Praiano, I think these guys are asking good questions. Are there general changes to tunes if you are adding or removing a wing? More or less springs, more or less dampers, something like that? Or is it different for each car - like take the wing off and start over? What do you think?
If you want to speak about the cars that only have the option of the rear wing where you can add from 5 to 20 points downforce ,yes they have to be tuned differently with or without this wing.
It depend of the weight repartition.
On cars with a light front like 50/50 or 45/50 for example ,if you add 20 points rear aerofoil, you'll let the front too light and loose sharpness in your driving line. Look like the car want to take off every bump. So for this cars i don't use , like on my stratos road version.
Others cars like FR and FF with a weight repartition 60/40 or 55/45, you will have a great improvement without messing with the balance (or less ) of the car.
For the PP it's better to have a gain of HP than a gain of grip ,so generally you will not use downforce for cars around 450 to 530 pp and prefer add some HP. This is true for most of the tracks and car of this range.
For the settings, only talking about the 20 point downforce rear wing, you just have to fix the rear dampers / springs / camber / all together or only 1 or 2 of them ,depend of the car.
When you take out the wing ,you will loose rear grip and will have less pressure on the rear part of the car.
This change will add oversteer that you will feel at the exit of a corner essentialy, during acceleration.
So, the corrections are (nothing big point by point till you reach the balance again):
-less rear damper compression.
-more front damper extenssion
-less rear spring or more front spring or combination of both.
-More rear camber or less front camber or combination of both.
On a car without Wing and allready well balanced, if you add a wing and 20 points downforce, you will also create understeer.
In this case you will have to do the opposit of those settings.
That's all folks (this one i've learn in olds cartoons haha

Have a good night.