Vettel challenge

  • Thread starter Chickenda6
Forget it GT5FREAK500. ZeGermanBastorD will just come back and say that the 'jerky movements' can be done with a wheel too. That's what he did in other Vettel Challenge threads.
But when people asked him instead to prove the 'jerky movements' being done with a wheel, he had nothing to say or show.

He can't gold all the challenges, that's fine. So he resorts to glitching, that's also fine too. But he wants others to stoop to his level (what delete game data, reinstall updates, glitch, etc wow really). Moreover, he tries hard to disprove other people's golds because he's clearly jealous about them.

You will notice how other Vettel Challenge threads were ruined in a similar fashion. And it's funny how he talks about other people's spelling/grammar whereas he himself uses sentences like "Goldish all 3 with a DS3 & proof it, then you can moan".
@tALEz: Do you really think it's impossible to do jerky movements with a wheel? I bet you can. If I had a wheel & a video capture software, then I would try to replicate, record & upload it, extra for you. :sly:

If it where possible for me to gild (<better?:)) the missing 2 Vettel Challenges with a wheel, then I would have done it. I haven't counted all hours that I've spent on these challenges, but believe me, it was very much. And because I don't have a wheel, I gave up on these for now (with the DS3).
Then I came across the glitch & instead of risking to get these last 2 gold never or spending more frustrating hours/days/month later with a wheel on it & also angry about PD because they can't balance it more (DS3 vs. wheel), I've went the easier & saver way.

Btw. my aim was not the Vettel gold, the 3 X2010's (till I get a wheel I'll never touch these things again, only for auto grinding or b-bob), the XP or the credits, it was the platinum throphy & these 2 challenges where the last 2 for it. :yuck:

What's wrong with it. If the game allows it, then where is the problem? It's not that we used cheats, blame PD for their bad programming skills. :dunce:

And why to hell should I be jealous about the Vettel gold of other players with more skill? I don't have, because I've already got 3x gold on all 3 of my accounts. :lol:

My intention was not to ruin any thread, it was to help guys out of their frustration. Showing them the light. But you with your one way thinking will never get it. And that's the reason why this is my last response to you regarding this matter. Cheers. :banghead:

And to the grammar, as you can clearly see to your left, my native language is not english. At least I can speak 1 language perfect & 1 language "good". What's about you? And compared to all the "textspeak" US boys here... :sly:
Si-UK's videos have given me a little hope that it can be done with a DS3 but considering I struggled to complete a lap on Daytona with the X2011 I think I've got a long way to go. I just cannot control that car at all, I don't really understand how anyone's reactions can be that fast.

My main problem is that the car is too twitchy and sensitive to the slightest turn of the wheels. A few people have said about turning controller sensitivity up to 7 but wouldn't that make it even more twitchy? I've always left mine set at 0.
My main problem is that the car is too twitchy and sensitive to the slightest turn of the wheels. A few people have said about turning controller sensitivity up to 7 but wouldn't that make it even more twitchy? I've always left mine set at 0.

That's true. Rasing the steering sensitivity will make the car more twitchy, but you can pass the corners faster.
Try 5, was perfect for me for Monza gold. 👍

Like said, you need hyper sensitive thumbs for this. :D
I agree with Chickenda6. I don't care how good you guys are that have made the gold in the challenge whether it be legitimate or you glitched your way through (I personnaly think the majority of you that made gold, glitched it) and here's my reasoning:
The top 250th guy in the seasonal Vettel time trial at Suzuka turned a one lap time of 1:04.564. This is a two lap equivalent of 2:09.128. This is less than 1 second to spare to make gold on the circuit in the Vettel challenge.
I was 2736 out of 266156 that attempted the time trial. This ranking puts me right at the top 1 percent of those that tried the event. My time was 1:06.152. A two lap equivalent of 2:12.304 not good enough for gold as it takes a 2:10 at Suzuka to get gold in the special event. I believe this is 20 seconds less than was needed to gold the seasonal.

Point is while it is a challenge and I intend to keep trying until I gold the thing, any challenge where the top 1 percentile has such a difficult time is in my oppinion, way to hard! To make a challenge where only the top 300 players out of hundreds of thousounds can reasonably be expected to achieve the gold is just too stringent.
If you don't have the ability to beat the gold time then you don't get the car, simple. It's difficult for a reason, the car should only be given to those who have the ability to drive it fast.

So Silver, what your'e saying is when Vettel won this years Formula 1 championship, PD determined that I and everyone else was capable of driving fast and so gave all of us the X2010?
So Silver, what your'e saying is when Vettel won this years Formula 1 championship, PD determined that I and everyone else was capable of driving fast and so gave all of us the X2010?

The car really in question is the Proto, not the S.Vettel.
the Red Bull Seasonal event?? DOne it on my 3rd/4th try... just took my time, didnt push too hard, and came in 2 seconds under the gold time... with the 200% multiplyer i got 10 mil credits :D
The car really in question is the Proto, not the S.Vettel.

Oh, so the Proto is that much faster than the Vettel? Come on DDAAVVIIDD, you know as well I do, it's just a matter of name and PD could care less about our ability to drive fast before allowing us a certain car. I have a user ID I use for B-Spec driving and got him the x2010 at B-Spec level 30 or 35 when his A-Spec level was still below 10 I believe. So the Proto is so much faster than the Vettel that I have to prove to be in the top 1% to get it?
the Red Bull Seasonal event?? DOne it on my 3rd/4th try... just took my time, didnt push too hard, and came in 2 seconds under the gold time... with the 200% multiplyer i got 10 mil credits :D

We're not talking about the seasonal Robertmac, we're talking about the special events.
God, what a bunch of whining fa**ots!
You complain that you can't get platinum if you can't gold Vettel so you want the gold time made easier to achieve????? Take a good hard look and think about what you're writing! If that was the case then noboby would truely have any pride in getting the platinum ON ANY GAME. Surely the main point of the PLATUNIM trophy is to show others that you have (maybe) spent a lot of time working towards and practicing for said trophy.

For me, as the X1 is the ultimate car in the game it should NEVER have been able to trade, buy OR win so pathetically easy on seasonal event LET ALONE BE GIVEN AWAY JUST FOR LOGGING ON!

PS I easily got bronze in all vettel with ds3 in about 20mins. For gold i used wheel and took 20 mins on Monza, 6 hours on Nurb and 6 hours on Suzuka!

PPS The Vettel isn't the hardest event to get gold in, The Alfa - Eiger is. Feck that took ages!

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I agree with Chickenda6. I don't care how good you guys are that have made the gold in the challenge whether it be legitimate or you glitched your way through (I personnaly think the majority of you that made gold, glitched it) and here's my reasoning:
The top 250th guy in the seasonal Vettel time trial at Suzuka turned a one lap time of 1:04.564. This is a two lap equivalent of 2:09.128. This is less than 1 second to spare to make gold on the circuit in the Vettel challenge.
I was 2736 out of 266156 that attempted the time trial. This ranking puts me right at the top 1 percent of those that tried the event. My time was 1:06.152. A two lap equivalent of 2:12.304 not good enough for gold as it takes a 2:10 at Suzuka to get gold in the special event. I believe this is 20 seconds less than was needed to gold the seasonal.

Point is while it is a challenge and I intend to keep trying until I gold the thing, any challenge where the top 1 percentile has such a difficult time is in my oppinion, way to hard! To make a challenge where only the top 300 players out of hundreds of thousounds can reasonably be expected to achieve the gold is just too stringent.

Your comparison of times with the Vettel Challenge special event is not accurate as the car used in the Vettel Challenge has a different setup. I.e Racing Soft tyres and SRF.

Had these settings been given to us in the Vettel seasonal event you would of achieved a quicker time for sure.
Your comparison of times with the Vettel Challenge special event is not accurate as the car used in the Vettel Challenge has a different setup. I.e Racing Soft tyres and SRF.

Had these settings been given to us in the Vettel seasonal event you would of achieved a quicker time for sure.

Not so sure about that mate. I can't seem to do any better so far in the special than I did in the Seasonal. I thought after running so many laps in the Seasonal that I would be able to hop on over to the Special and gold it for sure. Not the case at all. I can't even better my times from before the 2.0 update. Not sure if the physics are different, or I have phyched myself out!

Either case, I will keep plugging away until I get it.
God, what a bunch of whining fa**ots!
You complain that you can't get platinum if you can't gold Vettel so you want the gold time made easier to achieve????? Take a good hard look and think about what you're writing! If that was the case then noboby would truely have any pride in getting the platinum ON ANY GAME. Surely the main point of the PLATUNIM trophy is to show others that you have (maybe) spent a lot of time working towards and practicing for said trophy.

For me, as the X1 is the ultimate car in the game it should NEVER have been able to trade, buy OR win so pathetically easy on seasonal event LET ALONE BE GIVEN AWAY JUST FOR LOGGING ON!

PS I easily got bronze in all vettel with ds3 in about 20mins. For gold i used wheel and took 20 mins on Monza, 6 hours on Nurb and 6 hours on Suzuka!

PPS The Vettel isn't the hardest event to get gold in, The Alfa - Eiger is. Feck that took ages!


As you are from Scotland, I'll assume when you say fa**ots, you mean cigs:)
The Alfa at Eiger was a tough one, but not sure it is tougher than this one. To each his own I guess.
As you are from Scotland, I'll assume when you say fa**ots, you mean cigs:)
The Alfa at Eiger was a tough one, but not sure it is tougher than this one. To each his own I guess.

Nah, fags are cigs. Not faggots. I know i wouldn't like to suck a faggot...... down to the butt! (never smoked).
Absolutely each to his own. I also thought the Nurb was harder than Suzuka but that may be due to me doing (without switching about) Monza 1st, Nurb 2nd and Suzuka 3rd. Before all that i did the 1000km at Suzuka endurance in Redbull to get used to car handling and track turning and braking points.
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Took some inspiration from this thread and managed to shave my Suzuka Special Event from 2.22.456 down to a 2:14.927.

Just gotta keep at it and find 5 more seconds.
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Took some inspiration from this thread and managed to shave my Suzuka Special Event from 2.22.456 down to a 2:14.927.

Just gotta keep at it and find 5 more seconds.

When I first used the X2010, I couldn't even turn the damn thing without losing control, but with practice you will cut your time down. Stick with it mate. It's one of the few real challenges in GT5.
@tALEz: Do you really think it's impossible to do jerky movements with a wheel? I bet you can. If I had a wheel & a video capture software, then I would try to replicate, record & upload it, extra for you. :sly:
Nope, never said it was impossible. But you claimed others cannot prove they did it with a DS3, so we were just asking you to prove the jerky movements done with a wheel instead. Again, all talk and no action?

If it where possible for me to gild (<better?:)) the missing 2 Vettel Challenges with a wheel, then I would have done it. I haven't counted all hours that I've spent on these challenges, but believe me, it was very much. And because I don't have a wheel, I gave up on these for now (with the DS3).
Then I came across the glitch & instead of risking to get these last 2 gold never or spending more frustrating hours/days/month later with a wheel on it & also angry about PD because they can't balance it more (DS3 vs. wheel), I've went the easier & saver way.

Btw. my aim was not the Vettel gold, the 3 X2010's (till I get a wheel I'll never touch these things again, only for auto grinding or b-bob), the XP or the credits, it was the platinum throphy & these 2 challenges where the last 2 for it. :yuck:

What's wrong with it. If the game allows it, then where is the problem? It's not that we used cheats, blame PD for their bad programming skills. :dunce:
Hey no problem at all! :) Like I said since the beginning, glitch all you want (please learn how to read and get this in your head). Just don't make others stoop to that level or discredit those who did it legitimately.
But in fact, I think the game actually doesn't allow it now with the patch releases? So I can't really blame PD for their bad programming skills. If I were to blame I'd blame those who're desperate enough to uninstall, reinstall.

And why to hell should I be jealous about the Vettel gold of other players with more skill? I don't have, because I've already got 3x gold on all 3 of my accounts. :lol:
Well people have shown plenty videos of them doing it with a DS3, but you're very adamant that they still can't prove it - that seems pretty jealous to me. And apparently I'm not the only one who thinks so.

And to the grammar, as you can clearly see to your left, my native language is not english. At least I can speak 1 language perfect & 1 language "good". What's about you? And compared to all the "textspeak" US boys here... :sly:
Well then you ought to realize you shouldn't be talking about other people's grammar. Me? Not that it's any of your concern, but English is not my native language either. I'm Asian living in a Malay country, only speak 4 languages and 3 dialects.
I'm giving up for today, my hands are killing me. I'm going to take a look at my 2:04:033 to see where I can clean up that 0:00:033. 👍
It's unfair for those with Sixaxis (and DS3). I think I am a very good player, but I can't do Nur. I practiced, practiced, practiced, but I can't. I got silver with a time 2:09:125.

I could beat 2:09.000 but 2:08.000 is insane. I can do stable 1:05.000 laps, and some 1.04.500, but I NEVER did the required 1.03.999 lap even once. And I practiced a LOT. I got gold on monza, bronze on Suzuka (I will only start with suzuka after I gold Nur).
How about Thrustmaster lowers the price of T500RS so that everyone can have it!

And how about no. Vettel challenge is the only real challenge in the game (which is not hard at all if you have wheel).
It took me 6 days to gold it (I used sixaxis back then).
30 minutes for Monza, 5 days for Nurburgring and 2 hours for Suzuka.

It's hard, but it's doable.
I could beat 2:09.000 but 2:08.000 is insane. I can do stable 1:05.000 laps, and some 1.04.500, but I NEVER did the required 1.03.999 lap even once. And I practiced a LOT. I got gold on monza, bronze on Suzuka (I will only start with suzuka after I gold Nur).
Are you referring to Lap 1? If so then you're actually well on your way to getting gold. I've seen people getting gold even with a 1st lap of 1:04.6xx.
1:03.999 is not mandatory, unless you're referring to the 2nd lap.
God, what a bunch of whining fa**ots!
You complain that you can't get platinum if you can't gold Vettel so you want the gold time made easier to achieve????? Take a good hard look and think about what you're writing! If that was the case then noboby would truely have any pride in getting the platinum ON ANY GAME. Surely the main point of the PLATUNIM trophy is to show others that you have (maybe) spent a lot of time working towards and practicing for said trophy.

For me, as the X1 is the ultimate car in the game it should NEVER have been able to trade, buy OR win so pathetically easy on seasonal event LET ALONE BE GIVEN AWAY JUST FOR LOGGING ON!

PS I easily got bronze in all vettel with ds3 in about 20mins. For gold i used wheel and took 20 mins on Monza, 6 hours on Nurb and 6 hours on Suzuka!

The problem is that the challenge (gold, not bronze) is too hard with a DS3 (compared to a wheel).

Agree about the trading & giving away part. But now it's already over & everyone got tons of X2010 Prototypes traded & S.Vettel's gifted. The S.Vettel X2010 is easy enough to get in the game, now with giving away free X2010's every lvl zero has one to start with. :dunce:

PS I easily got bronze in all vettel with ds3 in about 20mins. For gold i used wheel and took 20 mins on Monza, 6 hours on Nurb and 6 hours on Suzuka!

PPS The Vettel isn't the hardest event to get gold in, The Alfa - Eiger is. Feck that took ages!


What I said, with a wheel it's childs play. :sly:

Alfa Eiger is a tough one, but it's doable for everyone with a DS3, because you don't need uber precision @light speed (like in the Vettel Challenge).
The problem is that the challenge (gold, not bronze) is too hard with a DS3 (compared to a wheel).

Agree about the trading & giving away part. But now it's already over & everyone got tons of X2010 Prototypes traded & S.Vettel's gifted. The S.Vettel X2010 is easy enough to get in the game, now with giving away free X2010's every lvl zero has one to start with. :dunce:

What I said, with a wheel it's childs play. :sly:

Alfa Eiger is a tough one, but it's doable for everyone with a DS3, because you don't need uber precision @light speed (like in the Vettel Challenge).

Get a wheel then and if you cant afford £102 (what i paid for a G25 on ebay) then i assume you never go out on the piss and will never buy another PS3 game 'cos you dont have the money. And i think the argument of 'i aint buying a wheel JUST for ONE event' means that you really aint that bothered about the trophy! I was and i got a wheel and i got the trophy. I only have 3 games of which 2 are platinum and GT5 just needs the endurance races finished. I will then sell the wheel and buy a new game.
I really dont see the point in buying (and i look at a lot of peoples profiles to see their trophy stats) 10, 20 or even 30 games and only do about 1-30% trophy progress in all of the games.
I really hope the people that are complaining dont have trophy stats like that and complain about the price of a wheel!
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Took some inspiration from this thread and managed to shave my Suzuka Special Event from 2.22.456 down to a 2:14.927.

Just gotta keep at it and find 5 more seconds.

Keep working at it, I was right around 2'22 when I first tried it then months later I came back was around 2'15 and then golded it within 4 hours. Watch some of the videos on braking points, they make a world of difference and will show you it's obtainable.
My advice is to turn off the HUD, I messed up so many second laps because of it when I was on pace. Also, I recommend the hood cam or third view, movements seem smoother from there and everything feels slower, allowing you to be more accurate in such an insane car.
buy a wheel then learn how to drive, it's not that hard...DS3 users know the controller is holding them back and the simple answer is get a wheel, it will help your lap times in every aspect, not just the Vettel challenge, and make you a better driver for it.
I really hope the people that are complaining dont have trophy stats like that and complain about the price of a wheel!

Why the hell should I kill 72000 zombies in Dead Rising 2? Why should I play 500 online matches in Street Fighter 4? What got that to do with skill? Trophies are for little kids who like to brag. Pro gamers laugh about the people who are still collecting trophies. You don't get ANYTHING for your trophies not even a wallpaper, lol. Tekken 6 gives you a silver trophy for playing 30 online matches and in Street Fighter 4 you have to play 500!!! online matches to get a bronze trophy. The trophy system is ridiculously stupid. Not to mention trophies like flow where you have to do NOTHING for 30 min to get a gold trophy. The list of pointless trophies is endless, but I forgive you because you only got 3 games and therefore no idea what you are talking about