How about you, BrutherSuperior? Do you conceal carry your compact USP? What do you think about that gun overall and it vs. the non-compact USP?
Talking of which though, where IS Solid Lifters?
On Glocks; I can't shoot those things worth a damn. Something about them, or me, that just doesn't click.
There's no CCW in Illinois or California. Hell, most of my guns are not even legal in CA b/c of the barrels & magazines. But I've since relocated from San Diego so there's no need for you to call the government.
Between the 4 HKs I have; I like the compacts the most and for some odd reason, I'm insanely accurate with them (have 2; a compact tactical and standard .45 compact). The full-size tactical has the fancy trigger and sights, a little less recoil, but I'm not as good with that gun for some reason. The Mk23 I shoot the least; this gun is better if your target is 25 yards or more away. The thing is gigantic but it's a pussycat to shoot. Real smooth and despite its size, it feels great.
But between all , the one I couldn't live without is the compact and the one I'd sell tomorrow would be the full size. I can rapid fire 8+1 in an area smaller than a CD @ 20 yards AFTER I've already shot a couple hundred rounds. I love that gun. The full size does everything the Mk23 does, it's just a little smaller and I'm not a fan of target sights it has. The Mk23 I bought b/c of a price markdown and to complete my small collection. While it's a great gun, it's terribly impractical for anything other than being a collection piece.
I'm not sure I could CCW the compact .45 without some mild discomfort or bulges through my clothes. It's the same size as my old Sig 226, which is considered a full size gun.
The Sig 226 was an OK gun I guess. It felt great at the gun counter but the ergonomics went away after you fire a magazine or 2. My hand would quickly get tired and it just wasn't fun to shoot.
To compound things, it was a bitch to clean and there was some barrel wear. The HKs show no wear while you could feel the wear on the 226's barrel when you cleaned it. Not a bad gun, but not great either IMO. The .40 S&W caliber probably has the most to do with that though. I've shot a 229 in 9mm and it was night & day...but not good enough to buy one in place of an HK .45.
Last gun I have is an old Nazi PPK. Passed down from my non-Nazi grandfather; this is more of a museum piece like the Mk23 and comes out maybe once a year to clean the cobwebs out. Really slick action and fun to shoot. It's had some work over the years to smooth things out, nothing major has ever broken or needed replacement though.
The only thing with it is if your hand gets a little sweaty or your grip isn't right, when the slide comes back it can catch the meaty part of your hand and take some skin with it. The other thing is that it's really picky about what ammo is used. New magazine springs seemed to make the problem worse too. The best thing about the gun is its history, but I wouldn't hesitate to purchase a new one for CCW if Illinois changes their laws.
The only other .380 that I have a bit of experience with is a Beretta that I cannot remember the model of. Looks like a mini 92 and is a really nice plinker. The rubber grips in particular were awesome.
If you're looking for a recreational firearm on the ridiculous side; blackpowder.
Ever been to a range where the person next to you is shooting a black powder gun and doesn't warn you first? If not, don't be surprised if you pee a little when they fire. Don't worry, no one will see you did as the room will be filled with smoke for the next 10min or so (if you shoot indoors). For a gun with some 'theatre' I really don't think they can be beat.