• Thread starter OmniusGT
Barnezy - the incident on the 'Ring went like this for me. I'm working off memory here as I didn't save the replay but maybe one of the guys that did save could verify.

Thru the twisty bit after the Carousel, either I got on the power earlier than you, as I prefer slow-in-fast-out with corners, or I had a more torquey car than you, as I went from behind you to alongside you quite suddenly. I got on your left which was the inside line for the next corner. I was never gonna out-brake you as that section never really requires heavy braking, more a tap on the middle pedal to scrub a few mph's off, but I was on your inside and if you continued following the normal racing line, then you were always gonna hit me before hitting any apex on a corner. I felt you should have yielded, but instead you moved over with me alongside you and pushed me on to the grass, well before the corner was upon us.

Sure, if I'm behind you move anywhere on the track you want and make me earn the spot - I will never forget the Gixxerloons battle I had with BUCHAN, epic doesn't do it justice. But if I'm beside you, the only places you can go are forwards or backwards. Maybe you didn't see me is another option - I have the top buttons on the wheel of my G27 set for look left and right, as I think they are the two most important functions I need when racing.

So, no beef - like Omnius said, the rest of the race worked itself out and I ended up in front of you.

As for your stand enquiry, I have a Wheelstand Pro - I uploaded a photo of it in this thread a few pages back. It's slightly more expensive than that one you posted a link for, but it looks like it's more compact than yours.

Race 3 Highlights

stanepoke is pushing hard, steps out as Barnezy318, jameysbograt & geordie139 hope not to become part of the scenery!

stanepoke looses grip at the wrong moment as Barnezy318 passes!

Barnezy318 is off! stanepoke regains grip...

...only to have jamesybograt snapping at his heels as geordie139 runs wide to avoid PSN-OmniusALX

geordie139 loses it and slices past PSN-OmniusALX! So close to a big accident

jamesybograt still being held in check by stanepoke while PSN-OmniusALX can focus on whats in front...

...ade3210 leads as PSN-OmniusALX closes in

geordie back on track and pushing stanepoke...

Panic stations! stanepoke off, jameysbograt off, can geordie139 capitalise???

With limited grip and high speed, stanepoke's only form of slowing down is the barrier on the other side of the track!

ade3210 fending off PSN-OmniusALX

As the field settles down, jameysbograt, Barnezy318, geordie139 & R063R_GL4560W close up on PSN-OmniusALX as ade3210 pulls out a small lead

Barnezy318 hard into the turn with PSN-OmniusALX close behind as ade3210 goes off road!

PSN-OmniusALX runs wide just as ade3210's R34 steps out!!!

CONTACT!!! PSN-OmniusALX off into the barrier as R063R_GL4560W makes for an easy pass

Back on track, WarriusZero leads R063R_GL4560W, Barnezy318 & PSN-OmniusALX at full throttle

Barnezy318 over cooks it and leads WarriusZero...
R3-17.jpg follow him off!

With WarriusZero and Barnezy318 off, R063R_GL4560W can see another 2 easy places

R063R_GL4560W has the pace as Barnezy318 rejoins...

Side by side, Barnezy318 appears to be moving across???

...getting too close? As R063R_GL4560W holds his position

Is that a 'nudge' on R063R_GL4560W Barnezy318?

...looks like it as R063R_GL4560W flicks out on the grass

R063R_GL4560W's rear wheels on the grass, no grip to be had, and off he goes

Barnezy318 pushing hard ends up in the cat litter as PSN-OmniusALX closes to take the position

jamesybograt out in the lead as geordie139 takes the fight to the last lap

No way past for geordie139 as jamesybograt keeps up the pace

Into the sun, jamesybograt is on for a TRIDENT GT Hat-trick!

NO! It's geordie139 who rides into the sunset with the win as jamesybograt's engine goes on the last lap! (Disconnection 👎 )
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Barnezy - the incident on the 'Ring went like this for me. I'm working off memory here as I didn't save the replay but maybe one of the guys that did save could verify.

Thru the twisty bit after the Carousel, either I got on the power earlier than you, as I prefer slow-in-fast-out with corners, or I had a more torquey car than you, as I went from behind you to alongside you quite suddenly. I got on your left which was the inside line for the next corner. I was never gonna out-brake you as that section never really requires heavy braking, more a tap on the middle pedal to scrub a few mph's off, but I was on your inside and if you continued following the normal racing line, then you were always gonna hit me before hitting any apex on a corner. I felt you should have yielded, but instead you moved over with me alongside you and pushed me on to the grass, well before the corner was upon us.

Sure, if I'm behind you move anywhere on the track you want and make me earn the spot - I will never forget the Gixxerloons battle I had with BUCHAN, epic doesn't do it justice. But if I'm beside you, the only places you can go are forwards or backwards. Maybe you didn't see me is another option - I have the top buttons on the wheel of my G27 set for look left and right, as I think they are the two most important functions I need when racing.

So, no beef - like Omnius said, the rest of the race worked itself out and I ended up in front of you.

As for your stand enquiry, I have a Wheelstand Pro - I uploaded a photo of it in this thread a few pages back. It's slightly more expensive than that one you posted a link for, but it looks like it's more compact than yours.

That 'incident' you mention was fine :lol: The one I ment is in the highlights above with R063R_GL4560W. Anyway, its in the past now, all ended well :)
Just so this is clear to me. In the pics where GL4560W and I are having a battle, although we are side by side I clearly have the lead. As I start to eat up the track that GL4560W would need to get past he has three options, slow down and get behind me and wait for a better place/time to get past, continue to try and push through where contact is going to be inevitable or run off on to the grass. If I was in the BMW there I think I would have dropped in behind, but you never know with the adrenaline..... ;) If I came across suddenly and smashed in to GL4560W or was behind GL4560W and contact was made at the rear of the BMW I would have definitely called that wrong, however in this situation GL4560W did have an option to avoid a knock and didn't take it. If the consensus is that this is a "dirty" move I'll stop doing it.

Cheers, and thanks for the feedback.
Contact was going to be inevitable??? That's ridiculous. I'm interpreting 'inevitable' as 'unavoidable' but it could easily have been avoided by keeping your steering wheel straight... When I'm alongside you, and I'm accelerating faster than you, why would I suddenly brake when I see a relatively easy position to be gained? I'm stubborn, and if I see you move closer to me as I'm in the process of passing you, even if I'm riding the edge of the grass, I won't be intimidated. But once you make contact with me, and push me off the track - especially one as tight and narrow as the 'Ring - you overstep the line. In my eyes, I seen that as dirty - but I welcome the other racers/users in this forum to call it.

If possible, compare a passing manoeuvre I pulled on Omnius on the Cheviot track on that infamous corner - I got the inside line there as well, and that was a very difficult corner to keep control of the car, wasn't even a straight. We both kept our nerves, kept control of our cars, and I gained the place with no drama whatsoever. If anything, I came away from the corner with increased respect for Omnius for accepting I had the better line and admitting defeat and for not trying anything underhand to try and keep his place.
To be honest these things happen so quickly and with so many variables that everyone has a different opinion/perspective on who was wrong/too aggressive. Just look at when an incident happens in F1, there are always a million conflicting opinions of who should be punished and these guys are pros. At the end of the day we are trying to police ourselves without an all seeing steward so I'm open to critique that will improve the experience for everyone else.

I look forward to our next battle GL4560W! ;)
Barnezy & ro63r !!

can i play devils advocate?

in my opinion you both have legitimate arguments.
1.yes we are racing(hopefully light heartedly & friendly)
2.Barnezy!yes you were in front (just) and you could have gave some racing room? and then retook the place later.
3 RO63R! yes you were alongside and on the inside for the next corner.
but could have gave it back because you weren't in front.
4 WHAT IF??? RO63R had dropped back a little and tapped BARNEZY'S rear and caused a spin citing he cut across me(had it happen to me on many occasion).
5 REMEMBER REMEMBER it's just a game and it's better to have fun than it is to win at all costs.
Loving the pictorial break down of my demise on the races!! :) Thanks for that Omnius...;)

TBH I felt that I was terrible last week, despite help from Jamesy I couldnt get myself sorted out. But rolls your dice you takes your chance eh?

Hoping to be better this week as I should get more practice. (I dont want quoted on this though!!)

Also Omnius apologies for the contact during the bad!
Great post race report, Omnius, thanks for taking the time to do it, I know by experience that it eats up hours to do that.

As for Barnezy, I enjoyed the fight in the first race, it was hard to find somewhere to overtake but it was purely due to Banrnezy being quick everywhere rather than him blocking me. Then I faded away due to my tyres degradation.

In the 2nd race, I have to say I was surprised when I was being followed by Barnezy, coming into the big parabolic. I took the inside line and then saw Barnezy squeezing even more inside so I decided not to try to play the 'who-brakes-last' game to retake him on the inside (and to avoid any contact). At first I thought it was a bit rough but I've changed my mind. After all, the track was very wide and I don't think there was any contact.

Overall I enjoyed myself more than I thought I would (considering I had no practice at all) and I am looking forward to be more regular than I have been recently.

Thanks for hosting the races, again, Omnius.

PS: to those who don't already, don't forget that if you're bored on Wednesday, you can join the Zero Cup, it's been a bit more quiet recently.
PPS: and the rules allow you to catch up those who have been there for longer... ;)
Jamesy..... That's confused me even more now... Love the banter this has created! :)

I think Omnius hit the nail on the head when he said I have an aggressive style. I do, however I do consciously try to be as clean as I can. None of my moves are intended to hit anyone or ruin their race. I've played a bit in the open lobby the last couple of days and most of them make me look like an angle! ;)
Jamesy..... That's confused me even more now... Love the banter this has created! :)

I think Omnius hit the nail on the head when he said I have an aggressive style. I do, however I do consciously try to be as clean as I can. None of my moves are intended to hit anyone or ruin their race. I've played a bit in the open lobby the last couple of days and most of them make me look like an angle! ;)

agree with the open lobby it can be a demolition derby not a race .

was just pointing out that it's a friendly race series .an things can escalate rapidly .
but being aggressive is no bad thing .
it was only my opinion as i said ,just another viewpoint.👍

stanepoke - Will miss Race 1
BUCHANPOWER - Unable to Attend
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I take it I need to get the DLC to practice Spa? Im guessing that someone with DLC will host it so it can be raced?

I should be available this week, although Im currently due to be flying out of Edinburgh to Geneva in about 2mins....Shame im still sitting in the house though. :)

Another change of rota from my work that they didnt tell me about!! 22.30 last night I checked my inbox and found flight details for this morning!! No phone call or prior warning at all.

Following a very unhappy call to one of my managers I now dont know what they have planned for me:( All I know is that at present Ive got no bathroom in the house, as Im getting a new one done this week, and I aint leaving until its done..
I take it I need to get the DLC to practice Spa? Im guessing that someone with DLC will host it so it can be raced?

Never thought about that, but I guess so unless one of us is online and hosting it for practice in our lobby....wonder if you could just join my room if I have it set as the room track???? Even without me being there????
Jamesy's race diagnosis -

One of the few things me and Barnezy CAN agree on...:mischievous:

Along the straight leading up to the corner, it should have been side by side keeping the wheel dead centre. On a track as undulated as the 'Ring even a bump on the road can make your car shift around on the track a bit. Jamesy - what's to say when we reached the corner, that I wouldn't have popped in behind again? With - as far as memory serves... - both Omnius and Warrius hot on my tail in my brief head-to-head with Barnezy, I would have thought it better to hold my current position, than to cause an accident and lose a further 2 places. Especially as I thought I had a very quick car - on the big straight on lap 1 (shown in one of Omnius' photos) I breeze past Omnius, Barnezy and Warrius, after a brief slipstream off the back of Omnius.

Just to quote yourself on this thread, Barnezy -
if i'm coming from behind into a corner i will take the inside line if its not closed and make the person in front have to change their line.

however in this situation GL4560W did have an option to avoid a knock and didn't take it.

I came from behind, into a corner, grabbing the inside line, coz it wasn't closed. And I think what you mean by the person in front having to change their line is that they have a car on the inside of them and will have to adjust everything about their speed and angle into that corner to avoid collision. In your second quote, it almost sounds like your knock into me was intentional.... Like it was MY fault I spun off as I didn't throw on the anchors when you started moving towards me. If we were on the corner like I touched on above when you turn in and we make contact, then a whole new matter - and my stubbornness (is that even a word...?!) if a collision occurred COULD have been blamed. But on the straight.......... Nah.

You asked if the general consensus for this move was that it was dirty, then you'd cut it out. The general consensus that I'm seeing, is that it was. And I believe in your own heart of hearts, that you know that. To quote someone else who commented on this situation - the 'Ring isnt about being aggressive.

So true. The 'Ring deserves respect. In real life, it's a killer - you have a matter of feet between the edge of the track and a solid barrier. I know we're only in a game, but I believe if you wanna be fast on this track then it takes a completely different driving style to any other track in the game.

A milder, more calmer, more patient style ;) 👍 :cheers:
GL4560W, I think you've analysed this far more than me and to be completely honest I can't even remember it happening, so don't know if I was coming across on purpose or not, or if there was even any contact?

As Jamesy said, it's only a bit of fun and if it means you'll enjoy it more if I give you more room on the track, then that's what I'll do.

Let's not turn into Lewis and Massa here! ;) See you on the track Friday!

Just to confirm, the car for race one is the Lexus IS F 07, RM'd not the Lexus IS F Racing Concept 08?
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Guys quick question, is it better to add weight or reduce power to get to a required PP level?

I always reduce power,I find adding weight buggers the handling.
Just had a warning about double posts!

I guess we will all have to be aware not to re post straight after we post (just edit your original post)

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