the Springfield XD 40 3" sub compact with Meprolight Tritium sights. I chose the Springfield XD due to both the trigger and grip safety that are designed into the gun since I carry CCW. I also chose this pistol since my other CCW carry is a Springfield M1911 .45 so the XD was an easy decision for me. I have shot numerous Glocks and they are great guns.
Yeah, the kid with the XD, he actually hates Glock due to the safety mechanism in the Glock. They actually had me scared at first as well. I'm adjusted to them now. :)

Edit: It gets better. I had to go to a basketball game tonight, but I charged the batteries just enough to snap couple of pics. Now, I can't find the transfer cable. Loser!(not talking about the cable)
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Geeze; haven't gone shooting in AGES. Used to go with my dad to the range when I was a kid, before wife and marriage and all that.

Grew up shooting the usual suspects for handgun ammunition; .22, .38, .357, .44, .45. Never clocked any time on a rifle or shotgun, though I wouldn't be opposed to trying it out.
I'd love to try out the .357 Mag. 👍

Finally got the pic of my Remington 870 Tactical with the Blackhawk Knoxx stock:


I posted the picture sideways in attempt to showcase the gun better. Sorry if it looks trippy. The gun is completely stock, except for this new ..... uhhh, stock. It's adjustable up to 4"(shortest setting pictured), and is designed to reduce recoil. I wasn't sure about the look of this stock at first, but it looks much better than in pics I saw online. As mentioned, I have the length set at it's shortest setting, and it feels much better than its' original stock length. I also hated the look of the original stock, so I'm very happy with the purchase. It also says that Blackhawk will warranty this stock of any defect for the life of the owner(hopefully they mean me lol), as long as the item is registered with them. Very good! 👍
Wheres the before

The stock looks uglier in real life, and the plastic felt cheap.

Edit: I was able to correct the lighting on the second picture. My photo taking skill is so bad, I'm surprised that I was able to recover this one. Originally, it was all dark & red. :crazy:

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It looks like you're ready to go kick in some doors.
Completely for the looks. :lol: I think Remington call that choke a "breacher". I didn't know what it meant at the time, I just liked the looks of it on their other shotgun(my former #1 choice), 887 Tactical. I guess you are supposed to press the jagged edge to the door hinge, lock, and those holes on the side of the choke disperse the pressure when you fire to keep the gun from blowing up. Yeah, I'll be using that a lot. :lol:
Yeah I doubt you'd use that much. If anyone were ever to break into your home you'd just corner camp the hell out of them. They'd never see it coming...
I'd love to try out the .357 Mag. 👍

Finally got the pic of my Remington 870 Tactical with the Blackhawk Knoxx stock:


I posted the picture sideways in attempt to showcase the gun better. Sorry if it looks trippy. The gun is completely stock, except for this new ..... uhhh, stock. It's adjustable up to 4"(shortest setting pictured), and is designed to reduce recoil. I wasn't sure about the look of this stock at first, but it looks much better than in pics I saw online. As mentioned, I have the length set at it's shortest setting, and it feels much better than its' original stock length. I also hated the look of the original stock, so I'm very happy with the purchase. It also says that Blackhawk will warranty this stock of any defect for the life of the owner(hopefully they mean me lol), as long as the item is registered with them. Very good! 👍


Wheres the before

Is a scope next?

I think a Trijicon reflex would look pretty bad-ass on that. (honestly)
I am a total tool when it comes to this gun, so yes, I am considering some sort of red dot sight. :P It's a toy for me, so I tell myself it's OK to make it pretty....

Another thing I'm considering, purely for looks, is the pistol-type foregrip. I don't think I care for the mechanics, but it looks really cool.
I vote red tiger stripe so all those noobs know you gots teh skillz. 👍
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare reference, to those not familiar with the game.

I suck at shotgun so bad, both in real life & in CoD, I don't even deserve the standard camos. :dopey:
Thanks, breaky-break! :D
I told Time_Attack about shotgun I was offered for $150. It looked exactly like this one.
Completely for the looks. :lol: I think Remington call that choke a "breacher". I didn't know what it meant at the time, I just liked the looks of it on their other shotgun(my former #1 choice), 887 Tactical. I guess you are supposed to press the jagged edge to the door hinge, lock, and those holes on the side of the choke disperse the pressure when you fire to keep the gun from blowing up. Yeah, I'll be using that a lot. :lol:

You can also use it in a thrusting manner to hit someone. Granted, firing the weapon would be more effective; but if push comes to shove, it is an option. The choke is also designed to breach glass.
That 870 T makes me want to look further into the rifle/shotgun laws here in Aus (much easier than handguns), very nice gun a6m5. 👍

A chainsaw bayonet might come in handy and would look quite good on that 870. I guarantee you'll be the only kid on the block with a tactical chainsaw anyway...

(I'd buy something like that in a heartbeat)
I am speechless. :lol:
You can also use it in a thrusting manner to hit someone. Granted, firing the weapon would be more effective; but if push comes to shove, it is an option. The choke is also designed to breach glass.
I've read about those two features before, too, but I was somewhat skeptical about the first, and breaking glass thing, I didn't know what to make of that. :dopey: They do call the gun & the choke a "tactical", so I guess it does make sense. More I think about it, the choke is completely useless to me, but still very purdy!
That 870 T makes me want to look further into the rifle/shotgun laws here in Aus (much easier than handguns), very nice gun a6m5. 👍
Thanks Jay. For me, shotgun was cheaper than rifles or handguns here, with base Remington 870 available around $300(mine was $460), and there was a $30 rebate available when I bought mine. Another factor was that, like handguns, you don't need a very big area to go shoot them. I'd love something along the lines of bolt-action rifle, but I don't have any places to shoot them around where I live. Bummer.
I am a total tool when it comes to this gun, so yes, I am considering some sort of red dot sight. :P It's a toy for me, so I tell myself it's OK to make it pretty....

If you get a dot sight, make it a small (short) one. That stock you have on it now is for using regualr sights. It's too low for use with a dot sight or scope.

If you want a dot sight or scope, you need to get a stock like on mine. (pic below)

If you get a dot sight, make it a small (short) one. That stock you have on it now is for using regualr sights. It's too low for use with a dot sight or scope.

If you want a dot sight or scope, you need to get a stock like on mine. (pic below)

What kind of shotgun is that? It's really nice. 👍 How do you like the foregrip? If there's a "pro" to that type of foregrip(pistol type), what is it?
I want to fire this one, just to break my shoulder.
Yeah, no. lol
What kind of shotgun is that? It's really nice. 👍 How do you like the foregrip? If there's a "pro" to that type of foregrip(pistol type), what is it?

The shotgun was once a Police 870.

I like the foregrip just fine. It's set up the way I want it. Completely custom.

Not sure I understand your second question about 'pro' but there are pistol grips you can mount on the picatinny rail. I mounted a M4 style forend grip. The forend on my tactical shotgun is a Surefire M69 with various items attached.

I'm not sure if thats an artillery shell or a sex toy.
Why can't it be both? :crazy:
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Talk about having power between your legs... Thats one crotch rocket I don't wanna ride.

OK, that seems fair.

What I like about that particular round of ammo is you can notice that bullet was hand-rotated on a lathe. Plus, the length of it! You can tell it is seated all the way down to that guy's thumb. That's one heavy, long bullet!