Battlefield 3

  • Thread starter The Bman
Best way for me: join 1 Noshar Canals match, stay in the US respawn pointing at B and way for anyone to show up. When you see someone aim a little higher from their head and voila.

It's not just I can't get a shot or find a location where. It's just that if I fire JUST a little to high or low, the enemy will move. So far all I've gotten are hit markers. I know where I'd have to aim for a shot at that distance but not well enough to get a headshot.
It's not just I can't get a shot or find a location where. It's just that if I fire JUST a little to high or low, the enemy will move. So far all I've gotten are hit markers. I know where I'd have to aim for a shot at that distance but not well enough to get a headshot.
When I got my 397meters headshot I did exactly what I told you, first I trained my hit makers and when the moment showed up I failed my first shot, the enemy didn't move and then voila headshot.
When I got my 397meters headshot I did exactly what I told you, first I trained my hit makers and when the moment showed up I failed my first shot, the enemy didn't move and then voila headshot.

I'll keep trying. I got a headshot while trying this, got really excited then saw it was only 292M. At least it's a new best. He was At the ramp on the left where the IFVs can drive up.

And thanks for the trophy help Patrick. 👍
Placing a spawn beacon directly facing/touching a large structure (like the red/white comms tower at Caspian, or the tallest pipes at Kharg or Firestorm) will usually give you the chance to land on top of that structure when you next parachute in.
Get it right and then look down and shoot anyone.
That will probably give you the kind of headshot distance you're after.....
Hardcore is usually a OHK remember......

In other news.

Flicking through the last 100 pages of the thread I see that while 99% of your input is informative, useful, productive and in some cases; friendly even, I still find your attitude quite hard to swallow at times ryanaldoblanco.
Whilst I am one of the most annoying and difficult people in the entire world to get on with, I still have the insanely huge nerve to now point out where and how you have :irked: me:

Problem is, you usually aren't the only one with that idea, and if you somehow are, people usually end up catching on..

Its hardly a "problem" or an "Idea" if you or anyone else choses to take a high rate of fire weapon in to a close quarters environment, Its just common sense.

These are only my opinions on the weapons, But i will stand firm on one thing. The MTAR should not be considered "accurate"

I have been using the FAMAS since the Back to Karkand released. That makes MTAR-21 accurate.

There was no mention of the FAMAS in your first comment, So i dont really know what your trying to get at. Unless you realised how incorrect your original MTAR comment was, And added this FAMAS sentence to try and actually show a bit of logic in what you originally said.

Here's a classic; taken from when Zoology agreed with what you said, but you mis-read what they'd written and then decided that they hadn't actually been reading what you had originally stated.
I lol'd a little bit:

What did you think i was on about when i said "Smaller Maps", "killstreaks" and Numourous Gadgets"?

I think i made it clear in my post i thought Warfighter "Looked Promising" and better than anything COD had offered ages.

Look's like you just didnt read the post at all.

I think you'll be more at home over at the Battlelog Forums with remarks like that:lol:

Plenty of that kind of rubbish over there...........

Upset? No, They do have a habbit of not reading posts properly though, Aswell as fondness for the nerdy overused U MAD BRO? etc. Phrases that you seem so fond of.

Anyway, Iv'e had the unfortune to suffer your immaturity in other threads a few times before, So i wish not to take this further for the good of the thread and the people who use it, thanks.

That told him.

More recently.....
it's probably just like the bombing run in 1943.
It's not, There are two actual gunner seats in it. It was seen in the Armoured kill trailer.
I was referring to the "capture a flag to get the ac-130" part of the equation. :shakeshead:
No need for the "shakeshead", As your post wasnt very clear on the specifics.

Considering the "cap the flag to get AC-130" is a given, It seemed like you were on about the actual bombing run/AC-130 themselves, And not how one would come to use them.

A valid point, true, but delivered in such a way that some may decide not to bother posting again.
In My Opinion.

We are all entitled to them, of course, and sometimes, though you must be perceived as one of the most valued members of the thread along with Ddrizle's informative and thoroughly entertaining posts, my opinion is that you are a little too forceful.

Sometimes in life, the first time you find out your brake lights aren't working, is when someone knox on your window........

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I did mine (ps3) on Caspian Border conquest. Jump in jet, fly above that big radio tower and parachute onto it, sit for game taking pot shots. You can see the entire map, many players camp when capturing flags and makes it easy to take them out. Your pretty well protected up there too.

No bipod, 12x scope, a few shots near a flag and you can guage how much bullet drop there is for when someone comes along. Cheesy, but effective, and for a one off assignment it ok.
Premium Edition Boxart
Placing a spawn beacon directly facing/touching a large structure (like the red/white comms tower at Caspian, or the tallest pipes at Kharg or Firestorm) will usually give you the chance to land on top of that structure when you next parachute in.
Get it right and then look down and shoot anyone.
That will probably give you the kind of headshot distance you're after.....
Hardcore is usually a OHK remember......

In other news.

Flicking through the last 100 pages of the thread I see that while 99% of your input is informative, useful, productive and in some cases; friendly even, I still find your attitude quite hard to swallow at times ryanaldoblanco.
Whilst I am one of the most annoying and difficult people in the entire world to get on with, I still have the insanely huge nerve to now point out where and how you have :irked: me:

Here's a classic; taken from when Zoology agreed with what you said, but you mis-read what they'd written and then decided that they hadn't actually been reading what you had originally stated.
I lol'd a little bit:

That told him.

More recently.....

A valid point, true, but delivered in such a way that some may decide not to bother posting again.
In My Opinion.

We are all entitled to them, of course, and sometimes, though you must be perceived as one of the most valued members of the thread along with Ddrizle's informative and thoroughly entertaining posts, my opinion is that you are a little too forceful.

Sometimes in life, the first time you find out your brake lights aren't working, is when someone knox on your window........


The only thing i regret and feel like i was in the wrong was the ZOOLOGY situation. I see it was my mistake and i misunderstood the situation. I felt it would be a good idea to just drop the subject because of the situation i alluded to in the actual post.

The other examples i dont see a problem with. With the first few i was expressing my opinions on the characteristics of a weapon.

The last bit, I felt the "shakeshead" comment was not needed, Considering the mixup stemmed from the vagueness of the post i quoted, I felt my post cleared up any confusion.

If i come across forcefull i appoligise, I dont want to be known as confrontational or forcefull. This is just a good community and a nice group of people that share a great intrest in BF3 and i enjoy being a small part of it.

I was going to leave this as i thought it was of bad taste and form to put this in a post and not a PM. I was even more annoyed at the blatent dig at Ddrizzle and i wouldnt say "nerve", But the need to come across so arrogant and the disire to amuse by creating such a post.

Regarding your self acclaimed "Insanely huge nerve" , I dont think this contributed to why you posted this. The only reason i can find why you would do such a thing is to either embarrass me, Attract attention, try to be amusing or make a scene. Why you posted this in the thread and not in a PM i cannot comprehend. I think All it goes to show is how insensitive and vindictive some people can be.
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Battlefield 3 Servers Down For “Extensive Maintenance” Morning of August 21

Battlefield 3 servers across the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC will be offline for another bout of maintenance tomorrow, August 21. While this period will last longer than usual, it will be taking place in the wee hours of the morning, hopefully minimizing any interrupted play time.

DICE notes on the official Battlefield 3 Facebook page, “we will be performing extensive maintenance between 7AM-1PM GMT on August 21 (that’s tomorrow 2AM-8AM EST). Battlefield 3 online play will be unavailable during these hours.”
Really? The way I got it was completely spontaneous. I just thought 'Hmm, I want to get a roadkill with the skid loader'. Sure enough I hopped in one, drove for 15 seconds, saw someone on the middle of the road who started firing at me and simply drove over him.

I was lucky that I didn't die and that the enemy decided not to move out of the way. It was awesome too :D

And I hope the 'extensive maintenance' means I won't constantly get disconnected for no reason. Although I doubt that that is the case, but it would be nice...
Anyone else noticed the 20x Ballistic scope for the L96 in battlelog loadout?

EDIT - Supposedly another DICE only perk.👎
Has anyone else noticed the increase of people on operation metro using the glitch and killing people in it?
Just in a server called "24/7 OPERATION METRO 500%"
It's a clan server for a clan called "PSYCHOPATHE"
It just seems so funny how people play the game think they're good because they know how to cheat.
And the whole clan with their matching online id's were doing it. Too funny

If any of you find a server like this one and want to know how to kill them when they are using that glitch i will tell you.

Look for the bullets flying out of the wall then fire a M320 right at the holes while they are shooting it kills them instantly.

Out of 10 maps i went to at metro 9 had people in the glitch and the other one was going good till someone went in it at the end
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It's a clan server

There is your problem....

I have rarely come across a clan server that has its clan members on it not abusing admin powers in some manner. Whether it be stacking the sides, ignoring their own rules (no spawn camping) i.e. its ok for them to do it, or just generally being unpleasant to play with.
Has anyone else noticed the increase of people on operation metro using the glitch and killing people in it?
Just in a server called "24/7 OPERATION METRO 500%"
It's a clan server for a clan called "PSYCHOPATHE"
It just seems so funny how people play the game think they're good because they know how to cheat.
And the whole clan with their matching online id's were doing it. Too funny

If any of you find a server like this one and want to know how to kill them when they are using that glitch i will tell you.

Look for the bullets flying out of the wall then fire a M320 right at the holes while they are shooting it kills them instantly.

I experienced this a few times a couple of nights ago. There were about 2 or 3 people glitched into the wall by the flight of stairs at the ticket hall. And all they did was take potshots at people going past. Soon enough everyone on my team cought on and they didnt hardly get a kill for the rest of the match. One guy inparticular cought my eye, He was a level 30 or so colonel and finished the round with a result of 24-6. Considering most of the top 4 of each team including me had over 80 kills, way over 25k points and a whole lot more fun then them. It begs the question why do they do it?

I would seriously like to know why they would rather be Sitting still all round getting a rare kill, Looking like an idiot and worst of all not helping the team?. Rather than playing the game properly and getting stuck in, Getting a bucketful of kills, piles of points and most importantly having fun.

Mike Rotch
There is your problem....

I have rarely come across a clan server that has its clan members on it not abusing admin powers in some manner. Whether it be stacking the sides, ignoring their own rules (no spawn camping) i.e. its ok for them to do it, or just generally being unpleasant to play with.

Yeah true and it's not only in clan servers where you see it.

I experienced this a few times a couple of nights ago. There were about 2 or 3 people glitched into the wall by the flight of stairs at the ticket hall. And all they did was take potshots at people going past. Soon enough everyone on my team cought on and they didnt hardly get a kill for the rest of the match. One guy inparticular cought my eye, He was a level 30 or so colonel and finished the round with a result of 24-6. Considering most of the top 4 of each team including me had over 80 kills, way over 25k points and a whole lot more fun then them. It begs the question why do they do it?

I would seriously like to know why they would rather be Sitting still all round getting a rare kill, Looking like an idiot and worst of all not helping the team?. Rather than playing the game properly and getting stuck in, Getting a bucketful of kills, piles of points and most importantly having fun.


Exactly i mean what's the point? I mean if you are going to do what is called "boosting" go do it somewhere where you don't look like a complete tool hahaha. I have also known about this glitch for months but never really used it for anything except to run around underneath the map for fun. Found some random things laying underneath the map like trash and boxes but yeah never used it to cheat.

And where you were talking about the staircase by the ticket booth. That's where i usually kill them at. When they start spraying bullets (which they usually do because they can't shoot because they are shooting with the wall in front of them aka their bullet proof vest hahaha) shoot a M320 or RPG at where the holes show up and maybe will take 2 shots but then they're dead.
After i kill them i usually send them a message that says "hahaha fail"

I hope they fix this soon. Next time if i get board. I might hop in the glitch and kill anyone who wants to cheat. Soon as they get in the glitch i will take their dog tags just to insult them. But i won't stoop to their level and kill or use a motion sensor to kill anyone outside the glitch