Racing After Midnight - Chapter 11 - "Sure He Said, It'll Be Fun"

  • Thread starter Zhu8
I see no problem in doing it now if Zhu feels there's enough people.

So can we all pile into Zhu's lounge now? :lol:
I can do now, I'm free anyway. I'm just re-reading Hashiriya from Vol. 1 to 4 :lol: Such good stories can't be left in the dust right ?
I'll be right there. Hold on a second, because my TV needs to decide to work first.
Sorry Zhu about leaving early, some of my friends called me during the 1st race to play soccer, and I couldn't refuse.
I was supposed to post the next chapter today, and then I realized there's a continuity error in my pics :grumpy:, I guess its going to have to wait until tomorrow.
I finally got off my lazy behind and got those pictures taken!

Chapter 4: "Choices, Choices"

Phone: "It gets Urgent, So Urgent, I wanna tell you it's the same with me."
"Hey babe, it's Justine."
"Hi honey, what do you need?"
"Could you give my uncle a ride from the Cafe de paris? The insurance payout for his car hasn't arrived yet."
"No problem, tell him I'll be there in 10 minutes."

"Mr. Chan!"
"Oh, hello there Michael, can you take me back home, I'm afraid I still don't have a car yet."
"Sure, just hop in."

"Can I guess that the local bad drivers took your Evo away from you?"
"Yep, the poor thing is up in that ever-growing junkyard in the sky."
"Mind telling me how it happened?"

"On Saturday I was going to pick Justine up from soccer practice, I was just waiting at a red light."

"I saw a red Lexus come up from behind me."

"She must've been doing at least 55 MPH when she drove into me."

"The force of the crash was enough to crack the chassis in 3 places."

"The offset of the crash caused the car to plow straight into the wall next to the intersection."


"The G-Forces from the impact knocked me out cold."

"Next thing I know a paramedic is pulling me out of the car."

"I'm sorry to hear about your car Sir, but at least you're okay."
"Thanks for the sympathy, stupid lady was texting in one hand and drinking Starbucks in the other."
"So do you plan on getting anything new?"
"Well the Insurance company did say they would reinburse me for $50,000, I'm probably going to switch sides and get an STi, I'm getting a little old for the hard suspension of the Evo.
"Sounds like a plan."
"I would get a Skyline but I need the practicality of a sedan or hatchback."
"Doesn't Mrs. Chan drive a Mini?"
"She does but she never wants me to use it.":grumpy:
"I see."
"We can stop by the junkyard if you want."
"Sure, we got plenty of time."

"Here it is."

"That's real bad."

"It looks like the Evo did it's job of protecting you though."

"I guess so."

"Yeah, this is defiantly a write-off, lets head back. I can't stand taking another look at the poor Evo."

"Well here we are, I'll see you later Sir."

"Thank you Micheal, I'll tell you when I get my new car."
Well what do you know, I dumped the clutch again. not the best impression I'm leaving on Mr. Chan..
I say keep the Mustang, far more interesting than an Impreza. :D

Hopefully it's a Hawkeye Impreza. :D
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i vote to the skyline
and did you noticed the right rear tire blown off in the evo :odd:
weird the first post in the new account is here :odd:
Well the car is supposed to be totalled :D

poor evo
o i forgot because 90% of bad drivers in in Bahrain drives Toyota/Lexus :lol:
and most of the crashes in bahrain because girls text with her black berry
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just two questions

1. what happened to the toyota ?

2. and what the difficultly the a.l cars you put ??

1. I don't know, it ended up in a different junkyard than the Evo?
2. The hardest one, I think it's called professional, doesn't work all too well since I keep winning unless I sandbag :grumpy:
Chapter 5 - "First Victory"


"I got the new tires installed for you Mike, and I also got the new rims on for you.


"Thanks, amazing what a coat of paint can do. Remember when we got them last week?"
"Yeah, the good thing about these is that they're stronger than the stock rims."


"Anyways, here's your pay." Said Micheal as he handed a wad of bills to Frank


Phone: "Let the good times roll, won't you let the good times roll?"

"Hey Tom, what do you have for me this time?"
"Jumping straight to business aren't we? There's a race tomorrow at the sea to sky, it's being hosted by some race team looking for local talent. You in?
"Are you coming?"
"Yep, the twins will be there too.

"Don't tell me Jack is coming."
"I think so, sorry man.
"I've had enough with him and his Jag, you thinking what I'm thinking?"
"Yep, and I'll try not to crash into you this time."

The Next Day
Phone: 'You have 1 missed call from Frank (Mechanic)'
"Siri, Call Frank."
"Calling Frank."
"Hey man this guy came at the middle of the night and dropped off a package at the shop's front door. It looks like some part from Ford Racing."
"Okay, I'll be right over."

"So what's this all about?"
"I don't Know, I opened the box for you, there's a note."

"So Who's it from?"

"Remember the guy with the Lambo?"
"Ohhh, Diego."
"Yeah, he sent it to me. Do you have a bay that I can use?"
"Yeah, just pick any empty one."
"Alright man, I'll see you in a few hours."
"Jack Doesn't have a chance now."

A Few Hours Later


"Hey Michael."
"Hey Tom, where's your car?"
"I uhhh...."
"You what? Crapped yourself?"
"I drove into a curb and the alignment is way off now.":guilty:
"Way to go man, way to go." :lol:
"Anyways, Jack bribed one of the race officialls and they let him start up at poll, you're in 12th place."
This is just great. :grumpy:
"At least I got that supercharger installed."
"Diego got me a Supercharger this morning, It pulled 450hp at the wheels."
"Well off you go then, it's time to line up."

Note: From this point on, all of the driver's speech colours will be represented by their car colours (Excluding main characters).


Jack: "I can't believe daddy didn't get me the XKR, It's not like my amazing driving skills can't control it or anything."
"Too bad Sis has to start near the middle, I guess we might not be able to get a 1-2 finish this time."


"Hmm, I wonder why Tom asked me to race for him."


""You best not be scratching my paint lady."
"Calm down man, It's my sis you have to worry about."


"It appears that Jim has stalled. That's not good."
"I wonder where Tom is."


"Looks like the track is pretty tight, you ready for this partner?"
"You Know it brah."


"The Radio Dial Fell Off!"
"Good Thing I sent this car over to Paramount Performance."


"Why does Wil get to start up at the front? That's not fair!"
"Calm down man, you don't see me complaining about all my buddies being up there do you?"


"The Dealer Said I had the only XK in this colour, what the heck is this guy doing?"
"What's with all the TTs?"

Fortunately the Clio driver managed to get his car started up in time.

"I need Stiffer Springs."

"Holy Cowballs."
"This can't be possible, I have a Jaguar!"
"Geez that's fast."


"Why hello there."
"Where did you come from?"
"Is That Michael? Didn't he start from the back?"


"My Back!"
"That doesn't look very comfortable."


"Woah dude, this isn't how you chase after girls.
"Does it really look like that's what I'm trying to do?"

Suddenly I lost power

"Oh 🤬"


"Move out of the way! Ladies first!"


"Who's that 🤬 up in the front, this isn't a Sunday drive."


"There something wrong with your car bro?"


My late braking heroics didn't work very well


"Come on, power over, power over."


"How can he be going that fast with a broken car?"
Beats the heck out of me


"So that's what sport mode does."
"Oh did you just figure that out? You're not the sharpest tool in the shed are you?"


"This is not how you turn a corner man."
"It's how I turn a corner and it works."


"No it doesn't."


"Oh great, now this 🤬 is in front of me."


And Just like that, I had somehow won with a crippled car.


I immediately hopped out and gave the hood a huge kiss, slightly burning my lips in the process.
"This is gonna be a hard one to explain to Justine..."

"Good Job Man, what happened to your car at the end?"
"No idea, just lost power all of a sudden."
"Pop the hood."
"Mike, you're a horrible mechanic"
"Now why do you say that?"
"The pulley belt for the supercharger fell off."
"I knew I forgot to do something." :indiff:
"I'll go ahead and tighten it for you, go collect your winnings."
"Okay then, thanks man."

Race Official: "Hello Mr. Zhu, congratulations on your win. The funds have already been transferred to your bank account, $3,500. Just sign here.
"Thank you."
A man tapped me on the shoulder
"Are you Mike Zhu?"
"Yes, who are you?"
"The name's Alexi, I run the local race team HPR, we're the ones that set up this event."
"I see, nice to meet you Alexi, so what do you want from me?"
"That was some pretty good racing out there, apart from your car almost dying. I was wondering if you would like to join our racing team?"
"Yeah I'm interested, not sure if the girlfriend would approve, but sure."
"Haha, you can always use some of your winnings to buy her a necklace, she won't complain at all. Anyways, we're going to be holding a tryout session with some other possible members later this week, can I get your phone number so I can contact you with more information."
"Sure, take my business card."
"You're a photographer? You won't mind if taking some promotional shots for our team if you get in?"
"No problem, I got to go check up on my car, we can talk later.
"Okay then, I'll see you at the meet Michael."
"Alright, bye Alexi."
"Call me Alex."