CLOSED: 2.0 Advanced Competition 100

  • Thread starter SlipZtrEm
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I will change my final entry... the 908 shot its not sufficiently good for the 100th comp. :P

ps: done
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Keep it up guys, shots are looking great, lets get a few more pages in eh?
Keep it up guys, shots are looking great, lets get a few more pages in eh?

I had a really stupid moment on this thread this morning, i thought i had clicked on the PMC thread and instead saw these awesome entries and was a bit panicked to say the least:lol:

I haven't the time to do any shooting nowadays (:() but I thought I ought to enter the 100th week, so I dug this out of my Flickr.

If this isn't alright, I'll dig something else out... As far as I can remember I am stood at the side of the track and am using Panning Mode 2, so it should be fine... :)
Final Entry


Every person who likes cars should know this shot :)
@mitch - Well my guess is I think you 'nailed it' :drool: I like the use of the film-gate as well..... although you may have pushed the rules boundaries with that ....hate myself for even saying it :guilty: Great shot nonetheless.
@mitch - Well my guess is I think you 'nailed it' :drool: I like the use of the film-gate as well..... although you may have pushed the rules boundaries with that ....hate myself for even saying it :guilty: Great shot nonetheless.

Really? But its only a border with some text in it? I thought it would be Ok.
But if not, I delete the border and replace it with a simple black one.

And thanks alot for the kind words. :)
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Final Entry

The Relentless Pursuit of Perfection
Camera Settings: 66,5mm, f5.0, 1/60 seg​
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First off, I'd like to say thanks for Zambuca for being okay with my win, I owe ya Zam!

But this is week 100 guys, and I best see some Epic shots in here, I want this to be the hardest poll to decide on and vote on :lol:

Hey, you deserved that win :)👍

I just got back from a small vaccation and hope that it will be possible for me to join this one!
Really? But its only a border with some text in it? I thought it would be Ok.
But if not, I delete the border and replace it with a simple black one.

And thanks alot for the kind words. :)

I find your lack of faith disturbing.

Its an awesome shot, you to DarkR:tup:
not gonna lie but i feel like it's a lot easier to get a realistic shot with the car sitting still
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