CLOSED: 2.0 Advanced Competition 100

  • Thread starter SlipZtrEm
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Gtuned, is there any chance you could please leave this open for another 9 hours?
Would love to get an entry in here - I might be able to do it if this stays open for another couple of hours, but if you have to close shop Gtuned that's all good too. I just ran out of time this week for any proper shoots or editing.
Would love to get an entry in here - I might be able to do it if this stays open for another couple of hours, but if you have to close shop Gtuned that's all good too. I just ran out of time this week for any proper shoots or editing.

Just use some old shot! I'm sure you will find one.

Do it for the sake of week 100! :cheers:
In my opinion, the car itself could be a little less chrome-y. Is there any way you could tone that down? then it would be a contender 👍

I don't think I can do it easily, though I'd try if there was time.
Gosh! Where has my.weekend gone!!!!! I will turn the ps on and try get something up in an hour if it's still open.
Final Entry

Focal Length 125mm - Aperture f/4.0 - Exposure 1/60 - Mode 2

Very rushed and probably not really week 100 worthy but at least it's an entry. :)

First photo I've taken in close to a month :nervous: I at least hope to make poll in this epic week of epicness....​
Alright guys, Slipz hasnt sent me the PM yet and I'm heading off the computer, you got 12 more hours.
Alright guys, I sent the PM to Slipz, so the comp is closed.
I really went into each picture for this poll and analyzed them like hell. I'll give feedback on those who want it, but tbh, expect it to be harsh.

Some of you are lucky I forgot about panning mode 2, but it was fair game, I said no rig shots, but I never said anything about a follow car shot, and with how much I've been doing those in real life, I decided let them in, so you're lucky.
Man, I wish I would have reshot for this.
I really wanted to be a contender for the top spot this week, oh well. :rolleyes:
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