DeadNutsEven - Where anyone can win!!

  • Thread starter Johnnypenso
I'm available on both Saturday and Sunday, on all those times listed :) great news Ferrari, will look forward to race. Will there be special rule ? like allowing drivers to change cars as long as the cars fit the lap time + top speed limit ? I have tuned at least 6 different cars, 4 of them were used for races with JP,Cote and NC a few days ago ( 2014 Stingray, Golf GTI '05, Challenger '70, Insight LS ) :) I've got several cars more tuned : M3, 350Z, Infiniti Concept, Weds Sport IS350, Miata TC - the list keeps growing :lol:, I am also fine with using only my 2014 Stingray entry.

In da lounge now, tuning BMW Concept 1 Series TII '07

The rules will be the same as any other day. We realize that some of us tune multiple cars but we'd rather we stick to one for the race event. Many of us have to make adjustments between races and using multiple cars introduces a variable we don't think we need at this point.
The rules will be the same as any other day. We realize that some of us tune multiple cars but we'd rather we stick to one for the race event. Many of us have to make adjustments between races and using multiple cars introduces a variable we don't think we need at this point.

You are right there, thanks JP, the reason I ask is I just love to try various cars I have tuned like in 4 races we had before at Autumn Ring R, I made sure the car never break top speed limit, and always within 1:35s. I am addicted to driving too much, racing or not :lol:
Saturday, February 23, 2013

I will be hosting an event one week from tomorrow early to mid afternoon on Saturday, the 23rd. The times I can host are as follows:

  1. 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM EST
  2. 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM EST
  3. 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM EST
  4. 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM EST
  5. 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM EST
  6. 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM EST

There are overlaps in times because I've got a flexible schedule on the weekends. I can host the same times on Sunday, the 24th as well. All I ask is that whoever is interested in running that day posts their times of availability, and from there I'll decide on a solid time. The final time will be decided on Monday, the 18th after the normal race. As this is not the Monday series. There will be a ≈15 minute practice/warm up session, and then we will run the races in the usual format. We will be running the same cars from Autumn Ring on the 18th.

I'm available from 9.00am till 3.00pm. Hope the wife allowed me to use the TV at that time.
not only does wifes/girlfriend want to use the television, sometimes they even want you to do other stuff than sit in front of the television. :embarrassed: That = unpredictable weekends which means I can't say which times I will be available if any ^^
Saturday, February 23, 2013

I will be hosting an event one week from tomorrow early to mid afternoon on Saturday, the 23rd. The times I can host are as follows:


[*]9:00 AM - 10:30 AM EST
[*]10:00 AM - 11:30 AM EST
[*]11:00 AM - 12:30 PM EST
[*]12:00 PM - 1:30 PM EST
[*]1:00 PM - 2:30 PM EST
[*]2:00 PM - 3:30 PM EST

There are overlaps in times because I've got a flexible schedule on the weekends. I can host the same times on Sunday, the 24th as well. All I ask is that whoever is interested in running that day posts their times of availability, and from there I'll decide on a solid time. The final time will be decided on Monday, the 18th after the normal race. As this is not the Monday series. There will be a ≈15 minute practice/warm up session, and then we will run the races in the usual format. We will be running the same cars from Autumn Ring on the 18th.

I'm good for anytime on the 23rd, hope we get as good of a turnout as last time.
I will most likely be available for the AM times on the 23rd, the earlier the most likely, not going to be able to attend for the afternoon time.
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FerrariDude, I sent you a "bling" alongside some exotics solid paint chips + glitch suit/helmet, check your GT5 gift basket :) Hope you like it :cool:
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...snip...I am addicted to driving too much, racing or not :lol:

Sometimes when I'm forced to turn off my PS3 because i'ts been on all day, I'll go out at around 10-11 P.M. just pick a random direction and go drive for a few hours and not get back till 3 A.M. or later
The good: nobody else is out that late and roads are empty. Best chance to drive though snow before the plows get it.
The bad: Most the roads are around farm fields and are flat and straight. Most people refuse to turn down there high beams.
In da lounge, tuning and testing more cars ...

Finished several cars tuned for Autumn Ring Rev 1:35, all CS tire : Ferrari 599, Art Morrison Vette '60, Supra MA70 3.0 Turbo A '88, Z34 370Z Fairlady, Z33 350Z, Dodge Viper GTS, Viper SRT10, Challenger SRT8 ...etc i got many cars in my mind to tune and test next time :cool:
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Are all of your races on Monday nights or do they vary from week to week?

We race every Monday at 8:00pm EST.

Edit: We are working on expanding the format to at least "some" Saturdays each month, most likely during the late morning or early afternoon... No official time has been set as of yet.
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Cool. I'm in the SNAIL league, but looking for some fun and casual racing as well. The late nights kill me though because I have to be up for work at 6AM EST. I am significantly post 20's where I could function on 6 hrs of sleep. Tomorrow is out, but maybe next week.

Thanks for the info.
Cool. I'm in the SNAIL league, but looking for some fun and casual racing as well. The late nights kill me though because I have to be up for work at 6AM EST. I am significantly post 20's where I could function on 6 hrs of sleep. Tomorrow is out, but maybe next week.

Thanks for the info.

We start very promptly at 8:00pm and are usually done before 9:30pm, if that helps...

Most of us are older and work in the mornings as well.
in da lounge with NC and Brandon Flesx. One more and we have a race

Had some good clean racing fun this afternoon, tough to pass on this track, even for the pass master NC, with every one beeing so dead nuts even.
Looking forward for some good racing tomorrow.


The legendary Dead Nuts Even racing 3 wide,


Cote trying to pass Flesx, only to be passed by NC on the outside, classic.
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Saturday, February 23, 2013

I will be hosting an event one week from tomorrow early to mid afternoon on Saturday, the 23rd. The times I can host are as follows:

  1. 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM EST
  2. 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM EST
  3. 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM EST
  4. 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM EST
  5. 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM EST
  6. 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM EST

There are overlaps in times because I've got a flexible schedule on the weekends. I can host the same times on Sunday, the 24th as well. All I ask is that whoever is interested in running that day posts their times of availability, and from there I'll decide on a solid time. The final time will be decided on Monday, the 18th after the normal race. As this is not the Monday series. There will be a ≈15 minute practice/warm up session, and then we will run the races in the usual format. We will be running the same cars from Autumn Ring on the 18th.

Anyone interested in posting their availability for this race so Ferrari can determine the best time slot for everyone involved should do so soon. He should be finalizing the timeslot today sometime and the post with the race specs will be up soon after.

Well I'm now in the WRS, Division 3 Gold.

Congrats Iain, that's pretty fast:tup:
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Anyone interested in posting their availability for this race so Ferrari can determine the best time slot for everyone involved should do so soon. He should be finalizing the timeslot today sometime and the post with the race specs will be up soon after.

I would post if I had any special availability but I occasionally can race any time on Saturdays and sometimes not at all. So any time will work for me and then i'll have to decide from that.
DeadNutsEven Classroom Training Part 2
Leaving a Gap & When Not to Pass

Leaving a Gap

GTP OLR: 06: Running into the Car ahead of you:
A: The behind driver must take all necessary care and responsibility not to run into an ahead driver.

In DeadNutsEven we are often running in close quarters, that’s the nature of the group, that’s why you’re here. Running in close proximity to other racers requires some skill, honed by practice along with a dash of common sense. Showing up to as many races and practice sessions will help with the practice part of it, but the common sense part is a weapon of your racecraft arsenal that must be adjusted in real time.

Photo 1: Heading down the front straight at Grand Valley East Reverse at 215 km/h, several hundred feet from the first corner the two Mustangs are bumper to bumper.
Photo 2: Same lap, a few hundred feet later at corner entry and the following car has backed off to leave a safety gap of about 2 car lengths.
Photo 3: Next lap, again the 2 cars are bumper to bumper between the S/F line and corner 1.
Photo 4: Again, by the time the corner is reached, the following car has lifted, leaving a 1.5 car length gap.

Sounds simple right? It is and it isn’t. In this case the following driver (Me) knew who the driver was in front of me (NCemt), his skill level, and his tires, and so I left a gap appropriate to the situation. If he or I had been a lesser skilled pilot I would probably leave a larger gap or in other words, more room for error. In slower corners or corners that you brake very little for, you can leave a much smaller gap. You certainly wouldn’t do this at many of the tight corners at Monaco for example, but in the first corner at Road Course Indy or Daytona, you might leave a 3 or 4 car gap.

Each track, each corner is different, but the goal is the same. Leave a big enough gap entering each corner so you have a good chance to avoid contact if you or the driver in front of you, makes an error.

When Not to Pass:

There is no rule to quote from the GTPOLR for the following example because this is a legitimate pass attempt. However, just because something is "ok" , doesn’t mean it’s very smart for you. This is an element of Racecraft which for our purposes I would describe as

“Making racing decisions on the track after analyzing the data available to you during a race in real time, with the ultimate goal of securing the highest possible finishing position, operating within the GTPOLR, given the opportunities available

One of the most common mistakes drivers make, is attempting to capitalize on every single passing opportunity, even when the odds of success are very low, and even if successful, both cars will lose momentum and real estate on the track. One set of corners that comes to mind is corners 1-4 at Grand Valley East. Corners 1 and 2 are slippery, and often a car will run a little wide in corner 2, and if a following car runs a perfect line through there, they may have enough momentum to get up along side approaching corners 3 and 4 entering the tunnel. But is this a smart move for you? Here’s an example:


Photo 1: Here’s a sight racers love to see!!! The Mustang driver in the rear sees another Premium, good handling Mustang being passed by a Standard Superbird entering corner 1. The prospect for a mistake and a resulting passing opportunity for him is high, but he keeps his head and leaves a decent gap entering the corner. So far so good:tup:.
Photo 2: Entering turn 2, the Superbird couldn’t hold the inside line, and swung wide. The following Mustang has closed the gap, ready to pounce.
Photo 3: Heading up the hill to turn 3, the Mustang driver in the rear has a choice to make. Watching the replay in real time, you’ll see the Superbird has the run up to the corner but the Mustang in the middle is only slightly slower. So does the following Mustang tuck in behind, forcing a two wide with the other Mustang, or lift slightly to allow the other driver back into line?. Either one is “legal”.
Photo 4: He goes for the gap, but should be able to easily tell in real time that he won’t have enough momentum in the short distance to the next corner, to clear the second Mustang. As a result, he’s now stuck on the outside of a slippery left hander, where all the grip is on the inside, and a mistake on the outside means contact with a cement wall. What’s the result?


The result is, the Superbird had a clean line through the corner and maintained full momentum. The Mustang that was on the left entering turn 3, had to slow to leave room for the Mustang making the pass attempt but made it through with some momentum, losing 6-8 car lengths on the Superbird. The car making the legal pass attempt had to slow considerably to negotiate the entry into the tunnel from the outside, and it’s lost perhaps 12 car lengths to the Superbird.

So it was a legal pass attempt, no question about that, just not a smart one. Even if it succeeded, against all odds, both cars would have lost considerable momentum and the gap would have widened to the car in front. If the same Mustang pilot gains a little momentum and attempts to pass in the following right hander, causing both cars to lose momentum again, the Superbird may gain enough ground to break the draft completely. Great for him, not so great for you.

What does this say about your Racecraft?. Will this passing decision lead you towards "ultimate goal of securing the highest possible finishing position, operating within the GTPOLR, given the opportunities available"?? By choosing to be super aggressive with your passing, you cost yourself, and another driver, very hard to come by real estate on the track. Nobody gained from this pass attempt, except the Superbird driver, the last person you want to benefit from your pass attempt. Obviously the right choice, it to lift and let the Mustang back in line so all three of you can continue to battle and you can make a smarter pass attempt later on. And more often than you might think, lifting or braking slightly to allow everyone around you continue along smoothly is often the best decision for you, even if it results in a temporary loss of position.

Don’t underestimate the goodwill and respect you generate when a driver is looking at his mini-map and sees that you lift to let him back in line, or lift to create a gap entering a corner. Everyone appreciates that consideration, and hopefully when the roles are reversed they return the favour.

Challenging at every opportunity, regardless of common sense, will likely cause a competing driver to do the same and while sometimes that is fun when you are at the point in the race where you are isolated on track and each of you has no really opportunity to advance. But when the race is still developing you are always better off to err on the side of safety and maintaining momentum even if it temporarily costs you a position on the track.

Remember it’s not where you are on lap 3 that counts, it’s where you are when the flag drops!!
Love your driving school, even though I already knew all this it's good to be reminded because sometimes you lose your mind and forget. :P (like my passing attempt in the first lesson).

I must say I kind of appreciated the passing attempt in the second example this time though. ;)
This is stuff that I guess I know, but in the heat of a race, when you're battling for a position, any position, it just goes out of your head for a second and you lose sense of what you're really racing for - for fun in this case (for me at least - I cannot gain much from getting the podium, or getting the win all the time, other than the self-esteem) so really I know myself, I should probably be much less aggressive and take a bit more time thinking these things through properly when in situations like the above, and the example shown before (again that was me being too aggressive and not looking at my mini-map or behind to see if anyone was coming up behind).

I think now that this information and the GTPOLR is fresh in my mind (I read it only on Tuesday when I joined the WRS) it should be second nature on Monday. I shall get on with qualifying a car now. Still not sure what I want to drive though.
In da lounge now :)

Tuning F40 ... max ballast, lots of limiter, stock trans - only uses 2 gear at the track :cool:

With Tim in the room ...
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I'm going to be in the lounge tomorrow; finally getting around to testing some cars with the new G27. I'd like to use the clutch and shifter, but I don't really think its going to be worth missing a shift here or there and it'll probably end up costing me a race, or holding up everyone behind me. I've got a Viper and an NSX I'd like to test out, hopefully I'll see some of you guys there. 👍

Regarding the post on driving etiquette, I've got a perfect example of the common courtesy lift off that I experienced first-hand today in one of the series I participate in. I was driving a GT2 class Jaguar XJ220 in a 56 lap endurance around Daytona Infield. Mid-way through the race, with many drivers on dying tires, the GT1 classed cars were coming up to lap the GT2's. As you all probably know, the infield at Daytona is bumpy, slippery, and very tight, meaning there is not a lot of room for ceding position to faster cars.

So the scenario goes like this: I'm approaching the ~120 mph kink in the infield: the thinnest part of the entire track. Heading into the kink, I've got a GT1 driver going much faster than I am that's quickly gaining on my relatively slow Jaguar. As I look behind me, I can tell he is not going to back off, and instead force his way through. Sure enough, mid-way through the corner, the GT1 car stuck its nose where it didn't belong, and I had to slow and go wide so that he didn't hit me. If he would have just let off the gas a little bit, he could have easily out-braked me heading into the next corner, and saved us both time. Instead we both lost considerable amounts of time because neither of us could take the ideal line.
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Sorry, Tim,I got DC'd while we were racing :( Hope you got the car dialled in now :)

Your car launched pretty quick, my Stingray couldn't keep up :)
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What's the scoop on this... Gonna be a regular thing or just a one off? Only open to WRS members or everyone?

Not sure how regular. Going to be at least a couple weeks before the next one. Once a month or maybe more if other events aren't scheduled. Depends on level of interest and we will see who comes back for round 2. Some drivers may want more and we will send them here if you like.

GTP Registry members only... Although anyone can qualify for the registry. It only takes a little effort.

I wouldn't mind joining you guys for a race or two if I'm welcome. Really like the format.