BSound System: "Looooool, loooooooolololol..."
Vitaly: "Which one of you jokers filled my iPod with Eduard Khil?
CWhat's wrong with the radio? All I'm getting is air traffic control...
DWhat?.....I was just playing doctors and nurses with some of the grid girls and they wanted to see my stethoscope.
EPetrov hears through his iPod:
We're no strangers to looooove
You know the rules, and so do I...
FPetrov is alarmed when he catches Bernie doing exotic dancing.
GVitaly seeing his next driver contract for the first time
HCaterham chief officer: Ok guys, let's see if we can keep a good pace during the race to finish ahead of... PETROV, ARE YOU LISTENING?
Petrov: What?
I"Vitaly, you have qualified P19. 7 tenths ahead of Heikki..."
JPetrov's fortunes are about to take a Skyfall as he finds a present From Russia With No Love.
KThere is nothing to see here, move along...
LRace engingeer: "I Am Weasel is Commander Worf."
Petrov: "lolwut"
MHeikki: What do you think of my bra, Vitaly?
NPetrov's sports psychologist finds him a new tune to pump him up before the race...
OViral-video-themed films becoming new trend in Bollywood as Petrov watches "Two Girls, One Kulhar."
PPetrov: I just realized... I don't think my headphones were ever plugged in...
QIn Soviet Russians, iPod listens to you.
RVitaly: Guys I'm sorry, but the car just died.
Engineer: Vitaly, you're holding the stethoscope on your own chest.
Vitaly: ...![]()
SVitaly had suspected someone else may have been testing his car for a while, but now he was sure...
Vitaly: "Look into my eyes Tony and tell me Coulthard has not been wearing my headphones!"
T"No, wait, you actually hit all of the apexes?"
A"Leave me alone."
BKimi - 🤬 off.
CCoulthard: So, how does it feel to be on the top step of the podium again?
Kimi: It feels like the top of the podium
Dremoved by moderator
ECoulthard couldn't contain his dismay as Kimi, who somehow got drunk on rose water, thought the microphone was a Magnum ice-cream.
FDC: You seemed very composed in the closing stages of the race, how did you do it?
Kimi: I was having a 🤬.
GKimi: Maybe I drive to get off, baby.
HI don't miss the champagne. I had a good swig of Smirnoff at my first pitstop.
...have I told you what lovely eyes you have?
IRaikkonen: "I'd have to say DRIVEN was the best racing movie ever."
JCoulthard: Now I know why you are always so quiet. Stop spitting on me!
K"Uh, yes I think it is quite clear that Archer is better than Picard."
LDavid just realized that Kimi's mic wasn't turned on, luckily nobody noticed the difference.
MKaraoke was a harrowing memory from their years at McLaren together that Coulthard had concealed in his memory... Until today.
NKimi Raikonnen looks on as David Coulthard loses hand in freak accident when he hit his chisel jaw at precisely the wrong angle.
OKimi: You have reached Kimi Raikkonen's answer phone. Kimi is unavailable to talk right now.
If you wish to interview him press 1. This is also the amount of words in his answer.
If you wish to tell him how to do his job. Please hang up now.
PYou are lucky there is no alcohol in rose water or I would have to lick you dry...
QKimi: What did you 🤬 mean David, when you apologized on my behalf saying that English is not our first language; we use expletives in Finnish too!
David: Sheesh now he opens up! Just smile more Kimi please.
RKimi Raikkonen and David Coulthard celebrate their 10th anniversary of being McLaren team-mates in style
SKimi: Where is Coulthard?
DC: Peek-A-Boo!!
TJeez David, I'm not looking forward to retirement if I get as bad dandruff as you have.
U"All I know is my gut says 'maybe'."
VCoulthard asks Kimi: "We know you're a man of few words Kimi, but have you got anything more you'd like to share with the audience?"
Kimi replies with his impromptu party piece... A 'Michael Winslow' style F1 impersonation.
WKimi: 1st IS the Lotus position.
Coulthard: Huh
Kimi: It is also the position I take a 🤬 in.
Coulthard: *Facepalm*