Vettel challenge

  • Thread starter Chickenda6
Another one crying about the gold time. All it takes is practice. I got all golds with a DS3. so toughen up and stop crying. It's the only challenge you get in the game so enjoy it while its there.
Another one crying about the gold time. All it takes is practice. I got all golds with a DS3. so toughen up and stop crying. It's the only challenge you get in the game so enjoy it while its there.

He was crying?
To me, the gold time is fine. These are the last 3 Gold trophies I need for total completion and they are indeed challenging for me with the DualShock 3. I'm currently getting faster on Monza(I'm behind by 9 seconds as I haven't found the right settings just yet and the braking pressure/distances for certain turns).

It is frustrating, but it is doing wonders for my consistency.👍
It is frustrating, but it is doing wonders for my consistency.👍

That's the way to look at it. Monza is the only one I've golded so far and a lot of that is because I love the track so much. Plus, I have actually seen my times in other cars (particularly Group C and LMP) improve on the track.
It's doable man, even with a DS3 and especially with a wheel (are you using one anyway?). Keep practicing, improve your times. If it helps, try watching other people's replay videos.

Don't make your 20+ practice days be all for nothing.
And I believe I speak for others, the feeling you get after successfully golding the challenges is like no other!

Instead why not share what sort of problems you are having with the challenges.
Which track are you on? Have you gotten Silver yet? Golded Monza yet? Are you using a wheel or DS3? What are your lap times? Which corners are you having difficulty with?
By all means. This is a community and I like to think there are plenty who would be willing to actually help someone like you, I know I will do what I can to give any tips that have served me well despite not having been able to gold everything. I did, however, finally manage to gold Suzuka. Fling something my direction while it's still fresh and I will certainly try to help.
Forget it with the pad (at least Nürburgring & Suzuka), get a wheel or do the following:


"I made a new video with a fixed map. I am also driving an easier and slightly faster route this time. The glitch only works with update 1.10 hence you have to downgrade if you want to use the glitch and before I receive another million questions on how to downgrade here is how it works: Delete the GT5 game data in the game data utility folder on your ps3 and then start the game. Now download and install all updates up to the sixth one which is 1.10. As soon as update 7 starts (got 62 MB) press the circle button to cancel. That's it. Keep in mind that you lose everything that is saved in the game data (pictures, replays and thumbnails). You will also lose the cars from 2011 if you played on version 2.0 already. No need to say that you can't go online with GT5 if you play on an older version. Always keep a backup copy of your savefile on a USB-stick just to be on the safe side."

Backup your stuff before doing this, mate. But it's worth, works like charm & better as falling in hate with the X2010 or killing your DS3. :dopey:👍
If i did it with DS3 then you can gold it too, just put steering sensvity on 7 and thats it. It will cost you some nerves but dont give up.
Those videos will not work with 2.0.

Therefore you have to downgrade to v1.10 like stated in the describtion. :sly:

And i think silver and gold can only be done via wheel.

Yea, that's my impression after attacking Nürburgring & Suzuka for ages with my DS3. Got only Gold on Monza. :dunce:

Some claiming that they've beaten all 3 with a DS3, who knows. If so, it will still not classify these challenges with a DS3 as "doable" if less than 1% are able to do it.
Its set up perfectly now.

You can dedicate yourself a few hours a day and get bronze quickly

Or you can make it your life and get all golds in a week or 2

dont look for the easy road. its totally possible. ds3, sixasix, or wheel.
It took me about 4 hours to get gold on Suzuka
Nurburgring 2 hours
Monza less than a hour with DS3 ofcourse. I still have my replay videos.

Since they introduced in some patch/update the steering sensivity then i could gold the thing!! But before that i barely got bronze, the difference is huge. More cornering speed....

You just have to get used to the sttering then when putting SS on 7. Just dont give up
Has anybody gotten a gold on this with a standard controller (w/o using glitches)? I like a challenge, but I'm not paying $150 for a wheel to a get a single car.
Has anybody gotten a gold on this with a standard controller (w/o using glitches)? I like a challenge, but I'm not paying $150 for a wheel to a get a single car.

Monza yes, on the other 2 there is zero light. And I am not a totally GT5 noob, got gold on everything else without glitching (platinum here) & I am mostly in the top400 in the online time trails.

But the other 2 Vettel Challenges are ridiculous! :yuck:

Get a wheel, glitch it or spent the whole next year on it trying to bet it with your DS3, your choice. :sly:

Do you think he's the new A.Senna? No, it's just ridiculous easy with a wheel. :dunce:
Monza yes, on the other 2 there is zero light. And I am not a totally GT5 noob, got gold on everything else without glitching (platinum here) & I am mostly in the top400 in the online time trails.

But the other 2 Vettel Challenges are ridiculous! :yuck:

Get a wheel, glitch it or spent the whole next year on it trying to bet it with your DS3, your choice. :sly:

Do you think he's the new A.Senna? No, it's just ridiculous easy with a wheel. :dunce:

This is all propoganda!

There is a whole thread of people who have golded this with the DS3, some it took 1 day, some it took 3 weeks

The wheel makes it easier to modulate. But its not like you can gold it with 1 hand behind your back. its just as hard as with ds3, except you are more in control.

Heres an example

My friend SUCKS at this game. he doesnt even know what a racing line is. But he managed to get all bronze in about 3 days off and on. I'm telling you guys, getting gold is all about how dedicated you are. What you're using doesnt matter. The responsibility is on your shoulders...
OP, you dont happen to play World of Warcraft? Maybe an Orc Hunter, or Human hunter perhaps.

Hell,I will never be able to gold those, but you know why, I dont care. Because everytime I see an X10 Prototype I'll be amazed(Unless it's someone who traded it back in the day). The car is a symbol of pure skill, nothing else. That means that that car is not for everyone, if you suck, well enjoy your S vettel, if you got skills, enjoy Prototype. It's special and therefore it shall remain hard as hell to earn!
@seanneedscar: Well, I haven't got my hands till now on a wheel, so I personally can't compare it. Look how much have beaten the challenge with a wheel & then look how much have beaten the challenge with a DS3. :sly:

And I bet, give the boy a DS3 & he would smash the car in the first corner. He could never manage 1 or 2 full laps. It's a 4 year old boy, man!

That's not propaganda. A wheel means much more control. Much more control means a much better line. A much better line means in the end a much better lap time. All in all it's childs play with a wheel compared to a DS3. Just watch the video, rofl. :D
@seanneedscar: Well, I haven't got my hands till now on a wheel, so I personally can't compare it. Look how much have beaten the challenge with a wheel & then look how much have beaten the challenge with a DS3. :sly:

And I bet, give the boy a DS3 & he would smash the car in the first corner. He could never manage 1 or 2 full laps. It's a 4 year old boy, man!

That's not propaganda. A wheel means much more control. Much more control means a much better line. A much better line means in the end a much better lap time. All in all it's childs play with a wheel compared to a DS3. Just watch the video, rofl. :D

Oh stop all that utter nonsense.

Yes it may be a little easier with a wheel but its not like you think that you can gold i with one hand on your back. I used ****loads of hours getting first 3x bronze, then 3x silver and finally 3 weeks ago i golded the last, suzuka. The last day i spended 5 hours straight to gold suzuka and im a pretty decent driver.

To me it actually more sound like your jaloux and cant afford a wheel cause god damn your way of argueing is miserable.
Oh stop all that utter nonsense.

Yes it may be a little easier with a wheel but its not like you think that you can gold i with one hand on your back. I used ****loads of hours getting first 3x bronze, then 3x silver and finally 3 weeks ago i golded the last, suzuka. The last day i spended 5 hours straight to gold suzuka and im a pretty decent driver.

To me it actually more sound like your jaloux and cant afford a wheel cause god damn your way of argueing is miserable.

"A bit easier", myea. :lol:

And I am not "jaloux" (don't know what that mean, even my online translator don't know the word :sly:). I was very close to purchase a G27, but ohh, it wasn't fully supported by GT5 (for one freakin' year! and still not 100%). And I would never buy a DFGT (cheap quality, dies very often) or the overpriced T500RS for the double price of a G27 & most likely cheaper quality.

Btw. if you have all 3 Vettel Challenges golded, why have I to read the following in your signature???:


Goldish all 3 with a DS3 & proof it, then you can moan. :D:tup:

Oh I've forgot, it's not possible to proof it that you have actually beaten it with a DS3, because the replay will not show which device you've used. :lol:
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X2011 Prototype > X2010 Prototype :)

Wrong, 2 totally different cars. The 2011 has a slimmer shell in the driver region and a full width rear spoiler, Better air flow means it can and does lap Indy without dropping below 300mph and constant laps of well 30 secs without drafting another.

And yes i golded the original vetel challange and have both versions.

The X2010 now is a rare beast as you can only get by gold in all 3 events.
I golded mine around december 2010 in less than 2 hours with a wheel.
Last week I helped a friend to get gold (he doesn't have a wheel) and it took me less than an hour with the same wheel. So I don't get the OP point. Challenges are made to be beaten, if you ask to increase the gold time, then it's no more a challenge ;)
I've recently got the bronzes on the vettel challenge and I'm thinking of attempting the all gold trophy. To get golds in the VC can you do it with automatic gears and following the driving line? I've got a steering wheel.
"A bit easier", myea. :lol:

And I am not "jaloux" (don't know what that mean, even my online translator don't know the word :sly:). I was very close to purchase a G27, but ohh, it wasn't fully supported by GT5 (for one freakin' year! and still not 100%). And I would never buy a DFGT (cheap quality, dies very often) or the overpriced T500RS for the double price of a G27 & most likely cheaper quality.

Btw. if you have all 3 Vettel Challenges golded, why have I to read the following in your signature???:


Goldish all 3 with a DS3 & proof it, then you can moan. :D:tup:

Oh I've forgot, it's not possible to proof it that you have actually beaten it with a DS3, because the replay will not show which device you've used. :lol:

Because i havent updated it for like 2 months... im also lvl 40/40 now.... Can update it now if your gonna feel better that way...
If I want the trophy for all golds in the game, I'll have to put in some work. It can be done if you want it, need it, feel it. lol
Come on surely someone would like to have the X2010 Prototype.

I traded for one before the trade limit was introduced.
But in truth, if you are using a DS3, you need to be a superhuman driver in order to gold the Vettel Challenge. And I'm not going to spend £100 or more on a wheel and pedals, just for the sake of one event.
Yes but...

Pratice GT5 > Life

you dont have to play 24/7 oO

mhh ok but if someone is a guy like my brother... he breaks with tires off the track and wonders why he spinns and monst time "ah its a bad game"

there you have to play that much but thats because of... menal weaknes?^^ hehe
PD is stupid, they give away the X2010, where is the loyalty to the die hard gamers who spent 100 hours to get it in gold lol. I also got it when I reached lvl 35, So now I have 3x Vettel. How stupid... My friend gave me one at the beginning for B-Spec as well.

I never had it in gold lol, I got two in bronze and cant be ***** to try suzuka, im not a good racer anymore I drift. But I know guys like dabest2500 who spent so much time to get those cars lol.

Edit : LOL if its that easy with the wheel I'll try t as well.