- 4,548
- New Hampshire
- chuyler1

The rules are simple and the challenge is to build fast cars at this limited power level. Some drivers will fully modify a low level car, others will pick something that is a close match in stock trim, and still others will use ballast and power reduction to sneak in a more powerful car. It's all good and makes for great conversation and racing. Different themes are used to keep the competition close and to force drivers to switch up their rides. Races are held nightly from 9:45PM Eastern to 12:00AM.
How to find us?
Friend the host listed for the nightly event and wait for the room to become available on their community page.
Lobby is usually open around 9:30-9:45PM EST/EDT. First race typically starts at 10:00.
Rules (unless otherwise stated for nightly event):
* 450 Performance Points, but occasionally themes call for 400pp or 500pp.
* Sport Soft Tires, but occasionally we run comfort soft, dirt, snow, and rain tires.
* No Race Cars / Race Modified Cars / Rally Cars
* Read Lobby title for additional vehicle restrictions
* US/Canada drivers preferred due to lag issues with drivers from other continents
* Mics preferred, but not required
* Penalties: Weak to reduce punting and grass mowing on most tracks. Off on tracks where it isn't an issue.
* Driver Aids: All off except ABS
* Damage: Light (aka temporary)
* Tire Wear: On
* Boost: off most nights.
* Driving Etiquette: GTP OLR clean racing rules should be followed but this is a public lobby and I can't police everyone. Unintentional contact is to be expected but repeat offenders will be warned and kicked from the room if they don't smarten up. If I hear multiple complaints and you are warned, take it as a hint that you should not touch a single car for the remainder of the race. If you can't handle clean racing, find another group of people to race with.
* Punting is strictly prohibited. What is punting? It's failing to brake for a turn and ramming the car in front of you to slow down, thus punting them off the track. To avoid punting, be prepared to brake early or take a different line when following another car, especially on the first lap when tires are cold and cars get stacked up.
* Contact Etiquette. Just as GTP OLR states, if you cause an accident or make inappropriate contact during a pass (punting, pit maneuvering) please pull to the side and let the driver pass you back. Try again to make a clean pass. There is nothing more frustrating than getting pushed off the track by someone behind you so if it happens by accident, show good sportsman like conduct and wait for the driver to re-enter the track.
When the lobby opens, free run will go for 15-20 minutes. Most nights drivers are trying out different cars before they choose the one they want to race for the evening. Races are typically around 10-15 minutes in length (about 5-10 laps on most tracks) but occasionally we run longer races when the competition is tight. After the first race, free run will run long enough for quick tuning and qualifying.
Your time vs. Top Time
In Free Run you will see a time on the top right corner of your screen. This is the fastest lap for all drivers in the lobby. It is not necessarily your time. Below the top time is a list of your lap times. Compare your times with the top time to see how well you are doing. If the top time says and your times say you've got some work to do.
In Race the time you see at the top right corner of your screen is YOUR best time. People may ask, what was your fastest lap as the race is ending. Compare other's times with your time at the top.
Theme Nights
80's Night (Cars from 1980-1989)
Truck Night (Pickup Trucks only)
Roadster Night (Rag top roadsters only)
Hot Hatch Night (Front wheel drive hatchbacks)
Classic Muscle Car Night (American cars from the 60's and 70's)
Modern Muscle Car Night (American cars from 1980 to present day)
90's JDM Night (Japanese cars from 1990-1999)
Vintage Festival (Pre 1975 lightweights)
Rally Night (4WD cars on dirt and snow)
Classic Muscle Rally Night (fender banging fun)
Endurance Night (Extended length races)
Same Make/Model Nights (All drivers purchase and mod the same car)
Free Selection Nights (anything goes as long as its 450pp)
Same Make Night Winners:
chuyler1 -- Lancia Delta @ DFR
Nic -- Audi TT Quattro @ Nurburgring GP/F
Nic -- Nissan Silvia K's DIA Selection (S13) '90 @ Suzuka
chuyler1 -- Acura NSX '91 @ Suzuka
chuyler1 -- Volvo C30 R-Design '09 @ Trial Mountain Circuit
grenadeShark --Alpha 147 TI 2.0 TWIN SPARK '06 @ Cape Ring Periphery
Bowtiekid -- TVR Tamora @ Trial Mountain Circuit
WiiFreak -- VW Samba Bus @ Daytona Speedway
chuyler1 -- Suzuki Cappuccino @ Autumn Ring Reverse
Yuritardid -- Fiat 500 @ Monza
Yuritardid -- Mazda RX8 @ Fuji
iForce -- Honda S2000 @ Nurburgring GP/F
chuyler1 -- Jaguar XK @ Grand Valley Reverse
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