New cars added:
EUNOS Roadster ('89) - underpowered: hope the 1800 pushes more
HYUNDAI Tiburon Turbulence ('99)
BMW 120d ('04) - very nice: happy countersteering due huge torque
MINI Cooper S ('07) - power band too flat and too few torque on high revs. Shift at 5600 rpm.
PEUGEOT 206 RC ('03) - lots of understeer under throttle. Very fast 2 liter hatchback. Currently first in the board
TOYOTA 2000GT ('67) - why all these classics have so little grip? A supercar with tiny tires. A bit like modern Elises. Oversteer is very progressive and easy to control. Amazing long 3rd gear, then 4th and 5th are like gun shots. Very fast car in very fast circuits. What surprised me was 2nd place (current) in Indy speedway, just after the Ibiza and ahead of the 206RC.
These are 6 cars x 10 tracks = 60 new lap times for the board 👍
Board editing:
thanks to HotRodKing for the empty tabs cleanup
I fixed a 1px row in a tab and Nordschleife header (was shifted by 1 column due to weather conditions
The hidden column trick did the job! Now all of us are able to copy/paste between tabs without having care of weather conditions. I didn't edited all tabs, as I was connected for less than 2 hours and ..... I'm little bored...
To do: add hidden columns in other tracks, formatting cleanup (centering, column width)
I hope you are all able to edit the board now.