Chapter 11: "Sure He Said, It'll Be Fun He Said."
Phone: "
Let the good times roll, won't you let the good times roll?"
"Hey Mike, Jan wants one of us over at the trail next to the huge mountain.
"Mount Kong?"
"Yeah that place."
"A Finnish guy on a trail with a Evo, I wonder what he could be doing."
"Alright Sargent sarcastic, I get it. Tell Him I'll be over in 5 minutes."
"Okay man, we'll talk later."
"Hey Michael."
"Hey Jan, checking tire pressures?"
"Yeah, you want to go for a ride?"
"Not really, I've never liked rallying."
"Oh come on!"
"Fine, but don't blame me if all your cheap plastic interior gets covered in vomit."
"This is why I bring barf bags."
"Well this isn't too bad."
"That's because we're still on tarmac."
"These bumps are getting soaked up pretty well."
"Fully adjustable suspension, goes from road race to rally with just one knob."
"Hey man, brake up here."
"Calm Down down, perse."
It was there that I lost my lunch.
"PASKA!! Not on the seats."
"I think it's time to head back to the pits."
"Oh God, why is it yellow?"
"This is going to be a nightmare to clean up."
"Just go home, I'll take care of this."
"If you insist, sorry about the mess."
"Aw Geez, my favourite shirt too."