VCRC Vintage Sprint Tournament - complete...

Can't wait for tonight, folks - looks like a lot of fun.

Anyone out there have an extra Mini they could spare for tonight's festivities?

PSN: j-neb

I can send one but won't be at ps3 for about 5hr 30min.

If you can't get one sooner send FR & I will ship
I am going to have to give the GMT race a miss as I am signed up for the Ginetta G4 Custom Track Tour. I dont think it will be over by the time this starts.

I am still in for the second Monday race (or Tuesday in my case)
Well I hope it's not over at all before the GMT event today, because I'm in both, and so are several people, and the G4 race doesn't start until tomorrow!! :D
Man oh man, mike please don't confuse me anymore than I already am. :boggled: :lol:
You're in cahoots with Vol, aren't you?! :mad: To get me riled up so you can enjoy popcorn & a show! :lol:
Well I hope it's not over at all before the GMT event today, because I'm in both, and so are several people, and the G4 race doesn't start until tomorrow!! :D
Man oh man, mike please don't confuse me anymore than I already am. :boggled: :lol:
You're in cahoots with Vol, aren't you?! :mad: To get me riled up so you can enjoy popcorn & a show! :lol:

Oops, I got my days and dates mixed up.

So I am in for tonights race. Sorry for any added confusion WM.
Oops, I got my days and dates mixed up.
So I am in for tonights race. Sorry for any added confusion WM.

heehee. That's okay. I checked 3 times before posting... because I'm not going to be certain of anything until Europe moves into Daylight Savings Time as well.
All I can say is at least time moves at the same speed in Europe! :lol:
(Though, I'm sure some would debate that as well. :boggled: lol)
Danish DST : Changes the night between the 24. and 25. march.

Yes, I believe all of Europe changes on the early morning of March 25th. ??
It's just North America (US & Canada) which switches on March 11th... in recent years. :boggled:
Then, also, I think Arizona does not ever change to DST... ? :grumpy:
Not sure about South America... ?
Yes, I believe all of Europe changes on the early morning of March 25th. ??
It's just North America (US & Canada) which switches on March 11th... in recent years. :boggled:
Then, also, I think Arizona does not ever change to DST... ? :grumpy:
Not sure about South America... ?

South America would be moving out of any daylight savings as we move in.

Due to our sluggish economy, we extended our daylight savings.

I say just post everything in UTC and let each person figure it out for themselves. Another option is to set up a public Google Calendar or something similar.
I'm going to get in the lounge in a few minutes.
I need a pre-race snack, and to feed the cats dinner so they aren't hounding me while I'm racing.

And so then as soon as everyone arrives, we can get started, even if it's earlier than anticipated, so long as all slated to arrive, arrive, and are ready. 👍 ?? How's that sound?

Monday March 12th @ 2pm PDT / 5pm EDT / 9pm GMT / 10pm CET

1. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n
2. cc570 / cc570
3. jackargent / jackargent
4. Cote Dazur / cotedazur06
5. Mike 5927 / Mike_5927
6. turbogeit / turbogeit
7. Matticus88 / Diplomatti
8. John Wells / johnwells69
9. jammy21 / GTP_Jammy
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I can send one but won't be at ps3 for about 5hr 30min.

If you can't get one sooner send FR & I will ship

Thanks! No one else spoke up so I'll add you as a friend. Hopefully you can get it to me before the late race tonight. Thanks again!
Well, i quit because of being acussed of bumping, despite having the inside line many times, i was simply not given enough track space to make a clean overtake, and kept getting cut off and had nowhere to go but into the car i was trying to overtake despite being the faster car (i did qualify in 1st)
Well, i quit because of being acussed of bumping, despite having the inside line many times, i was simply not given enough track space to make a clean overtake, and kept getting cut off and had nowhere to go but into the car i was trying to overtake despite being the faster car (i did qualify in 1st)

I'd have to see the replay, but based on what you've said here, I would have to remind you that if you can't make a clean pass, it is best to not make the pass. If you are approaching the corner behind some one else, you have to assume they are going to move toward the apex. If you can't get a fender infront of their car, then you really can't claim the inside line.

Again, it is entirely possible that you were not bumping. But your own comments make it sound like you might have been.
Sorry to bail out at the last minute, but likely will be at the office later than 6 and can't make the 7 PDT start time. I'll look at the next event calendar and see you on track next time.
Dear Matticus88,

Had you stayed, we would've confronted this privately with post-race penalties.
But since you did not, and are now have the audacity to complain on this thread, the CONTACT AVOIDANCE TOURNAMENT race thread... to defend your temerity... :boggled:

Well, i quit because of being acussed of bumping

The person who accused you of bumping in Race #1, left immediately after Race #1, instead of trusting that there would be penalties incurred... or at least trusting that you would leave in short order, as you did.
So I don't see that you left because of that. :odd:

You didn't leave until you spun out in last place in the slower model car in Race #2.

Looked to me like you left because you were in last & likely to stay there. :P 👎

Rather odd considering it was just 5 laps at london, and only the 2nd of 5 races in the event. :rolleyes: :odd: :dopey:

Well, i quit because of being acussed of bumping, despite having the inside line many times, i was simply not given enough track space to make a clean overtake, and kept getting cut off

I haven't had the time to watch the replay yet.
And since both parties left the event, there is no reason to judge the incidents for stewardship purposes, and therefore, it does not seem like a worthy use of my time.
Perhaps someone else will have the interest & time to take a look and give you an appraisal in order to help, if you so wish.

But, to me, as Vol said, it sounds as if you don't understand the GTP OLR Rules.
Have you read them? Do you have any questions about them that you should have asked before the event?

GTP OLR Rules:

At least admit your lack of knowledge of fair racing, and plead to learn how to adhere to rules & track etiquette.

nowhere to go but into the car i was trying to overtake despite being the faster car (i did qualify in 1st)

There was no faster car - the race you are referring to was the Alpine ONE-MAKE race.
Everyone was in the same car. :confused: :confused: :confused:

And qualifying in 1st does not give you the automatic right to 1st place finish in the race, or have other cars move aside for you.
:confused: :confused: :confused:
Otherwise, why even have the race? :boggled:

Stated on this event thread's OP:
You are always responsible for your own car. And in the event that you collide with another car, you are required to make CONTACT CONCESSION.
There is no excuse for not making contact concession.
It requires no speed, nor skill, nor a good handling car to slow down, stop,
and let the car you hit back ahead of you, as a contact concession!

VCRC Thread on Racing Sportsmanship & Track Etiquette in CLEAN racing:

In particular, you may be interested in these:

If you bump someone while trying to overtake, etiquette should ask that you give the position back and insure that the other driver has control of their car before attempting to overtake again. (IMO)

If you haven't achieved significant overlap before the braking zone you should not be thinking of overtaking. If you have pulled even by the braking zone, then you can think of outbraking the other guy to overtake before the corner. Try driving a lap with the driving line on. That should tell you where the turn in point is for each turn. You should be even with the car you are trying to overtake by that point, if you are not then get behind and try again later.

I've heard that argument before about slower cars letting faster cars past and that's just silly and not even deserving of attention. Someone who suggests that is playing the wrong game and should stick to A-Spec.

I'm sorry if I'm misunderstanding Matticus88, but it sounds like you're complaining because people didn't move aside for you???
That's not racing.
I don't know what you call that. But it sounds rather preposterous.

:confused: :confused: :confused:

I really hope there has been some glaring misunderstanding here. Otherwise, there's really not much I could do to assist in "diplomacy". ;)
Sorry to bail out at the last minute, but likely will be at the office later than 6 and can't make the 7 PDT start time. I'll look at the next event calendar and see you on track next time.

Sorry you can't make it! :(

I haven't even seen the custom track at all. I'll be at a huge disadvantage, I'm sure.

Not that it will affect the outcome.

Likely not. I know the custom track... well, I should know it.
But I really don't.
I've been on it a few dozen times now, in various cars, various races.
And I still don't know it.

So not to worry overly. 👍
Okay, so this is who's expected this evening at the EST Event...

EST Event
Monday March 12th @ 7pm PST / 10pm EST / (Tues 3am GMT) / (Tues 4am CET)

  1. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n
  2. Mike 5927 / Mike_5927
  3. AngryEater / AngryEater
  4. Vol Jbolaz / a_garris
  5. chuyler1 / chuyler1
  6. johnnynebraska / J-Neb
  7. SagarisGTB / sagarismic
  8. culturalsnow / culturalsnow


The Lounge Settings should be set this way:

Event Settings:
Boost: Off
Penalty: Off
Mechanical Damage: Light
Slipstream Strength: weak
Tire Wear / Fuel Consumption: On
Grip Reduction: Real
Regulation Settings:
Comfort Soft Tires
Tuning: Prohibited
All aids OFF except ABS & driving line

I will be checking the VCRC account for last minute FRs by 9:30pm EST, and then arriving at the VCRC lounge shortly after that.

Qualifying will begin at 10pm EST sharp. 👍
Hello everyone i'm new in this forum, so I wanna ask you can I join your tournamets? Or it is too late?
Fun races! I think Mike managed to post the fastest lap in each car but I managed to avoid mistakes and come out ahead.

The Alpine is quite a handful on the hairpins. I probably should have practiced with that car beforehand. I was about 1/2 second slower than Mike during qualifying but got lucky when he made a mistake early in the race.

The Mini Cooper at London was a blast. I wouldn't mind doing an entire Mini Cooper tournament...but most of the tracks in the game are a bit too big for it. London was perfect.

I enjoyed the Alpha Romeo too but couldn't quite figure out whether I should have been down shifting to 2nd in a few places. I think this car would have been more fun on a familiar track.

The Lancia is a death trap. I could tell right away that my opponents were drifting as much as I was but with 4 laps I would have to conserve tires if I wanted to win. Mike had a faster line through turns 1-2 and was overall quicker through the final sequence of turns... I would lose time and then make it up on other parts of the track. Then I got lucky again and he spun on the left turn before that tight blind hairpin. After that I was just battling the darkness and trying to keep the car on the track.
Curiously, I found the Alfa to be a bit less predictable on the long sweepers with the tail snapping out without any warning. I was dreading the Stratos round but found it be much more controllable than I thought. Of course that didn't stop me from spinning out!
That last race was terrifying. The Stratos in the dark I won't be doing that again in a hurry. Or will I?

Although I didn't emulate the success I experienced earlier, the later set of races were great fun as there was much greater pressure (which I cracked under a couple of times) from the other drivers.
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GMT Event

Division 1

Race #1 @ Eiger
(missing results - apologies)

Race #2 @ London
  1. Mike 5927 / Mike_5927
  2. jackargent / jackargent
  3. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n

Race #3 @ London
  1. Mike 5927 / Mike_5927
  2. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n
  3. jackargent / jackargent

Race #4 @ Manja Bene
  1. Mike 5927 / Mike_5927
  2. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n
  3. jackargent / jackargent

Race #5 @ Manja Bene
  1. Mike 5927 / Mike_5927
  2. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n
  3. jackargent / jackargent

Division 2

Race #1
(missing results - apologies)

Race #2 @ London
  1. Cote Dazur / cotedazur06
  2. cc570 / cc570
  3. John Wells / johnwells69
  4. jammy21 / GTP_Jammy

Race #3 @ London
  1. jammy21 / GTP_Jammy
  2. cc570 / cc570
  3. John Wells / johnwells69

Race #4 @ Manja Bene
  1. jammy21 / GTP_Jammy
  2. cc570 / cc570
  3. John Wells / johnwells69

Race #5 @ Manja Bene
  1. jammy21 / GTP_Jammy
  2. John Wells / johnwells69
  3. cc570 / cc570
The Lancia is a death trap.
I was dreading the Stratos round but found it be much more controllable than I thought. Of course that didn't stop me from spinning out!
That last race was terrifying. The Stratos in the dark I won't be doing that again in a hurry. Or will I?


Yeah, you will eventually.

I've noticed the Lancia Stratos is a car that's just simply terrible!!!
BUT, it holds a certain fascination for me.
I can't eat just one jelly bean. ;)
(Though I'm a bit sick from too many right now. lol)
I found it was much easier to control if you kept it in 3rd exiting corners instead of downshifting to 2nd. It put the engine out of the torque band and helped keep the power down. I lost a little time to my drifting opponents but after two laps the rubber I saved on the rear tires paid off.
EST Event

Division 1

Race #1 @ Eiger
  1. chuyler1 / chuyler1
  2. Mike 5927 / Mike_5927
  3. SagarisGTB / sagarismic

Race #2 @ London
  1. chuyler1 / chuyler1
  2. SagarisGTB / sagarismic
  3. Mike 5927 / Mike_5927

Race #3 @ London
  1. chuyler1 / chuyler1
  2. Mike 5927 / Mike_5927
  3. SagarisGTB / sagarismic

Race #4 @ Manja Bene
  1. chuyler1 / chuyler1
  2. SagarisGTB / sagarismic
  3. Mike 5927 / Mike_5927

Race #5 @ Manja Bene
  1. chuyler1 / chuyler1
  2. Mike 5927 / Mike_5927
  3. SagarisGTB / sagarismic

Division 2

Race #1 @ Eiger
  1. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n
  2. Vol Jbolaz / a_garris
  3. johnnynebraska / J-Neb

Race #2 @ London
  1. johnnynebraska / J-Neb
  2. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n
  3. Vol Jbolaz / a_garris

Race #3 @ London
  1. Vol Jbolaz / a_garris
  2. johnnynebraska / J-Neb
  3. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n

Race #4 @ Manja Bene
  1. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n
  2. johnnynebraska / J-Neb
  3. Vol Jbolaz / a_garris

Race #5 @ Manja Bene
  1. Vol Jbolaz / a_garris
  2. johnnynebraska / J-Neb
  3. watermelonpunch / wat3rm370n