Real Guns

  • Thread starter Calibretto
AK47s are full auto :odd:

As he pointed out in his thread, fully automatic AK-47's are illegal. The ones you can buy are demilled so as to fire only in semi-auto. So it's quite possible to own and fire an AK without ever firing one full-auto.
As he pointed out in his thread, fully automatic AK-47's are illegal. The ones you can buy are demilled so as to fire only in semi-auto. So it's quite possible to own and fire an AK without ever firing one full-auto.
No, they're not illegal, well not in this country, but you do need a Class Three FFL (Federal Firearm License). Silencers are legal too, in most states but you need to pay a hefty tax, though.

AK-47's, or the civilian model NHM90 or 91, can be made fully automatic but they're semi only.
I was talking rifles with Time_Attack & breakpoint.

breakpoint mentioned his favorite rifle, a Winchester, which is a bolt-action. I didn't give bolt-action a much thought, as I like rapid firing semi's, but I've been getting impressions that a lot of gun guys prefer bolt-action over semi auto for accuracy.......

I made a special trip to Walmart today(there isn't one near me). I think I might have found the best place to by target shooting ammo. 250 pack of UMC 9mm for $51.99! Which is as low as the lowest price I've found on the internet, so far. I bought that, and as a new shotgun owner, 12 gauge slugs(15 rounds) & box of birdshots. Slugs were $8.99, birdshots $5.97. I'm not gonna lie, I like cheap ammos. :dopey:
What do you own that is 9mm? I was under the impression the shotgun was your first gun purchase.

I have been looking into pistols here and there. I would prefer a more manly caliber like a 40 S&W or 45 ACP but the price of 9mm really makes it more appealing.
What do you own that is 9mm? I was under the impression the shotgun was your first gun purchase.

I have been looking into pistols here and there. I would prefer a more manly caliber like a 40 S&W or 45 ACP but the price of 9mm really makes it more appealing.
I have a Glock G17. I LOVE it. :embarrassed: I had fired my coworker's G21(?) before, which is a .45 ACP. I'm a skinny sissy pants, so the kick was a bit more than I liked. 9mm feels perfect, and as you said, it is more economical to shoot. While many argue that 9mm may not be adequate for self-defense, I believe that shot placement is critical in either rounds. And many studies I've read indicated that 9's can be just as damaging as the .45's, if you get certain hollow points.

Before the 870 shotgun & Glock, my only gun was a Remington 597, a .22LR rifle. Had bad jamming issue, but Remington brand banana clip fixed that.
.45 caliber Thompson sub-machine gun. Full automatic.

.380 Walther PPKS

.38 Special Smith & Wesson Centennial Airweight
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How much did the Glock run you? Is it a synthetic frame? I was looking at a steel frame CZ75 single action 9mm with I believe a 14 round clip on gun broker which was going for about $500 buy it now. I really couldn't see spending much more on a handgun especially when an AK will only set you back $600.
.45 caliber Thompson sub-machine gun. Full automatic.

.380 Walther PPKS

.38 Special Smith & Wesson Centennial Airweight
Had to google the last one. Nice. 👍

You don't really have a full-auto Thompson, do ya? :D I have always liked the PPKs. My favorite handgun when I was a kid was a P38 though. They are (still)nice.


How much did the Glock run you? Is it a synthetic frame? I was looking at a steel frame CZ75 single action 9mm with I believe a 14 round clip on gun broker which was going for about $500 buy it now. I really couldn't see spending much more on a handgun especially when an AK will only set you back $600.
G17 was $500(+$10, background check), new. Came with two 17-round clips, but my Modern Warfare influence kicked in again, got a 33-round extended mag. :P

It is a polymer(or whatever they call it) below the slide, which is metal. I was willing to settle for something cheaper, like Taurus, which my previous coworker owned. But my new coworker, he actually knew a lot about guns, and he insisted that whatever I get, get a reputable one.

After the jamming experience I had with my 597 rifle, I went with the one that was least likely to jam in my price range, G17.

I've been told that CZ's are good guns. Sounds like you are going to have it shipped to a FFL guy/dealer? All my guns are purchased locally, but the best deal I found in town was $20. $10 for the transfer, $10 for the background. A local pawn shop. There are online dealers that offers free shipping. I'd prefer to use them. This is one of them.
I'm only looking right now. I'm not licensed yet and I'm not in a rush because I don't want to spend the money just yet. I have been looking around doing research off and on for months now though trying to figure out what I liked and what I could afford.

My next step will probably be to find someone with a similar gun or a local gun shop that does rentals.

This is the gun I was just looking at. If I buy anything it must be reliable and not made out of old lego.
I'm only looking right now. I'm not licensed yet and I'm not in a rush because I don't want to spend the money just yet. I have been looking around doing research off and on for months now though trying to figure out what I liked and what I could afford.

My next step will probably be to find someone with a similar gun or a local gun shop that does rentals.

This is the gun I was just looking at. If I buy anything it must be reliable and not made out of old lego.
Licensed for what? Conceal carry?

And don't worry about the plastic construction of the Glock. It's toughness & reliability has been thoroughly tested. I actually wanted a Sig, if money was no object, but Glock's are hard to beat in $500 range.

Test firing whatever you want to buy I think is a good idea. My work is a pretty big place, and our initial small circle of (gun)guys knew other gun owners in the company, they knew somebody else also in the company. Pretty soon, I had many people I can ask about guns, see their guns. :D

On the linked CZ, I would advise you to get something different. I nearly bought a Generation 2 G17 from a coworker. I felt bad, but I apologized, and backed out on the deal because of this:


Aside from the awesome "updated" look of the 3rd Gen(bottom), another advantage was the attachment rail below the barrel(red arrow). It will make it so much easier to add laser, or tactical flashlight down the road.

Not to be a Glock-fanboy, but check out some durability tests people conducted on youtube. At the very least, they are amusing watch. :lol:

Edit: Almost forgot, but don't wait too long to buy guns & ammo(:P). You never know when "they" try to ban certain firearms, ammunition supply could be disrupted, etc. And one thing I noticed about guns, depending on the gun, they could retain decent resale value.
Wish the G17 was that cheap here I would have got one, cheaper than the new GT5 T500RS wheel, IIRC they (G17) were $1100-1200 here last I checked. I paid $1800 for my Para Ordnance P18 38S (stainless).

Edit actually I think I paid $2100, my Super red hawk 9.5 inch was 1800 IIRC.
Wish the G17 was that cheap here I would have got one, cheaper than the new GT5 T500RS wheel, IIRC they (G17) were $1100-1200 here last I checked. I paid $1850 for my Para Ordnance P18 38S (stainless).
Never heard of that one. Looks really nice, Jay! Looks sort of like Browning Hi Power. 👍 I thought they went through with the firearms ban in Australia though? I must have gotten mixed up on that one, obviously....

On the gun prices, yeah, I can't believe how affordable they are here. Cheap pistols can be had here for $200, or lower. Not that you want to buy handguns that cheap.
Never heard of that one. Looks really nice, Jay! Looks sort of like Browning Hi Power. 👍 I thought they went through with the firearms ban in Australia though? I must have gotten mixed up on that one, obviously....

It's a custom (but new) 1911 that takes a double row mag.

Nah they're not banned here, they just banned anything with a barrel under 125mm (~5 inch) and a caliber above .38, hence why I went with a .38 Super for automatic and had to lose the .44mag for a dan wesson .357 maximum (Called "Super Mag" a even longer more powerful version of the .357mag). Yes it is a stupid law to appease peoples minds into thinking they are safe.

On the gun prices, yeah, I can't believe how affordable they are here. Cheap pistols can be had here for $200, or lower. Not that you want to buy handguns that cheap.

I bought a old used ex soviet USSR Magolin .22LR (Has USSR on it) to bypass some red tape (need to use it in .22LR competitions) for around $200, for it's age it is damned rugged and reliable but ugly. Never get anything new for near that price though, even my air pistol cost more than double that.
Owning a gun in Illinois is very tough. You must be approved by the Illinois state police and then issued a firearms owners license (FOID) card. It is also illegal to conceal & carry anywhere in the state. This process takes a minimum of 30 days plus the mandatory 3 day waiting period on all handgun purchases. I'm not even 100% sure I can own a gun even though I meet pretty much every requirement.

What makes the CZ bad in your opinion? I like the design and construction. I hate the look of Glocks. I know they have a good reputation but they aren't very pleasing to the eye. I'm not sold on the CZ by any means so I'm open to other ideas.
Nah they're not banned here, they just banned anything with a barrel under 125mm (~5 inch) and a caliber above .38, hence why I went with a .38 Super for automatic and had to lose the .44mag for a dan wesson .357 maximum (Called "Super Mag" a even longer more powerful version of the .357mag). Yes it is a stupid law to appease peoples minds into thinking they are safe.
Ammunitions are complicated. Before I started talking to my new coworker(the knowledgeable one), I had no idea there were so many different types! And different types of 12 gauge shells only complicated the matter. :lol:
Owning a gun in Illinois is very tough. You must be approved by the Illinois state police and then issued a firearms owners license (FOID) card. It is also illegal to conceal & carry anywhere in the state. This process takes a minimum of 30 days plus the mandatory 3 day waiting period on all handgun purchases. I'm not even 100% sure I can own a gun even though I meet pretty much every requirement.

What makes the CZ bad in your opinion? I like the design and construction. I hate the look of Glocks. I know they have a good reputation but they aren't very pleasing to the eye. I'm not sold on the CZ by any means so I'm open to other ideas.
Like I said, I've heard CZ's good. I only didn't like the lack of attachment rail. As for good suggestions, Jay knows guns, I know that, but no GTP gun discussion's complete without Solid Lifters. :D

P.S. I had no idea that firearm ownership was so hard in Illinois(I am aware of the Chicago situation).
Owning a gun in Illinois is very tough. You must be approved by the Illinois state police and then issued a firearms owners license (FOID) card. It is also illegal to conceal & carry anywhere in the state. This process takes a minimum of 30 days plus the mandatory 3 day waiting period on all handgun purchases. I'm not even 100% sure I can own a gun even though I meet pretty much every requirement.

To own handguns here you must join a club, train for 6 months (about 10 lessons), wait another 6 months limited to .22 or air pistols (that you borrow) then after the year you can purchase a centrefire after a 28 day cool down period. And.... every handgun you own now must be used in a competiton shoot 6 times a year. So yeah tough here also.

I got in before most of these rules so I was lucky, but maintaining my handguns and running the red tape got tiresome so I don't own any handguns anymore sadly. You have to be a real dedicated club shooter. I do miss shooting though, I will be in the US in march so I might go to a couple ranges and try out some stuff.

Ammunitions are complicated. Before I started talking to my new coworker(the knowledgeable one), I had no idea there were so many different types! And different types of 12 gauge shells only complicated the matter. :lol:

Yeah I didn't know about .357 Maximum until I was looking for the most powerful caliber I could get within the law, Was difficult enough getting empty shells so I could reload them myself, the rest was fine though as I could use heavy .357 projectiles. There is so many out there, even many custom calibers.
I'm not interested in attachments. The only things I care about are reliability, easy of use, open sights and it must be economical.
I'm not interested in attachments. The only things I care about are reliability, easy of use, open sights and it must be economical.

CZ-75 is fine for that, if thats what you want go for it. 👍

But get a hands on first as well as some other models.
To own handguns here you must join a club, train for 6 months (about 10 lessons), wait another 6 months limited to .22 or air pistols (that you borrow) then after the year you can purchase a centrefire after a 28 day cool down period. And.... every handgun you own now must be used in a competiton shoot 6 times a year. So yeah tough here also.
my Super red hawk 9.5 inch was 1800 IIRC.
Did you use it to hunt deers? :lol:
I'm not interested in attachments. The only things I care about are reliability, easy of use, open sights and it must be economical.
You are no fun, TA. Suit yourself. You are gonna be all like "that a6m5 was right, I am so jealous...." when I get a bayonet or something on mine. :sly:


I've never hunted, but I don't think people use anything other than hunting rifles or shotguns here either. Crossbows, small caliber rifles, sure.
Funny this thread should pop up. I was just looking at some guns for the heck of it. The Para Night Hawg and Walther PPS in particular. I read that the hawg is big-hand friendly and I think the Walther is ambidextrous, which is what I would need.
Funny this thread should pop up. I was just looking at some guns for the heck of it. The Para Night Hawg and Walther PPS in particular. I read that the hawg is big-hand friendly and I think the Walther is ambidextrous, which is what I would need.
Are you going for conceal carry? What's the gun law in Florida like? So far, Illinois sucks, and Australia is far worse. Japan, impossible.

In Oregon, if you are a citizen of the United States, $10 State Police background check fee(in most shops), and is pretty much instant. Legal resident's takes a bit longer, but not much(up to one business day). Conceal carry requires a permit, but from what I understand, they are not very hard to obtain. I thought I didn't qualify, but I just read that legal resident of 6+ months qualify, not that I need it.

Upon the shooting tragedy in Arizona, I've heard that conceal carry does not require permit in Arizona? Not to be insensitive or anything, but that is kind of awesome?
Spent some time in the Marines, so the list of weapons I've fired is longer than I can remember.. lol. I'll just say "Mk 19" and be done with it. :)

I do own a little .380, and I'm probably picking up a .357 revolver with my tax return.
I wish I joined the military, when I had the chance..... Then again, I don't necessarily agree with most wars either, so I guess not. :D

Nice to see you are still around! I still even remembered the "Bitter Old Man" title. :D

I've been told .357 magnum is one of the best you could go with.
Is Arizona open carry? I know New Mexico is. If I got a pistol or something I would probably see if I can join some kind of marksman club. I like shooting rifles but there isn't really any setting for that out here. You can't plink off the porch like you can in Arkansas. So, yeah, might as well get something that you can CC.
When I was in Williams Arizona for the night (driving through) it was open carry, was for the cowboys walking around atleast anyway.
Oregon is open carry, except in some counties or something like that. There was a customer who came into my work with cowboy guns on his hip, but he was asked not to do that. :lol: I just heard about it, yet to see someone attempt it myself.