This is stuff that I guess I know, but in the heat of a race, when you're battling for a position, any position, it just goes out of your head for a second and you lose sense of what you're really racing for - for fun in this case (for me at least - I cannot gain much from getting the podium, or getting the win all the time, other than the self-esteem) so really I know myself, I should probably be much less aggressive and take a bit more time thinking these things through properly when in situations like the above, and the example shown before (again that was me being too aggressive and not looking at my mini-map or behind to see if anyone was coming up behind).
I think now that this information and the GTPOLR is fresh in my mind (I read it only on Tuesday when I joined the WRS) it should be second nature on Monday. I shall get on with qualifying a car now. Still not sure what I want to drive though.
It does take time for it to all soak in. We are very patient with anyone who expresses the desire to learn and grow along with us and you've certainly done that as has everyone else at this point. Flex has been particularly positive and absorbing things like a sponge behind the scenes and it's really good to see. Just stay on this path and you'll be fine.👍
I wanted to comment on something else though. You said, "
you lose sense of what you're really racing for - for fun in this case" Racing in DeadNuts is just for fun. Other Leagues are more serious. WMA ITCC is even offering cash prizes this season. PURE Events are always extremely well run and organized, with very strict rules and some serious talent.
But even though DeadNuts is just for fun, the kind of stuff we're advocating here, the "
Classroom Lessons" if you will, the integrity, the honour, are the same guidelines I've followed in every race I've ever run on GT5, in any league, whether they promoted the GTPOLR or not. Racing with honour and integrity is for yourself first and foremost, but it's never slowed me down, and I've won my share of championships and plenty of races, even though I race as clean as is humanly possible for me. Being patient, not passing at every opportunity, choosing my spots, passing mostly with the draft and when others make mistakes, I think has actually made me faster and created more opportunities for me, not less. I've made mistakes don't get me wrong, but my intent is always to be as clean as possible, with as much integrity as possible, because without that, victory or a podium is meaningless to me.
I wouldn't mind joining you guys for a race or two if I'm welcome. Really like the format.
Anytime, just shoot us an FR to DeadNutsEven and don't forget to read the OP and brush up on the GTPOLR