! GT5 Whining Thread !

  • Thread starter eMke3
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Hello, well this is my first thread ever. In case thread like this exists, I can assure you I was searching for it before I started this one. Anyways after years and years passing by I read more and more frustrated posts about GT5, PD, Online races , etc,etc,etc..... So I decided to make a "GT5 Whining Thread" that way when some one is pissed about some GT5 factor they can post here and hopefully not get in trouble by the Admins.

Anybody agree about having this thread?

So....don't whine! But if you have to, please do it in this thread :D
While the concept is all well and good, I'm sure Amar's thread will quell most of the complaints for the time being. There are also the wish threads for people who want or don't want various things. We'll have to see how this works out!
While the concept is all well and good, I'm sure Amar's thread will quell most of the complaints for the time being. There are also the wish threads for people who want or don't want various things. We'll have to see how this works out!

Haha :D I love Amar's thread sarcasm 👍
when's gt5 coming out? i'm bored! PD better do what i say or i'll pretend like I won't actually buy gt5! i hate racing online! I drive perfect all the time and everyone else are noobs! I want more tracks! ...and porsches! ...and lamborghinis! ...and the nurburgring! ...and damage! ...and night racing! ...and weather!

How's that?:)

Actually, I've never raced online, I'm far far away from perfect, I don't care about night or weather (though damage should make things interesting and hopefully do away with the need for some penalties). Obviously, GT5 will have more tracks than prologue (including the 'ring, I assume) so I'm not worried about that. However, I would really like to see Porsches in GT5 or at least a good explanation why not. And I hope GT5 has better anti-aliasing than prologue because even at 1080p, I find the sparkly glittery jagged edges really annoying. :crazy:

...I didn't plan to actually whine, but I guess this is the place for it.:dopey:
Have to say that I'm fed up of the lack of information about GT5 or future GT5P developments and Amar's thread doesn't really help...........other than to create another 20+ pages of guesses.

I'm not asking for much, just a couple of screens, maybe the odd interview with KY and a general update.
I'd like to whine about the whiners who won't stick to this thread to complain in, but instead demand attention by whining everywhere else BUT here. What's wrong with you people! You have a perfectly wonderful playground in here to whine in! JUMP IN! :P
In GT5P, why doesn't the Amuse S2000 GT1 have the custom dual exhaust built into the bumper like it does in real life, and in GT4??? Clearly, PD is too lazy to model it properly.. I mean where else will they be cutting corners!?!?

Kidding, but seriously anyone notice that? I read before that if you wanted to build up your S2000 with the Amuse GT1 body, they required the custom-fitting of the Ti exhaust that's built into the bumper. I guess they eased up on that requirement, changed the design?
when's gt5 coming out? i'm bored! PD better do what i say or i'll pretend like I won't actually buy gt5! i hate racing online! I drive perfect all the time and everyone else are noobs! I want more tracks! ...and porsches! ...and lamborghinis! ...and the nurburgring! ...and damage! ...and night racing! ...and weather!

How's that?:)

Actually, I've never raced online, I'm far far away from perfect, I don't care about night or weather (though damage should make things interesting and hopefully do away with the need for some penalties). Obviously, GT5 will have more tracks than prologue (including the 'ring, I assume) so I'm not worried about that. However, I would really like to see Porsches in GT5 or at least a good explanation why not. And I hope GT5 has better anti-aliasing than prologue because even at 1080p, I find the sparkly glittery jagged edges really annoying. :crazy:

...I didn't plan to actually whine, but I guess this is the place for it.:dopey:

explanation about the porsche
i'm a big fan of their cars ad i'd be very surprised if i saw them in GT5
there won't be any because the EA ( NFS ) has the license so GT took RUFs
explanation about the porsche
i'm a big fan of their cars ad i'd be very surprised if i saw them in GT5
there won't be any because the EA ( NFS ) has the license so GT took RUFs

That was for previous GT series games. Whether or not they will be in GT5 is yet to be seen.
explanation about the porsche
i'm a big fan of their cars ad i'd be very surprised if i saw them in GT5
there won't be any because the EA ( NFS ) has the license so GT took RUFs

Just like with Ferrari? ;)
Keeping the public updated would be a nice gesture on PD's part.
Could we please have some replay options. not asking for much, just stop start rewind FForward. And maybe the optian of saving your online races, or would that be asking to much. and that is about all the whinning I have.
Yea i'm with ghost drift on that one. The video options have always lacked a lot of stuff in previous GTs
Even GTHD have a pause feature in relays. I have no idea why they removed even that.
Since I started this thread, my only concern about Full GT5 when it's released is, will 2player Full screen replay option be available??? Hopefully it will make it to the game :)
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Since I started this thread, my only concern about Full GT5 when it's released is, will 2player Full screen replay option be available??? Hopefully it will make it to the game :)

It should do. and also crossed fingres for LAN battles.
I'd like to complain about people whining about gt5 before it even comes out.

I'd like to complain about people complaining, about the people complaining about GT5 before it's out and clogging up the whining thread ;)

Sorry, it just had to be said :D
Have to say that I'm fed up of the lack of information about GT5 or future GT5P developments and Amar's thread doesn't really help...........other than to create another 20+ pages of guesses.

I'm not asking for much, just a couple of screens, maybe the odd interview with KY and a general update.

True. There are more updates to GT-TV than the actual game itself for the past five months.
GT TV has been absolutely dead, since August 1st, infact they even took away the old top gear episodes.

What other GTTV updates have their been? Besides Citreon by GT trailer for the October update, I dunno maybe it's just the PAL version that gets nothing.
I think the last update was the Nurbergring 24 hours. But again everything on GTTV you can watch on the web for free. totaly pointless.
I think the last update was the Nurbergring 24 hours. But again everything on GTTV you can watch on the web for free. totaly pointless.

Not legally though.

So thats like saying, buying movies are pointless because I can get them on the web for free.
Not legally though.

So thats like saying, buying movies are pointless because I can get them on the web for free.

Their is nothing illegal about watching Top Gear Episodes on BBCi Player. or watching coverage of the Nurbergring 24 hours on Youtube. Or go onto Video Option's channel on you tube and watch it, being as the stuff you download from GTTV is not the full DVD releases and is just mere snip bits from the DVD.

But if you still think that paying money for stuff that is free from the people who make them, then you carry on m8.

PS. the only thing I havent seen available is the videos like the Ferrari california and thats it.

Top gear episodes totaly free to veiw by the BBC. No dont thank me it quit alright. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/search/?q=top gear

Drop the holyer than thou attitude, nothing is illegal.
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Their is nothing ileagal about watching Top Gear Episodes on BBCi Player. or watching coverage of the Nurbergring 24 hours on Youtube. Or go onto Video Option's website and watch the videos of the D1 and Time attack (if you can navigate the Japanese web page)

But if you still think that paying money for stuff that is free from the people who make them, then you carry on m8.

PS. the only thing I havent seen available is the videos like the Ferrari california and thats it.

PD translated the Option video, I don't know about the untranslated versions but that one would be illegal to broadcast online without permission, same with the Best Motoring video that was shown and the D1 video.

Also it depends on region, thats why I can't go on the BBC website and view Top gear or anywhere, I would have to download them by torrent. or something.

PD made videos are not free for all, which includes that Nurb 24hr video that PD produced, you can watch 24hr from elsewhere who made their own for free all you want, but uploading PD's production would be illegal.

So please, show me where I can freely watch the exact videos (included translation) PD released on GT-TV on the internet. If they were free and legally accessable I wont pay to watch them.

Why would I thank you, I can't watch that. (See below)

Currently BBC iPlayer TV programmes are available to play in the UK only, but all BBC iPlayer Radio programmes are available to you. Why?

If you are in the UK and see this message please read this advice.

Go to Radio channels home page

Drop the holyer than thou attitude, nothing is illegal.

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Who cares about PD releases. The video option you pay for on GTTV is basicaly a translated advert. The N24h race was coverd by auto mundial, and being as it is a free to veiw TV programe then you can freely watch it as and when you want.

And if you want to pay for 4 year old episodes of Top Gear then go ahead. the only person that is loosing out is you. And if you cant watch then that UNLUCKY. I can watch them for free and perfectly leagle, as well.

GTTV is a total rip off, half the time the videos dont download properly, then you have to wait 3 weeks for PD to actualy bother getting back to you.

And who cares if GTTV is being updated. The less updates on GTTV hopefully means the sooner GT5 will be released.
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Who cares about PD releases. The video option you pay for on GTTV is basicaly a translated advert. The N24h race was coverd by auto mundial, and being as it is a free to veiw TV programe then you can freely watch it as and when you want.

And if you want to pay for 4 year old episodes of Top Gear then go ahead. the only person that is loosing out is you.

GTTV is a total rip off, half the time the videos dont download properly, then you have to wait 3 weeks for PD to actualy bother getting back to you.

And who cares if GTTV is being updated. The less updates on GTTV hopefully means the sooner GT5 will be released.

I don't pay for topgear episodes, especially old ones like that I watch them on TV. I agree they're a rip off, not so much the Best Motoring and Video option IMO as I enjoy those and like to actually understand what they are saying....

GT-TV is a mess no doubt in my mind, KY likes to promote it in interviews but it is rubbish. I am not defending it, just if you want some of what PD does provide you can't get it on the internet legally for free like you said (nothing is illegal)..

Speaking of the devil, they must have heard us


I assume this wont reach PAL GT-TV for ages though and will be short and pricey.
I'd like to complain about people complaining, about the people complaining about GT5 before it's out and clogging up the whining thread ;)

Sorry, it just had to be said :D

It is impossible to complain about gt5 before it has come out. Maybe apart from the release date, and there is already a thread for that. All it will achieve is more of the same arguements going on in other threads, and turn into another wish list.
Their is nothing illegal about watching Top Gear Episodes on BBCi Player.
If you live in the UK. If you live outside of the UK, then it is illegal.

I can watch them [Top Gear] for free and perfectly leagle, as well.
No, it's not "leagle". See above.

You might as well stop now as you're just making yourself look stupid.
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