-=> Scenery Competition I <=- Winner: tapetape

  • Thread starter GrumpEone
United States
Rochester, MI
Welcome to Week 1, Scenery Competition.

Special thanks to LdS, for the Idea, due to his busy Schedule, I will step-in and run with his idea. The first week will run for 2 weeks, if there is enough response, the future weeks deadline may be shortened. Also the first week's Winner will choose a theme for Week 3, and the Winner of Week 2 Picks Week 4's Theme, and so on.​

I don't expect this competition will run for a long time, due to the specific nature of the competition, but at least it should get ppl looking more at thier scenery in all thier Comp Entries.​
Theme: Open (concentrating on Scenery, not the car driven)
Cars: Open/ Any (Not the focal point)
Tracks: Open/ Any
PhotoTravel: Okay (if you must)​
  • Entry must be marked 'Final Entry' in Red Text.
  • Entry must be a Thumbnail, Preview, or Image that does not exceed 400x300 or 300x400. Click Here for 'Preview' Instructions.
  • We recommend that your use a free image hosting site such as ImageShack. (Imageshack, xs.to)
  • Submit only 1 Entry, must be your own work and must not appear in any other Competition.
  • All Elements of your Entry, must come from GT4.
  • This is a Free-Edit Artistic Competition, meaning you may use any photo manipulation software at your disposal..
  • You may Change your Entry once, please clearly indicate why your entry was changed.
  • Please do not ask others to Vote for your Entry, or try to sway the poll.
  • Feel free to PM me, with any questions, concerns, or suggestions.
Feb. 1st, 2008

Did I miss anything??
Probably Final Entry

This is an old photo I had. This will stay has my final Entry. If I have time, I may change it thought, mainly because, this was made under the 2.0 rules. It was a supposed entry for the 2.0 Competition: Scenery theme; but it got more than 10 entries, so I didn&#8217;t submitted.

EDIT: The rules are good, I don&#8217;t see the need of changing it.👍
Probably Final Entry

This is an old photo I had. This will stay has my final Entry. If I have time, I may change it thought, mainly because, this was made under the 2.0 rules. It was a supposed entry for the 2.0 Competition: Scenery theme; but it got more than 10 entries, so I didn’t submitted.

EDIT: The rules are good, I don’t see the need of changing it.👍

Wow, LdS, that's a beautiful shot. Starting the bar high again! Good job!!
LdS, if you expect more people to attend this, you cannot ever submit first, because you'll discourage everyone :lol:
LdS, if you expect more people to attend this, you cannot ever submit first, because you'll discourage everyone :lol:
Bah, nonsense.
It is not such a big deal. It was even made under 2.0 rules. I am sure many of you can do better. And, I don&#8217;t like it have a lot of flaws and I think I exaggerated on the purple tone. :yuck:

But thanks anyway. 👍
F i n a l - E n t r y

C l i c k - F o r - F u l l - S i z e

P.S. I think this may top your photo's, after viewing at full size the purple is a
bit over done, i'll agree with you on that, but at a quick thumbnail glance, it was beautiful

Unedited, the idea is solid, it's good. The quality of the photo is somewhat not keeping up with it though. If you were trying to show off the jets as well as the track and cars, I think I vertical photo would've emphasized that a bit more.. 👍

Final entry


Click for full size

the mood of this seems to "bring back memories", not to me but at a 3rd-person perspective. I have a photo similar to this, i uploaded just yesterday, I called it Nastalgia.. drop by my gallery to see it
thank you sir...Nurburgring is very fun track to shoot.

Hey cut that 'Sir' sh_t out...lol
I stayed away from that track for awhile, because it was sooooo long, but great for sceneic shots. I like how far you can usually zoom out, wish all the tracks were like that!
Hey cut that 'Sir' sh_t out...lol
I stayed away from that track for awhile, because it was sooooo long, but great for sceneic shots. I like how far you can usually zoom out, wish all the tracks were like that!
:lol: That track was always intimidated meat first. It's damn fun to go 200+mph through it tho.
:lol: That track was always intimidated meat first. It's damn fun to go 200+mph through it tho.

The on-screen track map is virtually no help either!

200+MPH, on the track, off the track, on the track, off the track again. Everytime I race there, for the 1st time in a while, it's kinda crazy remembering where all the turns are, try it at 280mph.
The on-screen track map is virtually no help either!

200+MPH, on the track, off the track, on the track, off the track again. Everytime I race there, for the 1st time in a while, it's kinda crazy remembering where all the turns are, try it at 280mph.

it is useless, it was very hard trying to remember, what is it, 116 corners?
I guess this is the right moment to release the atomic bomb in the nurburgring, since the rules allow pretty much anything, that's if i read the rules right, if it doesn't comply then just let me know. cheers.

final entry


nice entry NTX. though i hate that corner because i usually crash there if i have a bad setup or car.
question - my copy of GT4 doesnt boot anymore and at this point, id rather moving onto other games. but, TT has the exact same tracks and id like to still compete, so, as long as the theme doesnt require a car to be the focus of the shot then it shouldnt be a problem?

but, if it deemed unfair that it may or may not have the same camera angles as gt4 then ill understand that as well.
I guess this is the right moment to release the atomic bomb in the nurburgring, since the rules allow pretty much anything, that's if i read the rules right, if it doesn't comply then just let me know. cheers.
final entry
Wow, you must have some issue with the track huh. I guess the rules allow for nukeing a track. Nice shot, but I expected more of a mushroom cloud effect.

[empty space];2893888
question - my copy of GT4 doesnt boot anymore and at this point, id rather moving onto other games. but, TT has the exact same tracks and id like to still compete, so, as long as the theme doesnt require a car to be the focus of the shot then it shouldnt be a problem?

but, if it deemed unfair that it may or may not have the same camera angles as gt4 then ill understand that as well.

I think GT4 is worthy of replacing, don't you? Anyway, I personally don't care, though I am not familiar with TT, I'll accept it. Since I plan on having all entries in the poll, we will let the voters decide, whether TT is allowed or not. But in fairness I will add a note, to your entry in the poll, that it was taken from, TT and not GT4. Sound good??
I think GT4 is worthy of replacing, don't you?

to be honest, im not sure ... FFXII is taking up a lot of my gaming time and i want to get a x360 and mass effect and eventually halo 3, forza 2 and pgr4 if i can get xbl silver to work with my connection. plus ninja gaiden: the dragon sword will be released soon on the DS and ninja gaiden 2 is down the road. and when FFXIII and FFV13 get released ill be looking into a PS3 so i think im better off saving my pennies, nickels and dimes for the moment :indiff:

Anyway, I personally don't care, though I am not familiar with TT, I'll accept it. Since I plan on having all entries in the poll, we will let the voters decide, whether TT is allowed or not. But in fairness I will add a note, to your entry in the poll, that it was taken from, TT and not GT4. Sound good??

thanks 👍