GTRA | RSeat WSGTC S3 | Qualifier **Qualifying Deadline Thursday**

  • Thread starter Masi_23
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No, and they won't be.

To many people playing the waiting game, and to many people wanting to change divisions, etc, because of how their times looked.
I know you already ran, so this doesn't apply directly to you, but -

You pick the time slot that fits you best, you pick the car type you prefer, then you run the qualifier as best you can. The results will take care of themselves and you'll be able to see them when they matter.

i cant wait so we can choose our cars happy times :):)
PSN ID: GrahamTurismo
GTPlanet ID: GrahamTurismo
Country of Origin: USA
Conference: NTSC
Class: GT500
Room Letter: E

I think one mistake that i've found is having the Leaderboards public from the start - reason was to make it fair for everyone since the Stewards have access to the completed times at all times.
But how does that make it fair to those of us now, who have no clue what kind of times we should shoot for?

PSN ID: ReidGerber
GTPlanet ID: Reigerb
Country of Origin: USA
Conference: NTSC
Class: GT500
Room Letter: F
Good to see you, man. That was some intense practice racing we had the other day. Just to let you know though, you switched your PSN and GTP names. ;)
.: Final Week of Qualifiers! Sign-up Now! :.​

Color Code: PAL Preferred Times (3 rooms) | NTSC Preferred Times (3 rooms)

Sign-up by replying in this thread. Follow template below:​

PSN ID: Kaz_Yamauchi
GTPlanet ID: Yamacuhi_San
Country of Origin: Japan
Conference: PAL or NTSC
Class: GT500 or GT300
Room Letter: Choose below

Room E
Date: Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Connet Time: 19.30 GMT | 11.30 PST | 14.30 EST
Start Time: 20.00 GMT | 12.00 PST | 15.00 EST
Host: Litchi_GTPlay
Room Number: TBA

Drivers (PSN ID|GTP ID):
1. Litchi_GTPlay
2. RFLXWidowmaker | The Widowmaker | UK | PAL | GT500
3. towiley4u | towiley4u | USA | PAL | GT500
4. GrahamTurismo | GrahamTurismo | USA | NTSC | GT500

Room F
Date: Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Connet Time: 18.30 PST | 21.30 EST (Thursday 02.30 GMT)
Start Time: 19.00 PST | 22.00 EST (Thursday 03.00 GMT)
Host: TBA
Room Number: TBA

Drivers (PSN ID|GTP ID):
1. Host
2. GTP_CAMikaze | CAMikaze | USA | NTSC | GT300
3. elysiriar | wishywish | Singapore | NTSC | GT500
4. ReidGerber | reidgerber | USA | NTSC | GT500

Room G
Date: Thursday, December 22, 2011
Connet Time: 19.30 GMT | 11.30 PST | 14.30 EST
Start Time: 20.00 GMT | 12.00 PST | 15.00 EST
Host: TBA
Room Number: TBA

Drivers (PSN ID|GTP ID):
1. Host

Room H
Date: Thursday, December 22, 2011
Connet Time: 18.30 PST | 21.30 EST (Friday 02.30 GMT)
Start Time: 19.00 PST | 22.00 EST (Friday 03.00 GMT)
Host: TBA
Room Number: TBA

Drivers (PSN ID|GTP ID):
1. Host


Rules and Conditions
  • By signing this roll-call, you hereby announce that you have read and familiarized your self with the Rules and Regulations posted in the OP of the Qualifier Thread. (Page 1: Post 1 and 2)
  • You also hereby understand that not showing up on the aforementioned date and time, without prior notification to a Steward, will result into an indefinite ban from the series.
  • In case of connection issues, any problems will not be blamed upon the specific driver. If he is unable to connect, he is allowed to join another session.
Well I will look at Room E today and see how the connection is.I was going to join Scanny's room yesterday but the signal meter was 0 bars.More times than not that becomes an issue so I passed.
Well I will look at Room E today and see how the connection is.I was going to join Scanny's room yesterday but the signal meter was 0 bars.More times than not that becomes an issue so I passed.

Good point. I'll check out E and if my connection isn't up to par I'll just wait and go on F.
Better get this done tomorrow.

PSN ID: Moieman
GTPlanet ID: Andil
Country of Origin: UK
Conference: PAL
Class: GT300
Room Letter: E

Haven't done nearly enough practicing but not hugely fussed over car choice anyway tbh so top few spots aren't much of a big deal really.

Also sigh, I am probably going to be slow. I use Chase Cam (yes really, I prefer the vision around the car especially for pack racing) and that has been absolutely murdered with the update today, can't do a lap without feeling sick, it's horrible. Been using the bonnet/hood view in another series today but I haven't ever used an inside or on-car view in GT so it's a bit abnormal and taking some getting used to.

/racing driver excuses :sly:

Bump since I'm not on that quali list.

I might be a few mins late if that's ok, only just sorted the internet as it was playing up and not allowing anything to connect, and got to grab dinner with 10mins to connect time.

Room E
Date: Wednesday, December 21, 2011
Connet Time: 19.30 GMT | 11.30 PST | 14.30 EST
Start Time: 20.00 GMT | 12.00 PST | 15.00 EST
Host: Litchi_GTPlay
Room Number: 1472 6399 8580 0418 6435

Drivers (PSN ID|GTP ID):
1. Litchi_GTPlay
2. RFLXWidowmaker | The Widowmaker | UK | PAL | GT500
3. towiley4u | towiley4u | USA | PAL | GT500
4. GrahamTurismo | GrahamTurismo | USA | NTSC | GT500
5. Moieman | Andil | UK | PAL | GT300


Rules and Conditions
  • By signing this roll-call, you hereby announce that you have read and familiarized your self with the Rules and Regulations posted in the OP of the Qualifier Thread. (Page 1: Post 1 and 2)
  • You also hereby understand that not showing up on the aforementioned date and time, without prior notification to a Steward, will result into an indefinite ban from the series.
  • In case of connection issues, any problems will not be blamed upon the specific driver. If he is unable to connect, he is allowed to join another session.

Thx Mole ;)
Yeah I was hoping to do this in the middle of the day rather than later at night where I might not be as on top of my game, but I guess I should wait for the NTSC room where I'll have a better connection.
PSN ID: Sqwall_Azrael
GTPlanet ID: Sqwall
Country of Origin: Bulgaria
Conference: PAL
Class: GT500
Room Letter: E
So during qualifying if your cars tires touch the grass or green parts of the track is there a penalty or is it up to the Stewart to decide if its an illegal use of the track.
Ok, so having major issues staying in Litchi's room (as usual)

Is there another steward who could open a room for me, say, now?

If not: is it ok to put me to the back of GT300? I'm not fussed about car choice anyway so it makes little difference to me where I qualify tbh.
I'm not going to be able to qualify, as I've been too busy. Sorry about that, I'm actually pretty disappointed.
oh Scanny did you add the Finnish guy from last night to the sheets if not ok watch replay and get his times as I did not wright them down
don't know much about the guy but watched his session with scanny

psn - OK8_
Nationality - Finland
times - 2:08.354 | 2:10.807 | 2:08.638 | 2:08.217

could someone add him to the sheet if he hasn't already
don't know much about the guy but watched his session with scanny

psn - OK8_
Nationality - Finland
times - 2:08.354 | 2:10.807 | 2:08.638 | 2:08.217

could someone add him to the sheet if he hasn't already
No prob for that, i'll do.

But please, could u watch the moleman and Sqwall's sessions? I can't join the Mole's room...
Last edited:
Session Steward: GTP_Aderrrm
Date: December 21, 2011
Pilot: FAK (FAK_EV1L)
Conference | Class: PAL | GT500
Nationality: Italian
Flying Laps: 2:07.830 | 2:06.787 | 2:06.918 | 2:06.359
Best 3 Laps Total: 6:20.064

Session Steward: GTP_Aderrrm
Date: December 21, 2011
Pilot: ofctaranto (OFCTARANTO)
Conference | Class: PAL | GT500
Nationality: Italian
Flying Laps: 2:08.348 | 2:08.850 | 2:07.965 | 2:08.051
Best 3 Laps Total: 6:24.364
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