Online Tuning App

  • Thread starter nasanu
I really like your site great effort! but i would suggest a small thing in the search filtering which is to add a tab that makes you select either General setup or Track specific .
what i mean is if someone wants to list all the general setups available for any car he should find the general ones only.
As i said it is a small thing i hope it works.

Actually you can do this now, but i guess I have not made it very clear. Buried in the track list there is a track called 'general'. When you select 'any track' it will show all tunes no matter what the track setting, general will show setups that are general tunes for no specific track.

I will move the general option to the top when I get some time. At the moment I am making it easier to tell different types of setups apart, like drift setups, drag setups etc as you can start to see on the front page. God this site a lot of work. Fun though.
Hey nasanu, long time no race!!
Just noticed this thread. I checked out your site and it looks great!! Not sure what that spud on the 1st page is talking about but awesome work putting it all together.
I'll have a better look when I get home.
How much work would it take to make a database for lap times, license times and race times? or had a really great database for times and I really liked it but I have not found many places since then to enter my times at.

Oh, and I made an account at your site and it looks great.
Hey nasanu, long time no race!!
Just noticed this thread. I checked out your site and it looks great!! Not sure what that spud on the 1st page is talking about but awesome work putting it all together.
I'll have a better look when I get home.

Thanks MONSTAR :) Yeah I haven't been online much lately. I think I have raced about 4 times since the DLC was released :( Too much work. When I am tired I don't like to race (since I dont like to lose :P ) so I usually turn on Fifa or something. That guy on page one.. I forgot about him lol. I found out he also runs at GT site so...

How much work would it take to make a database for lap times, license times and race times? or had a really great database for times and I really liked it but I have not found many places since then to enter my times at.

Oh, and I made an account at your site and it looks great.

I have thought about this before. It would not be that much work, well building it anyway. I dismissed the idea a while ago because I assumed that GT5 would have nice leaderboards by now. Do you think that if GT5 had leaderboards there would be any need for a lap times database? I still expect them to be added to GT5, PD have listened to most requests, this has to be high on the do to list.

Anyway guys be sure to let me know of any issues you have with the site, anything you want it to do, anything it should do better. I still have things to add to how the basic tuning side of the site works, then its onto code support for league hosting.
I was going to ask when the league will be up and running. That would bring in more people. Also what about a forum or message board? That way people can interact on the site. It kind of felt lonely being on there by myself lol.

Keep up the good work, see you on track soon.
Found a minor the registration screen, passsword is spelled...uh, well... :embarrassed:

Still wandering through but it looks nice so far.

EDIT: Found a bug in submitting a setup. It does not want to seem to take a power limiter setting that is not 100. Trying to add one at 99.5 but get an error "please enter a power limiter value (default 100)". Also the font doesn't seem to handle special characters well, as in Murciélago.
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I was going to ask when the league will be up and running. That would bring in more people. Also what about a forum or message board? That way people can interact on the site. It kind of felt lonely being on there by myself lol.

Keep up the good work, see you on track soon.

I had started work on the leagues but then delayed it so I could fully redo the look of the whole site. The leagues section just looked so much better than the rest of the site I just gave in and redid everything. I have the graphics done for it and the database design, just got to code it. Personally I am more excited about the leagues than anything else, they are going to tie in really nicely with the teams aspect of the site and bring the whole vision together.

A forum is also on the drawing board. I've investigated a few options and I think I will be coding one myself because I want to do a lot of custom stuff with it. There is kind of a mini forum in the teams section where team members can leave messages for each other. I am planning more stuff like that, things to help develop a community.

Found a minor the registration screen, passsword is spelled...uh, well... :embarrassed:

Still wandering through but it looks nice so far.

EDIT: Found a bug in submitting a setup. It does not want to seem to take a power limiter setting that is not 100. Trying to add one at 99.5 but get an error "please enter a power limiter value (default 100)". Also the font doesn't seem to handle special characters well, as in Murciélago.

Yeah I suck at testing. And spelling. This weekend I will be going over the site testing all the new stuff as best I can.

The character encoding is an issue, kind of a complex one. I just haven't had the time to get to that, but I am aware of it. Again it is on my monstrous list of things to do.

Oh I'll also be adding an 'export to forum code' option in there somewhere. This will be some code that you can cut form the site and post on forums like this one to list all of your tunes, all nicely formatted.
If there's anything i can do to help then just ask. I dont know the 1st thing about coding and all that but if there's anything you think i might be able to do to help you then ill give it a go lol.
Also dont be afraid to say no either, i wont mind lol. Just thought id offer. :)
Just added forum export support:

There is a 'export setups to forum' link in the garage now, it provides a cut and paste export to BBCode which can be used on forums like this. It will list all public tunes with more export options to come in future.

I'll soon be adding support to export full setups to the forum as well.
I like what you have done, but having the password display in clear text when registering is very concerning. You have all passwords salted and hashed I hope.
I like what you have done, but having the password display in clear text when registering is very concerning. You have all passwords salted and hashed I hope.

Wow I didnt realize I did that. Should be fixed by the time you read this.

Anyway yeah the passwords are secure, encrypted (using two different methods actually, one of top of the other... long story).
And now I've added single tune exports:

Amuse S2000 R1 '04 2004 tune by nasanu

Power Limiter:.....100%
Ballast Position:..0%

Final:........230 km/h

Drive Train
LSD Initial Torque:....... Front: 0 Rear: 0
LSD Acc Sensitivity:....... Front: 0 Rear: 0
LSD Braking Sensitivity:. Front: 0 Rear: 0
Torque Split:................ Front: 0 Rear: 0


Ride Height:............... Front: -25 Rear: -25
Spring Rate:............... Front: 11.0 Rear: 7.6
Damper Compression:. Front: 6 Rear: 3
Damper Extension:...... Front: 6 Rear: 3
Anti-Roll Bars:............. Front: 3 Rear: 1
Camber:..................... Front: 2.0 Rear: 3.0
Toe:........................... Front: 0.00 Rear: -0.20

Brake Balance:- Front: 6 Rear: 5

This car is setup for the No.7 Time Trial seasonal event. With the parts selected it matches exactly 295HP however power may vary depending on oil changes and mileage. This setup is focused on corner exit grip. It was good enough for position 13th on the leaderboard during testing.
Powered By:

Wow I didnt realize I did that. Should be fixed by the time you read this.

Anyway yeah the passwords are secure, encrypted (using two different methods actually, one of top of the other... long story).

Best to leave it as a long story, security being what it is ... just wanted to be sure security was being considered
Just added a WYSIWYG editor to the site (much like the one you use when you add a post on here). This finally allows MUCH more customization for users to add links and images to their tuner and team pages.

Example here:

It is not the biggest update in the world but I did it as part of developing the league hosting system and it was a quick job to port it to the rest of the site. League development is going well, not sure how much longer it will take though, at least another month depending on how many days I have to spend at work.
I have noticed that for Transmission settings that there isn't a spot for the final gear ratio, or there isn't a spot for the resulting top speed. and there maybe need for a place to put the top speed setting.