Annoying Social Habits of people you've met

  • Thread starter L_Hamilton


I would have never noticed these as a kid. There should be some sarcastic psychology book giving names to all these little social ticks. Makes you wonder how some of these ppl have friends who respect them.

1.The One Upper: No matter what you've done or how interesting a story or event is that happened to you, that person has not only done it but done it to the extreme. Avoid socializing with this person at all cost. They make **** so awkward, it's like after you tell a story or something interesting, they always tell one that blows your story out of the water and you kinda just sit there with a forced smile on your face and say "wow, really?" and pretend you're impressed.

2.Its always irked me when getting AIM messages from people every day, and the conversation is always EXACTLY the same

Buddy: Sup
Me: Yo
Buddy: Whats goin on?
Me: Not much, you?
Buddy: Same here

We have this convo every single day. Seriously, if we don't have anything relevant to talk about, why waste time doing the same old song and dance every day?

3.People who say "like" after every other word.

4.Picking your nose in front of people you know like it's somehow ok.

5. Soccer moms driving an SUV/monstrous pickup during rush hour, sipping their mochaccino late from Starbucks while talking on their bluetooth headset and holding up traffic because they have no freaking clue what's going on around them.

6. Being a mooch and never offering to pay for anything when going out in groups.

7.Stealing beer

8.Going to EB games and having random socially inept retards try to strike up a conversation with me about every generic inane nerdy thing that I could give two figs about(read: Magic, naruto, bleach, Metal Gear Solid 4, the latest Final Fantasy)about, but given about 15 minutes would probably know better than them anyway. Just because I buy the occasional videogame does not automatically make us friends. Even moreso if it's an employee doing this under false pretenses only to try and pre-sell some stupid crap I have no interest in. And again even moreso if it's the fat "girl gamer" they hired to give all the little pre-pubescent boys a stiffy when they go to the cash and have their moms ring up Naruto:Ultimate Puerile Powerfantasy Horse---- 17.

9. Almost running me over and not even realizing it while you're talking on your freaking cell phone.

And last but SO true: The ugly fat chick who thinks she's hot cause her friends are. NO. NO NO NO. You are the D.U.F.F. The Designated Ugly Fat Friend. Get it in your (fat & ugly) head. You're only there to make your hot friends appear hotter, not cause you're anywhere nearly as hot as them. Go away.

More to come
Funny story about the D.U.F.F., I was telling my brother about my theory where say you're at the mall and you see a group of teens, for every 2-3 hot girls there's a guy and a fat girl. After I told him this, we see this group of teens and as I predicted, there were 3 hot girls, a guy, and a fat ugly girl. :lol:
I don't agree with some of the sentiments in the first post.

Here are some of mine:
- People who assume you're a democrat/hate George Bush
- People who assume the above statement means I'm a republican/like George Bush.
- Anything close to the phrase "War is not the answer"
- People who assume things are good because they're different (eg: "I love Ethiopian food, it's so authentic." or "I spent a year living in Nepal, the people there are so down to earth".)
- People who assume that SUV drivers are evil. This also extends to people who assume that it is impossible to drive while talking on a cell phone. It's not impossible, but some people - who probably shouldn't be driving anyway - have no judgment.
- Anyone who uses the phrase "there ought to be a law against that".
- Water snobs. It's WATER people, get over it.
- Prius owners (there's almost no way that was a good decision)
- Religion
- Liking rap music.
- Listening to rap music.
- Talking about rap music.
- Crocs (they're not shoes)
- Barefootedness in public
- Breast feeding in public
- People who don't realize their car can turn
- Refusal to speed up to merge onto a freeway
- Cutting in line on a backed up freeway exit
- Abuse of the "reply all" button (of which I may be guilty on occasion)
- Thinking I'm interested in your children's bowel movements.
- Avocado
- People who don't have a television and flaunt it like it's the most amazing achievement ever.
- Replace "television" above with caffeine/coffee/soda/alcohol
- Treating waiters badly
- Refusing to tip waiters
- Over tipping (anyone)
- The assumption that because you can ask for a tip means I'm supposed to give it to you (I'm talking to you bellboys, hair stylists, and valet people of the world)
- You know what.... tipping
- The assumption that because you run in a marathon means you're somehow better than everyone else.
- Refusal to signal (turn indicators for you UK'ers)
- Soccer
- Scientologists
- Believing in the healing power of crystals
- Refusing to teach your children about Santa Clause (assuming that Santa Clause is a cultural phenomenon where you live)
- Brushing your teeth in a public restroom... every day.

If you weren't offended by at least one of those, you're probably doing something wrong.
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- Anything close to the phrase "War is not the answer"
- People who assume things are good because they're different (eg: "I love Ethiopian food, it's so authentic." or "I spent a year living in Nepal, the people there are so down to earth".)
- have no judgment.
- Anyone who uses the phrase "there ought to be a law against that".
- Water snobs. It's WATER people, get over it.
- Prius owners (there's almost no way that was a good decision)
- Liking rap music.
- Listening to rap music.
- Talking about rap music.
- Crocs (they're not shoes)
- Barefootedness in public
- Breast feeding in public
- People who don't realize their car can turn
- Refusal to speed up to merge onto a freeway
- Cutting in line on a backed up freeway exit
- People who don't have a television and flaunt it like it's the most amazing achievement ever
- Treating waiters badly
- Refusing to tip waiters
- Over tipping (anyone)
- The assumption that because you run in a marathon means you're somehow better than everyone else.
- Refusal to signal (turn indicators for you UK'ers)
Completely agree with the ones I didn't take out, especially the ones in bold.

I'd just like to say that I hate stupid people. This includes not using any common sense, talking improperly on purpose, people who just don't bother to think things through before asking and/or acting. Things like that, I could go on for a long time.

EDIT: I'd like to add one more thing. When people dress as if they are from somewhere where they aren't. A while back I was at a store, and a few guys walked by, looking very "European" (it's very hard to explain actually, and I can't find a picture, but I'm sure some Americans will know what I'm talking about, you can usually pick out someone English pretty easily)

I sort of hung around just to hear them talk because I find the British accent interesting to listen to, and they turned out to have heavy southern accents. It just doesn't go together, I felt like smacking them and just asking "Wtf guys?"
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-People who point and laugh because I'm riding a scooter.(the kind you push with your feet)
-White people that think/act like, their black.(no racism intended)
-People who underestimate you because your smaller than them.
-People that come and talk to me in a sh:censored:tty excuse for a southern accent because I'm fishing.
-'Spoiled' kids.
-Kids who think they can drive good when they REALLY can't.
-Those who think they are funny.
-Sports players who talk down to everyone who doesn't play a sport.
-Sore losers.
-People with an 'Alligator mouth and a hummingbird butt.(They talk trash but can't back it up)
-I HATE when people use the F-Bomb in every single sentence they say.
*People who feel the need to give you summed up version after they've told you the long version of something. For example, one person I know will tell me something, then as if I'm not smart enough to understand it, will say, "in other words" blah blah blah. And this happens all the time.

*People who can't take a hint that you don't feel like talking, or a hint at all. I've mastered giving close-ended responses to just about anything, but some people can't stand to not talk.

*People who stand too close when they talk to you. I hate that.

*People stare a few seconds too long. Kinda creepy imo.

*People that feel the need to touch you.👎
9. Almost running me over and not even realizing it while you're talking on your freaking cell phone.

More to come
Oh my God so true!A few days ago a 🤬 alot ran my over with her Benz.She tried to pull into a parking space and didn't turn her blinker on.I hate rich people.
- Avocado
Wait, the Tex-Mex man hates avocado? :P (BTW, I’d like to point out that “Avocado” isn’t exactly an “Annoying Social Habit”. ;))

(it's very hard to explain actually, and I can't find a picture, but I'm sure some Americans will know what I'm talking about, you can usually pick out someone English pretty easily
If someone’s white, male, and wearing capris, they are 100% without a doubt from Europe. There is not a single male born in America who wears capris, period.

I can easily categorize any of my social-habit-dislikes under one umbrella definition: a lack of awareness of the environment. Not environment as in Ooh, let’s save the rainforests, but I mean in what’s immediately around you. A lot of people seem to have an inability to detect subtle cues in others’ body language, tone, eyes, etc. When in a conversation with people, you need to be able to read who’s interested, who’s uninterested, who’s assimilating anything, who’s pretending to be assimilating anything, who might be offended, who is offended, who is incredulous, who is simply trying to be polite, etc. Most of this is pretty easy to read, especially in the eyes, but every day I’m shocked at how unaware people are of their environment.

This applies not just to direct interactions with people, but with passive interactions (standing in line), driving, even typing on the internet.
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especially when you're just hanging with friends and one guy or girl just sits in the corner and texts their friends

it's like
screw you
why are you even hanging out with us then

Also, at the bar - no I don't want to play pool. Or shuffleboard. Or anything else. I just want to sit down, drink a beer, and watch sportscenter. No, nothing is wrong. I just don't want to get up and play a game. Stop asking if something is wrong. I want to see my f----- top 10 plays, alright?

Parents who just have to bring their babies/toddlers/ect. to restaurants and don't shut them up when they start screaming or crying. I don't want to listen to your kid because I want to eat mydamn FOOD.

Obese bitches that call themselves thick
just say no.
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If someone’s white, male, and wearing capris, they are 100% without a doubt from Europe. There is not a single male born in America who wears capris, period.
This was more of a mix of chav, emo, skater, extreme soccer fan (as in numbers shaved out on your head), tight clothes, and one dude with a mohawk. Among other things. Now, apply a heavy southern accent.

Here are a few...

While driving, people who just love to blow right past you with less than a foot of clearance when they pass. Bonus points for doing this in congested traffic where they immediately have to stomp their brakes and end up skidding halfway out of their lane.

People who slow down to merge with 85 mph traffic on a major highway/interstate.

People who assume that because I believe in a particular religion, it means that I'm either a total nutjob or a moron. Favorite quotes, often spewed randomly, include such things as "opiate of the masses" and repeating bits of improvised philosophy which they feel backs up their opinion. Bonus points for using long strings of really big words to make yourself look more intelligent.

People who try to force their own belief systems on others, religious or atheist or whatever.

People who turn any political discussion into a president-bashing vent session. There is more to politics than the president. You'll find these people during every president's term.

People who blame every perceived injustice, real or imagined, on the current president. Again, there is more to politics than the president.

People that treat others badly and then have the gall to look shocked when you call them on it.

People whose actions scream "look at me!" All the time.

People that love a show or game until it becomes 'mainstream', after which they bash it mercilessly.

People that jump from fad to fad, repeating what they've heard on TV as their reasoning behind this.

People who tell you what you want to hear. Again, all the time.

People that insist on "Making a Statement" but just don't really seem to do anything about it.

People who think every disagreement or problem ever can be settled by sitting down to tea and crackers and talking for a bit. You ever get dragged into an argument with an angry 300 pound drunk? Yeah, sit him down with some tea and crackers and let me know how it turns out when you get out of the hospital. Then we can all sing kumbayah around a campfire burning smoke-free fake-logs.

People who idolize a particular religious/ethnic/social group as being the Best Thing Ever and perfect in every way. Common targets include American Indians, Australians, the Japanese, etc., upon whom are foisted all sorts of ridiculous ideals regardless of whether they match the group or not.

People with no sense of personal space. Maybe an American thing, I don't know. If I can shift my weight and bump into you, you're too close. If I can feel your freaking breath on my face, YOU ARE TOO CLOSE. Back off, give me breathing room.

People who become offended when I object to them being too close or react to their proximity in any way, such as backing up or moving to the side.

One question: "Whatcha reading?"

People who point out every mistake you make and just won't shut up about it.

And Finally..

People who intentionally drawl out their slight southern accent to ridiculous proportions. Usually done by some airheaded girl trying to look cute or a wannabe country singer. No, people. Drawing out your words and adding syllables is a bad thing. It makes you look like an idiot. For the last freaking time, it's pronounced train, not 'trah-ayyyn'. Those of you who live in the south and know what "It's hard to stop a Trane" is should understand.
1.The One Upper: No matter what you've done or how interesting a story or event is that happened to you, that person has not only done it but done it to the extreme. Avoid socializing with this person at all cost. They make **** so awkward, it's like after you tell a story or something interesting, they always tell one that blows your story out of the water and you kinda just sit there with a forced smile on your face and say "wow, really?" and pretend you're impressed.

2.Its always irked me when getting AIM messages from people every day, and the conversation is always EXACTLY the same

Buddy: Sup
Me: Yo
Buddy: Whats goin on?
Me: Not much, you?
Buddy: Same here

We have this convo every single day. Seriously, if we don't have anything relevant to talk about, why waste time doing the same old song and dance every day?

3.People who say "like" after every other word.

4.Picking your nose in front of people you know like it's somehow ok.

And last but SO true: The ugly fat chick who thinks she's hot cause her friends are. NO. NO NO NO. You are the D.U.F.F. The Designated Ugly Fat Friend. Get it in your (fat & ugly) head. You're only there to make your hot friends appear hotter, not cause you're anywhere nearly as hot as them. Go away.

-'Spoiled' kids.
-People with an 'Alligator mouth and a hummingbird butt.(They talk trash but can't back it up)

*People who can't take a hint that you don't feel like talking, or a hint at all. I've mastered giving close-ended responses to just about anything, but some people can't stand to not talk.

*People who stand too close when they talk to you. I hate that.

*People stare a few seconds too long. Kinda creepy imo.


especially when you're just hanging with friends and one guy or girl just sits in the corner and texts their friends

it's like
screw you
why are you even hanging out with us then

Parents who just have to bring their babies/toddlers/ect. to restaurants and don't shut them up when they start screaming or crying. I don't want to listen to your kid because I want to eat mydamn FOOD.

People whose actions scream "look at me!" All the time.

People that jump from fad to fad, repeating what they've heard on TV as their reasoning behind this.

People that insist on "Making a Statement" but just don't really seem to do anything about it.

People with no sense of personal space. Maybe an American thing, I don't know. If I can shift my weight and bump into you, you're too close. If I can feel your freaking breath on my face, YOU ARE TOO CLOSE. Back off, give me breathing room.

Those are the ones I strongly agree with.

Good thread idea too.
The athletic guy: You know the type. Claims he's good at any sport, but you never see him play anything. Is always shocked when someone isn't as athletic as he is. Always has to grab on to ANYTHING he can to do pull ups. Always wants to play something, no matter where he is.
Not inviting me to parties... those bastards.
Starting fights over little ****

And fresh figs are damn good.
People who expect you to laugh at what they say, or if they say a joke even if it is absolutely rubbish.

People who recall scenes from shows like The Simpsons, Family Guy etc. and tell you the same scene over and over again. It's pretty annoying knowing many people from school like this.

People who swear in public without any shame.
And again even moreso if it's the fat "girl gamer" they hired to give all the little pre-pubescent boys a stiffy when they go to the cash and have their moms ring up Naruto:Ultimate Puerile Powerfantasy Horse---- 17.
There was actually a pretty hot girl working at GameStop when I bought GT5P, though she didn't really seem like the gaming type. She probably got fired.
Turbo Lag
People who recall scenes from shows like The Simpsons, Family Guy etc. and tell you the same scene over and over again. It's pretty annoying knowing many people from school like this.

Here's one: People who claim to have certain personality traits that they clearly don't. Stop lying to yourself.
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especially when you're just hanging with friends and one guy or girl just sits in the corner and texts their friends

it's like
screw you
why are you even hanging out with us then

This happens to me, and

Also, at the bar - no I don't want to play pool. Or shuffleboard. Or anything else. I just want to sit down, drink a beer, and watch sportscenter. No, nothing is wrong. I just don't want to get up and play a game. Stop asking if something is wrong. I want to see my f----- top 10 plays, alright?

These are hilarious, and totally true. 👍👍
People who text in a theater...during the middle of the to me.
I swear to God, it's the most annoying thing. I've almost considered taking 1 texter's phone, and throwing it at the other guy texting down at the bottom of the seats.

Kill two birds with one phone.
I'd also like to say that I'm a fan of texting. Pro-texting, if you will. I think it's very useful and I find it annoying when people rail against it because, "Well you could just call them instead!"

Sometimes that's not the most practical option, okay?
I'd also like to say that I'm a fan of texting. Pro-texting, if you will. I think it's very useful and I find it annoying when people rail against it because, "Well you could just call them instead!"

Sometimes that's not the most practical option, okay?

I'm fine with folks texting as long as they don't do it where they shouldn't be, like in a meeting or driving down the road at 65Mph.
A short list:

- People who ask me all sorts of questions about politics because I say I'm studying political science and then proceed to argue with me over it.

- People who get drunk just to get drunk, then get mad at me for not drinking enough. Nice.

- People who ask me for help on things and immediately turn down my suggestions as "stupid," and then after I'm right, refuse to recognize that I was to begin with

- Mac elitists... I like Macs, but they aren't the second coming of Christ.

- People who text/make phone calls in the middle of a conversation, or when hanging out with friends and don't excuse themselves for a moment. Its rude.

- Stupid people. Its a generalization, but I have a hard time dealing with people who aren't aware of the basic things that are going on in the world today.

...A short list that I can think of, I'm sure I could add more later...
A short list:

- People who ask me all sorts of questions about politics because I say I'm studying political science and then proceed to argue with me over it.

- People who get drunk just to get drunk, then get mad at me for not drinking enough. Nice.

- People who ask me for help on things and immediately turn down my suggestions as "stupid," and then after I'm right, refuse to recognize that I was to begin with

- Mac elitists... I like Macs, but they aren't the second coming of Christ.

- People who text/make phone calls in the middle of a conversation, or when hanging out with friends and don't excuse themselves for a moment. Its rude.

- Stupid people. Its a generalization, but I have a hard time dealing with people who aren't aware of the basic things that are going on in the world today.

...A short list that I can think of, I'm sure I could add more later...

Yes, when they do this to me, I just stop talking, get up a leave. Screw them.
And now for a bit of self-loathing... There is one thing I catch myself doing that I kind of find annoying. When people call me by my name and then ask me a question, my answer is always, "What?-- Oh, [answer]." It's like the "What?" is a reflex and I can't always shake it. It's weird.

Anyway, onto the habits of others:

Oh my God so true!A few days ago a 🤬 alot ran my over with her Benz.She tried to pull into a parking space and didn't turn her blinker on.I hate rich people.

- Making false correlations.
- Inferring causation from correlation.

and three I encountered tonight at the fights:

- People who listen to loud music, or think the louder, the better.
- Crowding around bands/their speakers playing deafeningly loud music.
- Yelling "Hit him!" at a boxing match.


I only have the one.

The people who always seem to come to speak to you at work EXACTLY 1 MINUTE, before you close, and alway have the most difficult, most drawn out problem of the whole day.
Online Annoying Social Habits:
-whiney sounding pre-pubescent boys who sound like little school girls complaining
-Guys that you know for a fact that are white and try to talk "gangsta" or whatever. (And you know in your mind they are short scrawny little guys wearing a shirt down to their legs and a big chain)
- People who can't seem to think of anything else to say except.. "You're gay."
- Your mom jokes. (holy crap they annoy me they are not funny whatsoever)
- To add to my first dash: British pre-pubescent kids that whine. That accent and that high pitched voice... dear god. (No offense all U.K. residents)

I'm sure there's more but I can't think of anymore right now.

Alright this may not be a "habit" per say but if you ever watch those cop shows. I absolutely hate and loathe the people you see who strike and beat someone and/or kill people either run away like the cowards they are or in the case of killing shoot themselves like cowards. Case in point on a show two cops were putting a drunk driver in custody and nearby people were creating a scene then all of the sudden some guy comes wailing across the dash cam and blind sights a cop with his fist and then falls on his ass gets up and runs away like a goddamn p****. I wish I was there with a shotgun so the guys face could get a taste of the butt of the gun while he was attempting to run away.
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2.Its always irked me when getting AIM messages from people every day, and the conversation is always EXACTLY the same

Buddy: Sup
Me: Yo
Buddy: Whats goin on?
Me: Not much, you?
Buddy: Same here

We have this convo every single day. Seriously, if we don't have anything relevant to talk about, why waste time doing the same old song and dance every day?

And last but SO true: The ugly fat chick who thinks she's hot cause her friends are. NO. NO NO NO. You are the D.U.F.F. The Designated Ugly Fat Friend. Get it in your (fat & ugly) head. You're only there to make your hot friends appear hotter, not cause you're anywhere nearly as hot as them. Go away.

More to come

Both are so truthful and relevant to my day to day noticings. I get so sick and tired of those meaningless messages from people that simply waste time on both the party's sides. ]

The second point is equally true, except for the little fact that the person isn't grotesquely fat but just plain awful-looking. The worst thing is that they come up to whilst their group passes by thinking they can have you. First thing you notice, you're up and running in the opposite direction trying not to think about the last thing you saw. Boy, are those moment awful.

Non-reasonable looking persons need to show some respect for others when in society. Staring at people with such a horrifying exterior can afect an individual's psychological wellbeing.
A lot of the things I hate have been mentioned, buuut, here's some more.

- Straight Edge
- People who say "gay" to describe something they don't like. Makes them sound like a 13 year old.
- People asking "are you sure?" after I refuse something and not only that, but going on about it, then suggesting something else for me. UGH.