F1 Caption Game 2018: VOTING - RD21 - Open to Mon 17th Dec 1000 GMTFormula 1 

J - 1
L - 1
T - 1

Voting will be kept open until midnight due to too few voters thus far, please get your votes in if you haven't done so already.
Apologies for the delay, been extremely busy and will post up the results of R18 this evening... thank you to everyone who voted :cheers:

R19 is still open, and R20 will follow midweek.


  • Please see the rules in Post #1 before casting your vote
  • You have three votes which may be split two ways (2-1) or three ways (1-1-1)
  • Remember your vote is final and cannot be edited or changed, otherwise it will be discounted
  • Please read all entries before voting
  • Deadline for voting is Mon 17th December 1900 GMT
  • Good luck! :)


Submitted Entries

Mario Andretti: Congratulations on the 2nd, Sebastian.

*turns around

Mario Andretti: Lewis my boy!

Mario Andretti congratulates Hamilton on becoming the latest pioneer of turning right in America.

Hamilton: Is that a stetson?
Andretti: It's a hat, son...

Mario Andretti: Who is behind me? It's like listening to a whinging child.

Vettel's face before he concedes that getting Andretti's attention is like trying to explain evolution to Rick Perry.

Andretti: And good afternoon to you, uh (Looks at Hamilton's suit), Lewis.
Hamilton: MARIO ANDRETTI KNOWS MY NAME, come on Seb, you gotta let me win.

Man, Lew, I sure do like how ya made that boy look like a chump!

I'm right behind you, Mister Andretti.

I know!

Seb: Hey Lewis, what do you think of my Mario Andretti puppet?

The impromptu arm wrestle was going well for Andretti. That was, until Vettel started the tickling...

Hamilton finds out Red Bull and Pirelli's gives you Stetsons.

Lewis Hamilton: "Give my thanks to Narain."

Mario Andretti demonstrates his arm bar move on Lewis Hamilton

Vettel: *tapping on Andretti's shoulder* Mr. Andretti
Mario Andretti: Congratulations Lewis and on to Fernando...
Vettel: *tapping on Andretti's shoulder* Mr. Andretti
Mario Andretti:So Fernando my boy, how was the race for you?
Vettel: :(

Mario Andretti: Damn, you've got big arms Lewis. What about you Sebastian?

Mario: So happy for you Lewis, about time someone beat that whiny, childish, basta...
Seb: Mario, i'm right here...

Vettel finds himself slightly confused by the "Won the championship with a car manufacturer" secret handshake.
E - 1
F - 1
I - 1

Didn't caption one for this round, if that matters.
B x3

I also didn't caption if that matters.
I don't think you can give three points to one caption. I believe the rules are that you may give three captions one point each, or two points to one caption and one point to another, but you cannot give all points to a single caption.
I can't even remember which one was mine:crazy::dunce:

B (2)

C (1)

BC - Before Christian (Horner) :)

I don't think you can give three points to one caption. I believe the rules are that you may give three captions one point each, or two points to one caption and one point to another, but you cannot give all points to a single caption.

That is my understanding too 👍
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I don't think you can give three points to one caption. I believe the rules are that you may give three captions one point each, or two points to one caption and one point to another, but you cannot give all points to a single caption.

The way I read it was that I had three votes to distribute however I wish.
G - 2
E - 1

Last chance (almost) to get your votes in for the penultimate round... voting closes soon...


  • Please see the rules in Post #1 before casting your vote
  • You have three votes which may be split two ways (2-1) or three ways (1-1-1)
  • Remember your vote is final and cannot be edited or changed, otherwise it will be discounted
  • Please read all entries before voting
  • Deadline for voting is Tues 8th Jan 1900 GMT
  • Good luck! :)


Submitted Entries

Erm Kimi the pits are this way.

Kimi: Leave me alone, I know where I'm going.

"Heikki, the rest of the pitlane can never know about this... they... wouldn't understand."

The track goes THAT way...

"Think when we drive"

Oh, the irony....

Only these two will ever know who truly is the fastest Finn...

I'm pretty sure the third step goes like so.

Heikki, that's not Gangnam, this is Gangnam.

And thus, the Gate-gate controversy was hatched.

Heikki: *childish voice* "I'm Kimi and and I took a dedetour!" *pretends as if steering*
Kimi: 🤬 off Heikki

To finish first, first you need two Finnish...

What we see the banner say: "Think when we drive."

What Kimi and Heikki see: "Drink when we drive."

Scandinavian Twins

"We're all going down the pub la la laaa..."

Heikki - I'm sure I left my oversized sunglasses over there.

Kimi - Yes.

Heikki: Seriously, it's an awesome shortcut!

Kimi: You sure the gate won't be shut?

Heikki: Yeah....

Kimi: Get your hand off of me, Heikki!

Heikki: So three Germans race drivers walk into a bar carrying a keg of beer

Kimi: What kind of beer?

Lotus and the Ex.
Relationship Status: Finnished

Heikki: "You went off the track, thinking the gate was open, not knowing it was actually closed. The gate was...very bad."

Kovalainen: "Jenson reckons his is this big."

Raikkonen: "He'd probably get a lot of chicks that way."

Kovalainen: "Yeah, but can you imagine how heavy it would be?"

Raikkonen: "And it would be awkward having to get it out all the time."

Kovalainen: "And you'd have to explain yourself if people didn't want to see it."

Raikkonen: "Where the hell did he get a fishing rod like that, anyway?"

Did we took that left turn at Albuquerque?
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