Discuss the August 1st update download problems here

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1st try - 40% then disconnect
2nd try - 2% then disconnect
3rd try - 0% Fail
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It appears not to be doing anything at the moment, won't download anything, servers must have pretty much melted.
1st try - 95% then goes back and forth so abort
2nd try - ERROR wont connect or movie
3rd try - ERROR same thing
4th try - ERROR same again...

RyanGee have the same problems too...
All I can say is this is AT LEAST my 20th time trying, if not nearer 25th time and it STILL keeps failing!!

I've been at this since 11am, and its now 1:40pm.....almost 3 hours!!!!!
First attempt went to 50%
Second Attempt 80%
Third attempt 25%

The patch isnt downloading anymore. The servers must have gone to meltdown. I thought the downloaded data saved on the HDD for the next attempt but it doesnt seem to be so with this update. Im going to give up until later.
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My first try got to about 75%, my last three tries haven't gotten anywhere. I'm gonna be patient and play some rFactor :P
PD should put out the patches through BitTorrent just like MGS4. It would make for 90% less failure rate in downloads and a much faster patch download. Maybe they could also put the patch on the net for download. This system they have is very bad.
Stupid 🤬 update! You would think they would of sorted this out a long while ago. Must of failed 20 times. :ouch: :banghead:
As did mine! 0% to finished, must have saved all the previous attempts but didnt show them in the bar.
Considering they are one of the largest corporations on the face of the planet, you'd think Sony/PD could afford to pay someone to give them a 10 minute lesson on how the internet works. I'm sure 10 mins would be more than enough time for someone to say "torrent" and point them to somewhere they could download an api.

If anyone at PD has been awake over the last 6 months and looking at network usage stats they would have at least a vague idea of how much bandwidth would be required to push it out the old fashioned way. Once again I'm left thinking - yup, more confirmation that PD really couldn't give a toss :grumpy:

Wake up guys, this amateur-night garbage is not doing your public image any favors.
W00t, it just worked. After 5hrs it finally worked! It was on 0% for arounf half an hour, next time I check it, it's finished.
Yep. just tried and after a couple of seconds it said the update was downloaded.
And after another couple of seconds the update was installed :)
8 fails later... just when i lost all faith and left the chat, set it for one more try... went for some food... came back to check on it....

install complete!!! :D
Yeah It definatly dose do it in "bits" got mine now, and the video content is working, downloading some top gear stuff and a GT race from Japan, 69p each with a 14 days to watch limit..........I'll let others discuss that part, also whats the 000% logo top right of the front menu screen?
After about 25 times and 3 hours I got the update!!!!

I noticed on the last try it got stuck at 0% for a good 5 minutes, then instantly shot to the end which shows the game DOES cache what you have already downloaded and continues from where it left off!
I had one single problem when it failed the first time I downloaded it (at 5am EDT). The second time (at 6:20 am) went without a hitch- btw I'm up in Canada.