New GT5 footage of the Toyota-FT-86 Concept

Wow! Good find. That boxer engine looks like it could be fun. I'm still concerned that these promotional videos are taking up time which could be better spent getting GT5 ready for release though.
I want this car, not only in the game, but in real life. That is one of the best looking NEW cars I have seen in ages...coming from Toyota no less (I normally prefer American). I hope that does make it to the streets without any alterations.
I want this car, not only in the game, but in real life. That is one of the best looking NEW cars I have seen in ages...coming from Toyota no less (I normally prefer American). I hope that does make it to the streets without any alterations.

And apparently it's an affordable entry-level sports car. Should be great :D

The video is awesome too, whats that new track I see?

Loving the design of the dashboard, also look at the little track in the center, lol :D
The far right/left could be to rest your foot? (dead pedal). In the US, it's on the left. Not sure about over the pond. But it's normally there to rest your foot when not using the clutch or to brace yourself for performance moves or braking.
it's not eiger. Not the same tunnel, not the same corners... it's clearly a new "location". Swiss Alps or Italian Alps either. Tunnels like this one are a classic feature in the Alps. Lakes/mountains/ alpine trees...
Point to point race! Yes!
Fuji = Toyota
Suzuka = Honda 👍

Nice vid, and a nice vid also for showing of the refined Grand Valley Speedway. Initially I thought I saw Rome, but then it must be London ofcourse. To bad.

It also appears to have a new mountain road or Eiger got a new facelift
Those red zippers on the left dashboard part are going to be the replacements for the traditional glove compartment? Ugh, I don't like them, glad that is only a "concept".
Is it me or do the tyre sounds sound more realistic because I think PD wanted to show to everyone that they've improved the tyre sounds or maybe the sounds are still in development.
Is it me or do the tyre sounds sound more realistic because I think PD wanted to show to everyone that they've improved the tyre sounds or maybe the sounds are still in development.

I noticed that right away when I was watching the video.
Fuji = Toyota
Suzuka = Honda 👍

Nice vid, and a nice vid also for showing of the refined Grand Valley Speedway. Initially I thought I saw Rome, but then it must be London ofcourse. To bad.

It also appears to have a new mountain road or Eiger got a new facelift
Actually I thought it was Fuji= Nissan?
At first I thought it was Gran Valley but at 1:08 he exits out of the tunnel into a long straight with stone wall to the left,
Gran Valley does'nt have that. Appears to be a forest. At this point I'm more excited to see new tracks than cars.
I don't remember a tunnel at Grindelwald, but the track appears to be in a forest.

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At first I thought it was Gran Valley but at 1:08 he exits out of the tunnel into a long straight with stone wall to the left,
Gran Valley does'nt have that. Appears to be a forest. At this point I'm more excited to see new tracks than cars.
I don't remember a tunnel at Grindelwald, but the track appears to be in a forest.


Yes - I thought that - but the later parts of the video could well be Grand Valley...

Perhaps the earlier bits are Deep Forest?

Is it me or do the tyre sounds sound more realistic because I think PD wanted to show to everyone that they've improved the tyre sounds or maybe the sounds are still in development.

No sound here :(


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