- 1,429
- Australia
- nasanu
- nasanu
I really like your site great effort! but i would suggest a small thing in the search filtering which is to add a tab that makes you select either General setup or Track specific .
what i mean is if someone wants to list all the general setups available for any car he should find the general ones only.
As i said it is a small thing i hope it works.
Actually you can do this now, but i guess I have not made it very clear. Buried in the track list there is a track called 'general'. When you select 'any track' it will show all tunes no matter what the track setting, general will show setups that are general tunes for no specific track.
I will move the general option to the top when I get some time. At the moment I am making it easier to tell different types of setups apart, like drift setups, drag setups etc as you can start to see on the front page. God this site a lot of work. Fun though.