The World Is (Supposedly) Going to End Saturday!

  • Thread starter gogatrs
United States
I Hate Stalkers
I'm on my iPod which doesn't like Safari for some reason so I can't post links. Google is your friend. :dopey:

My teachers have already warned me that the world is not going to end on Saturday so I still have to do my homework. :(
That would be my first day back from college before summer this year. :ouch: Anyway, I'm sure you know it's all just hype. No more a falsehood than that whole 2012 deal.
Here's a article.

Here's one of the comments:
I fully agree that it's been a rotten week and if May 21 is Judgment Day. then I'm more than ready to be Raptured with the best and the worst of them
It's culminated so far with going out in the pouring rain last night at 9 oclock to mal a letter to the city of New York, and there was no longer a mailbox on the corner of East 92nd StreEt and 1st Avenue.
I had to walk over to York Avenue and ask two doormen on the way dowtown as to where there was a mailbox.
It turned out it's now located on the East Side of York Avenue at 90th Street.
Our mail box was supposedly taken out because the city planned to rebuild the sidewalk starting last Monday but, the rain halted the start of reconstruction.
I just spent an hour calling four different post office numbers to get the mail box back so I and my neighbors who are in wheeled chairs, iron leg braces, canes, walkers and those who are completely blind can mail a letter as paid for without having to walk all over the upper East Side of Manhattan in order to find a tin box to put it in for collection and ultimate delivery.
The woman in Washington told me she'd register my complaint and send me an e mail to that affect.
Maybe they didn't remove the mail box for construction purposes, and The Rapture has begun starting with the United States Post Office.
Of course, they'll say it was financial reasons but, I really don't care what their feeble excuses are.
as I intend to be disapearing, (POOF) right on up to the ultimate glory, and I'm going to insist that all my friends be allowed go with me!

People really do have imagination.
You guys should google the "21 Reasons Why the World Isn't Going to End Saturday."
Some of them are pretty funny.
If the world ends while I'm watching the Formula 1 Qualifying, I'm gonna be extremely annoyed :lol:

Seriously though, the world isn't going to end on Saturday.
^^ well, nobody can tell.
See you on sunday :D

I put "21 Reasons Why the World Isn't Going to End Saturday." without the quote, and it ends up here in this thread lol
The world won't end. Look at Y2K and 6/6/6. Never happened. I talked to a Christian today who said it's a lie. And in utmost hilarious hysteria- the entire back of the USA Today was covered in random bible quotes and nonsense.

If by some superextraordinary power the world ends, I'll be proud to go wherever I go. Then again, I don't care. People are just idiots who raise their arms at any small disturbance.
According to the believers, the end of the world will start on May 21st. Apparently all those who are not deemed worthy of salvation will spend the next 6 months or so in turmoil and then the world will end.

My new house is scheduled to be completed in 6 months' time which will mean I'll never get to live in it. Still, at least I won't have to pay any of the mortgage either!

Yeeeah.. About that apocalypse thing, I have some things to do on Saturday so if you could just hold of 'till Sunday, that would be great. And ah, I'll make sure to get you that memo.

Also, the world will really end on Saturday when Zombie Aliens invade earth in Tranforming spaceships(that look kinda like 747's).

"And I said, I don't care if they lay me off either, because I told, I told Bill that if they move my desk one more time, then, then I'm, I'm quitting, I'm going to quit. And, and I told Don too, because they've moved my desk four times already this year, and I used to be over by the window, and I could see the squirrels, and they were married, but then, they switched from the Swingline to the Boston stapler, but I kept my Swingline stapler because it didn't bind up as much, and I kept the staples for the Swingline stapler and it's not okay because if they take my stapler then I'll set the building WORLD on fire..."
Yeah...I'm going to ask that the world not end on Saturday because I've got some things I need to do, and the new seasons of Psych, Royal Pains, Burn Notice, Covert Affairs, and a bunch of others shows I watch haven't begun yet.

So if it could be held off until, I don't know, December...that'll be great.
I'm just happy I'm not gonna have to do my school work this weekend!
My teachers have already warned me that the world is not going to end on Saturday so I still have to do my homework. :(
Well which is it?

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If some of our Australian members would be so kind as to confirm or deny that the world did indeed end, that would be much appreciated.
The world won't end. Look at Y2K and 6/6/6. Never happened. I talked to a Christian today who said it's a lie. And in utmost hilarious hysteria- the entire back of the USA Today was covered in random bible quotes and nonsense.

If by some superextraordinary power the world ends, I'll be proud to go wherever I go. Then again, I don't care. People are just idiots who raise their arms at any small disturbance.

Uh... perhaps you're looking into this just a tad too deeply...
Well which is it?

- - - - -

If some of our Australian members would be so kind as to confirm or deny that the world did indeed end, that would be much appreciated.

If the world down under did end, wouldn't Earth look almost exactly like the incomplete Death Star? :lol:

And I'd have to ask where we'd get sufficient O2 from...
I am pumped. I look at it like this, either way it can only end well. 1. No rapture, bunch of people look like dumb asses, laugh mine off. 2. Rapture, god is cool with me, go drink ambrosia in heaven with the cherubs, 3. Rapture, i am dammed to remain on earth... I get to fight zombies with my other friends who are probably damned, as well as my fellow atheist/ agnostics, and Buddhist Monks. In that case i will probably die (which i am fine with in that senario), and my death will probably be epic involving holding off a horde of undead with a bowie knife and a magnum, for which the rebels will make me a memorial.
I am pumped. I look at it like this, either way it can only end well. 1. No rapture, bunch of people look like dumb asses, laugh mine off. 2. Rapture, god is cool with me, go drink ambrosia in heaven with the cherubs, 3. Rapture, i am dammed to remain on earth... I get to fight zombies with my other friends who are probably damned, as well as my fellow atheist/ agnostics, and Buddhist Monks. In that case i will probably die (which i am fine with in that senario), and my death will probably be epic involving holding off a horde of undead with a bowie knife and a magnum, for which the rebels will make me a memorial.

Alternatively, you could just be instantly zombified by the Kool-Aid Man.

Oh Yeahhhhh!
Apparently the rapture and ensuing apocalypse will respect time zones. So if any Australian members here can tell me if they do or don't die or vanish into thin air, that will be much appreciated. :lol:
If some of our Australian members would be so kind as to confirm or deny that the world did indeed end, that would be much appreciated.
Remind me in just over two hours, if the eastern hemisphere hasn't exploded I'll let you all know :dopey:
Well which is it?

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If some of our Australian members would be so kind as to confirm or deny that the world did indeed end, that would be much appreciated.

Too early. tell you what. I'm only four hours off the date line. If the world ends here in six hours or so and I drown in a river of blood or fry in a rain of fire, I'll log back in and give you all a head's up.

Or maybe not.

Crap... 2 hours to go on May 21, already?

Was that supposed to be Julian calendar or Gregorian?