The SCR (Stock Club Rules)

  • Thread starter VBR
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Meme Dissident in Exile...
Stock Club Rules

When Racing

1: No Contact, Corner Cutting, Or Using Of Run Off Areas To Gain An Advantage

A: No Contact. Contact must be avoided at all costs! If you hit another driver off their line (or off track) & gain a position, give it back as soon as possible, but without hindering other drivers. If you think that you might have damaged someone, stay behind them until the pit entry. If they choose to pit, pit with them, & then start racing again after turn 1. If they choose not to pit, start racing immediately. Apologise after the race! Quitting the race because of an incident is not allowed, just keep calm & carry on.

B: No Corner Cutting. Solid white or yellow lines mark the track boundary, all 4 wheels over them is not allowed (chevrons are not included). Where there are no white or yellow lines, or where there is a large gap between them & the kerb (e.g. Le Mans chicanes), then kerbs mark the track boundary, all 4 wheels on them is not allowed. Keep 2 wheels on the track at all times; kerbs, run offs, grass & sand, are not part of the track. When exiting the pits, you must not cross solid white or yellow lines, even 1 wheel over them is not allowed.

C: Run Off Areas. If you make a mistake & end up on a run off area, or off track (i.e. on the kerbs, grass, or sand), you must make your way back to the track as soon as possible, but without hindering other drivers or trying to gain a positional advantage from it. If you are hit onto a run off area, or off track, just make your way back to the track as soon as possible, but without hindering other drivers.

2: No Blocking, Squeezing, Or Weaving To Lose Draft

A: No Blocking. Blocking is defined as; swerving left & right all over the track with your eyes on the mirrors, trying to stop the driver behind from passing you, this is not allowed. However, defending your position by taking any line you wish into & out of corners or down straights, is allowed. This is defensive driving, & is not considered blocking. Also, do not block other drivers when being lapped, keep an eye on your track map & mirrors, then give yourself a Blue Flag when needed. Never use the Pause menu when racing or qualifying!

B: No Squeezing. Squeezing is defined as; deviating from your chosen line into the next corner, before the proper turn in point, in order to force your opponent off their line & squeeze them towards the inside or outside of the track. This is not allowed.

C: No Weaving. Weaving left & right all over the track on straights in order to stop your opponent from drafting you, is not allowed. You may take any line down a straight that you wish, but you only have one move to choose your line into the next turn, & this must not be done at the very last moment in order to block your opponent. However, the driver behind is allowed to move off & then back onto his line, throwing you a dummy, in an effort to force you into an error.

When Qualifying

3: No Blocking, Drafting, Or Shorting

A: No Blocking. When exiting the pits, you must not block drivers who are on a hot lap by joining the track right in front of them. Your track map HUD must be turned on & set to "Full", use it to time your exit so you will join the track in clean air. Also, if you mess up a hot lap & fall back towards another driver, you must not carry on if they are within drafting distance. Let them past without interfering, & then find some clean air in order to prepare for another hot lap. Slower drivers must let faster drivers past safely during qually.

B: No Drafting. If you find yourself closing up to another driver, you must not draft them. Pull out of their draft, or fall back & find some clean air to prepare for another hot lap. However, if you are closing up to a slower driver even without drafting them, then you can expect them to let you past according to rule 3:A.

C: No Shorting. Shorting of the track is not allowed, please note that Rules 1:B & 1:C also apply during qualifying.

When Chatting

4: No Offensive Language

A: No Nastiness. No foul, abusive, or otherwise rude/lewd/crude language/words &/or images, will be tolerated in the Stock Club main thread, or in online lobbies, or in private messages sent here on GT Planet (or via PSN) between members. This includes any automated entry/win/exit messages viewable in online lobbies, & even your PSN ID itself.

Anyone breaking the above rules will be asked to leave the lobby, re-read them, & try again next time. Anyone who is not apologetic & cooperative after causing an incident, will not be invited to future events. If any circumstances occur out on track that the rules do not cover, just use common sense, courtesy, & best judgement.

PS: Anyone wishing to use these rules in another thread or on another website may do so as long they credit me; VBR, as the original author, & provide a link back to this thread.
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