WSCC - Racing School - Sunday June 26th - 2 sessions

  • Thread starter turbogeit

Two speed traffic - Heavy damage

Next Lessons: Sunday June 26th
Madrid Mini
Session 1: 11am EST - 4pm UK - 5pm CET - P_O_P_E 's lounge
Session 2: 10pm UK - 11pm CET - 5pm EST - Turbogeit's lounge

Rooms open 30 minutes before the races

Sign-UP NOW!

Fast car: Lotus Elise 111R RM
Slow car: VW Lupo GTI Cup Car '03
(both maxed out)
tyres: medium race


The idea: race practice in difficult circumstances

-all driving aids off,
- no driving line, no TCS, no skid recovery
- many traffic on the track
- slow and fast cars
- no "ghosting" when you lap a car
- heavy damage

The origin

While looking at the Le Mans 24h at television, I said by myself:
"really tricky, so many cars with all the speed differences,
we should practice that in WSCC, that will improve our driving skills".

And then I remembered an old discussion with GTRedline we had before PSN-outage
and we decided together to propose this to our members.

The formula

- two 30 minutes races on a short track
- group 1 in a fast car, group 2 in a slow car
- after race one, groups switch: fast group becomes slow and vice versa
- each group battles in its own category
- fast group tries not to loose time in traffic
- slow group tries to avoid to be in the way of the fast group while continuing its own battle
- each time you have damage (how light it is), you must go to the pits immediately

When? - Where?

Session 1: 11am EST - 4pm UK - 5pm CET - GTRedline - PSN P_O_P_E 's lounge
Session 2: 10pm UK - 11pm CET - 5pm EST - Turbogeit - PSN Turbogeit's lounge

check your timezone


We start on relatively easy tracks,
with cars that are rather easy to handle
and each week, we will make it a little harder, like

-more difficult cars
- harder tyres
- a difficult track
- greater speed difference, etc.

Finally, in the last race before summer break, we will end up on Le Mans with fast GT1's and Touring Cars.
Specifications will be choosen in a way that the faster cars lap the slower after about 5-6 laps like in real world Le Mans.

Rules to respect when you "lap" or "get lapped"(text by GTRedline)

The slower car should pull off the racing line whenever possible, but in a way that would have as little effect on his lap time as possible.
Faster cars should give the slower car the chance to do this, and respect their choice to wait until after a turn if he's obviously going for the apex.
Both cars have a resposibility; The slow car dictates when/where the pass occurs and should make it happen in a timely fasion.
The fast car must "read" the moves of the slower car and act accordingly without incident.
The slower car must be sure not to "Block" the faster car, watch his mirror and avoid contact at all cost (including lap time).
The faster car should avoid being the agressor and "forcing" the move of the slower car at all cost (including lap time).
The first goal should always be a clean pass, followed by the effort of both to make it a fast pass.



Priority will be given to active members (means: having finished ad least 1 WSCC-race), who can sign-up in the private club space.
They have priority until Friday June 24th, 7am CET.

Places left at that moment will be completed with new members that can sign-up by posting their GTP-name and PSN-username on this thread.

Order of posting will be taken into account if there are more demands than places.

If you are not yet a WSCC-member, you will get an invitation to join our WSCC-Social club space.

Racing rules and treatment of race incidents

We apply the general OLR-rules that you can find here. To put it simply: behave in the races as if you were in a real world car race.
Car contact incidents are part of racing and will always happen. Nobody is perfect.
Everybody makes involuntary driving errors. The important thing is to stay fair.

Here is the procedure to follow in case of an important incident:
-In case of an incident, always first look at the replay
- If after seeing the replay, you still think another driver has disadvantaged you, first contact him by PM.
- If that does not permit to resolve the incident, send a PM to the race steward (host).
- Steward will review the replay and if necessary take a race-decision.
- Never accuse another driver publicly, it is forbidden by WSCC and GTP-policy and can lead to definitive exclusion.

Need a car for a race?

Don’t worry if you don’t have the cars for WSCC-races: our members help each other to get the cars needed by a WSCC car exchange thread on our private social club space.

Members signed-up Session 1

GTRedline - PSN P_O_P_E
morbo - PSN Galikazoid

Races take place in P_O_P_E's lounge. You'll receive a friend request once signed-up.

Members signed-up Session 2

GTRedline - PSN P_O_P_E
(morbo - PSN Galikazoid)
Elitedreamer - PSN daibaspeed
Zentex - PSN sientex

Races take place in turbogeit's lounge. You'll receive a friend request once signed-up.

In order to keep informed of all changes and practical information,
please follow on the forum the information updates and recent news of the races you signed-up for,
using the the thread tools (subscription).

More information about WSCC? Go to our Main Page-thread
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This is a great idea, I'm going to try to make it but won't know for sure if I can for a few days.

I sure don't think Tskuba is an easy track for this, it's so tight and small that it will be a lot more difficult than on a longer track. I think an easy track to start on would be something like the High Speed Ring, lots of gentle corners and more room for the cars to spread out.
Yep, sign me up.


And the guy above me is correct - Tsukuba will be very difficult to run cleanly will all those car disparities. Cars will just get log jammed until the straight.
that is just part of the exercice! On High speed ring it would be too easy.

Lol.... ok, your'e the boss. :) I just thought the point was to start easy an get more difficult as they races went on. I can't think of many tracks that would be harder to do this on than Tskuba.
Sounds like a really fun idea, only problem i see is that when you lap someone they will turn into a ghost car, thus providing no challenge overaking the slow cars.
Sounds like a really fun idea, only problem i see is that when you lap someone they will turn into a ghost car, thus providing no challenge overaking the slow cars.

This does not happen if penalties are off.
I'd like to give this a shot.
I have a maxed out RM Capp that I'm just wasting in the Capp series. LOL
But I don't even know what that other car is, so I'm not sure I have it. (I'm absolutely clueless about tuned cars & race cars & whatnot.)
And can someone give me a set-up suggestion for it?
I'd like to give this a shot.
I have a maxed out RM Capp that I'm just wasting in the Capp series. LOL
But I don't even know what that other car is, so I'm not sure I have it. (I'm absolutely clueless about tuned cars & race cars & whatnot.)
And can someone give me a set-up suggestion for it?

Don't worry, I'll send you a "clone" of my favorite GT300 car one of these days. Added you to the sign-up list.
Room for 1 more? :)
PSN: mattymc1996
Can't wait for this. I'll be making this "course" a prerequisite for season 2 of TCTC, as the second season will be heavy damage.
After discussing with GTRedline, we add some updates to post 1:

- track to be determined
- Sunday 19th (thanks watemelonpunch)
- Pitting not obligatory in case of damage

A "lapping policy" will come later.

@mattymc96: until friday morning there is a priority for active members. So I'll put you as 1st on the "new member candidate list". Don't worry if you see the number of sign-ups go to or over 16: if there is enough interest, we will open a second lounge.
I would like to join but I can't until the end of July so if this does not get full and you guys don't mind I might join you then? ;)
I would like to join but I can't until the end of July so if this does not get full and you guys don't mind I might join you then? ;)

This is not a series. This is a training exercise, and each "session" will be it's own event. I'm confident that this will continue periodically through the summer.
I'll join up :) Can't hurt to get a bit more practice in for this sort of thing, might stop me running off corners when caught in a slipstream hehe
Some confirmations, precisions, new informations

- This is not a "series" or "championship", but a race practice event organized on a regular basis (sunday evening).
- Don't forget you need the two cars. If you don't have them, you can always post a demand in our car exchange thread.
- Track has been changed and will be Cape ring inside

- between lounge opening and start race 1, we will do some exercising like the following:

- cornering side by side
- passing another car at braking

* Concerning lapping policy: following message GTRedline sent me, explicits the aim we should obtain.

The slower car should pull off the racing line whenever possible, but in a way that would have as little effect on his lap time as possible. Faster cars should give the slower car the chance to do this, and respect their choice to wait until after a turn if he's obviously going for the apex. Both cars have a resposibility; The slow car dictates when/where the pass occurs and should make it happen in a timely fasion. The fast car must "read" the moves of the slower car and act accordingly without incident. The slower car must be sure not to "Block" the faster car, watch his mirror and avoid contact at all cost (including lap time). The faster car should avoid being the agressor and "forcing" the move of the slower car at all cost (including lap time). The first goal should always be a clean pass, followed by the effort of both to make it a fast pass.
This is not a series. This is a training exercise, and each "session" will be it's own event. I'm confident that this will continue periodically through the summer.

Oh ok didn't realize that. Sorry :S
I was under the impression that the slower car was responsible for holding his line, and the faster car was responsible for getting by. This is how the ALMS does it....

This is the main reason I felt responsible for our incident last week.
I was under the impression that the slower car was responsible for holding his line, and the faster car was responsible for getting by. This is how the ALMS does it....

This is the main reason I felt responsible for our incident last week.

When I looked at the replay, I had the impression that I did not judge very well that situation. I feel that my skills with cold tyres are not yet very good. I slowed down too much, because I thought you could easily turn around me, but that was not the case.

Conclusion: some lapping practice will do us all very good.
I just did some practice.

GT300: 50.3
Cappucino: 58.0

That means that the GT300 will need about 5-6 laps to lap the Capuccinos. In a 32 laps race, they will lap everybody about 5-6 times.
I just did some practice.

GT300: 50.3
Cappucino: 58.0

That means that the GT300 will need about 5-6 laps to lap the Capuccinos. In a 32 laps race, they will lap everybody about 5-6 times.

That's perfect! Good call on the car choices.