Annoying Social Habits of people you've met

  • Thread starter L_Hamilton
Cellphone/Mobile Phone behaviors really tic me off: Most have been mentioned at least once but here are the habits I find most obnoxious...

1. Sitting in the quiet coach of a train and people are yapping away on a bluetooth headset, thinking that because they don't have the mobile to their ear its ok.

2. People talking on the phone knowing everyone can hear them but continue to talk about private things, like sexual problems, relationships, bowel movement problems, medical conditions and holidays.

3. People who check their phone and see they have received no message or call then seconds later the phone goes with a stupid song or irritating ringtone.

4. Chavs and other social ingrates who play rubbish music full blast on their mobile phones through the built in speaker so the whole bus can hear.

5. People who use the abilities of their mobile phone as a status symbol. Mines got a 5 mega pixel camera, so I'm better than you, its just another form of willy waving, apart from women are the main culprits of this.

6. Bluetooth headsets, I don't have a problem with them when used in the way they were supposed to be used I.E. While driving ect, but I know someone personally who walks around with it in his ear when in the home.

Other than mobile phones I don't have much of a problem with any social bad habit, as I probably commit such heinous crimes myself all the time without realizing I'm doing it, so I tend not to judge. There are a few tho that get my back up, and I'm sorry but if any women are reading this I do apologize (sort of).

I go to work every single day by train and bus, and the same people travel at the same time so you kind of start to see patterns emerging, and women seem to be the biggest committer of this faux pas, they always leave it to the very last second to get their ticket/pass from their purse/bag and hold everyone up at the ticket barrier or doors of the bus, if women weren't allowed to travel at the rush hour 1 there would be twice as many seats available & 2 the rush hour time would be cut by about 80% sans all the waiting about for them to do things.

Also this knack of theirs extends to shops and even work at the vending machines and the like.

also people who decide to travel at rush hour who don't normally do so, cause such a headache as they seem to get just about under everyones feet.

also sticking with the morning rush hour, people (men & women) who stand in the doorway of the train even tho it has to make other stops instead of trying to take up the inevitable empty seats that occur near the window side and between two people, this prevents the people getting on, and slows the journey time because it takes longer to load and offload passengers.

my gripe over with :D
Thought of some more

- People who wear band shirts but don't know close to anything about the band. This is the reason I don't have any Zeppelin shirts yet.

- People who think they're classic rock experts but only know a few songs. It pisses me off more than anything when somebody tells me they're a big fan of Led Zeppelin and proceed to tell me their favorite songs are Stairway to Heaven and Kashmir. Same goes for Metallica and Enter Sandman (Though Metallica isn't classic rock obviously)
Wait, the Tex-Mex man hates avocado? :P

I make an exception for guac.

Here are a few new ones, and a few re-iterated ones:

I hate rich people.
- Hating rich people

Danoff, what's wrong with rap music? rap songs can be as deep and meaningful (abliet idiotic and meaningless with some examples) as any other song.
- talking about rap music ;)

I'm more curious what he thinks is wrong with soccer.
- talking about soccer ;)

- "After therefore because of"
- Socialist experiments (this will take some explanation)

You're at a restaurant with a big group and someone says "let's just split the bill evenly". Yea, that's fair. I bought water and an entree, and you bought 5 drinks of alcohol, an appetizer, dinner, and a desert. Lemme think for a minute... how about no?

But it goes farther than that. Someone says "hey, I've got a great idea. How about instead of each of us bringing lunch for ourselves every day, one of us bring lunch for everyone and we'll rotate through the group." There are so many things wrong with that. First of all, some things scale badly - like how difficult it is to carry food for 8 people as opposed to 1. It's also much more difficult to maintain a level budget when dealing with something like that. Also, it's inherently wasteful, because the last thing you want to do when you're bringing food for the group is to run out - so you bring too much. It's also not the best value for money because people won't always bring food you enjoy. It's a bad idea... get over it people. Socialism doesn't work.

Moving on....

- chewing with your mouth open (I'm seconding this one)
- Talking too quietly during your presentation
- Making a presentation to one person rather than the room
- People who have no backbone (more explanation)

Normally I wouldn't be irritated by such a person, because I can push them around and get what I want out of them. The problem is that these people have no backbone when interacting with others, so you never know what you're going to get - and you can never really tell what they're thinking. For example, I agree with someone that implementing some sort of technical procedure a certain way is the best approach. Then they go talk to someone else who convinces them that it's not the best approach. I come back and expect to see everything running the way we had last talked and find that it's all different because someone else got to him after I did. STICK WITH ONE! Or, how about coming back to me and discussing it again before you just go change everything. It's all about avoiding the confrontation, I know, but sometimes you have to have a confrontation. When points of view collide there needs to be a confrontation so that concerns are aired. Confrontation is healthy. I just can't ever tell what that guy is really thinking or what he's going to do from one day to the next because he's so easily influenced.

Moving on.

- total and complete lack of capitalization grammar sentence structure even punctuation its hard to read isnt it
- People who emphasize your mistakes. (eg: Cc'ing their email to you about some trivial error you made to your boss and co-workers)
- People who will tell you that videogames are a waste of time but are more than happy to play cards
- Stay at home moms (obviously more explanation needed, because this is a touchy subject)

It's possible to be a "stay-at-home-mom" properly, but it's not easy, and very rare. First, you have to acknowledge that your job is taking care of the kids. When your husband gets home from work, the two of your are now on equal footing. That means that you're not doing your fair share of taking care of the kids if you make him do all of the child work when he's home. It should be split 50/50 when he's home, and on you 100% while he's doing his job 100%. Secondly, sleep is not necessarily recreational time for either of you. Being a stay-at-home-mom requires some night time work. Your husband can't sleep on the job during the day, you can.

Finally, don't get holier-than-thou about your job as a daycare worker for your children. Waving a rattle in front of your child's face all day is not something that JUST HAS to be performed by you and only you. Perhaps it's a good move financially, but your kid is probably not getting nearly as much exposure to socialization, so at best you're breaking even on the amount of good you're doing. Do it because it makes you feel good, or because it's financially practical, or because you're being protective... whatever your reasons, be honest - it's not because it takes a rocket scientist to watch a 1 year old.

- That assumption that because you make the money and your wife watches the kids all day, you have final say on what gets spent.
- The assumption that some professions are noble and others are not. Cops, firefighters, nurses, teachers, social workers, military, stay-at-home-mom, etc. These jobs are not inherently more noble than lawyer, politician, doctor, CEO, artist, or athlete.
- People who assume that income should have to do with how noble they think a job is.
- Blatant disregard for economics
- Grass is greener syndrome (eg: "Boy, wouldn't it be nice if I won the lottery?" Not as nice as you think, stop wishing and enjoy your life.)
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I'll admit to one habit I have that people don't like: When they're having a really hard time opening a jar, I'll walk up and open it with no effort at all.:dopey:

I really hate it when I'm playing football with friends, and one who wants to be the QB for every play because he's too lazy to run. (street ball) So when I take the position for a play or two, he instead of running out for a pass, walks in a straight line, then gets angry because I couldn't get the pass out because nobody was open. So then he gets angry and quits playing, ruining the fun for everyone because he thinks he's a 'one man team.' I would like too see him win by himself against a team of 3 who work together. He also never takes blame for anything.

I also hate when people always choose the bigger guy first in a sport, even if the sport requires smaller and faster people(me.) For instance, kickball. I kick it really far, and I run fast enough to get around all the bases in one kick. But why pick me when you can have the guy who kicks it half the distance and runs only half as fast?

Also for some reason I'm always the source of blame for stuff. One time a friend got a video camera for X-mas, he was letting my brother film him catching a football. My brother did something to the camera, and my friend looked at ME and asked what I did to it, when I didn't even get within 6 inches of it.

And for the record this friend is one guy.

I also hate it when I'm hanging out at my friend's house and he falls asleep. He gets angry at me for stupid reasons, I'm not the one falling asleep while he's at my house. Maybe next time he does that I'll leave without telling him.

This is all recent, I'm getting ready to tell him if he doesn't start laying off, than I'm not going to hang with him anymore until he's ready to back off and take blame for some things. I have plenty of friends to hang with. And he fits into the 'tough guy' category. I know that's all he's trying to be when it only makes him look like an asshole. Tough people don't get angry and quit when things don't go their way. They do what they can to fix it so that every one is happy.
Awesome thread idea.

- People who eat with their mouths open, and loudly.
- People who go on YouTube music videos and start leaving hateful comments like "OMGZZZ dis band iz so ghey lyk!!1!". Why watch the vid in the first place? To bitch about it? My God, I'd hate to live with you.
- People who assume you're an emo who likes to slit yor wirsts because you listen to music involving guitars. If this is true, yay self-harm! *Cut-cut*
- People who stereotype music, especially anything involving guitars. "SCREAMIN EMOZ LYK". Continues from the last point.
- People who insist on getting involved in other peoples' business.
- Ugly/fat people who think they're sexy and take revealing pictures of themselves every day. If they stopped this, blindness figures would go down. This is the reason I don't take pictures of myself all the time.
- Girls who label you as a perv because they hear you make one comment such as "Wow, she's hot.". But then they go on to say stuff like "He's like, totally hot!".
- Hypocrites. No explanation needed.
- People who don't say anything, then they watch you take half an hour taking your MP3 out and untangling the headphones. THEN try and start a conversation.
- People who know you're playing a video game or watching TV. Then stand in front of the TV screen with no regard of what you're doing. Then have a go at you for politely asking them to move. My mother is a prime example.
- Loudmouths, especially girls from around here on the bus. Seriously, you sit down for a peaceful bus ride, only to hear "SO BRAD DUMPED JANEY LIKE COS HE LIKE TOTALLY FANCIES LAURA".
- People who play music through their phones really loudly, I could really give a toss about what music it is, even if it is something I like. I don't wanna hear it, because when someone plays music through their phones really loudly whatever song it is loses it's coll status. Unless it's rap or "grime", because that was never cool in my books anyway.
- People who use gadgets as a gauge of how cool they are. This is no joke, there's a guy in my class who spent upwards of £50 ($100) making his found louder. I'm being serious.

I have more...
Awesome thread idea.

- People who eat with their mouths open, and loudly.
- People who go on YouTube music videos and start leaving hateful comments like "OMGZZZ dis band iz so ghey lyk!!1!". Why watch the vid in the first place? To bitch about it? My God, I'd hate to live with you.
- People who assume you're an emo who likes to slit yor wirsts because you listen to music involving guitars. If this is true, yay self-harm! *Cut-cut*
- People who stereotype music, especially anything involving guitars. "SCREAMIN EMOZ LYK". Continues from the last point.
- People who insist on getting involved in other peoples' business.
- Ugly/fat people who think they're sexy and take revealing pictures of themselves every day. If they stopped this, blindness figures would go down. This is the reason I don't take pictures of myself all the time.
- Girls who label you as a perv because they hear you make one comment such as "Wow, she's hot.". But then they go on to say stuff like "He's like, totally hot!".
- Hypocrites. No explanation needed.
- People who don't say anything, then they watch you take half an hour taking your MP3 out and untangling the headphones. THEN try and start a conversation.
- People who know you're playing a video game or watching TV. Then stand in front of the TV screen with no regard of what you're doing. Then have a go at you for politely asking them to move. My mother is a prime example.
- Loudmouths, especially girls from around here on the bus. Seriously, you sit down for a peaceful bus ride, only to hear "SO BRAD DUMPED JANEY LIKE COS HE LIKE TOTALLY FANCIES LAURA".
- People who play music through their phones really loudly, I could really give a toss about what music it is, even if it is something I like. I don't wanna hear it, because when someone plays music through their phones really loudly whatever song it is loses it's coll status. Unless it's rap or "grime", because that was never cool in my books anyway.
- People who use gadgets as a gauge of how cool they are. This is no joke, there's a guy in my class who spent upwards of £50 ($100) making his found louder. I'm being serious.

I have more...
I 100% agree with every one of those!!!

And you got more? Please share!:)
• People who obsessively pick apart everything everyone else does. These people are much more annoying than the wrong-doers, and are as fun as an itch you can't scratch while stuck in a trans-Atlantic coach-class flight.

Whats wrong with hating rich people?
Don't hate people because they're rich, hate people because they're individually evil, stupid, ignorant, dangerous...That's a slave mentality, and is just as bigoted and ignorant as that which you hate.

Don't think for a minute just because someone's rich, they have no hope of being friendly or down-to-earth or caring about others.
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Your wish is my command, a few more...

- Wannabe gang-bangers. You know the ones I'm talking about. Jeans round their ankles? Plastic chains? K-Swiss Trainers? Those ones.
- People who think that because they're behind a PC/TV screen they can say whatever the hell they like.
- People online calling other racist names when they have no clue what skin colour they are, for instance, someone on YouTube was calling me a "FAGGET ASS N*GGA" just today. Ask if you want to see more of his insightful comments towards me and I'll PM them to you.
- People who complain about everything they do (Maybe I'm a hypocrite posting this in this thread?), seriously, shut up, we all have to do the same stuff, and we aren't bitching.
- People who tell you EVERY single thing they do and expect you to give a damn. I don't care if your cat doesn't need a litter tray any more. Shut up.
- People like me who think that "Your mom" jokes are the new craze. My Dad's 46, and he says "Your mom" jokes were old back when he was my age.
The kid that makes no secret that he takes drugs and thinks its so cool to talk about it.

'Ye I smoke so much weed I dont know where I am these days..'
'I got sold some crap weed on Friday..'

People who say 'Yaknow' alot.

'Ye yaknow sometimes he's just yaknow out of tocuh with people.Others Yaknow he tries hard yaknow but yaknow he just cant be like the others'

The people that love the songs just because its on the radio alot and their friend likes it.

- People who say "gay" to describe something they don't like. Makes them sound like a 13 year old.

Please dont turn into Chris Crocker..
- Spoiled brats whose parents buy them a nice car and proceed to drive it like a toy. A good example being a kid at my school whose parents bought him a Stage 3 Roush Mustang and from what I've heard hes already almost flipped it.

- People who chew with their mouth open. It's absolutely disgusting and drives me up a wall.

- People who yell at me because I politely ask them to chew with their mouth closed. My dad being the biggest example of this. He knows I can't stand it but still continues to eat with the manners of a bear.

- People who stare at me like I'm going to kill their children. Every time I go into Target I get people that give me strange looks. I've even been standing in line and had a mother slightly look back at me then push her kids in front of her.

- I completely agree. It's uncanny how almost every kid that gets a nice car (or more of a performance car) from their parents they seem to end up on headlines with the car obliterated. If I was given a nice car sure i'd abuse it a little but I don't think i'd do anything that'd make the car nearly flip over. My dad owns a Stage 2 Roush and I can't imagine it rolling over... it's so low.

- I'm guilty of this on some occasions one being chewing gum and some candies like starburst but as far as eating food I keep my mouth shut... odd now that I think of it.

- I also am disgusted of people that think just because you primarily wear black clothing or have any amount of tattoos that show you are automatically a serial killer and must be avoided at all costs. My sister's fiance has this problem who has a bunch of tattoos on his arms but he's extremely nice.
Something the wannabe rednecks around here do is try to insult you for not having a 4 wheel drive vehicle that you can use for mudding. First of all, I don't want a 4 wheel drive vehicle as much as I want a FR. And if I did get a 4WD, it would probably be a Lancer which I wouldn't use for mudding. I don't even see the point of driving through mud and getting your vehicle dirty.

EDIT: Post #1,000!!!!!
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- Talking too quietly during your presentation
- Grass is greener syndrome (eg: "Boy, wouldn't it be nice if I won the lottery?" Not as nice as you think, stop wishing and enjoy your life.)
*Talking to quietly period. I hate having to lean in to someone, or try and turn my head so I can hear them better.

And the grass is greener attitude is what got me here in Maine.👎

*Long winded people. My step dad is my prime example. Every night dinner lasts ten minutes longer because he's too busy giving us a blow by blow story of his entire day instead of eating his food.

*People who make annoying/just plain stupid posts.

*People that get mad when you try and point a mistake in the most non-threatening of ways. Then they want to get mad at you for no reason.

*People who do read/listen to everything you say. What I mean by this is when you're having a discussion, like here, people won't read your entire post, and only respond to a single part.
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- Spoiled brats whose parents buy them a nice car and proceed to drive it like a toy. A good example being a kid at my school whose parents bought him a Stage 3 Roush Mustang and from what I've heard hes already almost flipped it.

One time these parents thouht it was a good idea to buy their 17 year old a brand new BMW M3. Then one night he and a bunch of friends took it out and later found themselves in front of some random person's house with the M3 on it's side.:grumpy::grumpy:

- People who stare at me like I'm going to kill their children. Every time I go into Target I get people that give me strange looks. I've even been standing in line and had a mother slightly look back at me then push her kids in front of her.

^^I'm not creepy or have a cereal killer face, it's just rich snobby people who dress up everywhere and see people in casual wear (like me) freak out and want to get out of there as quick as possible.

One day I pulled up to Target and was trying to find a parking spot and this lady was crossing the street to go to her car. I stop and wave her by, and she gave me the look of the Devil. Yes this happened many times before, so I slowly close in right to her ass and I don't know what stopped me from running the bitch over. Maybe it was her lucky day.

- 12 year old kids playing violent video games yelling down their mics.

Counter Strike:Source

Rated "M" for Mature and these kids , they have to be at least 10, are cursing SO MUCH, I have to bring out a pen and pad because some of this I never heard before.

The second point is equally true, except for the little fact that the person isn't grotesquely fat but just plain awful-looking. The worst thing is that they come up to whilst their group passes by thinking they can have you. First thing you notice, you're up and running in the opposite direction trying not to think about the last thing you saw. Boy, are those moment awful.

So true!!!!
- 12 year old kids playing violent video games yelling down their mics.

Well GTAIV is usually the wi**ers that sound like idiots. But as i'm sure you know COD4 has all the whiney kids that do that. :lol:
- People who tell you EVERY single thing they do and expect you to give a damn. I don't care if your cat doesn't need a litter tray any more. Shut up.
Yeah, that's another one...

I was offered to go to London with a particular guy today who has this problem. I'd probably end up hanging myself.
Well GTAIV is usually the wi**ers that sound like idiots. But as i'm sure you know COD4 has all the whiney kids that do that. :lol:

While CoD4 may have many immature players. GTA4 has attracted the most amount of online asshats ever.
- I completely agree. It's uncanny how almost every kid that gets a nice car (or more of a performance car) from their parents they seem to end up on headlines with the car obliterated. If I was given a nice car sure i'd abuse it a little but I don't think i'd do anything that'd make the car nearly flip over. My dad owns a Stage 2 Roush and I can't imagine it rolling over... it's so low.

And doesn't it have suspension as well? I mean, racing suspension are there for you not to flip while RACING!!.. HOW THE HELL CAN YOU ALMOST FLIP IT? That kid must be trying to so mommy and daddy can buy him a new one. prick rick kids ...When I drive my dad' 2006 GTO by myself, I drive with the utmost respect. Not only if it WAS mine, if I crashed it, (I'm not kidding) I would be dead. All that would be left of me is a puddle of something that looked like fresh from a blender.

Now, A kid at my school has a brand new SRT-8 Charger. What happened to it, you say? It got totaled beyond belief. Now get this. His parents by him a new PLUS a bigger engine. They did this because the kid said "It wasn't his fault" When my friend sees this same kid in the SRT-8 somking a dubie.WTF!?
It's partially the parents fault as well I think... but yeah the Stage 3 does have an upgraded suspension. I don't think the Stage 2 does though.
Something the wannabe rednecks around here do is try to insult you for not having a 4 wheel drive vehicle that you can use for mudding. First of all, I don't want a 4 wheel drive vehicle as much as I want a FR. And if I did get a 4WD, it would probably be a Lancer which I wouldn't use for mudding. I don't even see the point of driving through mud and getting your vehicle dirty.

EDIT: Post #1,000!!!!!

The same thing happens up here in Virginia. I don't ever plan to go mudding; I don't wash my car enough as it is. Congrats on post #1,000!

I considered posting a list, but a) everything's more or less covered already and b) I find pretty much everyone I've ever been within 16,000 miles of annoying in some way, small or large.

Maybe it's just because I've had a crap day, I don't know.
- Americans who all of a sudden start typing words in British English (i.e. programme, theatre, colour, neighbour) to appear more... bohemian?
But in the US, I think a theatre refers to a show/play, while a theater refers to movie place.
- People who say something is "fake" or "photoshopped" all the time on the net, the DYSAGT thread has this occasionally. If it has a Porsche GT2 bumper, wheels, spoiler, badge, etc. then it's probably a GT2, not a 911 with several thousand in body work.
It's probably not. The ratio of wanna-be-GT2 Turbos to legitimate GT2s is rather astounding.

Counter Strike:Source

Rated "M" for Mature and these kids , they have to be at least 10, are cursing SO MUCH, I have to bring out a pen and pad because some of this I never heard before.
That's why the voteban feature is implemented. Besides, if you're clever enough, you'll find servers that don't have that.
If you weren't offended by at least one of those, you're probably doing something wrong.
Actually the only one I disagree with is religion, but I am not offended.

-People who underestimate you because your smaller than them.
I know that feeling.

-Those who think they are funny.
I am pretty sure I represent that remark.

A couple of mine:

  • Trying to talk to me socially at my desk when I obviously am working on something huge, and don't get the hint when I don't stop working to talk to them. See that two page email on my screen that I haven't finished yet?
  • People telling me something but managing to say it in three different ways in the same conversation.
  • People that accuse me of being an alcoholic because I go out with friends after work, once a week.
  • American events celebrated here. It gets on my tits, when you get British kids harping on about Halloween and the god-awful trick or treat. Yes, I am very grumpy on Halloween.
  • Smoking. Most selfish habit that I can think of.
  • People who walk in cycle lanes (does this count as a social habit? I think it does.) Quite often in my area the cycle lanes are up on the pavement, next to the normal pavement. I then get shouted at for riding dangerously. You wouldn't walk in the road forcing cars to emergency stop, why do it with cyclists?
  • People who speak far louder than needed on phones in public. Exhibitionists.
  • People who force their 6-month old to have piercings. Amounts to child abuse imo.

I think that's it...:ouch:
I have a few more that occurred to me while on the way home.

- People who walk in the road, when there is a perfectly good sidewalk to walk on.
- People who bike in the road, when there is a perfectly good bike path to bike on.
- People who don't wave thank you when you let them out of a side street.
- People who have motorcycles with exhaust that can be heard from miles away.
- People who own and drive mopeds at all, you can't do 50 mph so don't hold up traffic while you drive down the road without a license plate on your little scooter you look rather questionable wearing an openfaced helmet, tight jeans and a scarf in the middle of August.
People who eat with their mouths open and make noises while their doing it like NOM NOM NOM

People who offer to help you out with something but then keep putting it off or making excuses - If you changed your mind and dont want to help JUST SAY!!!
I wasn't going to add anything but after a recent thread:

- When people say that the driver deserved to die, but the passenger didn't in relation to a street racing accident
Ah! Which brings me to my next one:
- When I'm at school at break/lunch/going to next class there's always some kid with iPod speakers in their backpack or their hands blaring Rap... Always rap. Sometimes I'd love to bring some speakers in there and blast some In Flames or some kind of metal. Of course that'd be hypocritical and just as well 90% of my school enjoys rap so i'm only one of the 10% that find it annoying. :grumpy:

All the way with you, IMO rap is rubbish.


STFU ABOUT RAP. I have a friend that's a metalhead and he hates rap too. Are all you metalheads this... "metalheaded"? Of course you guys probably hate new rock/pop/whatever genre you call it groups such as MCR and Fall Out Boy, but you listen to "good" groups. Well, a lot of new rap, especially the popular stuff, is sucky also, but not all of it. That's like stereotyping and saying that all metal is as messed up as Cannibal Corpse.