Racing After Midnight - Chapter 11 - "Sure He Said, It'll Be Fun"

  • Thread starter Zhu8
I love the Clio behind you trying to get into the shot. "Take photos of me! Me! Look at me!" :lol: Very nice chapter as usual Zhu. Still eager to see the chapter that we all helped you with. :D
I love the Clio behind you trying to get into the shot. "Take photos of me! Me! Look at me!" :lol: Very nice chapter as usual Zhu. Still eager to see the chapter that we all helped you with. :D

Don't worry, It'll come out after an obligatory action free, text heavy chapter or two :P
Don't worry, It'll come out after an obligatory action free, text heavy chapter or two :P

But of course. :D Every time I do that, I disguise it with a random image of a parked car. Works wonders. :sly:
I love the Clio behind you trying to get into the shot. "Take photos of me! Me! Look at me!" :lol: Very nice chapter as usual Zhu. Still eager to see the chapter that we all helped you with. :D

Poor lil thing needs attention. Awww...
Awesome chapter, I like the idea of color of character...thing. :P
Chapter 6 - "First Base!"

"So I heard you won that car race yesterday."
"Yeah, is there anything wrong?"
"As long as you don't get hurt it's fine."
"Well I'll try my best to stay in one piece."
"You better, who knows what I'll do if I lose you."
"Alright alright. I'll be fine honey, don't you worry about me."
"Are you sure about that babe? Because you just missed the exit."
"Oh 🤬" :dunce:
"Well you better show me some of your racing skills so we don't miss our movie."

"As you wish."

I did a quick turn around and pulled the pistol grip back into 1st.

"There we go."
Justine started looking uneasy

"You Feeling alright?"
"Yeah, it's just my first time going this fast."
"I'll slow down a bit."

"So did your uncle get his new car yet?"
"Yeah, it's one of those Subaru hatchback things."
Roj will not be impressed with this :grumpy:

"Oh look, here's the exit."

"Two for Mission Impossible"
Box Office Dude: "Here you go, have a nice day."

133 minutes later

"That was a good movie, too bad Julia died."
"Yeah, it was kinda surprising when they found out it was staged."
"Eh, I kinda saw it coming."

"Well Here we are."
"Thanks, why don't you walk me to my door?"
"Sure, this way my lovely lady."
"Why thank you."
"It was my pleasure."
"You know it's been a while."
"Since what?"
"Since I've been on a date, thanks for taking me out. Why don't I return the favour?"

"What are you so happy about?"
"Well someone got to first base tonight."
"And someone has a second date tomorrow night."
"Good for you, I'll just be spending another night alone then."
"Well maybe if you didn't stay at home all the time you wouldn't be such a loner."
"I'm not a loner."
"Oh, does that explain the huge tub of ice cream in the freezer? You have to stop watching those soap operas."
"Alright alright, when were you my counselor?"
"Anyways, you should ask Kathleen out."
"Oh so now you're giving me relationship advice?"
"No, I'm giving you advice on how to get in one, not deal with one."
"Whatever, same thing."
"She told me she was into you."
"Toss me my phone."
"Here you go big boy, have fun."
"Hey Kathleen, it's Tom. Do you want to go out for dinner tonight?" "You'd love to?" "Alright, I'll see you at 6 then."
"See, it wasn't that hard was it?"
"Alright, thank you my unholy lord.":sly:
"You're lucky I can't kick you out."
He shoots, he scores! :sly: Very nice chapter as always Zhu. Still waiting for that chapter with all of us in it though. :P

Roj will not be impressed with this :grumpy:

Indeed! Very displeased at your choice of Kia, good sir. :lol:
He shoots, he scores! :sly: Very nice chapter as always Zhu. Still waiting for that chapter with all of us in it though. :P

Indeed! Very displeased at your choice of Kia, good sir. :lol:

I can't wait to see me beating you... :D
Chapter 7 - "Winging It"
"I'll see you tomorrow baby."
"Alright, see you babe."
Now Where did my keys go?
"You forgot your keys!"
"Oh, thanks."
I Unlocked the door and checked my phone
iPhone: You have 1 Missed Call From Alexi Tolstoy
"Siri, Call Alexi Tolstoy"
"Calling Alexi Tolstoy."
"Where are you man?"
"On a date, what's so important?"
"The Schedule Just got changed, the cops only gave us a one hour window, you have 15 minutes to get here."
"Calm, down I'm only 3 miles away."

A Short Drive Later...
"Hey Michael, Tom's in pit 4, you're in pit 2. The starting positions are the same number as your pit number. There's 10 minutes until we start so get your car ready. You have to get in the top 3 to get into the team."
"Thanks Alex."
"You ready Mike?"
"Yeah, how about you?"
"Just checking the tire pressure."
"Alright, I'll see you at the winner's circle."
Note: From this point on, all of the driver's speech colours will be represented by their car colours (Excluding main characters).


"Who says being a Greenpeace member couldn't be fun?"


"Oh wait, I forgot to tighten the gas cap."


"Please don't break down baby."


"This new Spoon engine runs like a dream."


"Let's go VQ35!"


"It's lonely back here."


I still need to work on my throttle control :indiff:




All of a sudden Tom flew past me.
"See you at the finish line bro."
"I am surprised by this."


"Surprised and annoyed."


"Geez this guy is slow."
"Move it!
"Damn this single gear transmission


"Why Hello there."
"These guys are pretty good."


The 'convoy' started to close in on Tom

We were making good progress until The Tesla came along

"WHAT THE 🤬?!" :scared:


"Ow." :grumpy:


"Now I have 2 guys to chase down, great."


"Hello again."
"Try not to crash into me this time."


I reached up and flipped the tab on the rearview mirror to night mode
"My eyes are burning now."


The Tesla made another attack
"Oh that will buff out buddy."
"I hope so, or I'm breaking your neck."


"Good old V8 Power"


"Maybe I should've stayed on the gas."


I gave the gas pedal one last stomp and passed the Tesla
"Was he sandbagging?"


"I really do need better suspension."


"Much better suspension."


I once again had to resort to my unlimited power reserve to pass the 350Z
"Maybe I should've bought that T67."


I guess just passing is better than failing...
"What happened to Mike?"

"Congrats on the win, I'll buy you a beer."
"We're not old enough to drink yet."
"I'll buy you a soda then."
"Gentlemen, I'd like you to meet the man in the Tesla, he apologizes for hitting you and hopes there aren't any hard feelings."
"Hey man, sorry about that."
"Nah it's fine, just try to drive a little cleaner next time."
"Yeah fo sure man"
"Can you do me a favor kid?"
"Drop that gangster talk, this isn't Jersey Shore."
"Huh? You wanna go man? Huh? You think you can touch this?"
"Calm down Jerrell, we don't like team members fighting with each other."
"Besides, Tom's a Black Belt."
That made Jerrell quiet real fast
"Anyways, you 3 are the newest members of Hi-Power Racing, we have a bunch of races coming up so make sure I have your numbers."
"You have mine."
"Here's mine."
"You got mine dawg."
"Alright then, here's the quick rundown, Tom's the second-in-command for the street section, Mike has Highway and Scouting. And Jerrell has Track covered. Any questions?"
"Yeah, who's the leader of streets?"
"Me. Any other questions?"
"Who's under us?"
"Some new guys that we found this afternoon, I think you already know one of them. His name is Jack, drives a Jaguar XK?"
"Oh god."
"Yeah, we're still going to thin out the candidates with another race, it's going to be at the local track. You can come see if you want. It's at 3:30 on Tuesday.""
"Okay, thanks for the info Alex, I'm gonna call it a night and go to sleep."
"See you on Tuesday."

Thanks to machete-man, korza493, VTiRoj, Dooglers8, and Apokalipse for their help with this chapter!
Finally! Was waiting for this. :D Didn't realise you all had such a violent race back there. Me and Korza Tom were just choochin' big times and having a sweet duel. :lol:

Only 4 pics of me? And to think I got all dressed up for the occasion too. :lol:

Great chapter all round. 👍
Finally! Was waiting for this. :D Didn't realise you all had such a violent race back there. Me and Korza Tom were just choochin' big times and having a sweet duel. :lol:

Only 4 pics of me? And to think I got all dressed up for the occasion too. :lol:

Great chapter all round. 👍

Well I was going to make you a tame racing driver, but then I decided against a mute character.
Well I was going to make you a tame racing driver, but then I decided against a mute character.

I meant dressing my Evo up but yeah, it would've been a bit odd to have The Stig in a street race. :lol:
I can only understand if there was a girl involved in some way. :lol:

Silly Silly boy :P

We're in a group of 30-45 people, so yeah, girls we're involved. It was a barbecue/soccer organized by a friend.
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It's funny how my awesome S2000 that completely DESTROYED the competition was scratch free.... :sly:
I meant dressing my Evo up but yeah, it would've been a bit odd to have The Stig in a street race. :lol:

hahaha some says he drives a lancer evolution in red wich is belong to vtiroj :lol:
great chapter zhu8 hope you put the Ragla performance garage g35 infinite
hahaha some says he drives a lancer evolution in red wich is belong to vtiroj :lol:
great chapter zhu8 hope you put the Ragla performance garage g35 infinite
To be honest, I probably will.

I see I'm public enemy No.1! Did I really smash that much?
Maybe it was just the mustang's SUV like visibility and the tesla's small size?
Nice to see my 350Z make an appearance. Great chapter as always, Zhu! I'm eagerly waiting to see what happens next.
Chapter 8: "Finding Talent"
"Hey Michael."
"Hey Alex, what's going on right now?"
"Races for Street class, we just wrapped up the circuit class race."
"Alright then, who's out in front?"
"Some dude in a Camaro. We have a Porsche RUF behind him and a evo following real close."
"What's a RUF?"
"Some kind of modded Porsche."

"You weren't kidding when you said real close."
"Yup, I had cameras mounted into all the cars, come over to the laptop here."

"Nice and clean pass."

"That's some pretty fast cornering."

"A bit down on power though

"Maybe that Camaro just can't take corners?"

"Maybe,switch over to the camera on the RUF."

"Damn, he pushed too hard."


"Quick, switch to the cam on the Camaro."


"I think Tom's going to be impressed with this guy."
"I think he will."
Then Alex's phone rang
"Hello? Yes, who is this? Oh hey David, what do you need? Now? But I'm busy. Fine, calm down, I'm on my way."
"Who was that?"
"No one you need to know. Listen, I got to go, could you please have a talk with the winners when they're done and give them my card?"
"Thanks, I'll catch up with you later."

"Are you Alexi?"
"No, he just left."
"Are you the guy in the white Evo 9?"
"Well then congratulations, you're the newest member of HPR."
"Do you want to watch the last race with me, we have cameras set up."
"Sure, by the way, what's your name?"
"Jan. Are you going to be my leader or something?"
"No, you're under Alex and Tom, Tom drives a S2000."

"Looks like the land yacht can't keep up with the Camaro."

"So what do you drive Michael?"
"A Supercharged 2005 Mustang."

"Who's this guy in the Jag?"
"His name's Jack, if he doesn't crash I'll be surprised."

"Hey look, the Camaro won."
"Most of the cars are still going around the last corner."

"That's not good."

"I don't think this is covered under warranty."

"Good thing these GoPro cameras are cheap."

"This guy drives like 🤬."
"All rich kids do."

"You don't say."

"Now where is he?"
"Don't lean over the pits, it's not safe."
"What are you, my mother?"
"No, but insurance doesn't cover stuff like that if you get hurt."

"There he is. His parents are going to be mad." :lol:
"I'd expect him back in a XKR next week."
"How'd you get the Evo anyways? You look a bit young to afford something that expensive."
"I could ask you the same question."
"Touche, Dad gave it to me as a 16th birthday Present. Plus he forgot my birthday last year. What about you?"
"My parents matched half the money I got for my Scholarship. 15 thousand plus 5 thousand of my own money. `
"Hey are you Alex?"
"No, he left."
"So who Do I talk to?
"Hi, Kenneth Carson. F-Body enthusiast"
"Michael Zhu, you report to me now."
"Okay then, so what are we doing after this?"
"I don't know, I'll call him later and tell you guys."
"Sure, here's my number."
"Here's mine."
"Alright then, you two can go now."
"Okay, see you guys."

Phone: "Who are you? Who, who. Who who?"
"Who is this?"
"Hey Michael."
"Oh hello Mr. Chan."
"Are you doing anything right now?"
"No, just finished a tryout for my racing team."
"Do you feel like going for a drive in my new car?"
"Sure, I'll be there in 10 minutes."
"I'll see you then."
I like the GoPro camera views, really nice touch. Also why do the wheels on the EvoIX look like 24 inch DUB wheels? :lol: Infact what wheels are they?
Sorry for the late chapter guys, got a little busy this week.

Chapter 9: "Euro-What?"
"Hello Mister Chan."
"Hey Mike, glad you could stop by."

"So this is the new car?"
"Yep, Cost me 25k."
"Is it stock?"
"It was, I installed a STi Tower bar up front and some ECU tuning, otherwise it's stock."
"Well why don't we go for a drive then?"
"Sure, you can drive."

"If you insist."

"So how much power does she make?"
"Frank Dynoed it at 320 HP with the Dynapack."
"Well I guess I'll drop it down to third."

"Watch out for the blind corner here."

"Turn is is real sharp."


"It understeers a bit on long corners."
"I should probably get a tower bar for the rear end too."

Mr. Chan hit play on the radio
"Gonna Get you, like a space boy. Woah woah woah woah!"
"What's this?"
"Eurobeat, I thought I'd give it a listen."
"Makes me want to go faster."

"Hey look, there's 25k miles."
"Focus on the road Mike, sharp left up ahead."
"Oh 🤬"

"These are new Tires too."
"I blame the Eurobeat."

"These Bridgestones are $700 a set."
"I make more than that in once race!"
"Well maybe I should get into contact with your friends."

"Are you worried about your 401(k) or something?"
"No, who said more money can't be a good thing?"
"Point taken. We should get out of here before someone calls the police."

"I don't think the peace was disturbed that much."
"The driving would be reckless in most people's opinion though."
"Well why don't I take over then?"

"Here you go, I'll see you later Michael."
"Until then, Mr. Chan."
I started walking back to the Mustang
Phone: "Who are you? Who who, who who?"
"Is this Michael Zhu?"
"Yes, who is this?"
"This is Detective Kevin Biggs, from the police department. We have some questions to ask you."
"What is this about?"
"Alexi Tolstoy. Could you please come down to Central Station and ask for Detective Biggs."
"Okay then, I'll be down there in half an hour."
"Thank you."
Sorry for not posting anything for the last 2 weeks, gotten kinda busy with school.

Chapter 10: "Just A Favor"

Random Dude: "Hey, I know you!"
"No you don't"
"We went to High school together."
"No we didn't, go sober up."
"Whatever you say Joe."
Stupid Drunks

"So this is the new Police building."
Secretary: "Hello Sir, how may I help you?"
"I'm looking for a Detective Kevin Biggs."
"Seventh Floor, his office is just on the right of the elevator."
I started walking toward the Elevator
"Oh, hello Detective."
"Glad you could come, why don't we walk and talk?"
"So how close are you to Mr. Tolstoy."
"Not very, why do you ask?"
"Our Vice squad has taken interest in him."
"You don't need to know."
"So why do you need to talk to me."
"We just want you to tell us if there's anything suspicious."

"Oka-Wow that's a nice car."
"Thanks, it's mine."

"Looks real sweet."
"Only when it's not in the shop. Pursuits really take a toll on her."
"Now I know why the street racing rates are down."
"Anyways, just tell me if you see anything abnormal."
"Okay, is that all?"
"Yes, you can go now."
"Okay, I'll see you then."
I got back into the Stang, pulled out and drove back home.
"This is Detective Biggs, I am deploying the balljoints on the suspect. I repeat, I am deploying the balljoints!"

Great chapter (and the one before that I missed), I can't wait for some police chases. :D

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