Current PSN outage: Don't abuse or we lose this thread.

  • Thread starter BWX
👍 Exactly, i'm not "defecting" to XBL, i'm adding to online gaming, a better service at that.

Fixed that for ya.
But really, the only good 360 Exclusive, was Forza. and that's Only for the customization really. But yeah, you can leave if you want to, we don't care. I'll be laughing my ass off once XBL get's screwed over though. Fair is fair.

Left 4 Dead & Trials HD are the only 360 exclusives I like (excluding PC version of L4D)

Can we keep the 360 vs PS3 comparisons out of this please.

This is a thread to discuss the PSN outage, keep it on topic of loose the ability to post for a while.

Honestly, I don't mind the Network still being out, because they are testing it in every aspect they can think of to make sure it's secure from any further attacks. But the thing that really gets to me is that they posted last weekend that PSN would be back up by mid week or something like that. I appreciate you being diligent and covering all angles before you start the network again but don't post that it will be up in a certain amount of days if it wont be.
I guess the newest twist in the story is that Sony might offer a cash bounty for information leading to the hackers.


Does anybody else think this has the makings of a great movie? The network being down for this long sucks, but whenever I read this stuff I feel like I'm revewing the script for some thrilling digital espionage movie, staring Matt Damon. lol
So, I was gonna start a new thread on this but I don't think it's necessary, so I'll just ask here.

Since it was announced that we will be able to choose 2 free game for the PS3 from a list of 5 . . .
. . . What 5 games do you think will/should be on the list?

(BTW: I'm not sure if the USA also gets to choose 2 free games, I only saw it on the EU PS Blog, not yet posted on the US PS Blog, unfortunately.)

Also, look out for more information on the rest of our Welcome Back programme, including which free content you will be eligible for. We will be offering PSN users the opportunity to select two PS3 games from a list of five, as well as offering PSP users the opportunity to choose two games from a list of four. We will let you know exactly what games are available very soon.
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Sony's response to Senator Blumenthal...

We believe a strong coalition among govemment, industry, and consumers is needed to identify ways that the public and private sectors can work more closely together to enact strong laws, promote stronger enforcement of those laws, educate people about the threats we face, share best practices and make the Intemet a safe place for every one to engage in commerce. In this we commend you for your leadership.

You could look at that as blowing smoke if you want but I believe it's well said and it's what I was getting at in an earlier post I made.
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Gt2 UK intro [/media]

Fixed. And try not to double post. Just edit your existing one 👍

I'd hope Sony make Escalation one of the five. I'd get that :dopey:. I don't actually mind if it's not up until the weekend. 'Cause I don't have enough time to do it during the week.
Honestly, I don't mind the Network still being out, because they are testing it in every aspect they can think of to make sure it's secure from any further attacks. But the thing that really gets to me is that they posted last weekend that PSN would be back up by mid week or something like that. I appreciate you being diligent and covering all angles before you start the network again but don't post that it will be up in a certain amount of days if it wont be.
And this is why they don't offer actual dates. They said 'within the week', couldn't do it without jeopardising the PSN disappearng again, and posted another blog post to apologise and explain the delay. If they had stated an actual date, people would be wanting their pound of Sony's flesh even moreso.

Not an attack against you, but the general attitude of some people regarding the outage timeframe thus far.
To even announce 'within a week' was wrong then, if they had any doubt that it couldn't be realised then it should never have been announced. I run a small business and time frames are everything. So i can't imagine what kind of bufoon heading one of the worlds biggest corporations offers a time frame and then announces yet again that they didn't know how big the attack was. Honestly, the lack of proffesionalism is shocking.
To even announce 'within a week' was wrong then, if they had any doubt that it couldn't be realised then it should never have been announced. I run a small business and time frames are everything. So i can't imagine what kind of bufoon heading one of the worlds biggest corporations offers a time frame and then announces yet again that they didn't know how big the attack was. Honestly, the lack of proffesionalism is shocking.

Sorry but that has to be one of the most unrealistic things I have ever heard.

Any time frame you offer is going to be subject to change, particularly in a situation as large and subject to change as this.

Yes time frames are everything, but so is communication and I find it incredibly hard to believe that you have never had to revise any part of a time frame you have offered to customers.

I project manage IT training delivery in the motor industry, dealing with thousands of delegates over hundreds of sites (so well below the situation Sony finds itself in) and we have to revise time frames on occasion.

Its certainly not uncommon, and while we would do everything to avoid it customers would far rather have a date and get it revised than have no date at all.

I run a small business and time frames are everything.

That's the point right there: running a small business, (probably) doing small projects, you can give very accurate estimates. Doing large, distributed, multi-cultural projects is definitely something else. I have done both for the past 13 years or so, and for the latter I have yet to come across one that did not have it's time frame or budget adjusted in some way. There are simply too many variables and people that have a say in requirements.

That said, I probably wouldn't have given a solid date for a project with this kind of visibility. At most, I would have said there would be a new status update within a week. Then again, maybe they were completely sure at that time, and something really unsuspected popped up (like another big security hole ;)).
Sony can keep their psn+ gift and the free games. I would just like to be able to race on Wed night this week. Going on the third week of the outage, I harbor a very, very, very slim hope that the psn will be up today or tomorrow.
That said, I probably wouldn't have given a solid date for a project with this kind of visibility. At most, I would have said there would be a new status update within a week. Then again, maybe they were completely sure at that time, and something really unsuspected popped up (like another big security hole ;)).

When the timeframe was announced, Sony had checked SOE to make sure that was good, and initially it was. By that point, 3 security firms had been hired and had the work load split between them.

It wasn't until May 1st that the SOE compromise was discovered by one of the 3 firms, thus delaying the networks return even longer.

Why is it taking so long? Well, try copying everything in your hard drive with a stop watch.

Now imagine doing that with a server... 130 times. The first forensic team was able to mirror 9 servers and analyse the data within 2 days. Not bad, but remember, we're talking 130 here, not just 9.

On top of all this, Sony also had to physically relocate 130 servers to a new location (I'm assuming their farms are run by a 3rd party, and as such, said parties contract was cancelled and Sony moved in with a new 3rd party farm, or just decided to start their own). No simple feat in and of itself.

Because the Feds are involved and looking to prosecute, I'm betting each of those servers had to be mirrored and analysed, which takes tons of time and effort because the hackers knew what logs to go after to cover their tracks. Had the additional security firms not been hired, we probably wouldn't even know about SOEs problem.

And then there's the newest security features which have to be implemented, and allegedly, are currently in the testing phase.

I've spoken with my brother, who has a degree in internet forensics, and he believes that if Sony is testing their security, then it should be up by Wednesday, barring major set backs.

I also know that there was another planned attack for the weekend, but who in their right minds would go after a company they know the Feds are watching? The brashness of it all speaks less of bravery and more of stupidity. Deathwish much? There have already been 9 arrests in the HBGary case, so naturally someone's gonna pay for this... and I hope they do, be it Anonymous agents or whomever (before you proclaim Anonymous' innocence, 2 Anons have already stepped forward to speak with the FBI. If you do something in support of Anonymous, that pretty much means Anonymous did it, regardless of what they claim).

Anyone that thinks their Xboxs are immune should take another look. One of the people upset by the outage, with the proper skills, could pull the same stunt with Microsoft.

No one is immune to cybercrime, except those that have never touched the internet.... and frankly, I don't know anyone that hasn't. The only way to completely protect information from cyber criminals is to never put said info on a computer to begin with. Anything you delete can be brought back, period. Nothing you can do on a computer cannot be undone, it just may be a bit harder than a click here and there.

Anyone looking for my sources can google the interwebs to find them, but the best info can be found here.
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And I will still stick with the PS3, not jump ship. Unless Kaz was to move the next GT to the next-gen MS offering over the Sony offering. I am past the age of caring about playing FPS online, especially from a console...
It'll be back before then. That first link was stupid, a lot like reading a post in this thread. The second link was a little better, but still we all knew it wouldn't be 100% back online right away.