Praiano's Tunes: Waiting for GT6 & FERRARI ENZO FXX.

  • Thread starter praiano63
Hello Praiano, I'm really satisfied with your tunes and I tuned all my cars with them :)
I like to tuned the Honda Mobil 1 NSX'01, I think it's the fastest of all GT and your modification can improve. If you need the car, tell me and I give to you.
On the other hand, can update the tune of Honda Arta NSX '06, but full tuned?

Sorry for my english
Hi Praiano! I tested the Mitsubishi, is great even using the turbo, but it wear the tires away quickly than others in its category, especially in the ring. Thanks!

BMW 2002 '73 may need an oil change

Te devuelvo el tuyo? Un saludo!
Hello Praiano, I'm really satisfied with your tunes and I tuned all my cars with them :)
I like to tuned the Honda Mobil 1 NSX'01, I think it's the fastest of all GT and your modification can improve. If you need the car, tell me and I give to you.
On the other hand, can update the tune of Honda Arta NSX '06, but full tuned?

Sorry for my english


Hi, send me a FR and let your car on share.I'll see what i can do. I love this GT cars, don't think there is a big diference with same models/same year. But in this case i don't have any '01 NSX to test.
Have a good day.

Hi Praiano! I tested the Mitsubishi, is great even using the turbo, but it wear the tires away quickly than others in its category, especially in the ring. Thanks!

BMW 2002 '73 may need an oil change

Te devuelvo el tuyo? Un saludo!

My BMW need to be broken not a change oil problem ,just get it low Km.
For the Mitsubishi ECLIPSE GT ’95 don't need to send it back, i've sent it to you because you write that your one have the"chassis reinforcement " and i don't use for this car. So ,you can stay with the car.
For the tires ,this car eat a lot yes. Can try to fix the LSD to see if it get better but that's all. The TOE is normal and it's not because of this.
Have a good day.
How would you change the tune if u had the aero?



Fully tuned without aerokit downforce. no chassis reinforcement

Transmission how to process:
1- Select default
2- Select final gear at 3.310 (stock)
3- Select top speed at 350 km/h = 217,5 mph
4- Set each gear at this ratio:
1: 2.768
2: 2.009
3: 1.525
4: 1.201
5: 0.976
6: 0.821

It 'll give a top speed (above on the right) of 331 km/h = 205,7 mph

Tracks: All track / adapt with final gear to each track

power 715 hp
weight 1321 kg
perf. Points: 568 pp

Downforce 00/00

LSD front 12/50/05

Ride Height -20/-25

Spring Rate 12.0/7.0
Extension 10/3
Compression 9/4
Anti-roll bars 3/7
Camber 0.8/1.8
Toe -0.15/+0.18

Brake Balance 6/5


Praiano, I want to commend you on the solid work you have done. You are a tuning machine!!! I don't often use other peoples tunes, but I have turned to your garage for some help with some cars I struggle with like the Lancia Stratos, the Ferrari F40 etc. Other cars I've checked my tunes against yours and they are often very close, often so close that if I published my tunes someone would surely say, "Hey he just copied Praiano" I sometimes borrow a couple of your settings here or there so I wanted to give you props for that.

I noticed you were getting trolled early on in this thread and I thank you for sticking around and doing what you want to do, which is make tunes that you like to use and share them with others that can use them.

one thing I would like to see more of is some lower PP tunes, at specific PP levels like 450, 475, 500 on sport soft tires. For those of us that race online a lot, we often tune cars for specific PP levels, which usually means without available downforce because we don't want to give up the horsepower. While a certain car may run fastest at say 350 hp and 0/20 downforce, trying to fit that same car into 500pp with 0/0 downforce to maximize the hp is a whole different ballgame as they say and sometimes quite a different tune.

Don't know if that is your thing or not, but if it is, I think that would be great. Keep up the good work!!!
Hello Praiano, I'm really satisfied with your tunes and I tuned all my cars with them :)
I like to tuned the Honda Mobil 1 NSX'01, I think it's the fastest of all GT and your modification can improve. If you need the car, tell me and I give to you.
On the other hand, can update the tune of Honda Arta NSX '06, but full tuned?

Sorry for my english

Man, I could use that Mobil 1 It's the only one I don't have and I sometimes lose races to people in it and wish I had it in my arsenal. I'll trade you anything you want for it...I'm tired of wading through the UCD to find it...
Ever tried that suzuki dirt trial car?

Just one time and no more.I remember that it was so diferent comparing to the GT3&4 editions. I think i've sold the car at the time i needed money to make some tune, before those juicy seasonals races....when i was poor.
I'll give a try with a borrowed one later. (If some friend who have one can share ..👍 thanks).
does all your "tuned to max" include chassis reinforcement?

No chassis reinforcement ,i don't use it since more than 1 month ago. Only the chassis maintenance from the GTauto.
My olders cars still have it, it's not a very big problem,for FR, 4WD and MR,but i've had some bad surprises with it on FF.
So , if it don't bring anything for me and if sometime it let the car with a big bad oversteer, stay the doubt,so i choose not using it. Never more.
The Suzuki Escudo cannot be traded. I haven't used mine yet. I can put it up for share but it won't be upgraded or broken in.
How would you change the tune if u had the aero?

one thing I would like to see more of is some lower PP tunes, at specific PP levels like 450, 475, 500 on sport soft tires. For those of us that race online a lot, we often tune cars for specific PP levels, which usually means without available downforce because we don't want to give up the horsepower. While a certain car may run fastest at say 350 hp and 0/20 downforce, trying to fit that same car into 500pp with 0/0 downforce to maximize the hp is a whole different ballgame as they say and sometimes quite a different tune.

Don't know if that is your thing or not, but if it is, I think that would be great. Keep up the good work!!!

Praiano, I think these guys are asking good questions. Are there general changes to tunes if you are adding or removing a wing? More or less springs, more or less dampers, something like that? Or is it different for each car - like take the wing off and start over? What do you think?
Just one time and no more.I remember that it was so diferent comparing to the GT3&4 editions. I think i've sold the car at the time i needed money to make some tune, before those juicy seasonals races....when i was poor.
I'll give a try with a borrowed one later. (If some friend who have one can share ..👍 thanks).

How do i share it?
BMW 330i ‘05 // 500pp // sport tires


EDIT: After 2.10 ? from 450PP the car come back to
390HP - 7100 RPM
311 Ft/lb - 4900 RPM
95.4% Power limiter


Enjoy your drive.


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Praiano, I want to commend you on the solid work you have done. You are a tuning machine!!! I don't often use other peoples tunes, but I have turned to your garage for some help with some cars I struggle with like the Lancia Stratos, the Ferrari F40 etc. Other cars I've checked my tunes against yours and they are often very close, often so close that if I published my tunes someone would surely say, "Hey he just copied Praiano" I sometimes borrow a couple of your settings here or there so I wanted to give you props for that.

I noticed you were getting trolled early on in this thread and I thank you for sticking around and doing what you want to do, which is make tunes that you like to use and share them with others that can use them.

one thing I would like to see more of is some lower PP tunes, at specific PP levels like 450, 475, 500 on sport soft tires. For those of us that race online a lot, we often tune cars for specific PP levels, which usually means without available downforce because we don't want to give up the horsepower. While a certain car may run fastest at say 350 hp and 0/20 downforce, trying to fit that same car into 500pp with 0/0 downforce to maximize the hp is a whole different ballgame as they say and sometimes quite a different tune.

Don't know if that is your thing or not, but if it is, I think that would be great. Keep up the good work!!!

Hi ,thanks for this. I have some good tunes yes, others less. If somebody use in part or totaly, i'll be happy with this. This is what they are made for. Drive and enjoy. No copyright haha :) all this is just for fun.

For the lower PP tunes, i just don't think to do some because i love powerfull cars, they are a big challenge to tune and drive and this is what i like to do first in this game.
But lower hp / pp / less grip tires are also welcome, i discover those cars during the Kei car challenge on the ring. The copen dahiatsu and some others are fantastics littles cars.
Generally i take all the request that people ask me. I tune very fast. I don't try to let the car perfect, but easy and with a good solid base for anybody adapt to his style / track.....
So, if people send me some low pp cars requests , i'll do them, for shure.

If there is pp or tires restrictions,i'll see the best compromise PP/downforce. I do this sometime, but generally i send the specific tune by PM and publish the allround tune in my garage.

Have a good night everybody.
Praiano, I think these guys are asking good questions. Are there general changes to tunes if you are adding or removing a wing? More or less springs, more or less dampers, something like that? Or is it different for each car - like take the wing off and start over? What do you think?

If you want to speak about the cars that only have the option of the rear wing where you can add from 5 to 20 points downforce ,yes they have to be tuned differently with or without this wing.

It depend of the weight repartition.
On cars with a light front like 50/50 or 45/50 for example ,if you add 20 points rear aerofoil, you'll let the front too light and loose sharpness in your driving line. Look like the car want to take off every bump. So for this cars i don't use , like on my stratos road version.

Others cars like FR and FF with a weight repartition 60/40 or 55/45, you will have a great improvement without messing with the balance (or less ) of the car.
For the PP it's better to have a gain of HP than a gain of grip ,so generally you will not use downforce for cars around 450 to 530 pp and prefer add some HP. This is true for most of the tracks and car of this range.

For the settings, only talking about the 20 point downforce rear wing, you just have to fix the rear dampers / springs / camber / all together or only 1 or 2 of them ,depend of the car.

When you take out the wing ,you will loose rear grip and will have less pressure on the rear part of the car.
This change will add oversteer that you will feel at the exit of a corner essentialy, during acceleration.
So, the corrections are (nothing big point by point till you reach the balance again):
-less rear damper compression.
-more front damper extenssion
-less rear spring or more front spring or combination of both.
-More rear camber or less front camber or combination of both.

On a car without Wing and allready well balanced, if you add a wing and 20 points downforce, you will also create understeer.
In this case you will have to do the opposit of those settings.

That's all folks (this one i've learn in olds cartoons haha :)👍)

Have a good night.


This car is 5&#8217;35&#8221; / nurburgring Racing soft tires, not a great top speed but a very good grip ,stick and power slide all curves, very unique and good sensation all around 4WD car. Fully tuned with no chassis reinforcement.

The 1050 hp are very high and there is nothing under 6500 rpm. Shift at 8000 /8100 rpm. Turbo 1 and 2 have the same powerband (strange) and don&#8217;t allow to spread all this power . So , full gas, deguello.

Transmission how to process:
1- Select default
2- Select final gear at 2430
3- Select top speed at 230 mph
4- Set each gear at this ratio:
1: 4.777
2: 3.439
3: 2.591
4: 2.029
5: 1.645
6: 1.376

It 'll give a top speed (above on the right) of 217 mph

Tracks: All around , tuned at Suzuka and Nurburgring.

power 1050 hp
weight 800 kg
perf. Points: 748 pp

Downforce 45/70

LSD Front 05/15/05
LSD Rear 15/35/08

Torque differential: 40/60

Ride Height -30/ -40

Spring Rate 11.7/12.5
Extension 8/5
Compression 8/5
Anti-roll bars 5/4

Camber 2.2/1.8
Toe +0.05/-0.5

Brake Balance 2/0

tires R3/R3

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Not tested ONLINE but it must be OK, any feedback welcome.


This car is 5’35” / nurburgring Racing soft tires, not a great top speed but a very good grip ,stick and power slide all curves, very unique and good sensation all around 4WD car. Fully tuned with no chassis reinforcement.

The 1050 hp are very high and there is nothing under 6500 rpm. Shift at 8000 /8100 rpm. Turbo 1 and 2 have the same powerband (strange) and don’t allow to spread all this power . So , full gas, deguello.

Transmission how to process:
1- Select default
2- Select final gear at 2430
3- Select top speed at 230 mph
4- Set each gear at this ratio:
1: 4.777
2: 3.439
3: 2.591
4: 2.029
5: 1.645
6: 1.376

It 'll give a top speed (above on the right) of 217 mph

Tracks: All around , tuned at Suzuka and Nurburgring.

power 1050 hp
weight 800 kg
perf. Points: 748 pp

Downforce 45/70

LSD Front 05/15/05
LSD Rear 15/35/08

Torque differential: 40/60

Ride Height -30/ -40

Spring Rate 11.7/12.5
Extension 8/5
Compression 8/5
Anti-roll bars 5/4

Camber 2.2/1.8
Toe +0.05/-0.5

Brake Balance 2/0

tires R3/R3


Hello Praiano, i dusted of the cobwebs off this machine and took it for a drive around trial mountain offline and was pleasantly suprised how quick and easy the car was to drive and the grip was unbelievable , after only a couple of laps it was doing times nearly as quick as the Mazda 787b.
I then went into my online lounge to try it and really struggled to do a clean lap without the rear trying to overtake the front and get anywhere near the offline times, any suggestions? Keep up the great work.
Hello Praiano, i dusted of the cobwebs off this machine and took it for a drive around trial mountain offline and was pleasantly suprised how quick and easy the car was to drive and the grip was unbelievable , after only a couple of laps it was doing times nearly as quick as the Mazda 787b.
I then went into my online lounge to try it and really struggled to do a clean lap without the rear trying to overtake the front and get anywhere near the offline times, any suggestions? Keep up the great work.

Hello. I think the only solution is to have this car in my garage to go online and finish the tune.
This is not a normal car ,so i can't imagine what to do. I would say ,try to switch the ride height like -40 / -30 or -40 / -20 and see what it give.
Al the others settings are very diferent than a normal car. This is a monster ,not from this planet.
I check UCD all the time ,i'll buy it and finish it.
TRy this and tell me perhaps point by point with your feedback we can do something.
Have a good day.
I would say ,try to switch the ride height like -40 / -30 or -40 / -20 and see what it give.

Hey Praiano63! I ran your Bobs a little today and then I tried the Escudo tune. Thanks for fixing a broken car. I went to -40 / -20. Jumped into my lobby and hell yeah. The speed machine is back. :)
Praiano, I know what you're saying about the powerful cars. I never raced anything under 400 hp and racing softs for the first four months I had the What? Race a FWD car with 275hp on Sports Softs? Never!!! Then I joined a Cappuccino racing league on Sports Softs and I was hooked. The challenge with the slower cars on the harder tires is precision and momentum. There isn't enough power to make up for mistakes so you have to be smooth and precise and generally the drivers are closer together which is fun.

The type of cars I'm talking about are things like the Mitsubishi FTO GP Version R, the Vauxhall VX220 Turbo, Mazda Atenza 23Z, Toyota MR2 GTS, any of the small Elises etc. All around 450-500pp on sports softs.

I did use your award winning Integra tune and have won every time I have used it, it's lightning fast, but had to modify it for racing because the tail was a bit too loose for me to be consistent. You had to really be on your toes with that one, but boy was it fast!! Same with the Mitsubishi Tarmac, I used a combination of your and my tune tune last night in a 450pp sport soft Mitsubishi only night and won twice with it and finished second the three times I used it. It struggles a bit on the straight but corners like a demon to make up for it, and you can push it real hard and it's very forgiving. A very underrated car for sure.

If this isn't your thing, tuning the slower cars on harder tires, that's cool, no problem. It's a whole different challenge and not for everyone.
Hey Praiano63! I ran your Bobs a little today and then I tried the Escudo tune. Thanks for fixing a broken car. I went to -40 / -20. Jumped into my lobby and hell yeah. The speed machine is back. :)

Good to hear it work !! Thanks. I would like to set this exactly the way i want..... Will have to wait for a car at UCD.👍
Have a good day.