! GT5 Whining Thread !

  • Thread starter eMke3
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Personaly, I have video option on my doorstep every time a new relese comes. I liked it so much I brough a subscription. ANd all the DVD's have subtitles. ANd I love watching the japanese ripping into each other its so funny especialy in japanese. And WHAT THE HELL. anouther bloody video of the concept. Well thats GT5 put back enougher 2 weeks then.
If you live in the UK. If you live outside of the UK, then it is illegal.

No, it's not "leagle". See above.

You might as well stop now as you're just making yourself look stupid.

How will I look stupid, I can watch top gear reruns on DAVE tv all day long if I so wish.

SO when I say I can watch anything on GTTV for free the I can. For someone to tell me I cant do it leagaly, well they are in the wrong not me.

I wasnt the one that started the conversation about legality. And if they dont live in the UK then that isnt my problem. I was not trying to proove than everyone can watch it for free, but I prooved that I can.
How will I look stupid, I can watch top gear reruns on DAVE tv all day long if I so wish.
You can. I can. But you're telling an Australian to go onto iPlayer and watch Top Gear, when he's told you he cannot. He also cannot watch Dave TV.

So, some of the things on GT TV can be watched elsewhere by some of the people here for free, but all of the people cannot watch all of the things on GT TV for free, legally.
You can. I can. But you're telling an Australian to go onto iPlayer and watch Top Gear, when he's told you he cannot. He also cannot watch Dave TV.

So, some of the things on GT TV can be watched elsewhere by some of the people here for free, but all of the people cannot watch all of the things on GT TV for free, legally.

But he told me that I was watching it illegaly basicaly.

"Not legally though.

So thats like saying, buying movies are pointless because I can get them on the web for free."

So maybe he should of looked at what country I came from before making that post? and yes maybe I should of double checked his country reference too.

But embarass my self? lol
It is impossible to complain about gt5 before it has come out. Maybe apart from the release date, and there is already a thread for that. All it will achieve is more of the same arguements going on in other threads, and turn into another wish list.

With that in mind this should really be the "The whining thread about a lack of news on GT5".

Your right we can't complain about GT5 itself as we know nothing about it............yet, but I'm English so I enjoy a good old moan :D
I have been looking for a GT forum that is not how do you say......
Full of people that DONT take forums too seriously. A place where all have a common interest, meet people and actually have fun.
Seems I find a lot of flaming going on in most of the forums I have checked out.
I dont mean to be harsh but seeing page after page of people bickering about Video files. Come on! RACE! Crash or something.
IMHO Sony is wasting Bandwith, with the whole TV thing. and HOME, and Life.
GT TV has been absolutely dead, since August 1st, infact they even took away the old top gear episodes.

What other GTTV updates have their been? Besides Citreon by GT trailer for the October update, I dunno maybe it's just the PAL version that gets nothing.

I thought they were simultaneous releases for all regions. I only check the Japanese site and they have updates yesterday on GT-TV (6th March 09) for Top Gears and D1 GP and also another in January.
Yeah we (PAL) haven't got any updates of D1 GP since GT-TV started (properly apparently) August 1st and they removed all the Top gear episodes.

Seems to me the Japanese GT-TV gets regular updates but PAL doesn't (or atleast I don't in Australia), not sure about US.
With that in mind this should really be the "The whining thread about a lack of news on GT5".

Your right we can't complain about GT5 itself as we know nothing about it............yet, but I'm English so I enjoy a good old moan :D

You're absolutely right about the thread name. We cannot whine about GT5 yet, but I wish I could be whining about it already :sly: Now since it's my first thread ever, so I don't know, can I rename thread name into "The whining thread about a lack of news on GT5"? :D and if yeah then should I?:dunce:
“GTbyCitroën - The Inside Story” in HD
March 6th, 2009

That's the kind off news I can't stand finding on GTPlanet every time I log on. I mean c'monnnnnnn, we're all dying here.... hurry up and give us some GT news vaccine :D
Perhaps we should have some kind of poll with date ranges that guesses when will we get any kind of real news in this forum. It's getting a little bit ridiculous just like waiting for the real game. I know, I know when the game will come out it's all going to be worth the wait. I'm sorry but I'm not in the best mood today so that's why I'm whining :D.
Off, get that rubber band effect off, get that rubber band off, get that handicap thingy off, nobody wants it, get it off! Where is Jeremy Clarkson and his hammer with "OFF" written on it when you need it?

Also, since we're on about the business of whining... Get the shortcut penalty off, it is only penalised when you are punted out of the track, trying to get back. People taking serious shortcuts are never penalised. Or at least make it work!! Same with ramming, I get ramming penalty when I get rammed into, or just feintly brush another car. Oh for petes sake, get it OFF, or make it work!

Another week amlomst gone and yet no more new - sorry for sounding like a broken record but if PD do read this forum we must keep this matter at the forefront of their mind.

PD please can we have something, anything?

Just one screen shot?

Oh ok.
I think Amar got our hopes up prematurely (although it was better than him exploding) ... I wouldn't expect to hear anything until a week before E3 earliest, maybe not until E3. That's a long ways' off and I don't expect to be blown away.

I'm beginning to buy into peoples estimates of spring 2010.

(Set expectations low for best results!):sly:

If they get all of that, they could take all the time they want :). I know this was supposed to be for GT HD, but this could be carried on to GT5. At least KY has all these features in his head you never know.
Here's my rant :)

I understand that the development process for any game, especially one such as GT5, is long, tiresome, and grueling. I get that all the time and hard work the development team has spent on the game is going to pay off when it finally ships. But, I have to say, as far as developers go, Polyphony Digital is probably the most out of touch with its fans.

I don't need screenshots or videos. Just news. Text. ANYTHING. As fans, we've been loyal to this series for years. We deserve to be recognized at the very least. Instead, we get nothing. No reports on how development's been progressing. No information regarding cars, tracks, or features planned for the full game. To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised to find out that development has been suspended for the past six months. That's how little we know.

I've lost my patience. It hurts even more when I look around. Turn 10 has a very close relationship with the Forza community. Why can't we have that too?

Oh, and GT TV content doesn't count as news. Hear that PD??
I agree with teamstig.

I don't mind waiting at all, I just would like to WHY I'm waiting.....it's been 4, or 5 years now? Longer? Feels like 10.

I think P.D. loses all but their hardcore fans because they don't release any info and take so long.

If I wasn't such a fan of cars I would just wait and buy it off ebay when the price goes down so that PD wouldn't get my money. Thats right, I would.
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